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Mr. Divergent Asks You Questions [AYA] Thread

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While the AMA Train 2017 was ongoing, I thought of this: What if instead of being the one asked questions, it was the reverse?


Welcome to the AYA Thread where I ask the questions and you provide the answers. To specify, I will be giving exactly 10 questions and your goal is to answer it either in a simple manner or a complex manner with points and arguments.


Here are the questions:


1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name?

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it?

3. How do you spend majority of your free time?

4. What are your favorite songs?

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age?

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday?

7. What is better: school or work?

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon?

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?

Please do copy paste the questions and place your response for each question directly below the question intended.


I answered my questions both for reference purposes and to anyone who'd like to know.



1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? I chose Mr. Divergent as my display name because I really enjoyed the concept of the Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth and when I joined Reborn Forums back in early 2015, it was the first thing I thought of when I registered.
2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? I would spent half of it on video games, books, and other luxuries while the other half of it would serve as an investment for my future.
3. How do you spend majority of your free time? I spend majority of my free time nowadays doing activities related to reading. I read books and manga while I also play narrative forms of games. I also spend my time either on Reborn Forums, on the Reborn Server, or on Discord.
4. What are your favorite songs? My favorite songs are Castle on the Hill and I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. I also have When I Was Your Man and Today my Life Begins by Bruno Mars as part of this list.
5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? No. It seems I'm a conservative guy from a conservative country.
6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? My motivation for living life everyday is that I want to achieve my dreams and goals for the future. These involve travelling the whole wide world, achieving happiness, and having success in my chosen career.
7. What is better: school or work? School is probably easier because at this point of life, you get to have more freedom and you get to enjoy the most out of life. Work seems to be a stressful thing and you spend most of your time working.
8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? My favorite type is Water, but my favorite pokemon right now is Volcarona.
9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? My favorite fictional character is Percy Jackson from Rick Riordan's novels. I like his kind of cool personality, his courage to fight, and his other good qualities.
10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? I'm typically the type of person who would willingly give someone anything as long as the favor is reasonable. I find it hard, probably due to being an introvert, to willingly offer my resources to anyone even if I knew that a person needed something I had.


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why are these AMA´s a thing anyways.

well nevermind


1. REason for username:

Its a motto from the 15th century (something like that), basically saying that everying is in vain. Sometimes i use 505 as username which is the  name of my favourite song


2.Winning 1M $:

I like to think that i wouldnt behave much diffrent then i do now, just being lazy and trying to find my virtue although it would be nice not to worry about money anymore


3. Main activities:

playing games (poker, dota, pokemon mainly) and watching utubevids/tvseries ( supernatural atm), sometimes i get myself to work  out not very often tho


4. Favourite music:

505 from the arctic monkeys is my favourite song otherwise i listen to a lot of diffrent genres, but my favourites are indie rock ( the shins) and hitech/goa


5. first kiss:

kind of in 2nd grade..... i guess not Feelsbadman


6. motivation for everyday life:

i pass - i cant really put it in words


7.SChool or work??:

I really liked school: socializing was easy cauz ud see ur friends everyday anyways and i didnt really had any trouble or the need to study for it so it was quite relaxing,

now theres so much responsibility in life


8. Favourite Mons/type:

i think dragon , cauz i really like mystical/epic creatures favourite pkmn prolly volcarona as well but i have some more i really really like (infernape, heatran, hydreigon, salamance, garchomp)


9. Favourite fictional character:

the main guy of the tv-show mentalist, just his skills and behavior


10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?

ill just copy op´s answer here cauz i was going to say the same thing:

I'm typically the type of person who would willingly give someone anything as long as the favor is reasonable. I find it hard, probably due to being an introvert, to willingly offer my resources to anyone even if I knew that a person needed something I had.



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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 


(Zarc) ----->watched ARC V

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 


keep them and try to not have an heart attack

3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 


playing fan games ? nah atm working for exams

4. What are your favorite songs? 


GlitchXCity remix xD , nightcore remix , techno/rock musics

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 


yes , 16 years old.

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 


I don't know. good question.

7. What is better: school or work? 



8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 


type : dragons , pokemon : typhlosion

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 


Darth Maul , because he is badass and i love charismatic vilains.

