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Bug Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Amaria)


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4 hours ago, Neco said:

Breed yourselve a Paras  with Leech Seed and seed Garchomp via focus sash or quick claw.

I hadn't thought of that! But unfortunately Quick Claws are sold on 8th floor of Dep. Store and I couldn't access it at that time. Also, I wanted to save my Focus Sash cause there are things I hate much more than Garchomp afterwards! And most of them are located in Terra's confounded PC... 

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Just now, Neco said:

Actually, wild Meowth may carry Quick Claws and can be found from the start. You definetly only have to wait to access them if you really want (;

Really?! :o I did not know that... And I had my Covet Linoone as a helper, god damn! Well, I'll keep that in mind for my next run! Got a Poison mono planned now!

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CHAPTER 13: (Still) chasing the pretty boy... and other grassy problems


After Kiki's murder, Victoria gives us TMX Strength, but (f*** my existence), not the Fighting Gym badge, which has been invalidated. No worries, it's not like we had a million chances to be given that before the horrible incidents of Pyrous Mountain. Same story with Byxbysion Wasteland's key, handing out a tiny piece of metal is a lengthy procedure that lasts for... a second... Ahem, rant over... Ventilate... Relax...


Let's go again. So, Cain says he will open us the Byxbysion Gate, Victoria says she'll run things at Apophyll, so she won't travel with us anymore (MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN HEARD!), I struggle to pretend to be sad about this, and I ride Amaria's boat back to Coral Ward again... Next to Byxbysion Gate, Cal apologises, saying he had sabotaged PULSE all along and Kiki didn't have to die... THEN WHY DID YOU MURDER THE MEDICHAM, ASSHOLE?! Also, if he had sabotaged the PULSE from the beginning, why he had to destroy it again with Magmortar's Blast Burn? 1+1=2, so we tell him that he can go f*** himself we don't believe him and he leaves. I believe he has truly regretted what he did, but all rest are cheap excuses, honestly.


So, We speak to Cain, who... wants to fight us again, before letting us in Byxbysion... Err... we already kicked your butt, at Beryl Cemetery... but oh well... Our team consisted of:



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Dread Plate)


Bug Bite





Affection, the Leavanny (Female)

Quirky/Chlorophyll (Item: Rose Incense)


Leaf Blade

Fell Stinger




Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Sea Incense)

Air Slash

Bug Buzz

Stun Spore

Hydro Pump



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Mind Plate)


Silver Wind


Bug Buzz



Happiness, the Ariados (Female)

Hardy/Sniper (Item: Dread Plate)

Sucker Punch

Pin Missile

Night Shade

Shadow Sneak



Generosity, the Venomoth (Male)

Hardy/Shield Dust (Item: Mind Plate)

Giga Drain

Signal Beam

Sleep Powder





Cain sends in Venomoth... Valor has no problem getting 3 layers of Spikes, even though Venomoth has Tinted Lens, so Signal Beam hurts a bit. I switch in my Braveheart and Psybeam it to death in 2 turns. Weirded out by the fact that Cain uses no healing items, I switch in my Happiness, who faces Cain's Haunter.

A Sucker Punch and a Shadow Sneak takes out Haunter, after Ariados avoids a Hypnosis in the meantime.

Nidoking comes next, takes 25% HP damage to Spikes, and I send in Kindness and Hydro Pump it to extinction.

Then, Samurott comes in and same procedure happens, but this time it is Affection who takes it out with a Leaf Blade.

Finally, Muk comes in. I send Ariados back in. Muk Minimizes, but gets Night Shaded to critical HP in a couple turns. Then it bloody Disables my Night Shade! So, I just Sucker Punch it to death before it has the chance to do anything else. Another easy victory...


Cain opens the Wasteland's Gate for us and leaves it open, since "more challengers will want to challenge Aya". Then why the Hell you had to make it this hard only to us, Jesus Christ, those rivals are idiots...

Anyways, we wander inside, catch ourselves a Nincada and a Venipede (of course), catch another Venipede, cause it happens to be shiny, and then proceed to the Gym, after a lot of wandering around. I always get lost in this place.

We enter the Gym, and find that Aya is already fighting vs a challenger, who has a familiar voice... God damn it Fern! He beats Aya, easily as he said, and, while she goes to heal up before accepting my challenge, Fern wants to "at least give us a good fight as we are there"... I seriously doubt it Fern, but let's see what you have... Oh, btw, Hardy, the Rock time Gym leader has come to flirt with Aya welcome the new Poison type Gym Leader. Hardy is an old "friend" of Fern, aka, another person that Fern considers to be inferior to himself...


I swap my Generosity with Royalty, to take advantage of her bulk, my Happiness with Passion, to check Ferrothorn and my Braveheart with Fiery Wings, just in case.



Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)

Bold/Pressure (Item: White Herb)

Heal Order

Air Slash


Power Gem



Passion, the Larvesta (Male)

Timid/Flame Body


Bug Bite

Take Down

Flame Charge



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss





Fern starts with Ferrothorn, who starts Gyro Balling my Valor. Cause a Forretress is sooo speedy! Needless to say it does nothing, so it tries Power Whip and Pin Missile (hits 3 times), as my Valor whistles innocently and sets 3 Spike layers. Fern is so dumb that, by the time he even considers Cursing up, my Passion is in, and Embers the Ferrothorn for about 45% of its HP per time! Even with 2 Curses up, Power Whip deals slightly less than Larvesta's half HP, while Power Whip deals even less, so, eventually between Fern's pointless healing, an Ember inflicts the much desired burn and in the next turn, after I heal up Passion too, another Ember takes down Ferrothorn.

Fern then sends in... KROKOROK?! Wait wut... What a successful monorunner you are Fern, I laugh to myself, as my Fiery Wings annihilates Krokorok with a supereffective Bug Buzz.

Then, Scyther comes in... by this moment, I'm on my knees laughing about Fern's incompetence... I send in my Royalty, who tanks a Wing Attack, losing about two thirds of her health, then proceeds to destroy Scyther with Power Gem... It is a OHKO.

Then, Oh, God, Roserade comes in. I send in Fiery Wings and Bug Buzz Roserade, who, after Spikes damage too, is at just above 50% HP. My Vivillon survives a Hidden Power Fire with 30% of its HP, uses another Bug Buzz, taking Roserade to about 25% of its HP, but then goes down to another Hidden Power Fire... Kindness comes in and seals the deal with an Air Slash, after it tanks an Extrasensory, living with about 1/4 of its health bar.

Finally, Serperior comes in. I just send in Affection, who gets Leech Seeded by Serperior but OHKO'es it after Spike damage with an X-Scissor.

