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Bug Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Amaria)


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7 hours ago, HongaarseBeer said:

Interesting strategy you used against Arceus! Makes it look so easy

Thanks a lot! Weirdly enough, in none of my 3 runs I had issues with Arceus... I was always able to tank a Judgement and take it down slowly with a certain mon (e.g. Arcanine's Close Combat), and then it was all down to Reviving this certain mon and taking it down slowly. But I wanted something more robust for this run, since (as you prolly have noticed), I try to keep the healing item use to a minimum! And I think I succeed reasonably well! I've never used more than my opponent anyways, so I call this fair! :) 


Hope you keep enjoying my playthrough! ;) 

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CHAPTER 21: Entomophobia


When we get back in Vanhanen Castle, we are presented to Elias, Radomus' buttler, who is, of course, to Luna's great disbelief and displeasure, El. Of course, we continue unfazed towards our goal... Winning ourselves another badge.

Ugh, so... Chess puzzles. Cause defeating an Arceus and proving my logical thinking capabilities wasn't good enough. Anyways, my (tiny) chess playing experience allowed me to solve these regularly easily, took only 45 mins o.O. And then, it is time for the big battle!

My team:





Sir Galahad, the Heracross (Male)

Jolly/Moxie (Item: Bug Gem)

Aerial Ace

Close Combat


Rock Blast



Honesty, the Scolipede (Male)

Adamant/Speed Boost (Item: Insect Plate)



Poison Tail




Passion, the Volcarona (Male)

Timid/Flame Body (Item: Wide Lens)

Heat Wave

Bug Buzz


Quiver Dance



Valor, the Forretress (Male)

Careful/Sturdy (Item: Dread Plate)

Toxic Spikes

Gyro Ball





Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance



Willpower, the Shedinja

Hardy/Wonder Guard (Item: Ghost Gem)

Heal Block

Confuse Ray

Shadow Sneak

Phantom Force


Radomus starts with Gallade and Reuniclus and I reply with Sir Galahad and Honesty. Honesty Protects to win a Speed Boost, then Sir Galahad OHKO'es Reuniclus with Megahorn, collecting one Moxie boost in Attack. Gallade uses Strength against Honesty, but it gets protected. I was safe by Reuniclus' Trick Room now, plus, I still had both my mons intact.

Then, Radomus sends in his Malamar. I wonder what on Earth is he thinking, as a Steamroller by Honesty takes it down in one hit. Makes sense, it is 4x Effective. Then, another Megahorn OHKO'es Gallade, granting a second Moxie boost for Sir Galahad.

Slowking and Metagross are sent in. I know Slowking knows Trick Room, so it is my top priority. A Steamroller by Honesty just scratches Metagross and a Megahorn by Sir Galahad takes down Slowking, granting my Heracross a third Moxie boost. Metagross, for some reason uses Zen Headbutt against my Honesty instead of Sir Galahad, taking my Scolipede down (I know I should've used Protect again, misplay...).

Gossip Gardevoir comes in and I send in Passion, my Volcarona in the place of my fainted Scolipede. My Volcarona uses Heat Wave, getting Metagross down to red HP and Gardevoir down to 60%. I try to take down Gardevoir with a Megahorn by Sir Gallahad. I thought 3 Moxie boosts would've been enough, but I'm wrong. Gardevoir survives, cause Megahorn misses (my typical luck here). After that, Gardevoir Psychics Sir Galahad to oblivion and Metagross Zen Headbutts my Volcarona, who lives with 40% of his HP.

In the next turn, I send in Willpower, my Shedinja. Radomus heals up his Metagross to full HP with a Hyper Potion, as my Shedinja Shadow Sneaks Gardevoir, which, empowered by Ghost Gem, does insane damage and takes down Gardevoir from 60% of her HP. Passion Heat Waves again, getting Metagross to red HP again, making Radomus use his second and last Hyper Potion. After that though, a combined Heat Wave by Passion and Shadow Sneak by Willpower take down Metagross as well, granting me the win and the Psychic Badge!


This was an easy win in my first try, as expected, since I had a huge typing advantage. Even though I tried to alleviate it (for Radomus) by using a Poison-Bug and a Fighting-Bug as my aces! xD

Now, with this badge, we get the TM for Trick Room, which is also useless, cause no bug pokemon can learn it, and we raise the level cap to 65.

