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Bug Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Amaria)


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Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: An explosively lucky start! (Current chapter) [vs Julia]

Chapter 2: Rivals, Vines and Deserts [vs Florinia]

Chapter 3: Forests, Jungles and Revelations...

Chapter 4: Release your soul from Poison... [vs Corey]

Chapter 5: Gang wars and kidnappings

Chapter 6: Insect Wars [vs Shelly]

Chapter 7: Chasing the pretty boy

Chapter 8: Straightjacket jam and ghastly encounters [vs Shade]

Chapter 9: Buzzing on Ice, ft. Deliverance

Chapter 10: Through Fire and Water [Fight vs Cal]

Chapter 11: Try punching Skydancing bugs... [vs Kiki]

Chapter 12: Forbidden allies and death by Dragon [vs Solaris' Garchomp]

Chapter 13: (Still) chasing the pretty boy... and other grassy problems

Chapter 14: Cleanse the Poison with Steel [vs Aya]

Chapter 15: Rescue time and Yureyu raid!

Chapter 16: Now you see me... now you don't... through the mirror [vs Serra]

Chapter 17: Establishing... Shocking defences!

Chapter 18: From chasms to peaks.... and off to sweeps! [vs Noel]

Chapter 19: Endless grass and rivalries...

Chapter 20: Lies and truth... among the fake gods [vs Dittoceus]

Chapter 21: Entomophobia [vs Radomus]

Chapter 22: Heretics, Lepidopterists and... the Twilight Zone [vs Luna]

Chapter 23: Post the gate to Agate... Circuses, Strongmen and Quiver Dancers... [vs Samson]

Chapter 24: Revelations, desperation and flames that burn souls.

Chapter 25: Bugs vs Firebug! [vs Charlotte]

Chapter 26: Winter Olympics, Reborn Style!

Chapter 27: Ice Age, the Meltdown! [vs Blake]

Chapter 28: "How to eliminate your brain cells", a best seller by M3G4T3RR4 [vs Terra]

Chapter 29: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall

Chapter 30: Maginot Line [Fiore Mansion Battles]

Chapter 31: Waltzing through the Clouds [vs Ciel]

Chapter 32: Claustrophobia

Chapter 33: Another one bites the dust: Guilt and Desperation

Chapter 34: Here comes your Angel... ft. the Pixies! [vs Adrienn]

Chapter 35: Teamwork and iron will! [vs Titania]

Chapter 36: Never get drowned in sorrow [vs Amaria]


CHAPTER 1: An explosively lucky start!


About three months ago, I was discussing with a friend about pokemon, so chat went to our most hated typings, to which (ofc) I chose bug, which I absolutely hated with a passion, apart from a couple exceptions (looking at you Butterfree <3). So, he wanted to make a bet that I wouldn't be able to beat Current episode of Pokemon Reborn by using only Bug types. Of course, I couldn't say no to such a challenge, and I accepted (bracing my heart to use pokemon I didn't like at all till then...).

So, I began my playthrough, after running some research on Bulbapedia to not be a complete noob...


Character name: Angel

Sex: Non-binary


Since I don't have the know-how to hack a bug-type starter for me, I decided to pick one based on breeding purposes. And since bug types lack (till gen VI) a good water type, I decided to pick Squirtle in order to breed Hydro Pump on a Surskit! My squirtle had great IVs, which was a great start for the game. I named her Respect (cause I'll eventually store her in box, but I'll always respect her) and she defeated easily Cain's Nidoran and Victoria's Tepig, before heading outside to get my first little bug... And, oh, the joy! It was a shiny Spinarak. And it has a 30 Attack IV, god damn! I caught her and named her Happiness. This run honestly couldn't have started any better! By wandering around I saved the Zigzagoon from the Bridge, it learned headbutt, so I managed to get a Combee (took ages of Headbutting a tree, I even found a shiny male Combee, fml, I know) and a Pineco as well. I also got a couple Burmy's but I never liked the idea of using Wormadam, so I boxed them. I also picked Kelly's Kricketot and a couple more catches, in the form of shiny Caterpie and Wurmple. Soon, I had a team consisting of: 



Valor, the Pineco (Male)



Bug Bite

Take Down




Valiant, the Kricketune (Male)




Struggle Bug

Fury Cutter



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens


Sleep Powder

Stun Spore




Patience, the Dustox (Male)

Calm/Compound Eyes



Poison Powder




Happiness, the Spinarak (Female)


Poison Sting

Leech Life

Night Shade

Scary Face



Royalty, the Combee (Female)

Bold/Honey Gather

Sweet Scent


Bug Bite


The evolutions were the result of grinding, destroying Fern's ass outside one of the two factories (the wrong one, idiot was waiting at the wrong place, then blaming others for his incompetence) and struggling through double battles in the correct factory... I don't know which was worse, having to survive Rock Tombs of Arons and Roggenrollas or admit that Fern carried me through that hell. At least I made it up to him by managing to handle the Magby while he was using Growth for 27 times in a row and getting annihilated. Bless the Lord for Night Shade, Spinarak saved the day, as well as Dustox with Poison Powder/Moonlight Stall. So, after that and with the aforementioned team, I went happily to fight Julia...