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 


both. my personal nature is help others

Edited by Zarc
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this isnt how it works, buddy


anyway HERE WE GO


1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name?

so people who will see this post in like two weeks will be very confused because by then ill have it changed again, but I chose it because https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JaY3vtb760 exists. im that kind of person.


2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it?

jesus christ so much money. idk honestly. id probably hoard a lot of it. idk how much but a lot. also id probably buy some stuff gaming-related. but mostly hoarding. and maybe id hand out some stuff to charities too. still mostly hoarding.


3. How do you spend majority of your free time?

gaming, writing, sitting on reborn showdown, coming online on discord. thats about it, really. I used to read too, but that kinda died out due to lack of books on my part. its ok, pokemon, fire emblem and yugioh keep me nice and distracted. also youtube.


4. What are your favorite songs?




5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age?


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor laughing crying gif


6. What is your motivation in living life everyday?

now this is one I like. I guess that for me, its mostly having a purpose in life. and I like to believe that my current purpose is being there for the people I need to be there for. even though im not even always as good at that, I can only try my best.


7. What is better: school or work?

school sucks, so work is hopefully going to suck less...? hopefully maybe idk honestly


8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon?

normal type is best type. there are a lot of normal types I really really really like (bidoof, porygon2, munchlax, vigoroth, stoutland, staraptor, swellow, bunnelby, list goes on), but my favorite pokemon actually is electabuzz because design and anime appearances. good ol buzz.


9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?

robbie rotten kiteruguma the caveman in all seriousness, im not sure. maybe its because I have been out of reading stories for some time, but there isnt particularly someone that I can really say of 'yeah, this guys my favorite hands-down'. probably brock from pokemon anime. first character I can think of, best pokemon anime character to have ever lived.

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?

it would honestly depend on the person in question. a bit of both.

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  • Support Squad

1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 
Felix, latin roots point to meaning luck,  I'm a lucky guy. It fit. Plus it's simple. Also too many sock jokes.

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 
Dunk it into the bank, earn interest and carry on with my life. The security that money brings is worth more than anything I could buy with it on impulse.

3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 
Following up on whatever catches my interest, cycling between watching television, anime, youtube, playing games and reading a few books, though not as much as many.

4. What are your favorite songs? 
Dick in a box.

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 
To see if what I am doing works. So far it's been hit and miss.

7. What is better: school or work? 

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 
Fairy and Cottonee.

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 
This is the most difficult fucking question holy shit.


My main standby that always leaps to mind is Harry Dresden of The Dresden Files. He is not the only one and many characters before and after reading about him threaten to take first. Which is fantastic in and of itself.

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 
Both if I perceive the need. In the city there's many homeless refugees and I'm consistently warded off of giving them change when asked because it's purportedly a scam but I give a random assortment of change when I can. It's a shitty scam if they're spending all day begging. For the other, observance can tip you off to when someone needs help, the most likely being an offer of confidence, but in the end it's difficult to go out and magically solve the problems of the needy with very few resources. Doesn't stop the attempt.


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1. Why did you choose Captain Breakfast as your display name? 

Basically, Dan and Ame were messing about coming up names like my original screen name(It was aquawaffle, btw, and I sometimes used magmapancake). The ones they came up with were aerialfrenchtoast, earthebelskivers or something like that and heartcrumpets. And then one of them said something like "with our powers combined, he is Captain Breakfast". And the rest is history.

Also I was tired of people comparing my name to blue waffle, hence the change.

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 

Waste it. Specifically on consoles and games and stuff like that.


3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 

Wasting it here or on video games.

4. What are your favorite songs? 

They vary. A lot. I'll play one song all the bloody time, then get bored of it, find something else, play that all the time, get bored of it, and so on. Not even sure what my favourite song is right now.


5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 


6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 

I don't really have any.

7. What is better: school or work? 

Work. You get paid for work(unless you're doing volunteer work or something, in which case, you get experience). You have to pay for school.


8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 
Flying and Salamence.

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 

Only character who really comes to mind is Linebeck from The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. He's a cheap, lying, greedy, cowardly, conceited asshole who literally only let Link use his ship because he heard the ghost ship Link's after had tons of treasure onboard and Linebeck is fucking hilarious. Also his theme was one of those songs I obsessed over for a while.

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?

The first one. I always assume if someone wanted my help or whatever they'd ask me and if they were asking nobody in particular for help that someone else would do a better job of helping them.