I am slightly annoyed cause G.Gardevoir fought "admirably", as Luna says, only to add "and you as well, Angel". WTF DO YOU MEAN? I WON!!! I want to be in the spotlight, damnit! xD

Spotlight? NOPE! Cause even the regular lights go out. And it isn't the work of Luna, who invited us to her Gym in Iolia Valley to battle for the Dark Badge. We go outwards, and buttler Elias tries to "take us to safety". Apparently it is a trap, cause he isn't as hypnotized to believe he is a battler as everyone thought he is. He kidnaps Luna and Cain and escape with the assist of Team Meteor. Radomus helps us get away from the grassy maze, thanks to his Meteor Grunt disguise! Then flees, telling us to talk with some shady people to find where they went... 7th Street, here we come... Of course we have to ask our Magma Gang buddies for this lead...


Which we will do in the next chapter!

Till then, enjoy everyone! ;):)

Edited by Jess
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9 minutes ago, FactoryofSadness said:

Can't wait to see the Bennett fight. That should be interesting.

I love destroying Fern and Bennett! I might show mercy to Cain, but never to these two idiots!

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CHAPTER 22: Heretics, Lepidopterists and... the Twilight Zone


After visiting the Magma Gang headquarters (or hideout), we ask Maxwell about the dodgiest place he can think of, where would a kidnapper flee to with his prey. He immediately mentions Reborn's 7th Street, the black market of the Reborn City. He grants us access to it, and we manage to find -oh God- Bennett there. Bennett appears willing to help us save Luna and guides us into the Subseven Sanctum, the temple of the Arceus lunatics... Of course we know it's a trap, cause Bennett is a fucking idiot, but we have no choice. Gotta help Cain and Luna.

But surely enough, El and his lackeys surround us and capture us, throwing us into a cell. But the prisoner in next cell and his Klefki release us, so we cautiously sneak under the eyes of the stupid guards and escape! We battle our way out and read weird prophecies of the Arceotic equivalent to Bible. We solve the puzzle, proving our knowledge of their religion, and open the gate into the centre room of the temple. Where Luna is tied on an altar and is about to get sacrificed to Arceus. But then, the Mad Hatter aka Radomus turns out to be disguised into a lackey of El! And G. Gardevoir teleports away the real guards, after teleporting in herself and theatrically dimming out the lights! After a brief confrontation during which Gardevoir ridicules the nerdy pervert Bennett and El, we save Luna and Cain and leave the place. El doesn't even fight back, since they are heavily outnumbered and Bennett is useless in battle if he has not a field boosting his Signal Beams, as we all know.

Radomus keeps the Amethyst pendant we just reclaimed in order to do his research and asks from us to trust him, we just keep hold of the Ruby Ring for now. Radomus then leaves to unknown destination with G.Gardevoir, ditching Cain who wants his badge battle, so Cain sets off to Agate gate to try and wake up the guards. Luna reveals indirectly that she is sane and knew the truth all along, that El is her biological father. However she tried to fill the hole in Radomus' heart, and I presume she tried to do the same with Serra. I respect her much more now, and I promise to do a dark mono run for her at some point. Luna hands us a Crystal Key and invites us to Iolia Valley and her Gym. The entrance to Iolia Valley is behind the only tree that exists in Vanhanen Labyrinth... So, we are off!


After wandering in the beautifully mystical Iolia Valley and the magically dark crystal caverns that surround it, activating Crystals and collecting all 4 Crystal Keys, we are able to admire the view from above blue crystal bridges access Luna's Gym! However, the stalker Bennett, whose level of cringeness has exceeded 9000, follows us and confronts Luna, revealing he is in love with her and wants her to be his. Oh God... Luna flees to where we will only be able to find her by using our Crystal Keys and Bennett tries to steal the Keys from us to keep chasing her. OK Bennett, time to get destroyed again! (@FactoryofSadness, you asked for this! ;))




I won't bother including the whole team I had on myself vs Bennett... It can be summarised as "one man pokemon army". Well, Kindness is male, so one man army might be correct too after all.



Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Wide Lens)

Air Slash

Water Sport

Quiver Dance

Hydro Pump


Bennett sent in Larvesta and I sent in Kindness. Kindness outsped Larvesta and Water Sported, tanking a Flame Charge like a champion. In the next couple turns we saw the same thing happen. Larvesta outsped and used Flame Charge, which did eventually get Kindness down to yellow HP, but Kindness gathered 2 Quiver Dance boosts. In the next turn Larvesta Flame Charged Kindness into red HP, but an Air Slash annihilated Larvesta. And Venomoth. And Dustox. Oh, and Yanmega. And Scyther?! Yes. And his ace, Butterfree. Kindness swept them all while being in red HP, without even using a single potion. Checking afterwards, Kindness survived with just 10 HP. Can you stop wasting my time now, Bennett?

He leaves displeased that his training hasn't paid off... YET, as he says, since he will keep training and ask for El to keep his promise to take him into Elite 4.  How you dumbass? You got swept by another Bug trainer twice, how do you even think you're more qualified than me for this position? xD, What a pathetic lil nerd, can't outnerd me!




Anyways, we go deeper into the cave, and find Luna, finally challenging her for our next badge!

The team I used vs Luna was:



Sir Galahad, the Heracross (Male)

Jolly/Moxie (Item: Hard Stone)

Aerial Ace

Close Combat


Rock Blast



Gaia, the Galvantula (Female)

Modest/Unnerve (Item: Insect Plate)

Thunder Wave


Signal Beam

Hidden Power Ground



Valiant, the Kricketune (Male)

Bold/Swarm (Item: Scope Lens)


Sticky Web

Night Slash




Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Insect Plate)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance


So, Luna starts with Bisharp and I send in Sir Galahad. Heracross outspeeds Bisharp and Close Combats it for an easy OHKO. +1 in Attack thanks to Moxie, -1 in Sp.Defence and Defence though.

Luna tries to check my Heracross before it gets out of hand and sends in her Honchkrow. She is indeed a clever leader, which is a blessing to see after burning brain cells from my encounter with Bennett. However, Heracross outspeeds Honchkrow and uses Rock Blast. It connects 4 times, and since it is boosted by the Moxie boost and the Hard Stone, it is enough to take down the threatening bird of doom. Moxie activates again, +2 in Attack.

Malamar comes in and gets OHKO'ed by a Megahorn, giving Sir Galahad a third Moxie boost...

Tyranitar faces the same fate, but by a Close Combat this time. +4 in Attack, but -2 in Sp. Defence and Defence for Sir Galahad right now.

Sableye comes in then. I go for the Aerial Ace, knowing that it must be enough to take it out with my Attack tripled right now! But it has Prankster and uses fucking Confuse Ray on Sir Galahad. However, Heracross fights back, beats his suicidal thoughts and Aerial Aces the annoying no weakness (except Fairy) thing to death! +5 in Attack thanks to Moxie!

Finally, it is the time for Luna's ace, Umbreon and I desperately need my sweep! The broom is on my hand, Sir Galahad is instructed by me to use Close Combat, but nope! The suicidal thoughts prove themselves to be too strong to defeat, darkness wins and Sir Galahad OHKO'es himself by hurting himself in confusion with +5 in Attack and -2 in Defense. Ouch. :( 

I sent in Valiant, my Kricketune. He outspeeds Umbreon and uses Taunt, immediately preventing it from using Confuse Ray on me. I actually did this to prevent Umbreon from Toxic stalling me to death with combined Moonlight (which heals 75% of max HP in this field), Toxic and Confuse Ray. In the next turn, Kricketune outspeeds again and X-Scissors Umbreon to about 45% of its HP, but Leftovers bring it to green again. A Dark Pulse gets Valiant to yellow, but, in the next turn a critical X-Scissor is enough to take out Umbreon and grant me a relatively easy victory. Second Gym Battle in a row where I have immense type advantage, and I begin to get too spoilt!

I am still a bit salty about failing to get my sweep, but pleased with Valiant, my Kricketune who proved that he isn't a solely early game Pokemon!


Anyways, Level Cap up to 70 now, TM for Dark Pulse, which is semi-useless again (maybe Willpower, my Shedinja can learn it, but has pathetic Sp.Attack anyways) and 9th baddge in the bag!

Now, we have to make breeding preparations for the time we will spend trapped post Agate City and go meet Cain at the Gate...

