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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Prelude of Chaos [IC/Reroll]


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"Come on Yullen. You're not done here yet. None of us are."


Casts Heal on Yullen.


"Sheena, Might I request a dance so I can give out swordsman a little heal?"

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The sound of all that crashing and screaming around the corner couldn't be good. Jogging out, hatchet over his shoulder, Gaill rounds the edge of the house to see one of the guys -- green hair, kinda angry-looking, what's his name again? -- and a body on the front step. He's seen enough of what magic does to people to know what happened at a glance, and his expression twists into a brief grimace. "Ugh."


Elder magic erodes at the spirit and body, aiming to return its target to a state of repose. It is founded on the basic principles of entropy, Gaill. Are you listening?


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"Way to show the civilians that we're the good guys," he tosses at the green-haired man, stepping over the body of the archer. Slowly, he puts the hatchet down, raising both hands to show the family inside that he means no harm. "Hey, everyone okay in here? These bandit guys might be the reason people are disappearing and we're trying to help the town. Sorry about, um -- " He glances to the corpse, " -- that."


Move to G12 and Visit.

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"'Teh." is all Zentilin gave in response to Axe man's remark. Why should he care about whether or not the family thinks of him as good or bad? He just protected them from a bandit intruding in their house. If anything they should be thanking him. So what if how he did wasn't pretty, death never is.


Inside the house a mother can be seen in the corner shielding her children's eyes from what had happened to the archer. She sees Gaillardia enter and lets out a sigh of relief. "T-thank you, whoever you are. Could you please just take THAT out so my children don't have to witness it." She spoke in reference to the corpse. "Also take that sword by the door. It was my husband's but..." she paused, "He went missing along with many others..."


Obtain a Steel Rapier 

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"Yeah, 'course." Bending down, he moves to start shoving the body out of the way — never easy, that; dead weight's a bitch — when the mother speaks again and his gaze follows her gesture to the rapier resting by the doorway. 



"You want me to take your husband's sword?" He frowns. "Seems a little . . . " He doesn't know — inconsiderate? They didn't have some kind of sentimental attachment to it or anything? Usually people would want to keep that kind of stuff around. He picks it up, weighing it in his hands briefly. It's still of good make, not too much wear on it. Well-taken care of, clearly. "You sure? Well, thanks. Try not to lose hope — we might be tracking down the people behind this and finding everyone who's gone missing."


On his way out, he bends down and, with a bit of effort, hefts up the fallen archer's body and carries it out the door, depositing it some ways away. A rapier, huh. Doesn't feel totally right to sell it, knowing where it came from.

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“You’d best be careful, lass.” Karlos patted the Nun’s shoulder. “I admire someone of your skill eager to step to the front lines. And so young, as well. You must have a strong heart to be able to step onto this dangerous field.” Karlos ran ahead of Alunda, stepping closer to the Mercenary and Knight. “Do not worry, my friend. I will be your shield.” The knight pulled out his lance, pointing it towards his enemies. “Come out and face me!”


Move to L14, equip Iron Javelin and prepare to Guard Alunda from the Knight

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"Oh no, I'm fine. It's part of the Sun Goddess's teachings to help people in need. Plus, I can't just sit back and watch everyone suffer!" Alunda responded to Karlos with a cheery attitude.



"Though I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit scared."

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Tries to get the arrow out of his shoulder, yet fails in it.


"Would anyone mind getting this out? It doesn't really feel that well."

Edited by Wolfox Glace
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Karlos let out a hearty laugh as Alunda spoke of her own fear. “Nonsense! I’ve seen men twice your age too scared to kill even a bug.” The armored man raised his lance to the air, cheering his ally with a bright shine against his lance’s point."To stand here willing to hold your tome like that must mean you're one of the braver souls I've met." Karlos slammed the lance back to the ground. “But if you do feel scared, remember that I’m here to keep you all safe.”

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"W-well thank you Karlos. Just hearing you say that lessens my fears" Alunda gave a smile as bright as the sun.  "But don't forget, when you are down or in need of assistance I'll be here for you as well. So you can keep charging forward."

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Glenn moves closer to the frontrunners of the group. He decides to situate himself at the back to keep himself safe from the enemies that were looming over. He did prefer being unhurt. "Are you alright, my dear companions?" Glenn asks the people closer to his position, Karlos, Alunda, and Yullen, who were eagerly preparing for attack. "I do hope we can get along well as we attempt to accomplish our goal in rescuing the missing people. I know we may have different motives in doing so, but let's all work hard."

Glenn moves to J14, equips Elwind.

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Yullen stared at the rather odd mage for a moment, as he tried to remember if the man had honestly just called him "dear". But he decided to brush it off for now and say "I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a fat pile of gold and the sweet sweet feeling you only get when you do a good deed, but suit yourselves".

