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Dive Asks You Anything Philosophical [AYA]

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Philosophy - the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics.


Man's questioning and wondering has brought about the existence of philosophy. Humanity has always asked these questions over the centuries: 

  • Why do humans exist in this world?
  • Is this action correct or wrong?

Most people share different opinions regarding philosophical questions and often times answers remain unclear if they are correct or not.


Now, in this AYA Thread, I will be giving 5 different philosophical questions as I'd like to know your opinions and views on existentialism, morality, and other related topics. You may choose to answer a few only (considering that answers to philosophical questions tend to be long), but if you can share your answer to all five, then it'd be gladly appreciated. :)


Here are the questions:

1. What is the objective purpose of life?

2. If sacrificing your life would cause a billion people to live, would you do so? Why or why not?

3. If you had the ability to travel back in time, what historical event would you change/stop? Why or why not (if you don't want to change anything)?

4. Do you think capital punishment is a just action? If yes, why and to whom should it be given? If no, why not?

5. If you had the ability to do so, what human flaw would you remove/change? Why? (i.e removing greed, removing pride, etc)


Please do copy and paste the questions, and place your response to a question directly below the specific question.


If anyone's interested, I've shared my own opinions about three posts below this post.

Edited by Mr. Divergent
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I'm going to take the liberty of redirecting you to this thread, because it pretty much serves the same purpose and already exists as an established place for discussing all manner of philosophical topics, including the things you've listed. Moreover, these questions deserve a dedicated and meaningful reply, so in my opinion it is better to use an existing area which is devoted to such things than to spiral into derivatives.


Your contributions would be more than welcome there.



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To everyone, please do feel free to respond to either this thread or the Philosopher's Gazebo. You may respond to this thread for the specific questions provided while you may respond to the Philosopher's Gazebo if you'd want to voice out your opinions regarding topics not mentioned here or if you'd want to express your points widely. :)

Here are my own opinions to the questions:

1. What is the objective purpose of life?
 - I do believe that we, humans, are here in this world in order to make it a place where humans and all other beings of creation can live peacefully and happily. I know that this is a very hard task, but I firmly believe that every human's responsibility is to be aware of the needs of others and act to provide these. Aside from this, it is everyone's duty to improve themselves, surpass their barriers, and adapt to the changes in society.


2. If sacrificing your life would cause a billion people to live, would you do so? Why or why not?
 - Yes. I probably would give up my life if it meant that it would save a billion people. I won't really be doing this for the sake of that amount of people, but if it meant that I could allow the people I hold dear to my heart to live, then I would offer my life for them. Moreover, sacrificing one's self for the sake of other's happiness is a noble thing to do and I believe that it is one of our duties as human beings. If I wouldn't do so, I'd most likely be torn up with guilt and it would cause me to lose my motivation to life live fully.


3. If you had the ability to travel back in time, what historical event would you change/stop? Why or why not (if you don't want to change anything)?
 - If I could travel back in time and rewrite history, I would go back to 1914 and stop Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination. His death had been the reason for World War I to exist and if I tried to stop this, then the anguish between the nations involved at the time would not have caused the war to exist easily. I know that World War I would still be likely to exist because of some other reason, but if I could delay it through this, I might still have the opportunity to calm the tension between the nations and be ultimately able to bring peace for a temporary yet long time. Moreover, this would reduce the casualties and suffering brought about by this war.


4. Do you think capital punishment is a just action? If yes, why and to whom should it be given? If no, why not?
 - I don't think capital punishment is a just action. I believe humans have the right to life and this right should not be taken by anyone even if his/her actions are deemed to be completely unrighteous. I believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to change, but I also believe that violators of the law should be regulated and not allowed to run free. With this, I would deem it necessary for grave violators to undergo rehabilitation, continuous rehabilitation if need be, until they are fit to be in society once again.


5. If you had the ability to do so, what human flaw would you remove/change? Why? (i.e removing greed, removing pride, etc)
 - I would remove the flaw of having too much self interest. The reason why people suffer continuously is because people think too much about their interests and desires without thinking of others, and that people act only for their own sake without even considering if their actions will be good for society as a whole. I deem it necessary for too much self interst to be removed, so that people would become more selfless and use every action as a means to improve the lives of others and provide happiness and improvement for those who have less fortunate circumstances.

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1. What is the objective purpose of life?

    it is our duty to bring joy, happiness, ect to others who are less fortunate therefore making everyone have a reason to go on and be more productive


2. If sacrificing your life would cause a billion people to live, would you do so? Why or why not?

    i would do it for one person, because everyone has amazing potential that maybe

seeing this event would trigger or it has already been found and needs to continue to flourish


3. If you had the ability to travel back in time, what historical event would you change/stop? Why or why not (if you don't want to change anything)?

    the way i see it is if you go back to stop something them the event would never have happened therefore you would never would have went back to stop it so i will happen. i see it more as an observational tool to learn more about our history first hand unedited by the winners of wars and such


4. Do you think capital punishment is a just action? If yes, why and to whom should it be given? If no, why not?

    i do believe it is or else all someone would need to do is murder someone and never have to worry about being hungry, cold, wet, paying taxes, plenty of exercise, plus most prisons are for profit anyway. watch the episode on Adam ruins everything prison version.


5. If you had the ability to do so, what human flaw would you remove/change? Why? (i.e removing greed, removing pride, etc)

     i would remove greed. for what reason would someone have to keep an excess amount of money and not help them with it if they hold no value to it and just see it like a hammer...a toolto get things done.





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