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What a splendid idea!



1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 

I never used nicknames for any of my characters in whatever game and went with a short form of my real name (Michael -> Micha).
For once I wanted to choose something that I think sounds cool.
Crossimpact is a cool skill in Ragnarok Online. I played that for ~6 years. So that's cool.

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 

Okay, let's talk priorities here. Gaming PC + games first.
Goddamn 2012 laptop.

Second: Travel around the world to meet some old friends and new people. As Reborn is the only community I'm (starting to get a little more) active in, that'd be a good start I guess!
Prepare strawberry cake please.
I'll pay for it.

Third: Get a special something for each of my friends and everyone else I hold dear.

I'm happy with keeping the rest to pay rent and food for a while.

3. How do you spend majority of your free time?

Definitely video games - mostly LoL, not only playing, but also watching a bit of LoL's competitive scene and coaching content. Oh, I'd enjoy trying to coach someone, by the way.
Most other games come and go, but I enjoy frequently replaying the Borderlands series and other games (i.e. XCOM, Skyrim).

Second place is held by studying (and a little bit of playing) the ancient board game of Go (also called Baduk in Korea or Weiqi in China). It's a pure mindsport.
I'm not very good at it - for now. :P
If anyone is interested, I'd love to show you the basics like I learnt them around a year ago.

4. What are your favorite songs? 

I'm not really listening to music. If I do, I prefer anything BUT German (which is my mother tongue) for singing - that is, English and Japanese.
For the most part, give me drums and e-guitars and I'm happy.
Some Japanese first, you'll realize I have watched Naruto.

By My Side - Hemenway
Rockin' Playing Game by SuG

Sign by FLOW
Toumei Datta Sekai by Motohiro Hata
Diver by NICO Touches the Walls
Lovers by 7!! Seven Oops

As for English, I like Sum41 a lot overall. Being romantic is great, so I vote "With Me" for their best song  :3

Other than those, if at all, I tend to turn on music from games.
Darude - Sandstorm
GlitchCity's music is really awesome of course.
Song of the Dragonborn from Skyrim

and for a slow and thoughtful ending: Passing Afternoon by Iron & Wine

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 

Yep, at the age of 17... or was it 18? Not too many more since then.
Video games always steal my heart! Or people I meet through those live too far away for a real kiss.

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 

None. ... ... ...
Heh, gotchu. On a serious note, in general, I perceive "living your everyday life" as nothing but a hassle. 
I started looking for a real motivation again recently.
Friends and family make for a good point, but there can be more.
Fulfilling the answer of question 2 in the regular way sounds nice as well... 

I'll keep on looking.

7. What is better: school or work? 
School. Real obligations and expectations make me highly uncomfortable.
Probably I'll have to finally prove to myself that I can get shit done.
And schoolfriends >>> workmates.

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 

My favourite type is Dragon, as those are mystical creatures (especially before Gen 3).
Also, Dragons are really cool in general.
Therefore my favourite Pokemon is Victini.
Damn, you noticed. Both is true though!

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 

The moon landing. OH, you said character. Excuse me.
Sue the moat guard. OH again.
My girlfriend? Ah, never gets old.

Ok by now I have spent more time on thinking about that question than for consuming meals today. 
So before I actually get mad about it, I'll take the most recent one and say it's princess Elise of Nohr from Fire Emblem Fates.
"Because what we need is caring, and a warm hand, and tears."

And tons of hugs, smiling faces and a lot of happiness.
Humanity has come quite far technologically but is still totally inept socially.

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?

You missed "both".
So. Both.
If what I can help with is something I enjoy as well / can easily afford I'm the first to offer.
If it's something I don't enjoy and needs lots of time (or even money) thennn it depends on my relationship to said person.

This would bring us to the philosophical discussion about altruism, wouldn't it?

Being selfless is an admirable virtue ; yet being asked to help also means that your opinion or actions are actively valued.
I think that people need to know they are appreciated - which is not a bad kind of "selfishness", if you can even call it like that.



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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name?


Its my name. Legit so original me!

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it?


Donate it to the Women and Childrens unit in my local hospital, its in dire need of funds

3. How do you spend majority of your free time?


Having a butt load of fun with my kids, reading, playing various pokemon games, playing the sims..