Bye bye Fern! 

The best line ever is said by Hardy "I think seeing Fern getting beaten is worth the trip down here on itself".


Then, it is time to fight Aya, to get our Gym Badge!

Or, we will fight Aya in the next chapter, cause this one is already too long! Maybe my rants are responsible for it, sorry for that!

Till the next time, enjoy everyone! :);) 


PS. On a short note, I'd like to thank all of you for the birthday wishes! I didn't know I had so many fans! The community here is really awesome, and I hope I can contribute something, in any way I can! I hope you are having fun reading my posts here and I'll keep updating it, it is so much fun! :D 



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CHAPTER 14: Cleanse the Poison with Steel


After defeating Fern, it is time to heal, re-arrange our team and handle Aya, who can give us a quite hard time. I've been in need of a badge for God knows how much time, and I have spent nearly my entire fortune on Common Candies. If I had a house owned in Reborn, I would've sold it to buy more. Maybe it is the only part of the game where the enormous amount of content between badges makes it impossible not to use Common Candies. The fact that Gym Leaders keep dieing without handing us the badges isn't helping either. So, now, we have to re-earn the Poison Badge... OK, rant of the day is finished! Back to content! The team I have used for this battle was:



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Dread Plate)


Bug Bite





Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Sea Incense)

Air Slash

Bug Buzz

Stun Spore

Hydro Pump



Happiness, the Ariados (Female)

Hardy/Sniper (Item: Dread Plate)

Sucker Punch

Pin Missile

Night Shade

Shadow Sneak



Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)

Bold/Pressure (Item: Sky Plate)

Heal Order

Air Slash


Power Gem



Generosity, the Venomoth (Male)

Hardy/Shield Dust (Item: Mind Plate)

Giga Drain

Signal Beam

Sleep Powder




Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Mind Plate)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss





So, Aya reluctantly sends in Nidoqueen and Tentacruel and I send in Valor and Kindness. Tentacruel Icy Winds, dealing about 30% of Masquerain's HP, but it barely scratches Forretress. Masquerain then outspeeds Nidoqueen and Hydro Pumps it, nearly taking it out. A Sludge Wave gets my Masquerain to red HP, but does nothing to Forretress. Valor uses Spikes, which deals (due to the Wasteland field) one third of maximum HP of every grounded enemy pokemon, knocking out Nidoqueen and getting Tentacruel to 2/3 of its HP bar.


I switch out my Kindness, since Aya sends in Gengar, and send in Happiness, my Ariados. Gengar tries to Focus Blast Valor, but misses, Tentacruel's Sludge Wave does nothing to Valor and almost nothing to Happiness, and Valor uses Payback, dealing just less than half of Gengar's HP. In the next turn, Happiness uses Sucker Punch on Gengar and takes it out. Tentacruel uses Icy Wind, but does minimal damage, and Valor uses Spikes again, bringing Tentacruel at 1/4 of its HP.


Dragalge comes in, so I try to hurt it as much as I can, knowing that Aya will heal Tentacruel, since it is in the red. Aya heals Tentacruel indeed, to full HP (with an Ultra Potion). Happiness Sucker Punches Dragalge, but only deals about 1/4 of it's HP, then goes down to a Dragon Pulse by Dragalge. Valor uses Spikes again, taking Dragalge to just below half HP, and Tentacruel to 2/3 of its HP. I send in Fiery Wings, and Psybeam Dragalge, but do minimal damage to it, since its Sp. Defence is too high. Tentacruel's Icy Wind and Dragalge's Dragon Pulse take aim both at my Vivillon, taking it out, but Valor's Spikes are enough to take down Dragalge as well! The raidboss is down, should get only easier from now on! Also, Tentacruel is now at 1/3 of its HP.


Aya sends in Drapion and I send in Generosity, my Venomoth. Tentacruel Sludge Waves in vain, cause it just scratches Venomoth, who proceeds to Signal Beam Drapion to leave it at just below half HP. Drapion Night Slashes Forretress, but it's not a crit, and Spikes take down Tentacruel (finally!), leaving Drapion in red HP.


Aya sends in her Venusaur, her last hope. Venomoth heals Forretress, who has been an absolute star, mostly because Aya follows the strategy of "not focusing the tank", combined with his Sludge Wave immunity. Aya also heals up her Drapion, using her second and last Ultra Potion. Aya's strategy seems to have changed, since Venusaur Leech Seeds Forretress, while my strategy of spamming Spikes remains unchanged. Both Drapion and Venusaur to 2/3 of their HP after the turn... Or not, cause Leech Seed heals a S***LOAD, and Venusaur restores waaaaaaay more than expected! But oh well... In the next turn, Venomoth Signal Beams Drapion into critical HP, Drapion murders brutally my Venomoth with a critical Night Slash (fml), Venusaur tries in vain to Nature Power--> Gunk Shot Valor, and Valor finishes out Drapion with -what else?- Spikes.


I send in Royalty, my Vespiquen, who tanks a Nature Power-->Gunk Shot with 30% of her HP and uses Air Slash on Venusaur, getting it to roughly one third of its HP. Spikes aren't enough to take it out, and another Nature Power  

-->Gunk Shot finishes my Vespiquen, but Spikes take out Venusaur as well, and grant me the much desired victory!


Battle tip: A tank (immune to Aya's Poison STAB moves) that deals a percentage of the opponents maximum HP per turn (Forretress with Spikes) is OP, unless you have a move to counter it. Thank God Salandit/Salazzle isn't released yet, or this could've been a REALLY tough battle. In the Salazzle case, I'd probably have to utilize my Tailwind strategy with Braveheart, my Butterfree, again, combined with Hydro Pump by Kindness... Or just bring my newly acquired Ninjask and use a Power Herb boosted Dig to murder it as soon as it comes in. LOL, coming up with strategies for the next release already :D ! Also, props to my Generosity for outspeeding Drapion, was a key factor in this victory, and something I was not expecting!


Fern is disappointed with our win and leaves, Aya gives us our badge, raising the level cap to 50 and gifting us the TM for Sludge Wave... Couldn't it be Sludge Bomb? Generosity would love that....

So, after that, we have to go to the railnet. We now can use Strength, so we have to save our friends! We run there, find Cain and we are off to save everyone, once again!


Till the next time,enjoy everyone! ;):) 

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1 minute ago, HongaarseBeer said:

Could you tell me how you ev trained all your mons? Not the numbers or which stat, but how you did it

Used the Power Items as soon as I got them. Woobats/Noibats in Railnet for Speed, and when I maxed speed, i kept slaughtering woobats to max out attack/special attack. (It gives +4 with the correct power item, and, since speed was already maxed, it just gave me points where i needed them). For tanky builds, Seacrest's garden, caterpie/wurmple/hoothoot, max hp, then switch to proper power item to give only Defence/special defence EVs by keeping slaughtering hoothoots/wurmples/caterpies. This was the main process I followed.

