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Please help my team


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I have started to really struggle to advance in the game I just beat Aya but I think my team needs fixing any advice?


blaziken lvl 56

1.blaze kick


3.brave bird

4.double kick


ursaring lvl 44



3.feint attack

4.rock smash


exploud lvl 46

1. Stomp





noivern lvl 49

1. Air slash

2. Roost

3. Super fang

4. Shadow claw


corsola lvl 42

1. Bubble beam

2. Strength

3. Recover

4. Power gem


spiritomb lvl 40

1. Ominous wind

2. Sucker punch

3. Nasty plot

4. Destiny bond



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I'll list here some pokémons that can you can put on your team with ease, to make it more balanced. What you mainly need now is more type balance. I would mainly consider trading those for Corsola and Exploud. (Check the pokémon location list for e16. You'll know where to find them once you look there)


Vanillite - Overall good poké. After lv 47, where it evolves to vanilluxe, it becomes a wrecking ball. Just give him frost breath, from the ice-gym, mirror shot, and other two moves you like (Check for the moves it learns at some site like pokémondb)


Lilligant - Totally op. Give it the own tempo abillity, quiver dance, petal dance, and it's totally monstruous. Check for the rest of it's moveset and base status total, etc just like Vanillite.


Alakazam  - It's like a nuclear bomb on your enemy's face. Zam is kind of paper, but deals some really unfair damage. I mean, like, tons of damage, specially if you give him nice ev training. (Buy power lens and train him up to your team lv. Works with the other pokémon on the list, too, as you're going to get them low-lv, it's a great idea to buy the proper power items for them.)


Gothielle - If you prefer a tankier psychic-type, go for her. She falls behind Alakazam when it comes to damage, but still a great choice. (I personally preffer Alakazam)


You can also check the pokémon location list to see wich prokés you can get, and right after, look at pokémondb or the likehood of sites and see if any of these pokés has movesets, base status totals, and other stuff that you like. Making teams on Reborn is simple: Find pokémons you like, get them a good Nature, and make your team balanced (so you don't get destroyed by a certain pokémon type). Much love. 


And a better move-set for noivern is 1. huricane 2. boomburst 3. super fang 4. dragon pulse






Edited by Jadenyng
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ill add some tips:

on blaziken you should prolly replace slash with bulk up and you should relearn dragonpuls  on noivern with a heartscale in the onyx ward

i rly dont think your other pkmn are gonna do well as they are pretty bad and also normal STAB isnt rly usefull

to get some coverage here are a few suggestions: guardevoir, krokodile, , galvantula, dragagle(adaptability), aeropteryx

some of them arent obtainable quiet yet but should be be4 the next gym

Edited by Vanitas
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One of the things that may be obvious is that if the levels add up, you gotta grind up most of your team. also perhaps a Psychic type, like Gardevoir as mentioned by @Vanitas

Edited by Wolfox Glace
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