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(FE: Fates) Pairing Preferences


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As Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia steams nearer and nearer (literally about to drop in Japan) - I figured it would be appropriate to send off the last 3DS titles (Fates: Conquest/Birthright/Revelation) on one last forum hurrah before they are ushered to the funny farm.


This is a pairing preference forum. I essentially will start us off by listing pairings I think work the best using supports, apparent chemistry, and resulting pair-up bonuses/child units as metrics for why I prefer those pairings. If you didn't know, Fates allowed you to matchmake your units if they were opposite gender (or not, if your Avatar decided to enter a homosexual relationship with Niles if you were male, or Rhajat if you were female.)


You are allowed to use any of the routes you wish, but for me, I will mostly be using Revelation, because of the more freedom I have to pair within that game. You may list multiple pairings for one character if you are so inclined.


Let's go.






The only Avatar pairing I can feasibly list (as Corrin is this games version of the Pokemon Ditto) due to the game's nudging it's canonical nature. Incest be darned, Corrin and Azura's circumstances and chemistry in all three routes, especially in their various different supports. The ending of Revelation's route changes slightly if you marry Azura in that route as well.


Corrin!Shigure goes without saying, but there's potential to be really good at just about a lot of things. Kana would rather Azura not be her mother, but she's Kana, so it won't hurt her too badly - especially if she gets Voice of Peace from Mom while staying in the Nohr Princess class tree.






Charlie!Xander (Conquest)


Xander completely sniffs out Charlotte's two-face act in the C support and demands her to stop, which means this is a support Charlotte isn't being a phony throughout. She happily ends up getting her prince, and Xander happily is able to pretend he is Ryoma on top of being next to invincible. Seigbert's bad haircut sucks 75% less with Charlotte's golden color, as it goes with his royal riding gear.


Charlie!Saizo (Revelation)


Saizo memes so hard in his supports with Nohrian women. With Beruka, his entire C support is "...", while with Charlotte he is the biggest savage imaginable (Eat your heart out, Jakob.) I think it's absolutely canon that Fates!Gaius was conceived after a titanic argument.


Gameplay-wise, Saizo can actually kill things with Charlotte as a backpack, and is the bulkier of the ninjas available by default. Charlotte appreciates the extra movement "One-Eye" provides her - as well as being recognized for all the hard work she does around camp. Blonde!Asugi doesn't play games - and has access to Sol, Axebreaker (which helps him as a Ninja), Gamble (which works very well with Asugi's skill and Hidden Weapons), and lots of Str growths. Essentially Kagero, but cooler.






EffieXArthur (Conquest)


The two co-retainers go together like peanut butter and jelly. They have a meaningful support where Arthur tries to do his job as a retainer better by using Effie as a sterling role model, and Effie sets him straight by re-affirming who he is - the Hero Nohr doesn't deserve but desperately needs. It's a fast growing support and both join early in Conquest, making it the most ideal pairing for that route without even talking about how much of a monster Percy ends up.


Percy gets access to Axefaire from his father, which he can use as a Wyvern Rider -or- as a Great Knight (which he should definitely swing into for Luna.) Axes are also transferable into the General class, meaning you can have a lance-baiting wall as well as Effie's, Benny's, and Ignatius' typical swordbaiting. There's also Sol. There's also Effie's strength endowment. There's the fact that Wyvern Lord is a good bulky class that can fly. There's Percy's personal greatness. Wunderkind, baby.


EffieXAzama (Revelation)


Ready for something not related to this support? Effie is roughly around the same age as Elise. So there you go. Fun Fact.


Azama finds Effie injured often due to a Knight's duties to be in the frontlines and take abuse. He complains about it because this presumed recklessness means more work for him. Effie finds this amusing and the two hook up after Azama begins to find Effie's work ethic and determination admirable. Essentially, Effie's fair-weather personality shuts down Azama's holier-than-thou personality and helps him find value in his partner. Great support.


