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Machamp vs Haxorus


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I was looking to do some team optimizing before the new episode. I was thinking of switching out Machamp, as he lacks speed, any priority moves, and simply isn't bulky enough to really tank any serious hits even with the assault vest. Haxorus seemed to be a good alternative, since it has greater speed and attack. With the fairy gym out of the way, it seems like having a dragon would only benefit my team. What do you guys think?


The photos included are for reference to their iv's. Ill optimize the natures and evs if I were to train Haxorus. 






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If you really want to bring out Machamp's power:



Flame/Toxic Orb


Guts (cancels Burns secondary effect of reducing your attack)


Stone Edge/Rock Slide




Facade boosted by Guts and Burn/Poison makes for a heavy hit.

Stone Edge/Rock Slide for those pesky Flying types as well as Ice and Fire.

Payback for Psychic/Ghost types and double damage if you take a hit first.

Revenge for STAB and double power if you take a hit first. Covers Rock, Steel and Dark types.

Edited by Animefan666
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On 4/9/2017 at 2:42 PM, Animefan666 said:

If you really want to bring out Machamp's power:



Flame/Toxic Orb


Guts (cancels Burns secondary effect of reducing your attack)


Stone Edge/Rock Slide




Facade boosted by Guts and Burn/Poison makes for a heavy hit.

Stone Edge/Rock Slide for those pesky Flying types as well as Ice and Fire.

Payback for Psychic/Ghost types and double damage if you take a hit first.

Revenge for STAB and double power if you take a hit first. Covers Rock, Steel and Dark types.

I don't think stone edge or rock slide are available as of Ep16 as TMs. That set also doesn't solve the problem of machamp getting KO'd before he can get off a retaliation attack. I could max out sp. def but that would only make the already trash speed even worse. 

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1 hour ago, HahnSolo said:

I don't think stone edge or rock slide are available as of Ep16 as TMs. That set also doesn't solve the problem of machamp getting KO'd before he can get off a retaliation attack. I could max out sp. def but that would only make the already trash speed even worse. 


You can teach him Thunder Punch in Mosswater Market instead. Regarding his speed, this build utilizes his lack of speed to boost his power.

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On 4/9/2017 at 2:59 PM, HahnSolo said:

I was looking to do some team optimizing before the new episode. I was thinking of switching out Machamp, as he lacks speed, any priority moves, and simply isn't bulky enough to really tank any serious hits even with the assault vest. Haxorus seemed to be a good alternative, since it has greater speed and attack. With the fairy gym out of the way, it seems like having a dragon would only benefit my team. What do you guys think?


The photos included are for reference to their iv's. Ill optimize the natures and evs if I were to train Haxorus. 







I know that Machamp can generally learn Bullet Punch, but I don't know if that is a Move Tutor move or if that is a move it can learn through breeding (would you want to train a Machop from the ground up again?) Personally, I like Haxorus (top 5 favorite dragon types for me). I would personally go for Dragon Claw, D-Dance, Poison Jab (if its available), and a move of your choice (maybe Outrage if you want something stronger than D-Claw).


But if you already beat the Fairy gym leader, then you are preparing for the next update, right? From what I heard there may be Z-Crystals added in the near future, so that may affect your moveset as well. Though who knows how long it will take to actually get those ourselves (we dont even have the Mega Ring yet lol)

Edited by ProjectIceman
Added some new important information.
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5 minutes ago, ProjectIceman said:

I know that Machamp can generally learn Bullet Punch, but I don't know if that is a Move Tutor move or if that is a move it can learn through breeding

Machamp learns Bullet Punch through breeding.

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10 hours ago, ProjectIceman said:


I know that Machamp can generally learn Bullet Punch, but I don't know if that is a Move Tutor move or if that is a move it can learn through breeding (would you want to train a Machop from the ground up again?) Personally, I like Haxorus (top 5 favorite dragon types for me). I would personally go for Dragon Claw, D-Dance, Poison Jab (if its available), and a move of your choice (maybe Outrage if you want something stronger than D-Claw).


But if you already beat the Fairy gym leader, then you are preparing for the next update, right? From what I heard there may be Z-Crystals added in the near future, so that may affect your moveset as well. Though who knows how long it will take to actually get those ourselves (we dont even have the Mega Ring yet lol)

I never played past the 5th generation of games. How do z-moves work exactly? Do they boost existing moves that require the crystals or do they add moves that can only be used with the crystal? Also mega evolutions are a likely possibility with Ep17 as there are already plenty of npcs that use them and a plethora of mega stones already in game. 


10 hours ago, Animefan666 said:

Machamp learns Bullet Punch through breeding.

I didn't know that was a possibility. I'm not very experienced with breeding for moves, but a quick google search tells me breed with Hitmonchan or Pangoro right? Since i have to basically overhaul the Haxorus anyways it might be good to just breed for better ivs and bullet punch. That could be a real game changer for machamp. 

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8 hours ago, HahnSolo said:

I never played past the 5th generation of games. How do z-moves work exactly? Do they boost existing moves that require the crystals or do they add moves that can only be used with the crystal? Also mega evolutions are a likely possibility with Ep17 as there are already plenty of npcs that use them and a plethora of mega stones already in game. 


I didn't know that was a possibility. I'm not very experienced with breeding for moves, but a quick google search tells me breed with Hitmonchan or Pangoro right? Since i have to basically overhaul the Haxorus anyways it might be good to just breed for better ivs and bullet punch. That could be a real game changer for machamp. 

Actually, those are both correct. Z-Crystals are items that a Pokemon can hold. It basically gives a Pokemon a fifth move that is more powerful than your initial four. It requires both the crystal and a Z-Ring. There is a Z-Crystal for every Pokemon typing (i.e. normal, fire, etc.). So lets say your Machamp has a 40 base power Bullet Punch and it is holding the steel Z-Crystal. You would get a 5th move called Corkscrew Crash. That move has a base power of 100 (and I think it would have priority since it is a variant of Bullet Punch).


The type of move you have changes the power of the Z-move you can use. It can also be used to boost stats (Swords Dance is +2, Z-Swords Dance is +2 plus all lowered stats are reset). There are a lot of cool, unexpected and wacky combinations (bounce Wailord using Supersonic Skystrike lol look that up on YouTube) that you can utilize with the Z-Crystals, but only one Pokemon in your party can use it per battle (like the Mega Ring).


The scary thing is how this is gonna be used by gym leaders who have field effects to their advantage. Just something to think about.


Oh and by the way, moves like Protect, Detect, etc. only lessens the damage that a Z-move will do to you. However immunity, resistances, and super effectiveness does apply as well (poison Z-move doesn't affect steel types). Hope this helps! :) 

Edited by ProjectIceman
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