Before power items, I don't EV train at all, it's too painful...

If you need more details, don't be afraid to ask me! I can give you examples, I'm just in a hurry right now, cause I have to run to my University :) 

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CHAPTER 15: Rescue time and Yureyu raid!


Now with Cain, we can go past the gate that Shade had opened for us and finally try to save our friends! We end up climbing into Yureyu building, which was the centre of Reborn's economy, but then got destroyed and isolated by earthquakes. Which were caused by Team Meteor, after they infiltrated the place, to control Reborn. But oh well, we start defeating Meteor Grunts, release Charlotte, who proceeds to outplay two Meteor Grunts that held Shelly as a hostage and release her as well. We also save Noel, and proceed to the next storey, to find the new mute Heather. I'm in no mood to fight Dr. Sigmund, because I am trying to see through his motives for his actions... Also, he keeps saying "Lizzy, Lizzy", while talking to himself... So, I reckon he is talking to his deceased wife or daughter, and I'm feeling like saving him from his misery too. Dr. Sigmund reveals that within the Meteor ranks he hears a name he knows, but dismisses the possibility of being actually him/her as a coincidence... Plus, I want him to know that I don't really consider him a criminal. A psychotic doctor with... questionable methods for sure, but not a criminal, at least in my mind! I might be crazy, but the real evil person I want is Sirius... who keeps Anna hostage in the next room... 

Sirius has stolen Anna's Amethyst Pendant, and is also holding Heather's Ruby Ring!, So, we have to fight him, which means tag teaming with Cain (again, I might sound like a whiner, but WHY THE HELL YOU KEEP TRYING TO THRASH A FUCKING CHANDELURE WITH YOUR NIDOKING?!!!)




Breath... relax... aaaaand action! The team I used was: (Also, meet two new members of my journey, Sakura, the Ninjask and Honesty, the shiny Scolipede!)



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Dread Plate)


Gyro Ball





Honesty, the Scolipede (Male)

Adamant/Speed Boost (Item: Dread Plate)



Poison Tail




Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Sea Incense)

Air Slash

Bug Buzz

Stun Spore

Hydro Pump



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Insect Plate)


Silver Wind


Bug Buzz



Sakura, the Ninjask (Female)

Hardy/Infiltrator (Item: Earth Plate)


Metal Claw


Swords Dance



Valiant, the Kricketune (Male)

Bold/Swarm (Item: Dread Plate)


Sticky Web

Night Slash



This fight turned out to be a handful because Sirius starts with Hitmontop (with Intimidate) and Chandelure. Hitmontop always Faked me Out, Nidoking wanted to Thrash Chandelure for like 6 times of soft resets in a row (every time, just at the very moment that I saw this happen, I soft resetted, not gonna ruin my nerves and mental state cause Cain is an idiot) and Chandelure destroyed my career with Heat Wave. Then, I realized that I was an incompetent fool too, because Valor had Protect (duh!). So, I protected the Fake Out from Hitmontop, Cain's Nidoking eventually decided to use Shadow Ball on Chandelure, getting it to red, and Chandelure's Heat Wave did 1/3 of Nidoking's HP and nothing to Forretress due to Protect. Next turn, Sirius heals Chandelure to full HP, Nidoking uses again Shadow Ball (am I dreaming) on Chandelure, getting it back to red, Hitmontop High Jump Kicks Valor to 2/3 of his HP, and I set a layer of Spikes. Next turn, I switch in Sakura, my Ninjask, who tanks a High Jump Kick by Hitmontop, getting her to half HP, as Sirius heals Chandelure again, and Nidoking uses another Shadow Ball on it, to get it back to red. Ninjask uses Dig (aimed on Chandelure), Hitmontop's High Jump Kick misses (xD), since my bug is underground, and Nidoking finishes Hitmontop with Thrash, but goes down to a critical Heat Wave by Chandelure.

Sirius sends in Probopass, and Cain sends in Samurott. A good change there, Cain actually helps! Ninjask's Dig knocks out Chandelure, and Spikes, combined with a critical Razor Shell take down Probopass.

Honchkrow and Manectric come in, so I Dig again and aim for Manectric. Honchkrow Brave Birds Samurott to 1/3 of its HP, but Samurott Razor Shells Manectric for about 40% of its HP too. In the next turn, Sakura's Dig takes out Manectric, but a Brave Bird from Honchkrow annihilates my Ninjask. At least Samurott's Razor Shell gets it to 1/4 of its HP, since recoil damage has stacked up too. 

Seviper comes in next to the wounded Honchkrow and I send in Kindness, my Masquerain. His Intimidate affects both Honchkrow and Seviper, since they are physical attackers. I proceed to Bug Buzz Honchkrow, taking it out, while Sevipe Poison Tails Masquerain to just above half of his HP, but poisons him as well. Samurott does decent damage to Seviper with Razor Shell (about 1/3 of its HP) and gets a Defence drop on him too. In the next turn, Kindness' Air Slash makes Seviper flinch and Samurott finishes the battle with Razor Shell.


Sirius, Sigmund and the Meteors escape with the gemstone-made keys, Anna wants to chase them, since its a present from her dad, but Cain stops her... The loss of the precious pendant has upset her though, she feels sick, Heather still makes no sound and we solve a relatively easy railnet puzzle, to get to Tanzan Cove, where Charlotte and her sisters own a place where all us fugitives will be safe... Or not?


Well, as soon as we see light, Heather mounts her Salamence and leaves to unknown destination. Cain leaves to trace her down. So us, Anna, Noel, Shelly and Charlotte head into Tanzan Mountain and then towards Tanzan Cove, where we meet Laura, Charlotte's sister, who turns out to be the Grass Type Elite 4 member! But Anna is still sick, so we need to buy some medicine for her, which means visiting the nearest town, Spinel Town, after finding our way through the messed up Chrysolia Forest... Turns out that things in this forest and this city as well disappear and reappear in random places for some weird reason... Things like trees, beds, cabinets, people or even Poke Marts... 


We will see what we have to do here the next time...