Mitama (and her father for that matter) really hate being clerics. They look for the perfect potential family member to provide them with ways out of cleric line, while Mitama specifically wants some growths to help her out (even if they only reinforcing her role as a Shrine Maiden if you choose to pair Azama at the back of the que.) Effie is assuredly a physical mother, so she ends up doing great things for Azama like giving him the easily transferable Great Master > General path. Mitama is given Knight as a secondary, and Effie's growths to make it work out for her as a Knight.


Because they ARE Monks and Shrine Maidens - Azama and Mitama can become Knights with RENEWAL, which means they heal up significant amounts of HP every turn. Excellent.


My personal favorite however, is passing down Tomebreaker from Effie's nonsensical Troubadour access, and then picking up Wary Fighter through easy levels in General, before going back to Shrine Maiden. Aesthetically, Mitama looks great in the class, and WF allows her to bait enemies to your army, while Tomebreaker ensures she's not getting hit at all from magic users.




I have more for sure, but I want some of you guys' ideas too, alright?

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One of my personal favorites


Hinata x Hinoka's Retainer... the archer...(not sure about her name atm, sorry :() Revelation/Birthright


Simple reason really, avo tank Hisame.



Another one I really like is Felitia x Saizo(birthright/revelation)


Reason: High speed and skill Asugi with a good use for the Levin Sword and Flame Shuriken.

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27 minutes ago, Chase said:




The only Avatar pairing I can feasibly list (as Corrin is this games version of the Pokemon Ditto) due to the game's nudging it's canonical nature. Incest be darned, Corrin and Azura's circumstances and chemistry in all three routes, especially in their various different supports. The ending of Revelation's route changes slightly if you marry Azura in that route as well.



While I can understand that people say that that's the canon romance, I have such a hard time doing it for two major reasons. First off, I really don't like Azura's character. Granted, I haven't bought Revelations yet, but from what I can see, her general character is nice and mysterious. I prefer a little more depth to someone whose so important to the plot. Second, if I many her to Corrin, I end up missing out on a child unit, and that is not ok.


Because of this, I've kind of taken a shine to AzuraXKaze (Any route) since they both play a part in the plot, and both have a child tied to them. Plus I think blue haired Midori is adorable.


As you can tell, stats don't matter to me.

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33 minutes ago, Wolfox Glace said:

One of my personal favorites


Hinata x Hinoka's Retainer... the archer...(not sure about her name atm, sorry :() Revelation/Birthright


Simple reason really, avo tank Hisame.



Another one I really like is Felitia x Saizo(birthright/revelation)


Reason: High speed and skill Asugi with a good use for the Levin Sword and Flame Shuriken.


The name you are looking for is Setsuna. Setsuna gives Quick Draw to Hisame, which is pretty neat. I have a hard time finding a great mom for him because most of the time Hisame ends up a very average character. Quick Draw definitely helps him out on player phase, which will also be in effect alongside the Samurai-typical Duelist's Blow, meaning he'll get 4 to 8 extra points of damage on top of some avoid when he initiates combat.


I feel like Setsuna also helps out Selkie (Kaden's daughter) more though in Birthright for the same reason, while also being naturally evasive. I guess the same premise applies. As for Revelation - I have a fun Setsuna pairing for later.


9 minutes ago, Combat said:

While I can understand that people say that that's the canon romance, I have such a hard time doing it for two major reasons. First off, I really don't like Azura's character. Granted, I haven't bought Revelations yet, but from what I can see, her general character is nice and mysterious. I prefer a little more depth to someone whose so important to the plot. Second, if I many her to Corrin, I end up missing out on a child unit, and that is not ok.


Because of this, I've kind of taken a shine to AzuraXKaze (Any route) since they both play a part in the plot, and both have a child tied to them. Plus I think blue haired Midori is adorable.


As you can tell, stats don't matter to me.


In Birthright -and- Conquest, I pair up Azura with Kaze too.