Happily before the fight... I swear, this fight gets harder every time I replay Reborn. She leads with Helioptile and proceeds to Glare at my Valor, who is the slowest thing on Earth anyways! My Pinecone... errr Pineco, escapes through Paralysis and takes down Helioptile with a Bug Bite spam.

Then, Julia sends in her first (small) ball of doom, and I consider it a good time to stack up Fury Cutter with Valiant. My Kricketune takes down Voltorb and wastes Julia's first potion with 3 Fury Cutters, but is in the red, so I swap him with Braveheart, who has to face the second Voltorb. Voltorb and Butterfree exchange Charge Beams and Confusions, but thank God, it gets zero Sp.Atk. boosts, and Julia has to waste a potion to take down my Braveheart. I send in Happiness, happy that I will just Night Shade and kill it... NOPE! This round m***fucker decides to explode, killing my spider and itself in the process.... There goes my easy fixed damage on Electrode plan!

Julia sends in Emolga, so I say "Fuck this shit" to myself, and send in Combee to take a shot, as I heal Valor to full HP. Combee dies to 1 Acrobatics and my Pineco lives another Acrobatics with Sturdy, to perform the sequel of the previous round. It Self-Destructs in the face of the flying ele squirrel, killing himself, and its opponent!

Dustox single-handedly kills Blitzle by an alteration of Poison Powder, Confusion and Moonlight, while I wonder why the Flame Charge isn't even taking half of Dustox's HP... This thing is a legit God!

Finally, Electrode comes in. It is my third attempt, so I know that I need some luck. I leave Dustox in, and Poison Powder it, getting the damage going. At least, Julia has used her 2 potions already. Electrode Decides to go for Charge Beam, but fails to get the stat boost, as I start using Confusion/Moonlight in turns. However, it begins to Rollout (please miss, ffs) and in 3 turns, my Dustox is murdered from full HP... I send in my Kricketune, who has about 8 HP. AND YES, ROLLOUT MISSES! Knowing that if I attack it with Fury Cutter, Aftermath will probably cost me the win, I had selected Struggle Bug in advance. It leaves the Electrode with 7 HP and Poison Powder damage secures the kill, granting me my first badge (highly useful), my first TM (Charge Beam, highly useless) and a sleepy ex-cheerleader.


I scream YES-YES like a maniac though, since it was my 3rd attempt to beat her and I start to get hopes that mono-Bug might be possible actually! 

Hugely surprised by Dustox's resillience and by Pineco's and Combee's sacrifices! Bugs gaining my respect!


Now I shall go take care of weird plants that wreak havoc, as Victoria informs me... Good luck myself!


PS. Stay tuned, and feel free to provide any feedback guys and girls! Hope you enjoy! :)



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@Jess  Would you be interested in a shiny larvesta and/or a shiny joltik for your mono-run? Online play is also a part of the game and a way to get new mons :D 

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1 minute ago, luis said:

@Jess  Would you be interested in a shiny larvesta and/or a shiny joltik for your mono-run? Online play is also a part of the game and a way to get new mons :D 

I am actually after Ciel in my Mono-run, but just started posting my progress. I have Joltic and Larvesta (not shiny though). However thank you!

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Just now, Jess said:

I am actually after Ciel in my Mono-run, but just started posting my progress. I have Joltic and Larvesta (not shiny though). However thank you!

In that case, best of luck for your mono-run! I will be following you on your adventure :D 

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i was going to offer you a Grubbin sewaddle if you want a grass type, i'll let it hold a focus sash, but make sure to Rapid spint the rocks away xD

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1 minute ago, Mr. Divergent said:

I wonder how Mono Bug vs Shelly would go


I plan to upload one major battle per day, so it isn't very far! But was a nightmare, almost the toughest battle in my whole run.


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CHAPTER 3: Forests, Jungles and Revelations...


So, in the previous chapter and after defeating Florinia, she informs us about the disaster that has befallen onto Jasper and Beryl wards, leaving the handling of the situation on our shoulders. Knowing that I will face Meteors again and also aware that many of them have Golbats, Arons or even Growlithes (stolen of course), I recognise the necessity of finding some way to counter them. I don't feel like being hopeless and depending on Fern to carry me like in that confounded factory we boomed raided.