Till then, enjoy everyone! ;):) 



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CHAPTER 16: Now you see me... now you don't... through the mirror


Spinel Town is weird... Stuff disappear and reappear, which we understand best when we try to access the Poke Mart to buy medicine for Nostra (or Anna). Turns out that it has ended up on the balcony of Spinel Town's Gym, Serra Voclain's estate. This is noticed by her weird son, Bennett, who is a nerd that is obsessed with bugs. A rival to us then! Bennett keeps asking about Luna, a girl that apparently lived there with a Gardevoir friend of hers, and assumed that she was Serra's daughter. Luna's real dad, El, appears and asks for her. Apparently he is obsessed with Arceus, thinking that a pokemon can truly be a God... Bleh... Anyways, since we have nothing better to do, and Poke Mart is inaccessible, we can as well get the Ice type badge from Serra! So, we start advancing through her Gym, smashing mirrors after spotting the asymmetric points... Then, Bennett out of nowhere says that he demands to fight all of his mother's challengers first, since this is a good training for him... As good as going around and challenging Gym Leaders yourself, but you're too busy hiding under your mum's skirt, aren't you Bennett?

Team we used was the following... Let me note that I found in Underground Railnet the key of Move Relearner's house, so (at last!) I can improve my movesets substantially!





Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Sky Plate)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Iron Ball)

Toxic Spikes

Gyro Ball

Rapid Spin




Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Sky Plate)

Air Slash

Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance

Hydro Pump



Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)

Bold/Pressure (Item: Hard Stone)

Heal Order

Air Slash


Power Gem



Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Hard Stone)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Willpower, the Shedinja

Hardy/Wonder Guard (Item: Metronome)

Heal Block

Confuse Ray

Shadow Sneak

Phantom Force


It should be easy, I know how one-sided Bennett's team is... His strategy is... The following one: Quiver Dance and Mirror Field-boosted Signal Beams. He sends in Larvesta and I send in Ecstasy, my Yanmega. He tries to Flame Charge, but I use Detect and gain a Speed Boost. Then, in the next turn, Larvesta goes down easily to an Ancient Power. 

Venomoth comes in and I ecstatically watch it go also down to an Air Slash by my Yanmega, which is an absolute beast. But it is unfair to prevent others from having fun with Bennett's incompetence as well. As Dustox comes in, I send in Fiery Wings, my Vivillon. I Quiver Dance, Dustox Quiver Dances too. OK, I can do it again. So, I do, as Dustox Signal Beams me for about 1/4 of my Vivillon's HP. I Quiver Dance for a third time, tanking one more Signal Beam with even more ease and then... Let's just say Fiery Wings one-shotted with Hurricane three of Bennett's Pokemons in a row: his Dustox, Vivillon and Masquerain.

Then, he sent in his ace, Butterfree. I switch in to my Willpower, the Shedinja, the newest addition of my team. Of course, Bennett is such a professional bug trainer, that none of his flying bugs know any flying type attacks! Also, no Poison Powder/entry hazards/Rock type attacks. Yes, good luck dealing with Shedinja's Wonder Guard, "Elite 4 candidate". Process is easy, I confuse Ray Butterfree, which destroys itself 3 times in a row by self-harming in confusion. I knew that being Bennett's pokemon must be depressing, but this was a bit extreme. This drops its evasion, Heal Block prevents it from Healing with Leftovers or Healing Items and it just goes down to Phantom Forces eventually... 


El somehow considers this pathetic demonstration "amazing" and claims that Bennett is suitable for an Elite-4 position with his skill, if he keeps working hard and does everything El asks, including helping him to reclaim his runaway daughter... Of course Bennett, having no interaction with people so far, apart from watching porn, agrees and gets excited, without seeing through the shady personality of El.

Anyways, after this charade, we can actually do what we came here for. Fight Serra and win ourselves another badge. 

After some small adjustment, like giving Willpower a Spooky Plate instead of Metronome, giving Ecstasy a Yache Berry instead of Hard Stone and Fiery Wings a Yache Berry instead of Sky Plate, I gave it a try! Oh, I also replaced Royalty with Happiness, cause I needed some super effective priority moves against Froslass, who is fast and evasive as a Nightmare.



Happiness, the Ariados (Female)

Hardy/Sniper (Item: Dread Plate)

Sucker Punch

Pin Missile

Night Shade

Shadow Sneak




Serra sends in her Cryogonal, and I send in Valor, my Forretress. Cryogonal Frost Breaths for about a quarter of Valor's HP and I set a layer of Toxic Spikes. The same happens in the next turn. In the third turn, I also set a layer of Spikes, before using an Ultra Potion after Cryogonal's third consecutive Frost Breath brings me in red. Serra switches to Aurorus, as I set a second layer of Spikes. Serra changes strategy and begins to set up as well. She uses Stealth Rocks as I set the third and final layer of Spikes. In the next turn, I Rapid Spin the Stealth Rocks away and Nature Power-->Mirror Shot reduces my accuracy, but does no damage. Thank God I have EV trained Forretress mostly in Sp.Defence, so he is a mixed tank! In the next turn, Valor tanks another Frost Breath, now in red, but OHKO'es Aurorus with Gyro Ball. Iron Ball helps a lot, making Valor the slowest thing on earth, so Gyro Ball hits like a truck!

Cryogonal comes back in. I use another Ultra Potion on Valor and tank easily a Frost Breath. This is the fourth turn of Hail and Aurorus had an Icy Rock probably... So, I have to wait it out before being able to use Willpower. After Spikes damage, another Gyro Ball on the much faster Cryogonal is also a OHKO. Cryogonal goes down.

Glaceon comes in, takes Spikes damage and gets badly poisoned. I switch to Fiery Wings, my Vivillon (Valor is withdrawn with just less than half HP). Fiery Wings outspeeds and Quiver Dances, while Glaceon uses Frost Breath. Yache Berry weakens the hit and Vivillon survives with about 15% of his HP. In the next turn, I am stunned to see that a Bug Buzz isn't enough to finish Glaceon, who on top of the Spikes had also suffered Poison Damage by now. It lived with just a sliver of its HP bar. This meant that another Frost Breath took down my Vivillon :( ... At least Glaceon went also down to Poison damage at the end of this turn...

Jynx comes in and I send in my Yanmega. Seventh turn of Hail, as I am counting. I use Detect on Jynx's Frost Breath and gain a Speed Boost, stalling also the Hail. At the eighth and final turn of hail, I use Bug Buzz which, combined with Spike damage and poison damage takes easily down Jynx. Ecstasy triumphs, successfully removing hail and getting down Jynx!