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Ryoma X Scarlet
because... oh wait

Effie X Benny
if you almost die from her love you know it's real

Oboro X Takumi
'cause she'll make that face all the time if she doesn't get him
interestingly their actual talks are super neutral but after playing Birthright it breaks your heart in Conquest

Jakob X Rinkah
'cause he has the awesome talent to burn her

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+ MAG - DEF Corrin x Nyx!Nina (Super Speedy Witch Kana)

Jakob x Rinkah (Leftovers)

Silas x Peri (Leftovers)

Kaze x Mozu (Miracle Midori)

Ryoma x Camilla (Nice Spear Master)

Takumi x Hana (Speedy Sniper)

Saizo x Orochi (Mixed Attacker)

Kaden x Setsuna (Dodgy Nine-Tails)

Hinata x Selena (Leftovers)


Azama x Effie (Strength)

Oboro x Caeldori (General Pair w/ Ignatius)

Hayato x Sakura (Witch)

Xander x Hinoka (Basara Support for Midori)

Leo x Felicia (Support Mage / Staff~)

Benny x Beruka (General Pair w/ Caeldori)

Keaton x Charlotte (Super Strength)

Arthur x Kagero (Berserker)

Odin x Elise (Witch)

Lazlow x Azura (Flier Lazlow / Speedy Soleil)

Niles x Nyx (Witch)


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- Kaze (Not Revelation, but definitely when the Avatar chooses one nation over the other.)


This is a pairing that is incredibly safe and is focused on getting Midori the most Luck she can, as it's possible for her to proc Miracle every time she's attacked with a lethal hit - and not die. Azura essentially opens up to Kaze in her support with him as he ferries letters for her - if I recall. Both characters (in -MY- opinion I guess) are well written and Kaze is one of those guys that fits with everyone due to his well mannered characterization.


Shigure would probably want other fathers, but has support use for Replicate and Kaze doubles down on Shigure's own speed. Midori gets to be pretty good, and is someone that wants Luck+4 over Voice of Peace so she can proc things all the time. In Conquest, I think this even impacts Midori's ability to fill the war chest by finding Gold Bars.


- Arthur (Underrated support)


Arthur actually saved Azura when she was a child after she escaped Castle Krakenburg. He took a flogging from the Nohrian royal guard after feigning that he was kidnapping the princess. (it seemed like a rather light punishment, but Nohrians were rather not enthused by Queen Arete or her daughter.) Classic Hero and Somehow-Damsel-In-Distress pairing.


Azura!Percy has no business not capping Luck. You should game over if Percy fails to do so. Shigure gets access to HP+5, is still going to be fast, and Rally Strength from Berserker to accompany his FalcoRallying repertoire.


and the best non-Avatar pairing is Laslow.


Laslow, for those of you who don't Fire Emblem.....and live under a rock, is Inigo from Awakening. Inigo is the son of another dancer in the franchise, Olivia, and is quite the avid dancer himself (even though he's a Mercenary.) His support with the Lady of the Lake focuses on Laslow's dancing ability, as Azura catches him practicing. She enjoys watching, much to Laslow's embarrassment, but Laslow's promiscuity causes Azura to run in C. Azura uses B to instruct Laslow to better his abilities, and abruptly runs again. In A, Laslow finally gets it down in a satisfactory manner, and Azura joins him in dance in S, making for the best musical duo in camp.


Laslow offers Shigure decent speed, but really only doubles down on Shigure's strengths. He does however have access to Rally Movement from Bow Knight, and like his father, likes being a Rallybot. I'm not sure what Soliel wants from Azura. Her defense is poor, and her HP is also poor, and none of the Songtress skills really strike Soliel's fancy. As a Bow Knight, Azura's BETTER THAN IKE strength growth is accompanied by not having to engage in hand-to-hand combat, meaning she would prefer that over Hero. She should probably get Voice of Peace from Mom, but Luck+4 is viable too.




- Hayato (Revelation)


Hayato is afraid of the dark. He's totally a man though, so he asks a dark mage for a curse to overcome his fear of the dark. (Sounds like a horrible idea.) - and Nyx obliges, only to pretend to cast a curse on him. The placebo effect works, but she reveals later that he was able to overcome his fear on his own. What makes this support fantastic is that Nyx is an old hag trapped in a young body, and Hayato is a grown man, who really is just a kid who wants to grow up.


Sorceress. Rhajat. Is canon. What you are going to want to do however, is have Nyx befriend Orochi and dabble as an Onmyoji for Tomefaire. This allows Hayato to reclass into Oni Cheiftian and pick up Death Blow.