So, I decide to breed a Surskit with Hydro Pump and a Venonat with Giga Drain. But Squirtle gets Hydro Pump at Lvl 40, which means Daycare and a lot of walking for all those levels to be gained before breeding. Also, a Venonat with Giga Drains means I need to catch a Paras, which I can do in the Malchous Forest. 


Long story short, I am impatient and decide to advance with the story while Squirtle gains levels in daycare. My absolute favourite though (and a dream to have) is a shiny Vivillon. So I spend about 4 days struggling to find one. I find about 20 shiny Beedrills (I am not complaining, but I dislike Beedrill, too irritable for my taste), 15 shiny Pidgeys (but why?) and a shiny Sewaddle which I catch and name Affection (YES!), but no shiny Scatterbug... So, I get one traded to me, to have as a mascot for my team. And then, while casually grinding a bit, POOF! Another shiny Scatterbug. And then a second one! I catch them all (I can't resist) and name them Innamorata, Innamorato and Fiery Wings respectively. Fiery Wings turns out to have a 29 Sp.Atk. IV and a 28 Speed IV, so he gets promoted to the main team, in rotation with Butterfree (depends on strategy). I give several Common Candies to it, in order for my Vivillon to get both Struggle Bug and Psybeam. After the necessary grinding, we are finally storming in Malchous Forest. My team is


Main team:



Valor, the Pineco (Male)



Bug Bite

Natural Gift




Affection, the Leavanny (Female)


Bug Bite

Razor Leaf

Struggle Bug




Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes

Struggle Bug


Draining Kiss




Patience, the Dustox (Male)

Calm/Compound Eyes


Silver Wind

Poison Powder




Happiness, the Ariados (Female)


Sucker Punch

Leech Life

Night Shade

Shadow Sneak



Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)


Heal Order


Bug Bite

Power Gem


In rotation with:



Valiant, the Kricketune (Male)



Focus Energy


Fury Cutter



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens


Silver Wind




So, we easily stormed through all the Meteors thanks to the new additions (leavanny, Vivillon) and to the help of Power Gem, which was learned by Royalty and saved the day numerous times vs Growlithes and Golbats. I jumped a lodge and faced Taka, who seems like a very nice guy and I wonder if we could go for a coffee when his shift ends. 




He send in first his Lileep, who (ofc) Ingrains, then proceeds to confuse my poor Leavanny. However, confusion never proves its use, Affection shows zero affection and Lileep goes down after a few Bug Bites. Super potion wasted also on Lileep, so he won't annoy me by healing Chatot.

The PULSE Tangrowth was easily countered with the same tactic of Ariados and fixed damage Night Shade. At least it now was smart enough to tear through Happiness' defences with Acid Spray instead of trying in vain to suck her health, making it a little bit more tough, since I had to swap a time to reset the dropped Sp. Def.

Finally, the devil incarnated adorable Chatot. I send in Dustox, hoping it will not go for Nasty Plot. It doesn't, and Patience survives and passes through confusion to poison it. However, it then goes down, so I send in Ariados. Happiness Sucker Punches the bird, but it survives and OHKOs Ariados. Finally, Royalty switches in, my ace in the sleeve. Weirdly enough (or knowing that Chatter won't OHKO Vespiquen, because of her high Sp.Def) it goes for Nasty Plot, so it get knocked out by Power Gem. Thank god this move exists!

Taka is the real homie and invites us to destroy take care of the next PULSE in Rhodocrine Jungle as well, then we meet a weird pink haired girl that OWES A F**** SALAMENCE (please, mercy) and whines about her strict father and about the fact that we beat her in beating down the bad guys. Anyways, we then head North to Rhodocrine Jungle, in an attempt to find the remaining kidnapped/missing policemen (why is police so utterly useless in every pokemon game?).


In the process, we fall into an (obvious) Nuzleaf trap, we refuse (OF F**** COURSE) to give Fern the pleasure of repeating his nonsense with our own mouths, and finally we get rescued by a Chatot who knows our name! Maybe it isn't so infernal as I wanted to believe... (Thanks Taka btw, we love you). We pull levers to drop down wooden obstacles, finding all the policemen in the process and finally find Taka, ZEL and an unknown agent next to the third PULSE Tangrowth! Pink haired girl appears and takes on the unknown man and his Crobat, while we face Taka and ZEL in a double battle!