The Gate to Agate... I love saying this, LOL. OK, I will stop now.


Till the next time, enjoy everyone! ;):) 



Edited by Jess
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52 minutes ago, Jess said:



After visiting the Magma Gang headquarters (or hideout), we ask Maxwell about the dodgiest place he can think of, where would a kidnapper flee to with his prey. He immediately mentions Reborn's 7th Street, the black market of the Reborn City. He grants us access to it, and we manage to find -oh God- Bennett there. Bennett appears willing to help us save Luna and guides us into the Subseven Sanctum, the temple of the Arceus lunatics... Of course we know it's a trap, cause Bennett is a fucking idiot, but we have no choice. Gotta help Cain and Luna.

But surely enough, El and his lackeys surround us and capture us, throwing us into a cell. But the prisoner in next cell and his Klefki release us, so we cautiously sneak under the eyes of the stupid guards and escape! We battle our way out and read weird prophecies of the Arceotic equivalent to Bible. We solve the puzzle, proving our knowledge of their religion, and open the gate into the centre room of the temple. Where Luna is tied on an altar and is about to get sacrificed to Arceus. But then, the Mad Hatter turns out to be disguised into a lackey of El! And G. Gardevoir teleports away the real guards, after teleporting in herself and theatrically dimming out the lights! After a brief confrontation during which Gardevoir ridicules the nerdy pervert Bennett and El, we save Luna and Cain and leave the place. El doesn't even fight back, since they are heavily outnumbered and Bennett is useless in battle if he has not a field boosting his Signal Beams, as we all know.

Radomus keeps the Amethyst pendant we just reclaimed in order to do his research and asks from us to trust him, we just keep hold of the Ruby Ring for now. Radomus then leaves to unknown destination with G.Gardevoir, ditching Cain who wants his badge battle, so Cain sets off to Agate gate to try and wake up the guards. Luna reveals indirectly that she is sane and knew the truth all along, that El is her biological father. However she tried to fill the hole in Radomus' heart, and I presume she tried to do the same with Serra. I respect her much more now, and I promise to do a dark mono run for her at some point. Luna hands us a Crystal Key and invites us to Iolia Valley and her Gym. The entrance to Iolia Valley is behind the only tree that exists in Vanhanen Labyrinth... So, we are off!


After wandering in the beautifully mystical Iolia Valley and the magically dark crystal caverns that surround it, activating Crystals and collecting all 4 Crystal Keys, we are able to admire the view from above blue crystal bridges access Luna's Gym! However, the stalker Bennett, whose level of cringeness has exceeded 9000, follows us and confronts Luna, revealing he is in love with her and wants her to be his. Oh God... Luna flees to where we will only be able to find her by using our Crystal Keys and Bennett tries to steal the Keys from us to keep chasing her. OK Bennett, time to get destroyed again! (@FactoryofSadness, you asked for this! ;))




I won't bother including the whole team I had on myself vs Bennett... It can be summarised as "one man pokemon army". Well, Kindness is male, so one man army might be correct too after all.



Kindness, the Masquerain (Male)

Naive/Intimidate (Item: Wide Lens)

Air Slash

Water Sport

Quiver Dance

Hydro Pump


Bennett sent in Larvesta and I sent in Kindness. Kindness outsped Larvesta and Water Sported, tanking a Flame Charge like a champion. In the next couple turns we saw the same thing happen. Larvesta outsped and used Flame Charge, which did eventually get Kindness down to yellow HP, but Kindness gathered 2 Quiver Dance boosts. In the next turn Larvesta Flame Charged Kindness into red HP, but an Air Slash annihilated Larvesta. And Venomoth. And Dustox. Oh, and Yanmega. And Scyther?! Yes. And his ace, Butterfree. Kindness swept them all while being in red HP, without even using a single potion. Checking afterwards, Kindness survived with just 10 HP. Can you stop wasting my time now, Bennett?

He leaves displeased that his training hasn't paid off... YET, as he says, since he will keep training and ask for El to keep his promise to take him into Elite 4.  How you dumbass? You got swept by another Bug trainer twice, how do you even think you're more qualified than me for this position? xD, What a pathetic lil nerd, can't outnerd me!




Anyways, we go deeper into the cave, and find Luna, finally challenging her for our next badge!