Rhajat will come equipped with Tomefaire from Nyx, and Death Blow from Hayato, along with the ability to reclass to Dark Mage. Sorry Ophelia, there's a new magic sherriff in town.


- Niles (Conquest)


This support is good for the pure humor. The resulting Nina is essentially Shining Bow, Magic, or bust - but having Nyx remove Niles' ability to speak only to tell Niles she WANTS him to talk dirty to her in S. Now that is the best boomerang support chain for the funny bone. It works.




- Selena (Revelation)




First, Hinata, who gets a slightly earlier jointime in Rev to Selena, is looking for speed because he's an unorthodox Samurai. Severa (oops) grants that wish. Severa really likes the Samurai line because she's a footlock sword user herself. She could work with Swordfaire and Astra.


The resulting Pickles is pretty good too, as Selena is one of his best mothers for bulk, and gives him access to Shurikenbreaker from Bow Knight to compensate for a weakness. If you want Hisame to be decent, Selena is one of the better mothers in the game.


The support between Hinata and Selena focuses on both parties' out of control competitive natures. Hinata being annoying to Selena is satisfying (even though I like Selena) and Selena is a lot like me when it comes to competitions.




Selena (Conquest)


Cav Bro wants speed, and Selena is really the only Nohrian woman that gives it, competing with Azura for his attention. Both ladies offer Sky Knight (Silas' Heart Seal reclass is Mercenary, so Sky Knight is used for Selena, Azura passes Sky Knight by default.) and TsunderMerc offers better skills to Sophie by default than Azura, so Selena wins. Selena appreciates the extra movement, bulk, and bite from Silas in return.


Sophie ends up being pretty fast, and depending on the skill Severa passes down, has a different niche in her base Cavalier line. If she's given Strong Riposte, she's a good Enemy Phase tank as a Great Knight. If she's given Sol, she's a good Paladin. However, what you really want to do (because Mercenary is easy for Sophie to go into), is pass down Darting Blow from Sky Knight, so Sophie doesn't have to drop her swords just to go get it. She doesn't really want anything else from the line anyway. Darting Blow + Strong Riposte + Elbow Room makes Sophie a tough cookie in all phases of the turn.


Again, Selena and her spouse to be are competing, except this time, Silas is sought out by the Tsundere because of his equally sterling work ethic. They compete until Silas makes some form of concession by asking for Selena's hand in marriage.


Hinoka (Birthright)


Again, Silas wants to go fast, and Hinoka doesn't join all that much after he does, so the availability, as it is with Selena in Conquest, isn't an issue. Hinoka also likes Silas' bonus strength and bulk to get going. Hinoka: the Selena of Hoshido.


Sophie again picks up Sky Knight from her mother - so if you have the time, Hinoka should fiddle around in HER Heart Seal reclass before recruiting Sophie and Avel. As it turns out, Hinoka is pretty good with a naginata OFF of a pegasus, having access to the Spear Fighter line. This gets Sophie potential endowments such as Lancefaire, making her get bonus damage when using a weapon she'll be ready to use, and Rend Heaven, which will proc for even more damage regardless of which weapon she's wielding. Sophie gets the best of both worlds, access to Strong Riposte, Darting Blow, and Elbow Room is there again, and she again probably won't need DB just to double. It just makes for nice insurance on Player Phase. Sophie would also like things like the Seal skills, but that doesn't set Hinoka apart from Oboro, a high demand mom on the Birthright path.


Camilla (Revelation)


You can give the Bewitching Beauty to Ryoma for the equivalent of Ryoma Emblem Gone Wild. Or you could give her to Takumi for that creepy Kiragi that has Camilla's obsessive tendencies in the Festival scramble. (God, pray for that child.)


...or you can give Camilla to neither because that's choosing either a disgusting support for a broken Shiro or a fine support for a Kiragi that is the stuff of nightmares.