Since ZEL has Glaceon, Espeon and Umbreon, it is relatively easy to focus ZEL's kitties first and then take care of Taka. Lileep and its Confuse Ray made this fight hell, since it took a couple of tries, but then, I decided to bring Kricketune back into the team instead of Pineco and Butterfree instead of Leavanny and it worked wonders! Valiant's (my Kricketune's) Sing took care of Lileep, giving time to Patience to stall out Glaceon with Poison Powder, Venoshock and Moonlight. I switched Kricketune with Fiery Wings (my Vivillon) as Espeon came in and took it down with a few Struggle Bugs (combined with Dustox's Silver Wind), dealing significant damage while rendering Espeon useless and also taking down Lileep. PULSE Tangrowth and Umbreon followed in. Ariados replaced Dustox and Vivillon stayed in. Ariados focused the Tangrowth with Night Shade and Vivillon spammed Struggle Bug, altering with Draining Kiss on Umbreon when necessary to sustain. When Tangrowth was about to faint, I switched in my Butterfree and my Vespiquen, who finished the job on both PULSE and Umbreon. Butterfree used Tailwind in the last turn, granting a great speed boost before Chatot came in. Chatot is outsped by my Butterfree who Psybeams it, but fails to get the confusion. Chatot still (!) outspeeds Vespiquen and Chatters my Butterfree, OHKOing it, but get Power Gem'ed down to red. Ariados comes in and finishes the job with Sucker Punch, granting me the win. Then, all hell breaks loose!


The mystery Meteor is Heather's (the pink haired annoying girl's) father, she is shock striken and disappears and he vanishes like a ninja, probably to his Gym. Turns out he is Corey, the poison Gym leader! And our next obstacle in our trip to saving the region....


Until next time guys and girls, enjoy! :);) 

Edited by Jess
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Chatter is a crime and should not exist.

Seems like many of your Pokémon have some specific way in which they deal with enemies. (Dustox poison-stalling, Ariados's Night Shade and Sucker Punch)

They may lack raw power, but they've got their tools and you're obviously smart enough to know how to utilize them. (I tend to be way too focused on quickly beating everything, so this is completely honest praise here.)


Looking forward to the battle against Shelly. Also Corey's Crobat, I'd expect that one to be a real pain.

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CHAPTER 4: Release your soul from Poison...


So, after finishing up with destroying the PULSE Tangrowths, we return to the Beryl Ward Gym, in order to chase down Corey. The police storms into his trap (poisonous brainwashing gas or something) and prove yet again why I should never had rescued them police in all pokemon games is the most useless thing. So, before going in to face Corey, we have to snap the officers out of their confusion by beating their Growlithes (FML). The only good thing in the whole process, is that Valor evolves into a Forretress, granting him immunity to Poison, at the perfect time! Knowing that Corey's poison types can be a pain, I decide to use the following team:



Valor, the Forretress (Male)



Bug Bite





Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes

Struggle Bug


Draining Kiss




Patience, the Dustox (Male)

Calm/Compound Eyes


Silver Wind

Poison Powder




Happiness, the Ariados (Female)


Sucker Punch

Leech Life

Night Shade

Shadow Sneak



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens


Silver Wind





Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)


Heal Order


Bug Bite

Power Gem




Corey leads with Skrelp and I lead with Valor the Forretress. It tries to use the poison-enhanced Bubble in the Corrosive Mist Field, which doesn't affect my steel bug. I set three layers of spikes easily while Skrelp lays two layers of Toxic Spikes. After a few Paybacks and while Corey heals his Skrelp, I send in Ariados, which absorbs the Toxic Spikes and finishes the Skrelp with a Night Shade/Shadow Sneak combo. Then, Corey sends in his Croagunk and I reply with Braveheart the Butterfree. I use Tailwind to send the Corrosive Mist away before it manages to poison my flying bugs. In the Corrosive Field, none of my Pokemon takes damage when it enters the field, because of Flying or Poison typing, so it is safer than the Corrosive Mist. Croagunk tries to Sucker Punch me, but fails and it gets OHKO'ed in next turn by Psybeam. My Butterfree takes also down Grimer without a problem, before Corey decides to send in Skuntank. This thing can be annoying, so I switch to Fiery Wings, my Vivillon. Thank God its Dark typing makes Bug and Fairy type moves neutral to it, so I spam Struggle Bug to lower its Sp.Atk. and Draining Kiss to restore some HP in the process. Its Incinerate hits still hard though (even without the Corrosive Mist buff and with like 3 Sp.Atk. stage drops), so I send in my much tankier Patience, the Dustox. I spam Silver Wind, getting 1 boost in all my stats in the process and taking the smelly ugly skunk down. Unhappy as I may be, I have to withdraw Dustox, although it has a +1 in all stats, because it has nothing to hit Nidorina or Crobat with... Nidorina faces my Braveheart again. A Psybeam takes it to red HP, Butterfree tanks a Bite relatively easily (losing "only" a third of its HP) and I decide to use Tailwind before using a second Psybeam to take it out of the way. This would give me the speed advantage against Crobat for two turns. I Hope it will be enough to take it down! So, Crobat comes in, and (Jesus Christ, calm down) it OHKO'es my Butterfree after losing one third of its HP to a Psybeam. Probably Corey knows he has no time to set Nasty Plots, so he just goes for it! Fiery Wings, my Vivillon takes it to red HP with another Psybeam before it gets OHKO'ed too by another Air Cutter. With just a tiny bit of its health left, I send in my Happiness (Ariados) to face the supersonic bat. I use Sucker Punch, which fails because Crobat uses Nasty Plot (ffs). In the second try though, Sucker Punch connects and takes it out, to my great relief!