Vanilluxe comes in then. It gets outsped, since Ecstasy has now 2 Speed Boosts, and gets down to 30% of its HP after Ecstasy's Ancient Power and Spikes damage. Vanilluxe is also badly poisoned. However, Ecstasy fails to survive a Frost Breath by Vanilluxe, even with it weakened due to Yache Berry and faints. So, I now send in Willpower, my Shedinja. Serra heals her Vanilluxe to full HP, as I use Confuse Ray on it. Vanilluxe only has Frost Breath, Mirror Shot, Signal Beam and Reflect (if I am not confused), so it can't touch my Shedinja. After a few rounds of trying, hitting itself and getting stalled with Toxic poison (also getting hit by Phantom Force), Serra has to use one of her Ultra Potions. She then sets up Reflect (what a cheeky move!) and switches out to Froslass, as my Shedinja vanishes for another Phantom Force. 

Vanilluxe is withdrawn only with 50% of its HP and Froslass loses immediately 25% of its HP and gets badly poisoned. Froslass immediately gets hit by Phantom Force as she comes in. Willpower really does good damage, bringing her to about 15% of her HP. Reflect saved her ass here... Froslass survives poison with a sliver of her health bar too (second time this happens after Glaceon, fml), so Serra heals her to full HP using her second (I hope final!) Ultra Potion, and Willpower vanishes again... In the next turn, Froslass gets again to about 30% of her HP thanks to Poison damage and Phantom Force. I try to get some more damage on her with a Shadow Sneak, since I know she is faster than Shedinja, but I miss, and Shedinja kills itself by hitting the mirror... #$^#$@ At least another turn of poison kicks in and Froslass is at about 10% of her HP now. I decide that I can't be this unlucky all the time, so I send in Happiness, my Ariados and Sucker Punch her. This  time, my hit connects, and Froslass goes down! One to go!

Vanilluxe comes in again. I keep in my Ariados. Spikes hurt Vanilluxe again, who is now at only 25% of its HP. Happiness Sucker Punches and connects again, taking out Vanilluxe too and giving me a spectacular win! And I didn't even got to use Kindness. I doubt he'd be able to do anything though... Too slow for Serra's fast Ice Types.


Anyways, we now got our sixth badge, raised level cap to level 55 and got TM for Frost Breath, which is highly useless, since no bugs can learn it :( .

In the next episode we will wander around Spinel Town-Chrysolia Woods-Tanzan Cove and Mountain a bit more and advance with story! We still have to heal Nostra and Anna... ;) 


Till then... Enjoy everyone! :);) 



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2 minutes ago, Another Retired Shipper said:


Amineeeeee! Thank you! It was such a long update,lol! And the toughest part is always figuring out what the hell happened based on my notes! Fucking scribbles! xD


At least I hope that you enjoyed it ;) 

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23 minutes ago, Jess said:

Amineeeeee! Thank you! It was such a long update,lol! And the toughest part is always figuring out what the hell happened based on my notes! Fucking scribbles! xD


At least I hope that you enjoyed it ;) 

i did :D i'll also bee posting an update, 20 minutes from now^^

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CHAPTER 17: Establishing... shocking defences!


After defeating Serra, in a fight observed by El and Bennett, the two jerks both go outside, where El manipulates Bennett into helping him find Luna, his daughter who apparently has gone to Vanhanen Castle to live with Radomus and Gardevoir. El promises to boost the useless bug type trainer into the Elite 4. Bennett is dumb enough that doesn't even wonder how he is more suitable than me for that spot, providing that my monobug team destroyed his.

Anyways, the Poke Mart leaves the ceiling of Voclain estate, so we move around to trace it. We find it outside the entrance to Tanzan Mountain, buy the medicine and return to Tanzan Cove. We offer the medicine to Anna, who offers it to Nostra (!) and they both get immediately well! I suppose that mental illnesses need the appropriate treatment... And Anna is an expert to understanding the human soul! She gets up and suggests we fight Noel to get the normal badge, since she has a feeling that I need to gather all badges ASAP.

But, when Noel and I have taken our places and are ready for the fight, Charlotte and Laura's older sister, Saphira appears riding her Dragonite. Looks like Team Meteor traced us and followed us here. She starts blasting down the boats transferring the Meteors over the lake, resulting in heavy casualties, but we still have to battle to save Noel, Anna and Charlotte, who are fugitives from mad doctor's mental institution. So, we take our place... Laura upstairs, defending Noel and Anna who hide in the bedroom and me downstairs, defending Charlotte and Shelly who are in the kitchen. Doctor Sigmund storms in and decides that he must reclaim "what is his property". So he fights us... 




My team was consisted of:



Sakura, the Ninjask (Female)

Hardy/Infiltrator (Item: Ground Gem)


Metal Claw


Swords Dance



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Metronome)

Toxic Spikes

Gyro Ball





Happiness, the Ariados (Female)

Hardy/Sniper (Item: Dread Plate)

Sucker Punch


Poison Jab

Shadow Sneak



Affection, the Leavanny (Female)

Quirky/Chlorophyll (Item: Rose Incense)


Leaf Blade

Fell Stinger

Swords Dance



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Insect Plate)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz


Dr. Weird sends in Jolteon and I send in Sakura, my Ninjask, who outspeeds Jolteon and OHKO'es it with a Ground Gem boosted Dig. Thank God he was dumb enough to not swap Pokemon. Probably thought that the Double Team he used, combined with the Bright Powder it carried would make me miss and grant him an easy sweep, since Jolteon is fast as lightning and hits sooooo hard. Plus, its moves counter most of my team.

Then, he sent in Luxray and I kept in Sakura. Another Dig, but after Intimidate, gets Luxray to half HP, before one-shotting my Ninjask with Thunder Fang. Then I sent in Valor, my Forretress. Luxray Crunches, Thunder Fangs me in vain, as I set 3 layers of Spikes and 2 of Toxic Spikes, healing Valor with an Ultra and a Super Potion in between. Then, I proceed to Payback him. Luxray is faster, doubling Payback's power and Metronome further boosts its power gradually, to the point that it deals about 70% of Luxray's HP in one hit and makes Sigmund waste all three of his Ultra Potions. The first one got wasted from the very first Payback, that got Luxray to red HP. The fact that Forretress could tank like 5 Crunches/Thunder Fangs from full HP without healing helped me stack up Metronome boosts of Payback and eventually take down Luxray, leaving however my Valor in red.

Lanturn then came in, and got OHKO'ed after Spikes damage by Affection, my Leavanny, with a single Leaf Blade.

Rotom came in, got Sucker Punched by my Happiness, the Ariados and got into yellow HP. Happiness survived an Ominous Wind relatively well, and took out Rotom with another Sucker Punch.

