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Larvesta Trade Request


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So the mystery egg only has a 1/18 chance for this... It's too bad that soft-resetting isn't an option.


That aside, if anyone has a Larvesta for trade, I'd greatly appreciate it. We can discuss what to trade for as well; I don't have a lot aside from some of the event Pokémon up to the fourth gym, but my two most notable offers are two shinies, a Sewaddle and a Spinarak.

If you would still like a list of my other Pokémon, I can provide that as well.

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Yeah, that'd be great, thanks.  (o_o)b

I'm not too picky on EVs/IVs, gender, or much else, but if I could get a Nature with neutral stat growth, then that'd be awesome.


Is there anything you want in particular to trade for?

Edited by Aerow
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@Aerow I can get you a Larvesta.. Do you want a male or female? Both have 5IVs with male attack at 23 and female attack at 5.. Male has impish nature, female has hardy.. Male has swarm, female has flame body..

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Well... I like the male's Ability more, but the female has a better Nature, to me, considering Volcarona's stat growth. So I'm fine with the female.


Is there anything you want in particular? As long as I have it? Keep in mind that I only just reached Shelly's gym, and was just about to challenge it. So, Larvesta would be a big help.

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As far as free-to-trade Pokémon I currently have on me (excluding my party), there's:








Shiny Growlithe (from the police station)






...Aaand the Shiny Sewaddle and Shiny Spinarak that I mentioned before



The rest that I have, I want to keep.

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