Corey is defeated, so he has ''the most succulent idea he had in ages'' and invites us to the Beryl Bridge. There, he releases his Pokemon and jumps, after entrusting us with the (impossible) task of watching over his daughter, who has a Salamence that knows Fly. Easiest task on earth... Fern comes, just to be a douche over a dead man's body, the Grand Staircase gets blown up and we have to walk to Lapis Ward and see what is happening there...


BUT, before doing all that, we have to introduce the new members of our team! After ages of walking (to get my Squirtle to level 40 in DayCare, so it learns Hydro Pump) and catching a Paras and grinding it till it learns Giga Drain and through some breeding sessions (no porn was shot during those sessions), we got the new members of our team!



Generosity, the Venomoth (Male)

Hardy/Shield Dust

Giga Drain


Sleep Powder




Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)


Air Cutter

Silver Wind

Stun Spore

Hydro Pump


So, my teαm now consists of Forretress, Vivillon, Dustox, Ariados, Butterfree, Vespiquen, Kricketune, Leavanny, Venomoth and Masquerain. Pretty good all around coverage, with few options against Rock/Fire types which gave me hell earlier in the game! Flying types are still an issue, but Vespiquen and Power Gem holds her ground firmly so far! For Rock/Ground I have Parasect as well, but not too keen on using it, since I have my Leavanny (much faster, I tend to love faster Pokemon!).


Anyways, till the next time... Enjoy boys and girls! :);) 

Edited by Jess
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Have read 2 chapters so far, going great!

And it inspired me to do a mono-run for myself some day. I think if I did a hated-type-mono-run it would be Dark type.


It also made me feel better that I'm not the only one who uses Google or Youtube for some of the ridiculously time consuming puzzles (looking at you, Radomus).


Best of luck, keep it coming! :)

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Haha, thank you very much! I am glad that it inspired you to do a mono run! I plan to do a poison after finishing with Bugs! I will also have screenshots for that one :) .

Yes, some puzzles are just too time consuming to do on my own, with the greatest example being the Water Treatment Centre puzzle, with Titania's company.

Radomus and the "guess who is the liar" puzzles were my favourites cause I have played chess for quite some time in my life and I love logical puzzles respectively!

Also, the Pinsir/Heracross/Tauros/Bouffalant puzzle is a nightmare... But gotta do it to properly EV train, so... Patience xD

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CHAPTER 5: Gang wars and kidnappings


Realizing the pain of beating a Gym Leader and getting no badge, the Level Cap is still at 35... To drown my sorrow I decide to try my luck by getting the Mystery Egg from the Police. After breeding a Growlithe, trading the egg and getting an egg, I walk loads to hatch it... Then... it cracks and.... AAAAAAAANDDD.... it's a fucking Rhyhorn... So, by the help of trading I get myself a Larvesta. I am going to pretend I got it through the egg to alleviate my guilt. (not really, I have zero guilt, Larvesta proved itself to be so weak that it got carried by the rest of the squad till it evolved into a Volcarona). Seeing it getting destroyed by literally EVERYTHING was so frustrating that it ended in the PC, apart from when it was needed to check Magnemites or something.


Anyways, we wandered towards the Lapis Ward, after joining Team Magma by beating their two grunts in a double battle by spamming Power Gem with Vespiquen and Hydro Pump with Masquerain. Reason for joining Team Magma:

1) I despise Team Aqua and Water types in general, with a few exceptions.

2) I love Fire type Pokemon.

3) If I joined Team Aqua I'd have to beat Team Magma. Many times. With only bugs. NOPE.

4) Team Aquas are losers, really. Unable to win, even with a type advantage. Why would any sane person join a bunch of losers? 


OK, end of salty paragraph.

I join my new homies, the Magma members, we storm Craudburry's (AKA old hag) house, steal a Fire/Water stone (can't recall, useless to me anyways) and a Buizel (also useless) and retreat after beating some Aqua asses quite easily, mostly thanks to Leavanny and Venomoth.


