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Bug Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Amaria)


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CHAPTER 27: Ice Age, the Meltdown!


So, after earning TMX Waterfall from Aster and earning a new friend in the process, we decide to keep going towards the Peak of the Mountain... Good thing Passion, my Volcarona used Ember to melt the tear stalactites that were hanging from my eyelashes from the emotional moment I shared with Aster... Never thought I'd mourn for the death of an enemy... But they are just humans as well... And if you find out about their human stories behind joining Team Meteor, I feel compassion for them... Same way with Simon, who lost Tara at Tanzan Lake by the attacks of Saphira's Dragonite. 

But like some Meteors aren't really criminals... Some others like Blake are true abominations of the mankind. I'd kill him in a heartbeat for locking Heather away and starving an entire city... As I reach the top, Shelly has been already defeated by him... She got too impatient, and now we lost our number advantage... So, Blake wants me to "chill out" (Really now?), so I'll teach him a few things.




My team:



Affection, the Leavanny (Female)

Quirky/Chlorophyll (Item: Scope Lens)


Leaf Blade


Swords Dance



Faithful, the Parasect (Male)

Hardy/Dry Skin (Item: Quick Claw)


Wide Guard


Rage Powder



Happiness, the Ariados (Female)

Hardy/Sniper (Item: Scope Lens)

Sucker Punch

Pin Missile

Sticky Web

Cross Poison



Sir Galahad, the Heracross (Male)

Jolly/Moxie (Item: Hard Stone)

Aerial Ace

Close Combat


Rock Blast



Passion, the Volcarona (Male)

Timid/Flame Body (Item: Wide Lens)

Heat Wave

Bug Buzz


Quiver Dance



Gaia, the Galvantula (Female)

Modest/Unnerve (Item: Electric Gem)

Thunder Wave


Bug Buzz

Hidden Power Ground


So, like always, I can just abuse Passion's abilities and destroy Blake. But where would be the fun in this? Wouldn't it be better if I destroyed him with pokemon that are weak to Ice? By the way, Faithful the Paras is now a beautiful, strong, and fully aware Parasect! It realizes everything and the cold keeps him even more alert! Looks like Tranquility's Powder mix was quite potent in suppressing the mushroom's effect. And Blake is gonna have a taste of Grass Bugs too!


Blake sends in Rotom-Freezer, w/e this thing is, and Jynx. He is a cocky bastard and just wants to brute force my team, so I send in Affection, my Leavanny and Faithful, my Parasect. I try to trigger him. "You are weak. All talk and zero brains!" I tell him from across the Snowy Mountain Field. He gets mad and goes berserk. He orders Jynx and Rotom to both use Blizzard, but my Leavanny gets behind Faithful's Wide Guard and they are both safe. While protected, Affection sets up a Swords Dance! In the next turn, I assume that Blake will be simple-minded enough to think that I will use the same trick again. He truly is predictable. My Faithful uses Rage Powder though, and Jynx's Psychic targets Parasect instead of Leavanny! Affection then X-Scissors Jynx, OHKO'ing her, while Rotom Volt Switches (on Parasect of course), leaving its place to Weavile. Faithful has 252 EVs in both HP and Sp.Def., so he has no problem to survive with about 30% of his HP.

In the next turn, Blake sends in his Walrein as well. However, the biggest threat is the fast as fuck Weavile. Another Rage Powder by Faithful draws an Ice Shard by Weavile, which sadly takes him down... But he fell valiantly, since Affection X-Scissored Weavile to oblivion as well. Walrein's Avalanche though, took down my Leavanny too... Jynx and Weavile down, traded for Parasect and Leavanny. This doesn't sound bad at all!

"I think we played enough..." I tell Blake and send in Passion, my Volcarona, and Gaia, my Galvantula, to face Walrein and his Rotom, which came back in! A Heat Wave by Passion transforms the field into a Mountain Field, taking Rotom down to red HP and Walrein to 2/3 of its HP. Gaia then uses Discharge, which takes down both Walrein and Rotom-Frost and deals about half of Volcarona's HP... Passion stares at Gaia, who giggles apologetically for hitting him, before she feels Passion's flaming wing patting her head in consolation.

Blake is fuming, "Are you melting yet?" I ask him, and he sends in Vanilluxe and Froslass. "Guys, Mr. Blake ordered one of the same... Don't leave him waiting" I tell Gaia and Passion. Passion Heat Waves, OHKO'ing both Vanilluxe and Froslass, after Froslass dared to take out my Gaia with Shadow Ball :(. Still, only 3 for 6...


Blake is mad, but refuses to give back Heather's Ring, talking like a genuine League of Legends flamer, straight out of Bronze 5. He tries to embark on the helicopter, but Cal on his Charizard and Heather on her Salamence, like new Maverick and Ice(wo)man reclaim the Ruby Ring, which comes to the hands of its righteous owner, Heather. Blake leaves with Meteor's helicopter and Cal gives us (God bless you) a ride on Charizard down the Mountain... However, we also find out by Blake, after Shelly asks him, that Terra baited us, revealing that she lied when she informed us that Agate City's lullaby signal is emitted from Ametrine... Hence gaining time for Team Meteor, so Terra is a double agent. I knew she was stupid, but it just got worse.