4. What are your favorite songs?


Blimey do we have all year? aha but - Eton Rifles by The Jam, Liza Radley by The Jam, most Madness songs a hella lot of SKA/Two Tone songa and at the moment Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age?


ooeeerrrrr, 13 I think?

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday?


My kids, my fiancé and making the best of what little life my granddad has left, making each and every day special for him<3

7. What is better: school or work?


As a 26 year old Id say school haha

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon?


If id answered this yesterday prolly Fairy, and Yanmega. today? Dragon and Goodra

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?


Oh. My. God. This is legit the worst! Only one?! erm, gonna go old school here and say Captain Black, cos Mysterons! Nuff said haha

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?


Depended on the situation and all that jazz. If I could, id help anyone I could, within what I could do. I hate to see people suffer, but saying that there are people in this world who deserve all the suffering they get.

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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name?


long story that's been answered before

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it?


probably just buy my house im renting then sit on it for emergencies

3. How do you spend majority of your free time?


studying/cooking/playing mons occasionally

4. What are your favorite songs?


i usually bounce around favorites but all of jump man 93's stuff is great

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age?


yea. 15.

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday?


pursuit of knowledge i guess

7. What is better: school or work?


school. i love learning stuff

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon?


i love steel types and fighting types and i like scizor

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?


santiago from the old man and the sea. i relate to suffering

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?


i usually wait until someone asks for something to give to avoid seeming like i pity them. however i dont think ive ever refused if someone's asked something of me

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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name?
The name says all

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 

Maybe i spend them in a sports car and buy a house for me atm

3. How do you spend majority of your free time?

Go out with friends and play games

4. What are your favorite songs?

I prefer the rap/techno/electro music

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age?

Yes, 13

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday?

Friends and family

7. What is better: school or work? 

Work, i'm searching a job

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 
Dragon and Garchomp

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?

Mine is Phoenix Wright, 'cause he helps people

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?

Both and i like help people

Edited by Hellyeah98
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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 
- I've used this name on most things since I first went on the internet. Initials and year of birth- not at all creative 

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 
- Probably save a little bit and give the rest to the UNHCR

3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 
- Doing stuff for Reborn 

4. What are your favorite songs? 
- I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston and All by Myself by Celine Dion

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 
- I always want to do the best I can in everything I do, so that motivates me to try

7. What is better: school or work? 
- Well I want to be a teacher so I guess work will be school... so school I guess

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 
- Favourite type is fairy and pokemon is dedenne

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 
-Hermione from Harry Potter, because she got me through some tougher times in earlier years. She was the first character I came across who was unashamedly smart and wouldn't let anyone push her around because of it, and that was pretty inspirational 

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 
-I'm not good at all at asking for help and I can be pretty giving so probably the former. 



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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 


Oh boy, here we go. Ok so I play(ed, took a break and now I'm back) gw2 and the problem was that characters need to have a unique name across all players in the game. So as you can imagine common names are gone in a matter of seconds. So instead I took a generic name and added a surname (why Fair will become clear in a future question).  On top of that I started to devellop a head canon around these characters each with their own interactions, history, personality. In this headcanon they were all friends and formed their own small guild. You could call them a family. Hence they were dubbed the Fair family. The camel casing is just a consequence of my education.

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 


Considering that 100 000 is not that much, I would probably buy myself an appartment with it. If I don't want to live there I can still rent it out.

3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 



4. What are your favorite songs? 


Not permanent, very prone to change. But right now: Touching On My -3oh!3 , Naughty Or Nice - Cash Cash  (feat. ADG) and In The End - Snow Patrol (Whateverman Remix).

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 



6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 


Life has so much so to offer in the future, who knows what comes. I can always die later.

7. What is better: school or work? 


Work, as of right now. This is a feeling I share with my friends. After 18 years of education you get tired of it. We really want to work.

8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 


Posion, favorite pokemon is Lopunny.

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 


Zack Fair.

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 


I will not intrude in their problems. I will offer help when asked and may offer help when they tell me about their problem. But spontanously offering help out of nowhere? No way , I am no saint.


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you have intrigued me. so i will do this for your amusement and mine.