The team I used vs Luna was:



Sir Galahad, the Heracross (Male)

Jolly/Moxie (Item: Hard Stone)

Aerial Ace

Close Combat


Rock Blast



Gaia, the Galvantula (Female)

Modest/Unnerve (Item: Insect Plate)

Thunder Wave


Signal Beam

Hidden Power Ground



Valiant, the Kricketune (Male)

Bold/Swarm (Item: Scope Lens)


Sticky Web

Night Slash




Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Insect Plate)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Insect Plate)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance


So, Luna starts with Bisharp and I send in Sir Galahad. Heracross outspeeds Bisharp and Close Combats it for an easy OHKO. +1 in Attack thanks to Moxie, -1 in Sp.Defence and Defence though.

Luna tries to check my Heracross before it gets out of hand and sends in her Honchkrow. She is indeed a clever leader, which is a blessing to see after burning brain cells from my encounter with Bennett. However, Heracross outspeeds Honchkrow and uses Rock Blast. It connects 4 times, and since it is boosted by the Moxie boost and the Hard Stone, it is enough to take down the threatening bird of doom. Moxie activates again, +2 in Attack.

Malamar comes in and gets OHKO'ed by a Megahorn, giving Sir Galahad a third Moxie boost...

Tyranitar faces the same fate, but by a Close Combat this time. +4 in Attack, but -2 in Sp. Defence and Defence for Sir Galahad right now.

Sableye comes in then. I go for the Aerial Ace, knowing that it must be enough to take it out with my Attack tripled right now! But it has Prankster and uses fucking Confuse Ray on Sir Galahad. However, Heracross fights back, beats his suicidal thoughts and Aerial Aces the annoying no weakness (except Fairy) thing to death! +5 in Attack thanks to Moxie!

Finally, it is the time for Luna's ace, Umbreon and I desperately need my sweep! The broom is on my hand, Sir Galahad is instructed by me to use Close Combat, but nope! The suicidal thoughts prove themselves to be too strong to defeat, darkness wins and Sir Galahad OHKO'es himself by hurting himself in confusion with +5 in Attack and -2 in Defense. Ouch. :( 

I sent in Valiant, my Kricketune. He outspeeds Umbreon and uses Taunt, immediately preventing it from using Confuse Ray on me. I actually did this to prevent Umbreon from Toxic stalling me to death with combined Moonlight (which heals 75% of max HP in this field), Toxic and Confuse Ray. In the next turn, Kricketune outspeeds again and X-Scissors Umbreon to about 45% of its HP, but Leftovers bring it to green again. A Dark Pulse gets Valiant to yellow, but, in the next turn a critical X-Scissor is enough to take out Umbreon and grant me a relatively easy victory. Second Gym Battle in a row where I have immense type advantage, and I begin to get too spoilt!

I am still a bit salty about failing to get my sweep, but pleased with Valiant, my Kricketune who proved that he isn't a solely early game Pokemon!


Anyways, Level Cap up to 70 now, TM for Dark Pulse, which is semi-useless again (maybe Willpower, my Shedinja can learn it, but has pathetic Sp.Attack anyways) and 9th baddge in the bag!

Now, we have to make breeding preparations for the time we will spend trapped post Agate City and go meet Cain at the Gate...

The Gate to Agate... I love saying this, LOL. OK, I will stop now.


Till the next time, enjoy everyone! ;):) 



Thank goodness! I hate that fight, so it is nice to see him taken down!

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2 hours ago, Jess said:


However, the stalker Bennett, whose level of cringeness has exceeded 9000, follows us and confronts Luna, revealing he is in love with her and wants her to be his. Oh God... 



This part had me laughing, thank you :) 

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I hope your mono bug run dint end up like mine,you got armaldo so i have high hopes when ur up against charlotte and ciel.Pick up a crustle on ur way up there btw <3.I managed to beat this in about 5 month,i believe last year.Not too sure actually,the sound of bugs burning and being eaten alive is still haunting my dreams.But i had Jesus the crustle to save that run lol.Anyways goodluck!

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May i say, i love your Pokémon names, amazing. I can barely think of a good name or the main character so i don't really name my pokémons.. And i can appreciate someone who does and has such a nice "skill" if you will naming them... Love it.