Silas' support with Camilla is pretty decent. It mirrors her support with Arthur in that Camilla has Silas ferrying messages to Corrin, but instead of Arthur mucking up the job, Silas completes it only for Corrin's responses to be less than satisfactory for Camilla. Then Silas absolutely takes charge and confesses that he had feelings for her when he was younger after confusing them for being jealous of Corrin having sisters. (He's got a sister fetish, Odin thinks it's weird.)....in the -A- Support. Camilla reciprocates, but only in the past, qualifying that the moment might have passed and they decide to leave it behind as adults. Silas then tries a proposal - having previously asked for Corrin's blessing - and proceeds to join the winning team in the last Heroes gauntlet.


Sophie is a Cavalier. That learns Trample......It just makes perfect sense. She can also go into Wyvern Rider and make use of her lance rank in Wyvern Lord, picking up Swordbreaker (which she can use as a Cav or a lance-flier with great success) - She also picks up Rally Defense from WL, as well as Savage Blow from Malig Knight. Wyvern Rider+Cavalier is a solid combination of classes.





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Subaki x Rinkah


I don't particularly care for the support but it gives Caeldori a stat mod lineup of -1 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +6 Def. Basically +6 Def for no downside because her personal skill also means she wants the -1 Str. It ultimately doesn't amount to much because stat mods aren't as important as growths in this game unless you're making some pvp builds, but Rinkah!Caeldori makes a pretty great Blacksmith with her personal skill and swordfaire working together to give her 9 extra damage, while using that +6 Def mod in a high Def class.

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12 hours ago, Chase said:


The name you are looking for is Setsuna. Setsuna gives Quick Draw to Hisame, which is pretty neat. I have a hard time finding a great mom for him because most of the time Hisame ends up a very average character. Quick Draw definitely helps him out on player phase, which will also be in effect alongside the Samurai-typical Duelist's Blow, meaning he'll get 4 to 8 extra points of damage on top of some avoid when he initiates combat.

Setsuna(thanks, name slipped me by) actually helps Hisame quite a bit, giving him a maximum speed stat of 55. Giving him the Sunrise Katana will make him almost unhittable for alot of opponents, making him a great Avo tank that can distract some opponenta while others come to take down his attackers.

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I have a couple more personal preferences for pairings.


HinataXHana: These two were a pretty underwhelming personality and character wise, so throwing them together seems like a safe bet for me. I'm not fond of Hisame either, so looks and stats don't really matter in this case.  


SubakiXHinoka: Time to create the ultimate flying unit, right? Nah, I just want to make Cordelia in Fates. In fact, I reclassed her as sword master and never looked back. 

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Orochi is - woefully - slow and certainly not bulky enough to function by herself. That being said - there's a few pretty cool things you can do with her as a mother.


- Saizo (Birthright)


Saizo's supports are generally all goldmines, unless he's dealing with Corrin, who just has no personality at all. With Orochi however, the Angry Ninja gets outsavaged by Orochi - even though it's kinda cheating when your story niche is that you can see into the future. Orochi, who is Kagero's "BFF" and has a slight disdain for Saizo prior to the support chain due to Kagero formerly dating him, toys with Saizo and ends up embarrassing him, only to be wrong in a prediction about who was to meet a tragic fate (it was a rather after-the-fact telling of his father, Saizo the Forth, being felled by what would be known to the player as Kotaro, the daimyo of Mokushu.) The two make ammends in A, and Orochi (as she does in a few of her supports) already is aware of Saizo's proposal in S.


The resulting Asugi-Mother support is hilarious with Orochi as his mother due to her whimsy. Many of the other possible mothers (Hana, Hinoka, Oboro) are much more serious than he is, and make their supporting Asugi in the field rather bland. Orochi is kind of like that overly rambunctious soccer-mom that would TOTALLY blow a mission, so it works better with her.


Unit-wise, Asugi becomes a rather adept mixed attacker - and he's worth sticking Orochi to him due to the ability to access Rend Heaven with his physical Shuriken (of if you're lucky, Felicia's Plate, albeit not too much due to the plate's low might), while having a noteworthy effectiveness with the Flame Shuriken. If you play with Fem!Corrin especially, Flame Shuriken Asugi is worth considering as Felicia 2 comes rather late. The important thing to note here. While Orochi's speed modifier is atrocious, Asugi's own speed modifier is more than capable of compensating for it. This makes it a good pairing for you the player, because Orochi doesn't end up saddling another kid that needs some speed help from Mom.