We beat a few weirdos in Lapis Ward who thought that the best way to relax after witnessing a suicide is to have a Pokemon battle (really, wtf is wrong with rich people?). Then, we got to get reunited with Vicoria (oh, the joy...) and met another girl, the Bug Type Gym leader, Shelly, who turns out to be a close friend of the psycho with the Salamence Heather, Corey's daughter. An entity that appears out of nothing, Shade, the Ghost Type Gym leader collects Corey's corpse under the eyes of ourselves, Victoria, Shelly and two Meteor agents, Eclipse and Aster. They reveal that ruining the Grand Stairway was Team Meteor's responsibility and Victoria runs off without reason to see if she can help... HELP WHO, THE WORKERS WHO TRY TO REBUILD IT?


Sigh... So, after getting ourselves a bicycle, thanks to a police officer (who lost his little girl :( ), we go under the Grand Stairway to find that Victoria has been taken by Aster and Eclipse as a hostage. We track them down to the very base, meeting Solaris for the first time, even though he reveals not his name yet. The leader of Team Meteor tells us the truth about what lies under Reborn City, telling us to spread the truth around and leaves, allowing us to kick his grunts' asses and claim back our (annoying) friend.




The battle vs Aster and Eclipse turns out to be easy, even though Victoria tries her best to do nothing... Solrock and Lunatone go both down to my Leavanny after a few Razor Leaves, which thankfully hits both targets in Double Battles! Venomoth puts Magmar to sleep while combining power with Pignite to take down Electabuzz. Magmar wakes up only after Electabuzz is knocked out and is easily overpowered by Maquerain's Hydro Pump after Venomoth puts it to sleep again. I realize that I have no counter to Electric types, since no Ground bugs exist (Wormadam doesn't count because I can not get it yet, plus it learns no Ground type moves by level up, apart from Fissure... What a joke, really).


So, Victoria and I go back to Shelly's gym, and Victoria has another bright idea, to get a psychiatrist to help Shelly cope with her best friend's father's death! At that moment, I had no clue how much trouble this would cause...

We head towards the Orphanage in Lapis Ward. There, a pink haired girl (Laura) leaves in a hurry, released from her sufferings! Another girl, Anna, lets us in, saying she saw our glowiness! This is fantastic! I already love her, she is weird and that's the best part about her! We also meet her brother, Noel, their dolls(?) Nostra the Jirachi (Anna's) and Nomos the Cleffa (Noel's), as well as their friend Charlotte, who has invisible burn scars on her face... Scars on her soul perhaps? Anyways, the crazy doctor Connal notices us, refusing to allow us to fight his prodigious patients and has an Orderly to test our skills. The team we used was:



Valor, the Forretress (Male)



Bug Bite





Valiant, the Kricketune (Male)



Focus Energy





Passion, the Larvesta (Male)

Timid/Flame Body


Leech Life

Take Down

Flame Charge



Happiness, the Ariados (Female)


Sucker Punch

Leech Life

Night Shade

Shadow Sneak



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss




Generosity, the Venomoth (Male)

Hardy/Shield Dust

Giga Drain


Sleep Powder



Forretress easily lays down 3 layers of Spikes, to help vs the Magnets that the orderly throws in my face. Larvesta takes down easily the Magnemite with Flame Charge. Generosity takes down the Slowpoke even more easily with two Giga Drains, after putting it nighty night to avoid random Psychic attacks, the Eelectric is a devil but gets handled by Happiness and her Night Shades, and finished by a Sucker Punch. Finally, Magneton gets handled by Spikes, Larvesta's Flame Charge (ofc it died to Magneton after 1 hit) and Valor's Paybacks. Doctor acknowledges our skill, but sends us away, and Anna says that the doctor isn't the right person to help our friend, giving us a little something to tell Shelly...


So, back to gym we are to give Shelly Anna's message and see how Victoria will find a way to annoy us again... But not until the next time!