Sigmund sends in his Eelektross and I send in my Vivillon to put a dent on it, even a small one. Fiery Wings outspeeds it and deals about 50% of its HP with Bug Buzz, but is easily OHKO'ed by Discharge. Thinking of the fast Electivire that is ahead, I then send in Butterfree, only to use Tailwind before fainting to Eelektross as well, by another Discharge. I sent in Affection again, to face Eelektorss who is the most annoying thing ever. Bulky, no weaknesses, pretty much unkillable. Affection Leaf Blades and deals slightly less than 50% of its HP. It is enough, however, to get it into critical HP. Leavanny tanks with about 50% of her HP a Crunch, then Affection finishes Eelektross with Fell Stinger, getting a +2 stage boost in Attack.

Only Electivire to go, and we have still one turn of Tailwind. Thanks to Tailwind, Spikes and the +2 boost in Attack, Leavanny destroys Electivire with a Leaf Blade, granting us the victory!

Once again, Tailwind coming in clutch!


After that, we decide to stay downstairs, preventing Sigmund from going upstairs, where Laura is. Saphira stormed in with her Dragonite and Hyper Beamed Dr. Geezer, as Cain calls him, through the fucking wall, creating a hole on it, in the most satisfying scene of the entire game! Sadly, after that Sirius came in as well, surprised Saphira and attacked her with a Poison Fang by his Seviper, capturing her and taking her into Team Meteor's hideout in the depths of Tanzan Mountain... Our job now, after regrouping with Laura and the others whom we have successfully defended, is to storm into Team Meteor's hideout and ruin their plans once more! Laura gets going first, being surprisingly confident and determined, unlike the personality traits that she had demonstrated so far! As a true Elite 4 member, she had no trouble to put nighty night all the guards and find the opening for the door, granting us access into Team Meteor's operating base. After a huge amount of puzzles and stepping on weirdly coloured tiles, beating some useless grunts in the process as well, we release Saphira (technically, she had already released herself, and then went berserk, creating a whole mess against Meteor defences already-I love the destructive power of Saphira) and end up facing ZEL, Sigmund and Sirius that have trouble to control a PULSE Abra unit. So this is what caused the whole teleporting mess in Spinel Town and Chrysolia Forest!

We find out by Sirius that Lin, the true fearsome and ruthless leader of Team Meteor is coming to oversee the PULSE Abra project. So we are sent bye-bye to unknown location, by Abra's teleporting skills... It's deep darkness, in the slime polluted depths of Tanzan mountain, us, Laura, and Saphira is missing again...


We will continue from here in the next chapter!

Till then, enjoy everyone! ;):) 



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CHAPTER 18: From chasms to peaks.... and off to sweeps!


We find ourselves in a dark room, Laura is fainted next to us and Saphira is missing... So, after wandering around a bit with Laura, who comes to her senses quickly, we find that the whole place is polluted with poisonous flowing out of some barrels... Laura reveals to us that Lin was the name of a girl that was kept in the orphanage together with them. A girl with a vicious personality that experienced happiness by finding and exploiting the mental traumas (like Laura's love of the number eight, steeling always the 8th pen off her, leaving her sad with only 7 pens...) of the other children. Till one day, Dr. Sigmund punished her and she wasn't seen ever again... She quickly dismisses the idea that the Meteor Leader is the same person as her... Same as was implied by Dr. Sigmund earlier... 

Soon, we find Saphira, as she is trapped in a deep, dark chasm, while the earthquakes intensify. The cause is revealed to be a gigantic Steelix, which knocks Laura unconscious, so we have to take it out ourselves!

My team:



Passion, the Larvesta (Male)

Timid/Flame Body (Fire Gem)


Bug Bite

Double Edge

Flame Charge



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Dark Gem)

Toxic Spikes

Gyro Ball





Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Insect Plate)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz



Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Sea Incense)

Air Slash

Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance

Hydro Pump



Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Happiness, the Ariados (Female)

Hardy/Sniper (Item: Dread Plate)

Sucker Punch

Pin Missile

Poison Jab

Shadow Sneak




Passion's Ember did burn Steelix (after a couple failed efforts where I got my a** kicked), then Braveheart's Tinted Lens boosted Bug Buzz brought Steelix in yellow HP, only to be finished by Kindness' Hydro Pump. 

Saphira emerges from the chasm riding the Steelix, handing us the task to go and take care of the PULSE Abra as she takes on the task of destroying the Meteor's Base and reclaiming the stolen jewelleries.

So, we do... PULSE Abra is a pain, but I lead with Valor, who tanks a Dark Pulse thanks to Sturdy, and uses Payback to deal half of Abra's HP. In the next turn Valor goes down to (thank God) Hyper Beam. I send in Ecstasy, my Yanmega, who Bug Buzzes it down to red HP in the recharging turn. Then I use Detect, get another Speed Boost as Abra fails to Dark Pulse me, and then Ecstasy outspeeds Abra to finish it with another Bug Buzz. Another easy win, and a blessing for Sigmund, ZEL and Sirius.

Lin arrives and immediately realizes the lie that Sirius used to avoid her wrath, by saying that we are a new recruit. Sigmund tries to understand if she is the same person that was in the orphanage in vain, as Saphira destroys the mountain, forcing Lin to go face her...

Saphira confronts Lin, the former on giant Steelix, the latter on her Hydreigon. Saphira underestimates Lin, who annihilates Steelix and forces Saphira to fall down the mountain, to an unknown (for now) fate... At the same time, we escape the now ruined, Meteor Base and return to Tanzan Cove, to reunite with our friends who are worried sick about Saphira... In a talk with Charlotte, Laura, Shelly and the twins (Anna and Noel), we realize that the jewellery that Team Meteor hunts are the keys to the hidden Arceus' temple that exist beneath Reborn City. A temple that was built around a meteor that had fallen there ages ago, and holds mystical powers. But chat moves to Charlotte's (soul) fire burn scars which only Anna can see... Laura tries to explain about the fire that killed their parents, and Charlotte flees. Anna suggests that we seize the opportunity to face Noel (finally!) in a Gym Battle, to lighten up the mood! So... (after a brief visit to the Move relearner, like every time I need it, to reteach Aromatherapy to my Vivillon)... OFF  WE GO!


My team: Pretty much same as VS Steelix and PULSE Abra with the small change of me using Fiery Wings, my Vivillon instead of Passion, my Larvesta.