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6 hours ago, HongaarseBeer said:

This part had me laughing, thank you :) 

Haha, glad you appreciate my humour! Even though my sense of humour is non-existant xD


54 minutes ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

XDDD, the humiliation of bennet is great, defeating him iwth 1 mon in red Hp is great ;)

I was aiming for this! xD I could've done it way easier with Passion, my Volcarona, but it is OP and I was aiming for something much more humiliating!


27 minutes ago, V for Vendetta said:

I hope your mono bug run dint end up like mine,you got armaldo so i have high hopes when ur up against charlotte and ciel.Pick up a crustle on ur way up there btw <3.I managed to beat this in about 5 month,i believe last year.Not too sure actually,the sound of bugs burning and being eaten alive is still haunting my dreams.But i had Jesus the crustle to save that run lol.Anyways goodluck!

I am actually just after defeating Ciel and writing off of the battle notes I had gathered ;) Stay tuned and you'll find out what happened! Also, congrats for your success, fellow bug monotyper! <3

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6 minutes ago, Vhandrake said:

May i say, i love your Pokémon names, amazing. I can barely think of a good name or the main character so i don't really name my pokémons.. And i can appreciate someone who does and has such a nice "skill" if you will naming them... Love it.

Haha, thank you! I am glad you appreciate them! I was inspired by Melia in Pokemon Rejuvenation and her pokemon nicknames! Feel free to stick around to see the rest of my buzzing adventures! (pun intended) :D 

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7 minutes ago, Jess said:

Haha, thank you! I am glad you appreciate them! I was inspired by Melia in Pokemon Rejuvenation and her pokemon nicknames! Feel free to stick around to see the rest of my buzzing adventures! (pun intended) :D 

I wanted to do the same with my own mono-run, if i'm able to do it, so ofc i'll stick around!!

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17 minutes ago, Vhandrake said:

I wanted to do the same with my own mono-run, if i'm able to do it, so ofc i'll stick around!!

Good luck with your dragon mono! Hope you get everything sorted out fast! :) If in need, I might be able to trade you a Horsea or something you need...

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1 minute ago, Jess said:

Good luck with your dragon mono! Hope you get everything sorted out fast! :) If in need, I might be able to trade you a Horsea or something you need...

Thank you so much! I did the upload, i figured that what you said it's correct, there's no challenge in getting a fully evolved from the start.. And the dragon challenge is actually the opposite of that, struggling till you get to evolve them, so hopefully i'll get some of the dragons i requested, if not, i may ask you for a Horsea or anything that will do me good!! Thank you so much again! :D

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On 01/06/2017 at 1:50 AM, Jess said:

I was aiming for this! xD I could've done it way easier with Passion, my Volcarona, but it is OP and I was aiming for something much more humiliating!

yup Volcarona is OP for bennet, and masquerain  killing all his team is humiliating indeed xD

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CHAPTER 23: Post the gate to Agate... Circuses, Strongmen and Quiver Dancers...


After defeating Luna and earning the Eclipse Badge, we make our preparations for a long trip (breeding, training and stacking up on every item you can imagine by Obsidia Department Store) , since Cain at Agate gate warns us that it might be a long time before we are even able to return, because something is off... Guards sleeping isn't natural. So, I prepare some tricks for the (tough) upcoming fights. Ahem, yes, looking at you Charlotte and Ciel. Got some aces in my sleeves! After doing that, we rejoin Cain, his Nidoking opens the way (thrashes actually), and we enter the deserted Agate City, where Aya and Hardy are er... taking their Julia-like power nappy in the middle of the street. And as we try in vain to wake them up, we begin dozing off too... But before we wake up from our own snorring succumbing to the sleeping spell, a weird looking multicoloured hair girl yells something about a DYNAMO and tries to hit Cain with her huge hammer. Yes... Meet Terra. Megaterra, T3RR4, or w/e the fuck you prefer to call this stupid bitch. I won't go in details about her babbling, because, this is the third playthrough of mine on Reborn and when Terra appears, I just hold down the X key throughout her rants like a maniac. So, yeah, I have no clue what in the fucking name of God she is talking about.


She just hammers Aya and Hardy mid air towards Agate Circus and we follow her to the weirdest place of the game. Thank fuck the Lord, she leaves us alone and I can wander around. To explore. And fight clowns. I swear, the clown of "IT" is about as scary as a kindergarten girl in comparison to facing Clown Indra unprepared. We get a warm welcoming, by getting our ass whooped once in my effort to get a damn Shard cause I've run out of them.