1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 
it is a combination of my favorite name and mistake i have made
2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 
3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 
here, facebook, reading, DnD, mtg, and having may to many good ideas and not being able to use all of them(i forget them mostly)
4. What are your favorite songs? 
(deep breath) let the storm descend upon you and draconian love by Avantasia, through the fire and the flames and solders of the wasteland by Dragonforce, how to be eaten by a woman and starve the ego, feed the soul by the glitch mob, an open letter to whoever is listening by beautiful eulogy, animal rights and ghosts and stuff by deadmau5, dear x, you don't own me by disciple, riders of the storm and crimson thunder by hammerfall, my therapy and liar liar(wasteland monarchy) by kamalot, somewhere i belong and no more sorrow by linkin park, lean on me and avalanche by Manafest, reach a little longer and the forgotten ones by russell allen/jorn lande, and finally children of a faceless god and swan song by sympony x....phew
5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 
this may shock some people but no. they see me as a good friend they never let me get that far.
6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 
bringing a smile to people's faces
7. What is better: school or work? 
depends on the day
8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 
my favorite type is ice and pokemon is a tie between swampert and typhlosion
9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 
Jace beleren from mtg, he is smart, can read minds, screws up your game plan, and has a robe i would love have
10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 

ask and you shall receive has been (one of many) my motto

p.s. did you see my attempt at something poetic?

Edited by Jace Stormkirk
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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 
I was reading a Fire Emblem Let's Play when I was thinking about what name to go with. Since the LPer mentioned IntSys (Intelligent Systems, the company that made the Fire Emblem series) a lot, I kinda just went with it.
2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 

I'd probably just donate it. People change when they realize that you're rich, and keeping it a secret is also pretty bothersome.
3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 
Surf the Internet. Yes I'm a boring person.
4. What are your favorite songs? 
Mashups and VGMs. Here's one.

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 
Do kisses with parents count? And, do kisses have to be lip-to-lip? If parents don't count, the answer is a solid no.
6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 
Every day is a step toward my goals. 
7. What is better: school or work? 
I haven't actually worked yet, so I wouldn't know. If I were to guess, though, it depends on the school. My junior high years have been the worst up to this point in my life, not a week went by without hearing teachers yelling in class, and I lived under unnerving pressure from a mix of appeasement and tolerance toward my teachers and peers. School also ended in eight o' clock, worsening the problem.

Though, from what others said, work can be much more of a nightmare than this, so just take my opinion with a grain of salt.
8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 
Normal, Porygon-Z.
9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 
I don't have one in mind, actually.
10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 

I'm the former. I usually can't find a good reason not to give.

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1. Why did you choose Animefan666 as your display name?


I try to use as few different usernames as possible and this is the very first one I came up with way back in middle school. I had to put numbers in it because the original was taken when I first came up with it and it just stuck ever since.

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it?


For a few years now I've decided that should I come into a large sum of money, I'd give 10k to a few select individuals as a "thanks for putting up with me" gift.

3. How do you spend majority of your free time?


It varies from time to time. Mostly:


Throw on my headphones, set the volume to max, go outside and just walk around.

Watch anime, movies, TV shows etc.

Play videogames.

4. What are your favorite songs?

Long list because I can't narrow it down any smaller :P (I left out ones anime related cuz I actually posted all of that somewhere a while back)


From The World Ends With You:



Three Minutes Clapping
The One Star
Make or Break
Lullaby For You
Deja Vu






I Burn
I May Fall
I'm The One
It's My Turn
Dream Come True
This Will Be The Day
Time To Say Goodbye
When It Falls



From Rhythm Thief:


Cheering Marie

The Last Dance
En Garde Jean Francois
Melody of Hope
Phantom Notes
Show Time



From The Living Tombstone


Bendy and the Ink Machine

Grim Grinning Ghosts
Spooky Scary Skeletons



From Final Fantasy


Dancing Mad

One Winged Angel
Suteki Da Ne
The Man With The Machine Gun
To Zanarkand



Every song from Gitaroo Man

Still Alive - Portal

Cult of Personality - Living Colour

The opening songs to SMT DS 1 and 2


From various other games


Chancellor Cole's Theme - LoZ Spirit Tracks

Chancellor Cole Possesed - LoZ Spirit Tracks
Full Steam Ahead - Loz Spirit Tracks
Dark Pit's Theme - Super Smash Bros
Boss Battle - Zombies Ate My Neighbors


5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age?