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Sky Plate)



Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance




So, Noel starts with his Wigglytuff and I sent in Fiery Wings. This fight has given me trouble soooo many times, so I wanted to take revenge! My Vivillon Quiver Dances and Wigglytuff sets Stealth Rocks, to be expected vs a bug trainer... In the next turn Wigglytuff sets up Reflect, after Fiery Wings uses Quiver Dance for the second time in a row. Third turn, another Quiver Dance and Wigglytuff Thunder Waves Vivillon, paralyzing him. Fiery Wings still outspeeds and uses Aromatherapy, tanking a Dazzling Gleam with about 60% of his HP. In the next turn, another Quiver Dance gets Fiery Wings to +4 in Speed, Sp. Attack and Sp. Defence, while another Dazzling Gleam gets him to 35% of his HP. I try to sustain with Draining Kiss, dealing half of Wigglytuff's HP and returning to full health, as it Thunder Waves me again! Grrrrrrr, outspeeding it anyways, Aromatherapy, and down to 70% of HP with another Dazzling Gleam. In the next turn, Noel gets so frustrated that he swaps to Swellow, as I set up a 5th Quiver Dance! And then...


*Cues the music...*



Swellow, Cincinno, Porygon-Z, Wigglytuff, Girafarig, Clefable, one after the other... ALL DOWN, to Hurricanes. Compound Eyes ability boosts this move's accuracy to 91%, making it pretty overpowered, a bit of luck helps me not miss a single one and all of Noel's Pokemon get outsped and destroyed by a butterfly. That is shiny, hence on fire. And has a Pokedex number of 666. Now I know why.

Aromatherapy was used just because of a bet I had with myself. Beating Noel without any healing items. Well, this went way better than expected though! Sorry for the anti-fun and anti-climactic battle guys and girls! xD


So, we get our seventh Gym badge, raising level cap to Lv.60 and granting us the TM for Hidden Power, which might turn out to be useful for coverage, if we are lucky!

In the next chapter, we will follow Noel's advice to go and search quickly for Saphira, since Tanzan Mountain's peak got blown away, and advance with story!


Till then, enjoy everyone! :);) 

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3 minutes ago, Zellorea said:

Butterfly's will kill us all. Butterfly's will lay waste to the land. Great job! I was curious how you would deal with that steelix! 

LOL, thanks Zell! Seriously, this butterfly is looking even more menacing since the day it solo'ed Noel. 

BTW, I read how you dealt with Shade in your psychic mono, also great job! :) 


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@Jess Good job man, im getting curious on how you dealt with Charllote, i can imagine that it took you some tries since some of her moms are really speedy and those ninetiles can make an eventual rain dance in to a rainbow. Keep up the good work!

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9 hours ago, Wisper said:

@Jess Good job man, im getting curious on how you dealt with Charllote, i can imagine that it took you some tries since some of her moms are really speedy and those ninetiles can make an eventual rain dance in to a rainbow. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Wisper! I am not actually a man, but I will accept your compliment! :D 

Be patient and stay tuned, and you'll find out about Charlotte too ;) 

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19 hours ago, Jess said:

LOL, thanks Zell! Seriously, this butterfly is looking even more menacing since the day it solo'ed Noel. 

BTW, I read how you dealt with Shade in your psychic mono, also great job! :) 



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CHAPTER 19: Endless grass and rivalries...


After destroying Team Meteor's plans, we head into the West Side of Tanzan Mountain, searching for Saphira who is MIA after her brief fight with Lin. To my relief, we find her, and she not only managed to completely destroy and seal the Meteor base, but also hands us the Anna's Amethyst Pendant and Heather's Ruby Ring, which she managed to reclaim. Total success, Saphira is a badass, nothing less expected from her. She says that she and the kids will relocate to Carnelia Region, in Labradorra and Calcenon cities, where Saphira's and Charlotte's gyms are located respectively.

We agree, say farewell, and proceed to the green hellish maze South Aventurine woods (where Heracrosses and Pinsirs fight), from where we keep going North, till we enter the -ever troublesome- Route 1, where Tauros and Bouffalants fight! OK, we will g West... FUCK OFF FERN! I've got no time for your nonsense!




Anyways, the dick wants to fight us again, so I won't refuse... Oh, by the way, this happened between the last two chapters...



Passion, the Volcarona (Male)

Timid/Flame Body (Item: Insect Plate)

Heat Wave

Bug Buzz


Quiver Dance


Yep! Thanks to some training and a few Heart Scales, Passion became a Volcarona and now has a perfect moveset as well! Well, Fern, meet Passion, the bane of your existence. No need to present the rest of the team in this fight, for obvious reasons. So, Fern sends in Fraxure and I send in Passion. Fern has enriched his Grass monotype team with a Dragon now. What a loser... Anyways, Fern's Fraxure Dragon Dances after Passion Quiver Dances. Then Passion Bug Buzzes Fraxure to extinction. Ferrothorn comes in, only to get a Heat Wave in the face, which also sets the field on fire! In the next turns, an uneventful, boring fight happened, since Fern's Pokemon all got obliterated by Bug Buzzes (Krookodile and Serperior) or Heat Waves (Roserade and Scyther). So satisfying to destroy Fern, who flees like a crying baby to track Noel, who is now on the way to Calcenon. Good luck with that, Fern!


After wandering for a while in Tanzan Depths (and getting a Durant) and solving the ungodly puzzle of Route 1 to get the eighth sticker (and to catch a Heracross and a Joltik), I perfect the EV spreads of my squad and head to Vanhanen Castle, where I meet Luna and her friend (and Radomus' ace), Gossip Gardevoir (finally!), Radomus Vanhanen, and rejoin Cain, who wants the Psychic Badge as well! Luna behaves like Radomus is her dad, which he isn't, since El is her biological father, but Luna abandoned him cause he is a fanatic cultist. Hardly any more excuses are needed to justify Luna's actions, are they? So, to decide who will fight Radomus first, Cain and I need to battle.






Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Dread Plate)

Toxic Spikes

Gyro Ball





Sir Galahad, the Heracross (Male)

Jolly/Moxie (Item: Hard Stone)

Bullet Seed

Close Combat


Rock Blast



Passion, the Volcarona (Male)

Timid/Flame Body (Item: Insect Plate)

Heat Wave

Bug Buzz


Quiver Dance



Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Sea Incense)

Air Slash

Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance

Hydro Pump



Generosity, the Venomoth (Male)

Hardy/Shield Dust (Item: Mind Plate)

Giga Drain

Bug Buzz

Sleep Powder




Affection, the Leavanny (Female)

Quirky/Chlorophyll (Item: Rose Incense)


Leaf Blade

Fell Stinger

Swords Dance


At last, I see my squad and notice that I can say that I have a team with good coverage! Cain sends in Muk, I send in Generosity and put it to sleep. I don't want it to start Minimizing. After that a barrage of Psychics take Muk down, together with Cain's two Moomoo Milks. 

Then, Cain sends in Absol. WAIT WHAT? Oh, another cute lil non-poison type like Oshawott forcing you to break your monotype, huh Cain? Anyways, I send in Sir Galahad and, after tanking one Sucker Punch easily, my Heracross Close Combats it to death, collecting one Moxie boost.