Till then, enjoy guys and girls! :);) 

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CHAPTER 6: Insect wars 


After returning to Shelly's gym, we tell her what Anna told us and she snaps out of her sorrow. She immediately agrees to face Victoria in a Gym battle, but she refuses... Then, she says that she will be waiting us for our Gym battle, which is fantastic! But, when we try to walk towards the arena, Victoria stops us, saying that she wants neither us or Shelly to lose and that we should protect her and she tries to prevent us from battling her... Seriously, I have no words about Victoria anymore, she tries to protect everyone but does NOTHING that actually helps! Someone has to tell her that avoiding obstacles doesn't help people get stronger, trying to overcome them does! Ok... rant over about the weirdo... So, we have to fight her... Our team vs Victoria consists of:



Valor, the Forretress (Male)



Bug Bite





Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)


Air Cutter

Silver Wind

Stun Spore

Hydro Pump



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss




Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)


Heal Order



Power Gem



Patience, the Dustox (Male)

Calm/Compound Eyes


Light Screen





Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens


Silver Wind






So, Victoria starts with Scraggy, and I start with Valor the Forretress. She proceeds to High Jump Kick me and I proceed to lay down two layers of Spikes, getting in red HP. She High Jump Kicks again, tryharding to the max now, only to try to kick my bug's Protect and lose half its HP, dropping to yellow. Victoria heals up and I set a third layer of Spikes, before having Scraggy injure itself again on the next turn. I then stop messing around, swapping to Fiery Wings, my Vivillon and killing easily the Scraggy with Draining Kiss.

Victoria sends in Hariyama, which takes damage from Spikes, and after a Psybeam by Vivillon is in red HP. Its Belly Drum fails and another Psybeam destroys the sumo wrestler.

Kirlia comes in and I send in Patience, my Dustox, who loses 2/3 of its HP by Psychic, but goes to red HP after a Venoshock. I switch to Royalty, my Vespiquen who finishes the job with Power gem.

Finally, Pignite comes in, only to get annihilated by a Hydro Pump from Kindness, my Masquerain, leaving Victoria sad after (another) loss.... She says something (honestly, all I hear is wah wah wah) and leaves, letting me face the (horrible) library puzzle of Shelly's Gym.


I clear it easily (it's easier the third time) and advance to face Shelly... Moving towards a complete massacre...




I thought it would be easy, I admit. After all, the field was made for bugs, and I had bugs. How little did I know! That lovely depressed girl took me more than 10 tries to beat, mostly because of the OP Swift Swim Anorith, Prankster Illumise with Rain Dance and (OP too) Yanmega with Speed Boost and Ancient Power, which wrecked my team God knows how many times!

So, Shelly starts with Masquerain and Illumise and I start with Forretress and Dustox.

Illumise goes (every.fucking.time) for Prankster Rain Dance, so I know that I have to stall for 8 turns, in order for the rain to stop before Anorith comes in and wrecks house. So, I try to set Light Screen with Dustox and 3 layers of Spikes with Forretress, while Dustox proceeded to Toxic poison both Illumise and Masquerain. Illumise's Confuse Ray is a pain, since I lost so many times just because I kept hurting myself, which was the only way that Shelly could do damage to me after the Light Screen was up. Eventually, I stopped hurting myself, Dustox's Moonlight did work to sustain and Toxic took down both Illumise and Masquerain, as well as wasting Shelly's healing items. In the meantime, I used these turns to sustain the damage I had suffered (healed Forretress to full HP with Ultra Potion) and reset Light Screen, getting ready for what was coming.

Shelly sent in Yanmega and Anorith, which had another round of rain, activating its Swift Swim. Yanmega with Ancient Power and Anorith with Rock Slide tried to double team Forretress, who managed to survive with just 5 HP(!), while miraculously my Dustox dodged the Rock Slide and poisoned the Yanmega!

I switched in Masquerain in the place of my 5HP Forretress, at an effort to get rid of Anorith. Rain stopped, Ancient Power by Yanmega took down my Dustox, but miraculously it was my Masquerain this time that dodged the Rock Slide! In the next turn I sent in Vespiquen (my tankiest pokemon capable of fighting at that moment) in the place of fainted Dustox, while my Masquerain kept performing miracles by outspeeding Anorith (thank you speed EV training and Naive nature) and Hydro Pumped it to its death! Before that, my Vespiquen had hardly survived an Ancient Power by Yanmega thanks to the Light Screen and proceeded to use Power Gem on it, leaving it at about one third of its HP.  

In the next turn, Shelly replaced her fainted Anorith with Wormadam (Steel/Bug). Yanmega took down my Masquerain with Ancient Power. I sent in my Forretress again. Protect stalled for a turn, saving it from Ancient Power by Yanmega and Mirror Shot by Wormadam, as Vespiquen Power Gem'ed again the Yanmega to take it down. In the next turn my Forretress finally went down to a Struggle Bug by Wormadam, and so did my Vespiquen, who had survived a couple turns at red HP... But thankfully, Yanmega the raidboss was now down!

It was the turn for my Butterfree and Vivillon, as Bugsy the Volbeat had come in, Shelly's ace! Braveheart Silver Wind'ed and Vivillon Bug Buzz'ed the Volbeat, knocking it down without allowing it a chance to set up with Tail Glow and try to sweep! Also, my Braveheart Butterfree got a boost in all stats! Finally, Vivillon and Butterfree double teamed Wormadam who went down after another Bug Buzz/Silver Wind combo. Tinted Lens saved me some time, since Silver Wind did normal damage to Wormadam/Steel coat.