But anyways, we also meet the Ringmaster, who is a newbie, replacing her late (?) dad. She informs us that Aya landed in the middle of the circus, while Hardy flew above it to an unknown landing location. Thank God we aren't in Bermuda Triangle, or Beheeyems would've kidnapped him. We get the TMX for Dive by solving a Froakie puzzle, meet Samson, the strongman and Fighting Gym leader (Kiki's replacement) after wasting a fortune to get a confounded OVER 9000 in high striker, and he leads us in the big tent!

Where we meet Ciel, the cute and sassy Flying Gym leader who can make my character go straight again and get reunited with Cain and Aya, who share words of mutual hatred and love. Typical siblings!


Our task is to go find Hardy, so, after obtaining a Powder Vial, drugging and lullabying Crustles and pushing them in holes (I OBJECT TO THE BUG ABUSE), we make our way through Route 2 towards the Celestinine Cascade and Fiore Mansion, where we are stunned to see Amaria recovering from that Tyranitar's Superpower... We also meet Titania, whom we first met when we caught her chit-chatting with a Meteor Grunt in the North Aventurine Woods... They have Hardy there, still sleeping, so Titania wakes him up. She turns out to be his sister! After we wake him up and inform him that Aya is at Agate Circus, we all listen to G.Gardevoir on TV reporting from Calcenon, where Saphira leads the resistance against Team Meteor, who has seized control of Labradorra City. A PULSE Mr. Mime creates an impenetrable Barrier preventing anyone from leaving or entering Labradorra. And they also prepare 3 PULSES in the nearby areas. Maybe the sleep spell in Agate is cause by a PULSE too? Titania seems indifferent about stopping Team Meteor, Hardy is passionate about helping the resistance and Amaria seems to agree with him. Also, turns out that Amaria possesses the Saphire Bracelet, the third of the keys to the Arceus' Temple in Citae Arc d'Astrae. Right now Radomus has Anna's Amethyst Pendant and we still have Heather's Ruby Ring. Also, El now possesses Luna's Emerald Brooch, since he ripped it off her after we released her from the Subseven Sanctum. So, Titania is correct to not want Amaria to interfere with Meteors. She has to keep the key safe. Titania found the Saphire Bracelet mixed in ashes, on the ground near Tanzan Lake. Ashes. From the fire in which Charlotte, Laura and Saphira's parents died. In that same fire when Laura lost her Saphire Bracelet. The one her father gave her. Which makes me wonder whose is truly the Saphire Bracelet. Maybe Saphira's, since names match, and it is too big to be a coincidence?


Anyways, my mind is getting fried, so I'd better just go back to Agate Circus. After Titania informs me that, in order to go to Calcenon and help with resistance, I'll need Surf, the THX for which they have. However, they will give it to me only after obtaining the badge that will enable me to use it outside of battle. Samson's Badge. They also hand me a Battle Pass to comply with the circus' policy, so I run fast back to the circus and challenge Samson as fast as I can!




The team I decided to use was:



Passion, the Volcarona (Male)

Timid/Flame Body (Item: Wide Lens)

Heat Wave

Bug Buzz


Quiver Dance



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Wide Lens)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance



Sir Galahad, the Heracross (Male)

Jolly/Moxie (Item: Chilan Berry)

Aerial Ace

Close Combat


Rock Blast



Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Sky Plate)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Generosity, the Venomoth (Male)

Hardy/Shield Dust (Item: Psychic Gem)

Giga Drain

Signal Beam

Sleep Powder




Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Psychic Gem)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz


I start with Passion and Samson with Hariyama. This will be easy, I think to myself. I use Hurricane, getting Sumo wrestler to red, but GOD DAMN CALM DOWN, it uses Smack Down. And Volcarona goes bye-bye... I send in Fiery Wings and Quiver Dance, which gives me a +2 in Speed, Sp. Attack and Sp. Defence thanks to the Big Top Arena. Thank God Samson is cocky enough to use a Hyper Potion on his Hariyama instead of hitting Vivillon, probably thinking that he will win as easily as he took down Passion. Vivillon with an equivalent of 2 regular Quiver Dance boosts goes berserk and oneshots one after the other Hariyama, Mienshao, Hawlucha and Blaziken with Hurricanes, before Samson sent in his Lucario.