Not really.

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 


Just to see what might happen next. You never know what'll happen and it could surprise you.


7. What is better: school or work? 



8. What is your favorite Pokemon type and Pokemon? 


Favorite type: Dark, Ghost and Dragon

Favorite Pokemon: Delphox

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?


Joshua from The World Ends With You. I'm not exactly sure why.

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?


The first one. It's REALLY difficult for me to turn down a request (at least, in person) if I can help. One time I gave a total stranger $40 simply because he asked. I'm also not very comfortable with asking other people for favors or help if it is within my power to do it by myself.

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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 


HongaarseBeer means Hungarian Bear if you translate it from Dutch. I got this nickname when I was 15 (I kind of gave it to myself but in a slightly different form) and it just stuck. Now, I used to add a 97, but I changed that yesterday because it looked too long. But why Hungarian, you ask. Well, I am part Dutch part Hungarian, that's why

2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 


I'd probably spend a lot of it on travelling the world. I would also give some to charity and to my parents. Any leftovers will probably be invested in stocks.

3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 


I like to play games on my PC. Every now and then I read a book but that's not a common thing for me to do.


4. What are your favorite songs? 

I have too many favourite songs, so I'll list bands that I like to listen to:

Thirty Seconds to Mars


Fall Out Boy


Nothing but Thieves

I'm most likely forgetting a lot of them...

5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 


I was 16 when I had my first (real) girlfriend and that's also when I had my first kiss etc.

6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 


This is a difficult question. I guess just trying to make it far in life but to be honest, I wouldn't really know.

7. What is better: school or work? 

For now, it would have to be school. I work part-time and even though I enjoy my jobs, it's just not ideal.


8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 


My favourite type would have to be psychic, my favourite pokemon is the almighty Alakazam

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 


I'll be completely honest, I haven't read fiction in a long, long time. The last work of fiction I read was the first of the Witcher series. It's also the book I enjoyed most, so I'll go with Geralt of Rivia (Gary)

10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 


It depends on the person. If it's someone I love/have a special bond with, I'd be the one offering help or anything else. If it's not that kind of person, I would wait for them to approach me.

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1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? 
Cronos is the name of a titanic villain in a real time tactical video game, I liked the idea of being a giant who goes around stomping and destroying all of creation so I decided "Hey why the hell not" and went with it for a forum that no longer exists, the numbers were just chosen because I wanted to make sure that I had a name that wasn't already taken.
2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? 
I would give 1000 dollars to the church I am in in small bite sized pieces every month for two years and then spend some money buying myself a game console, several games, and a better laptop, I would then invest 1000 dollars into a certain business and invest 5000 or so in gold because dwarves are cool and people still like shiny, I would then leave the remaining money in my bank account.
3. How do you spend majority of your free time? 
RPs I am in a shitload of them man, a shitload of them, but when I get more free time I play old video games and write uninteresting things that are so uninteresting that I don't even have them in my signature.
4. What are your favorite songs? 
Heartbeat Radio by Sonder Lerche because hey it makes me happy, If You were gay from Avenue Q because it reminds me that I shouldn't be a terrible person, and literally anything by Tom Lehrer because I just love that guy's songs.
5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? 
No, I don't really see the point.
6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? 
The same reason why I am not dead today, because I think that it pisses someone off somewhere, and that makes me happy, but seriously it's because life is a magical and wonderful place and dying early is not for me, as Mr. E. Blackadder Esq. once said "If I don't think of something, tomorrow we die - which I have to tell you, Baldrick, I have no intention of doing! I want to be young and wild, and then I want to be middle-aged and rich, and then I want to be old and annoy people by pretending that I'm going deaf!". 
7. What is better: school or work? 
Work, people aren't annoying teenagers there.
8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? 
Dark type because I like the color black and I happen to find the pokemon there cool, my favorite Pokemon would obviously be Tyranitar, with Rhyperior being a close second.
9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? 
Mr. E. Blackadder and his other incarnations, because I just like the idea of a dishonorable bastard whose only goal in life is to be rich and powerful. Probably because that is really something that would click with most people.
10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? 

For the most part I am the last person, I have a tendency to just not care about other people and ignore their entire existence when it is not helpful for me. Unless I like you enough, in which case I am the second guy, and probably stalking you.

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