This means that, after a dozen tries, this battle is a success, and we get our third badge, raising the level cap to 40 and granting us the TM for Struggle Bug, which is extremely useful!


I was left in awe and all sweaty cause literally, this was the hardest fight I had fought since I started playing Pokemon Reborn...


Till we continue our adventure, take care and enjoy, guys and girls! :);) 

Edited by Jess
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CHAPTER 7: Chasing the pretty boy


After defeating Shelly, she informs us that there is a replacement for every Gym Leader. So we have to go to where everything started, to the Grand Hall, meet Ame and ask her about the Reserve Poison type leader whereabouts. So, after going again under the ruined staircase to collect our mining kit, we go there... Oh, Fern, hello! He starts boasting, saying he already has 3 badges, Shelly was a pushover with her bugs vs his grass team (yeah, sure, LYING FUCKER) and says that new poison leader is Aya, who lives in Wasteland, where we will need a key in order to enter. Then, he says he will tell us where he got his key only after defeating him in a battle. This won't take long, Fern... Our team for this fight was:



Valor, the Forretress (Male)



Bug Bite





Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens


Silver Wind





Passion, the Larvesta (Male)

Timid/Flame Body


Bug Bite

Take Down

Flame Charge



Valiant, the Kricketune (Male)



Fell Stinger





Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)


Heal Order

Air Slash


Power Gem



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss





Fern sends in Ferroseed, I send in Forretress and set 3 layers of Spikes. This thing can't even scratch me with Gyro Ball. The problem is that it starts setting up Curses. So I switch to Larvesta and take care of it (and Fern's two Super Potions) with consecutive Embers. Easy enough, since Pin Missile/Gyro Ball can't touch my Larvesta, even with a Curse up.

Next is Fern's Ludicolo, which gets destroyed after a couple Silver Winds by Butterfree, while I am lucky enough to get a +1 in all stats after second Silver Wind. Servine follows and goes to red HP, after a Silver Wind. It can't touch me either, so I set up a Tailwind in preparation for the Roserade and switch my Kricketune in. Servine uses Leaf Tornado, Kricketune loses a third of its HP, and finishes Servine with Fell Stinger, getting a +2 in Attack.

Finally, Roserade comes in. This thing knows HP Fire, Extrasensory, Giga Drain and Sleep Powder, so it can be a bigger issue than it seems. Tailwind and full Speed EV training gets my Kricketune to outspeed Roserade, and a +2 Attack boosted X-Scissor (focusing Roserade's pitiful physical Defence, combined with the fact that it had already sustained damage from 3 layers of Spikes) OHKO'es it without a problem. Another EASY win vs Fern.

After he gets rocked, he accuses us of being homosexual, cause that would be the only way to know Cain (even though our character is a xe, so it is hardly an insult) and tells us to go find him to ask for the key, since Aya is his sister! Off to Beryl Cemetery, it is, to find Cain!


Cain says that he will give us the key after we defeat him. For the battle vs Cain, I used the same team, apart from the fact that I replaced Vespiquen with Venomoth and Kricketune with Leavanny.



Generosity, the Venomoth (Male)

Hardy/Shield Dust

Giga Drain

Signal Beam

Sleep Powder




Affection, the Leavanny (Female)



Leaf Blade

Fell Stinger





Cain starts with Nidoking, I reply with Forretress. Again, same procedure, 3 layers of Spikes, as Nidoking Thrashes, getting confused after 2 turns, with my Forretress still having a third of its HP. I switch to Venomoth and Nidoking hurts itself in confusion. I put it to bed with Sleep Powder and Psybeam it to oblivion.

Grimer suffers a similar fate. Sleep Powder to avoid Minimize/Disable stupid set and Psybeam away.

Dewott gets annihilated by a Leaf Blade from Leavanny.

Finally, his Venomoth faces my Vivillon which also Psybeams it to death, since Venomoth missed its Sleep Powder. Another easy victory.


However, Heather was watching from the mountain slope, and Cain notices her, introducing himself, saying he knows how she feels and wants to be friend. She is quite pesky, saying she has a friend and needs no other, and flies off to Lapis Ward to meet her friend, Shelly. Cain (fml) won't give us the key since he is in a hurry (like giving a key takes more than a second, how that makes any sense), ditches us, and runs to Lapis as well... 

I guess we will follow too... In the next time!


Enjoy guys and girls! :);) 

Edited by Jess
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