Azama (Birthright)


Not the best Mitama pairing, nor is Orochi really the lady Azama wants, but is totally worth it for the support and helps Orochi by giving her access to Priestess. If you have ever seen the "The Roast of" series on the comedy channel, that's essentially what this support is. Azama capitalizes on Orochi's fear of rats, and she gets him back by charming him into marrying her.


Mitama might like Tomefaire if she goes Onmyogi and Rally Magic to go with her Rally Luck - and every unit likes Rend Heaven and Mitama might still be able to pull off a mixed Basara (after slogging through E Lances.)


Odin (Revelation)


This family is just WAAAAAAAAY too high on whimsy, but that's why it works.


Ophelia already having a magic disposition really likes access to Tomefaire, and Orochi gives her the skill levels she can't get from having anyone else be her mother. That being said, it comes at the cost of speed, which negates her being your typical Fire Emblem aggressive magic user.


Rather than Rend Heaven, what Ophelia Dusk really wants from Orochi is Quixotic, the level 15 Basara skill. This skill raises Ophelia's  ability to proc Vengeance to roughly 68 percent of the time. If you are really aware of what you should pass down from Owain (oops) - you should have reclassed him into a Samurai and gotten him Vantage.


This makes Ophelia a Vantage/Vengeance tank. The positive Orochi has over Elise and Nyx is that she tends to be bulkier and provide better bulk to Ophelia as a result. Make sure you use Ophelia's personal tome and bring her whole magic library for her personal skill to proc.


She won't need to be fast.


THE BIGGEST PROBLEM this presents, is that you have to find someone else to pair Elise with - and Ophelia is the only kid that she really can help out.



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Now let me share my ABSOLUTE favorite pairing:

Laslow x Hana(Revelation).


First the simplest reason: SWORDFARE SOLEIL!

Now the other reasons: Soleil is my favorite second gen unit by far. And increasing her speed and skill is never a bad idea. it also helps that she gains acces to the other skills from the Samurai classes like astra and vantage. Also Laslow was one of my favorites in Awakening(Inigo is such a well doen character) and the way he tries to get hana is just amazing.



Also a honorable mention:

Saizo X Beruka(revelation)

You don;t have to do the full support to understand my reasoning, even if you don;t want beruka as mommy asugi it's worth just getting them to that point. the first convo they have is one of the best in the game, and no I'm not kidding.

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Kaden is like....the service animal Setsuna needs. The hapless archer pretty much is amazed with Kaden because of his ordinary human ...ish... traits. Instead of Azura who has a surprisingly cute support with Kaden, but only because Kaden is a fox and the tail makes Azura behave unusually.


Essentially, with Kaden around, Setsuna turns into a bow user that is just super fast and would be extraordinary, if Takumi didn't exist. (sorry, lady. #BlameTakumi)


Selkie appreciates things like Quick Draw and Air Superiority (even if it's a seriously niche skill) because it helps her with damage output. Certain Blow is also really good because it makes the kitsune a much less shaky attacker. Nine-tails don't usually hit very hard, which makes some of the skill inheritance options Setsuna gives to Selkie very valuable.


ARTHUR. (Revelation)


This support. Is comedy gold. Essentially, this pair of incredibly unlucky characters are - for whatever reason (Corrin, I bet this was your doing.) - tasked with journeying to town and picking up supplies for a feast - only for misfortune and falling into traps to happen the whole support chain. Arthur and the food gets dunked on by dragon dung. Setsuna and the food fall into a trap...it's just great.


Ironically, 1 Unlucky person + 1 Unlucky person = Percy.


You will want to pass Percy the Certain Blow skill, and you may want him to swing through Archer to pick up Quick Draw and Skill +2 for any non-luck procs you may want. Certain Blow is just about overkill on Snipers, but on Wyvern Riders you are dealing with axes, a notorious weapon for their not reliable hit rate.


Missing attacks, is literally the only thing Percy needed help with. Boom.

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