Galvantula then comes in. CAIN WTF? 3 hits of Sir Galahad's Rock Blast are enough to OHKO it and collect a second Moxie boost, after tanking a Discharge, getting in red HP.

Samurott comes in and Sir Gallahad Bullet Seeds it, again 3 hits are enough to OHKO it (after the 2 Moxie boosts), granting him a third one!

Gengar comes in and I decide to see if I can outspeed it with my Heracross. I can't and it puts Sir Galahad to bed with Hypnosis, so I decide to heal up with an Ultra Potion next turn and wait till it wakes up. NOPE! Gengar knows Dream Eater and there goes my sweep. Anyways, I send in Valor who uses Payback after tanking relatively easily one Focus Blast, bringing Gengar to yellow HP. But then, Gengar decides to crit Valor with a Shadow Ball, knocking him down. Damn crits. Generosity, my Venomoth is sent in, Gengar tries to put it to sleep, but Hypnosis misses, and a Psychic takes Gengar out.

Only Nidoking remains now. I keep in my Generosity, who outspeeds Nidoking and Psychics him down to just below half HP. This thing is tanky! Nidoking hits Venomoth with Earthquake, dealing also just above half HP, but in the next turn another Psychic seals the deal and grants me the victory against Cain. At least it was harder than beating Fern!


After that, we notice that Gardevoir is missing... And, after Radomus reads a letter left for him, it turns out that El has kidnapped her. So, after Luna and Cain's demand, my, Cain and the (rather unwilling) Radomus, go off towards the Grand Gate to claim back the sassy Gossip Gardevoir from the heretic weirdo! (Possibly fighting a pseudo-god Pokemon will be involved in next Chapter, so, stay tuned!)


Till the next time, enjoy everyone! ;):) 

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CHAPTER 20: Lies and truth... among the fake gods


After the happenings of the previous chapter, we track down El, heading West from Vanhanen Castle along Route 1, towards the sealed Grand Gate. We find him in the chamber behind the Grand Gate and get rejoined by Radomus aka Sherlock Holmes and Cain aka Watson. We bravely sneak behind a stopped gear that is fucking immense, and more bravely, jump into the Unown unknown void, and in the crystal caverns under the Grand Stairway. Well, Radomus and I jumped, Cain got pushed. Oops? We eventually find into an underground temple-like structure, in a place called Citae Arc d'Astrae. We find a person of non-binary gender, Adrienn (really cute I admit, since my character, Angel, is also of non-binary sex) together with a Gardevoir that claims to be Gossip Gardevoir. However, she tries to convince us that she hates Radomus and the only reason for her previous declarations of adoration and love was her fear towards her master's face. Of course this rings to my ears like Taurosshit, since El is behind this, El= religious fanatic= lying and manipulative to the bone. Unfortunately, Adrienn, who is also the long lost Fairy Gym leader has taken the bait and believes Gardevoir... Gardevoir steals the Amethyst Pendant from us and proceeds with Adrienn to enter the temple, climbing to the top. We use the Ruby Ring and, after solving logic puzzles to prove our ability to discriminate between good and evil, truth and lies, we also reach the top. meeting El, Adrienn and Gardevoir. 

After the confrontation, of course we side with Radomus, based not on our knowledge of his personality, but our knowledge of El's foul personality. Gardevoir turns out to be a decoy, made from a Ditto, who, after it gets revealed, absorbs the energy from the meteor that is hidden in the foundations of the temple and transforms into Arceus. Oh God...

And guess who has to fight this beast...

Off we go then!





Gaia, the Galvantula (Female)

Modest/Unnerve (Item: Bright Powder)

Thunder Wave


Signal Beam

Hidden Power Ground



Passion, the Volcarona (Male)

Timid/Flame Body (Item: Insect Plate)

Heat Wave

Bug Buzz


Quiver Dance



Sir Galahad, the Heracross (Male)

Jolly/Moxie (Item: Fighting Gem)

Aerial Ace

Close Combat


Rock Blast



Courage, the Armaldo (Male)

Jolly/Swift Swim (Item: Dark Gem)

Knock Off


Aqua Jet

Cross Poison



Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Steel Gem)

Toxic Spikes

Gyro Ball




I started with Gaia, who debuted vs the fake God... Bright Powder (after a couple failed tries) makes Arceus miss a Judgement, and it gets Thunder Waved and paralyzed. I keep using Thunder Wave for two turns, since El has two full heals, making him waste them, rendering Arceus paralyzed for the entire fight. A Discharge deals roughly 1/4 of Arceus' HP and Gaia goes down to Judgement...

Then, I send in Courage, my Armaldo, who also debuts today! A Knock Off removes Arceus' Leftovers but deals minimal damage, Arceus is still in green and Courage also goes down to Judgement.

It is the turn of Sir Galahad, who uses Close Combat, which Arceus survives with only a sliver of its helth bar, and Shadow Balls my Heracross to oblivion.

Finally, Ecstasy comes in, Detecting to get a Speed Boost (just in case) and then finishing Arceus-Ditto with a Bug Buzz.

Olympus has fallen, heretics shall get arrested!

The real G.Gardevoir teleports on "stage" after Radomus calls her, and hypnotizes El to sleep. Radomus aka the Mad Hatter becomes a police officer and arrests El. We all leave Citae Arc d'Astrae, and I leave faster than everyone, overtaking even my shadow as a Lucky Luke wannabe after an eerie voice of a small girl (?) tells us to come play again, for a long loooong time... NO THANKS!

We climb up the cavern and end up in the chamber behind the Grand Gate. But.. the Gates are now open and the gear is miraculously spinning! We face Reborn City again, but Adrienn says this isn't the city he knew... Azurine Lake isn't blue and there is filth and pollution everywhere... So he flees to Coral Ward, to his long abandoned Fairy Gym to see what happens... Of course we follow him, only to find him devastated, saying that he only left for a few hours...


Radomus concludes that the magic energy of the meteor bent time and caused him to be lost in the gears of time for much longer than he experienced! We were saved from a similar side-effect only thanks to the keys we had, which were infused with the same energy... Ruby and Amethyst... So, Adrienn decides to renovate the whole city and goes to Grand Hall, to meet Ame... Good luck Adrienn! <3


Aaaand Cain, me, Radomus and G.Gardevoir return to Vanhanen Castle to meet Luna, who must be worried as fuck! Also, a new Gym battle and badge await us!!!

But, we will see that in the next chapter, which will be uploaded probably tomorrow!

(sorry, too much story to cover tonight, I don't like just describing battles, feels "naked" to me!)


Till the next chapter, enjoy everyone! ;):) 



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