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EP 16 Story Time with Magus


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So yeah I am going to tell you guys something that will blow you away, without spoilers to those who haven't played EP 16 or haven't gotten there. So I got a story for you there. So I am playing Reborn in the crew lounge on a Sunday. Naturally I draw a largeish crowd (about 15 people) because I am playing a fan made poekmon game and bored people will always be up in your business if you got something interesting. Anyways I get to episode 16 ( at this point I haven't played through so completely blind here) and I tell the everyone that Reborn is like the Dark Souls of pokemon. It is harder than normal pokemon, and has a dark story line. So anyways I am at the part when the protagonists raids *insert spoiler here*, and it is when Lin pulls a Red queen and does * insert axed character here l*. I look around and people are completely speechless, I had to get up go to the flight deck and take a deep breath. Yeah damn Ame you blew me away.

 TLDR; Like everyone in my ship's pokemon club watched *insert character here*  get axed. 

Just imagine this, like 15 people are crowded around my computer, this tiny laptop and are like "bruh WTF just happend", and here I am like "daaaaaamn gurl Whaaaa" it was a huge shock (mainly to me) as I had much speculation, but to be true, it is something out there man. Sometimes Reborn can be too much. Anyways, I can't wait to fight Lin. My goal is total victory, I WILL sweep her with a Magikarp, or if it is doubles, annihilate her with my VGC team I peaked at 1800 with on the ladder. Justice will be served.


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