My Vivillon went straight to business, but Lucario survived a Hurricane with its Focus Sash...Lucario used Swords Dance and now things were getting serious, cause it meant an also amplified effect due to the Big Top Arena. +4 Attack for Lucario it is and, as if it wasn't enough, it has two priority moves... Perfect. Samson then misplayed, revitalizing my hopes, since he used his second and final Hyper Potion instead of using his priority moves and try to sweep, allowing another Hurricane to hit Lucario. Weirdly enough though FML (I blame RNG roll for this), Lucario managed to survive this time, even without having a Focus Sash, getting back in critical HP. Sadly, in the next turn a Bullet Punch was enough to end my Fiery Wings' sweep :(

I sent in Ecstasy, who Detected Lucario's Extreme Speed and got a Speed Boost. In the next turn, however, Ecstasy went down to an Extreme Speed. OHKO. OK, time to get serious, stupid thing. I send in Sir Galahad. And of course, Lucario goes for Extreme Speed. But HA HA, Chilan Berry weakens the attack and Heracross tanks it like a champion with about 40% of his HP. (I gave Chilan Berry to him because, let's just say that in my previous playthroughs, this Extreme Speed and Swords Dance Lucario wrecked me like a million times...) Then, a Close Combat easily OHKO'es Lucario, even though it was just OK.

Moxie Boost and time for Conkeldurr which is -God damn- level 71. Way to go Samson. Another OK Close Combat gets it to yellow, but then a Poison Jab finishes my Heracross... I send in Generosity and put the beast to bed with Sleep Powder. It stays asleep for 2 turns in a row, 3 if we count in the one during which I put is to sleep, and goes down to two Psychics by my Venomoth. It lived first with like 1 HP, on what kind of steroids is this thing on? (Oh, btw Leftovers suck) Victory!

We get another badge (our 10th badge) and the TM for Brick Break! Level Cap is still at 70 though. 


Now, we gotta go find Amaria and Titania again, and get the TMX for Surf! Which we will do in the next chapter!


Till the next time, enjoy everyone! ;):) 

Edited by Jess
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1 hour ago, rayyan said:

That lucario is such a pain. Extreme speed+sword dance+ focus sash=OS every pokemon. Anyways good luck. Want to hear how you defeated Charlotte and Ciel 

Yes, it was extremely annoying the first time I experienced it (in my normal playthrough), so I decided to give Heracross a Chilan Berry in case worse came to worst. Which it did. I could've given Focus Sash to Vivillon as well and survive the Bullet Punch, but I'm not wasting a Focus Sash on bloody Samson. It's just... Samson.

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That Aster and Eclipse battle is evil, completely evil!

Aya seems to have some aversion to having Venusaur attack things in this battle. "Oh, you have an entire team of Ground Types? Well, watch as I absolutely refuse to Power Whip this Milotic that's currently kicking our collective asses!"

Still, seems like you managed fairly well, considering how much can go wrong there.

Edited by Gentleman Jaggi
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2 minutes ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

That Aster and Eclipse battle is evil, completely evil!

Aya semms to have some aversion to having Venusaur attack things in this battle. "Oh, you have an entire team of Ground Types? Well, watch as I absolutely refuse to Power Whip this Milotic that's currently kicking our collective asses!"

Still, seems like you managed fairly well, considering how much can go wrong there.

This fight reminded me of the fight vs Sirius with Cain as a teammate, when he uses Thrash with a Chandelure in battle. I raged a bit there. But this one also took 4 tries... I didn't really manage fairly well the 3 first times! Getting 2v1'ed isn't nice... :( 

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Vs. Sigmund isn't much better. "Your Nidoking does know Earth Power yes? Why would you use Thrash against a half-dead enemy? For god's sake at least abuse the Field with Shadow Ball!"

The only weaknesses NPC allies seem to be competent at abusing are double weaknesses; I could pretty reliably count on Florinia to take out Fern's Rhyperior and John's Whiscash while I dealt with the other guys.

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Yes, why I prefer double battling myself than with another character as assistance. It is so infuriating when they use not very effective moves when they have super effective ones....

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