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"So, you're here merely for personal satisfaction, seeing that you'd want gold and the desire of being thanked for doing a good deed. Well, it's perfectly acceptable, but I'd have thought a social knight such as you would have done it due to your code of honor or purely out of goodwill." Glenn tells the social knight, the knight who got royally injured after rushing out into the open. "Setting that aside, I decided to join this search party as a means to have additional experience of being in dangerous missions such as this. I do need the experience of being in battle and the capability to address issues in order to qualify for the position of Archsage."

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Yullen shrugs as he continues his conversation with the mage "Nothing preventing me from proving myself, rescuing people from Evvviillll, and making money along the way now is there? Good is not necessarily poor and chaste, although there are those who chose to follow a personal code of honor....do not assume that every knight wears gleaming armor and chases after damsels in distress.".

Edited by Cronos5010
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Sheena moves to E10 and dances for Luther


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"Thanks, Sheena. I'll be sure to repay you someday."


Moves to E13 and casts heal on Kayde.


"You're not gonna die on us as long as I'm here either."

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Lilllie fires two arrows into the Fighter leave an arrow in his upper right and and upper left leg.


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[Enemy Phase]


"Oi, little brat! You think you can just shoot me and get away with it?!?! Come on boys, lets show this girl what happens when you mess with us!" The axeman speaks before whistling which gets the others attneion


Fighter E moves to K10 and attacks Lillie

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The axeman slams the blunt end of the axe into Lillie's gut.


Myrmidon B moves to K8 and attacks Lillie

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The swordsmen rushes behind the archer women slamming the hilt of his sword into her back. 


Knight E moves to L9 and attacks Lillie

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The knight then clunky marches over and grabs Lillie, headbutting her in the face with his metal helmet. After that blow Lillie falls to the ground wounded. "Heh, A girl like you could fetch a mighty fine price. Be thankful we didn't just kill you." The armored man chuckles creepily.


Lillie is down!


Myrmidon A moves to L8


Mage B moves to L6


Fighter D moves to S10


Knight C moves to L15 and attacks Alunda

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The knight moves forward throwing a javelin straight at Alunda. However, Karlos jumped in-front of the spear, protecting Alunda. The magic user then retaliates with a blast from her thani tome. This easily defeats the knight, like cutting through warm butter.


[Ally Phase]



"Thanks for the help Karlos. Though you should be more careful, that could've gone way worse than it did." Alunda spoke grateful for his assistance. She look back to see to see that Lillie had been swarmed by these bandits.



"Oh no! We have to save her, quickly!" She the rushed back to help her ally before it was too late.


Alunda moves to L11 and attacks Knight E with Thani

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The Thani blast was more than capable of bring down that knight like it did with many others.



Zentilin made his way forward before stopping to talk to the swordsman. His lust for fighting the man up north was really starting to bug him so he decided to speak his mind.



"Hey, Kyle, or whatever your name is, I don't really care. I'd focus more on staying alive and taking out their leader if I were you. If we don't there'll be more then just a bloody mess around here. Plus your whole "battle lust" thing is going on the verge of creepy." He spoke bluntly before noticing Lillie's current situation. 



"Ugh, speaking of trying to stay alive. Did she really think that'd end well?" He lets out an annoyed sigh,  "Guess we'll need to clean up this mess too, greeeaaat." He takes out his knife and rushes towards the the closest bandit to him to strike him down.


Zentilin moves to K11 and attack the Fighter E with the Parrying knife

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The axeman, already injured from the arrows logged in him, is unable to stop the rouge from taking him out.


[Turn 6]


[Player Phase]




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“Blasted fiends!” Karlos rushed back north, his Iron Javelin raised high. “Luther, prepare to heal Lillie. Yullen, take her to safety while she’s still alive. Alunda, Zentillin, provide backup!” The Knight barked out commands as he readied his lance, taking aim at the nearest swordsman. "Taste justice, bandit!"


Move to L10 and attack Myrmidon A with Iron Javelin

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Karlos throws a Javelin at the swordsman hitting him on the shoulder


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"Loud and clear Karlos, we'll get her to safety!"


Luther yells at the knight.


"And Kayde, the boy is right. Staying alive is more important than finding a way to soak your blade in blood."


Luther yells at Kayde, hoping he could talk some sence into him.

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Yullen sees an opportunity to save the damsel in distress, and annoy several bandits in the process when he saw the Bold, but mostly foolish Archer needed rescuing.

He then charged towards whatever her name was and gently picked her up before running back to a safer spot next to Karlos.


Move to K10 and rescue Lillie, and then Canto back to K13.

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Not two seconds after he stows away the corpse -- dragging dead weight is always more effort -- he hears hoof beats nearby and looks up to see the cavalier galloping back his way. With someone else who looks like they've seen better days. "Whoa, hey! Is she okay?" 


Obviously not, judging by those injuries. "Here, let me take her." It can't be good for the girl, being jostled around on the back of a horse in this condition. More dead weight, great. And blood on his clothes. "Hey, priest!" he calls back over his shoulder. "Need your help over here!"


Move to J13, take Lillie and Drop to I13. ( Is also open for Trade with Kayde if he asks nicely. )

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