Anyways, Shelly and Heather go back to Ametrine to deliver the food to the (half-starving) residents of the city and, when it comes to us...


We head back towards Agate Circus, and after confronting her with the (full of questions and worry) Samson and Ciel, she escapes... errrrrrr... into her PC... MATRIX Terra... And we gotta sink into Gen I (kill me now) to find her, defeat her and get our new badge... Because without it, we can't use Waterfall, so we can't go help Titania on her effort to reclaim Amaria who attempted to commit suicide, so she will murder me with her fucking Aegislash.

Little choice I have, Samson, turn me into 0s and 1s... I will hunt the bitch down and knock her to ground (pun intended)!


In the next chapter!

Till then, enjoy everyone! ;):) 

Edited by Jess
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6 hours ago, Sceptilespy said:

I loved Terra lol. She's such a,..., interesting light to the dark atmosphere this game has.

She is ok for giving diversity to the game, but she's too... exaggerated. I'd like to see a change of character on her after her digital imprisonment, similar to the change Victoria has undergone after Kiki's death... And turned from a whiner that just tries to avoid problems into a badass who takes things into her hands confidently.


Just toning down the RAAWRs and caps abuse a bit would do the trick with Terra though.

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CHAPTER 29: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall


After acquiring the ability to enable Waterfall outside of battle, I have to head to Celestinine Cascade, next to Fiore Mansion and go down it... This means that Respect, my trusted starter Squirtle, will be unboxed and serve her purpose as a TMX assistant again! It also means that the entire raid with the -quite furious, newborn murderer- Titania into the Water Treatment Centre will have to be completed with a squad of 5 pokemon capable of fighting, instead of 6. An extra level of difficulty for this task, I'd say. 

Anyways, long story short, after going down the Waterfall, we find ourselves in the Water Treatment Centre. Titania is furious and kills Meteor Grunts on sight, while Taka is doing his best to stall us give us a way to keep going deeper into the facilities without having the keys to the gates. After pushing lumps of muck to the appropriate places, enabling and disabling the water supply and hopping from platform to platform, we find the source of the pollution... It is a PULSE Swalot (Jesus Christ).




The team I used:



Willpower, the Shedinja

Hardy/Wonder Guard (Item: Ghost Gem)

Heal Block

Confuse Ray

Shadow Sneak

Phantom Force



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Sharp Beak)

Bug Buzz



Quiver Dance



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Psychic Gem)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz


First I send in my Willpower, who Heal Blocks the Swalot, to prevent it from healing like 2 million HP in the end of each turn with its Poison Heal ability (which is activated in this Field). It tries to Sludge Wave in vain, but in the end of the turn, the toxic water hurts my Shedinja. RIP. I should've given it an Air Balloon. Oh well.

Then I send in Fiery Wings. I Quiver Dance, and thanks to the Sp. Defence boost, Vivillon tanks a Discharge with 23 HP. In the next turn, Fiery Wings uses Endeavor, getting PULSE Swalot down to (also) 23 HP, but then gets finished by another Discharge.

Braveheart, my Butterfree then outspeeds, and finishes off PULSE Swalot with a supereffective Psybeam.


We keep advancing, and find ourselves in the control room, after Titania has exposed Taka's obvious liking to our side, his obvious help, and his -also obvious- dislike towards Team Meteor's acts.

Titania asks him to stop living in a lie and join the side he prefers to be on, facing the consequences, but releasing himself of a terrible burden. However, Taka says that Solaris, his father, and him are the last descendants of the family that was entrusted with the protection of Arceus' underground shrine (Citae Arc d'Astrae), so he can't do that... 

Titania pretty much calls him a coward, reclaims the unconscious Amaria and leaves, while I decide to help Taka, for all the times he helped us, and beat him in a battle, to make it appear like he is incompetent in the eyes of his superiors, but not a traitor. Besides that, an ally is more useful while infiltrating the ranks of the enemy, than when openly siding against them. In every way, Taka is worthy of our help.




My team was (after going back to heal/reteach moves/shuffle):



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Zap Plate)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Sharp Beak)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance



Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Rock Gem)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Gaia, the Galvantula (Female)

Modest/Unnerve (Item: Zap Plate)

Thunder Wave


Bug Buzz

Hidden Power Ground



Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)

Bold/Pressure (Item: Occa Berry)

Destiny Bond

Air Slash


Power Gem


Guest Star:



Respect, the Squirtle (Female)

Docile/Torrent (Item: None)






I wanted this to end fast, since it is just a "good deed" battle, so I allowed me a tiny cheat and used a couple healing items... Please don't hate me.

Taka sends in Klefki, and I send in Braveheart. I immediately start Quiver Dancing, Klefki starts Foul Playing me, but in vain, since my Butterfree's Attack is beyond pathetic. I can easily tank 3 Foul Plays before the need to use an Ultra Potion to heal up. Klefki then Light Screens and Thunder Waves me, but I get 2 more Quiver Dances, getting to +5 now. I use a Parlyz Heal, then tank another Foul Play. In the next turn, Braveheart gets Klefki down to red with Psybeam, and tanks (barely, good calculations there) another Foul Play. In the next turn, Electroweb takes out Klefki and Light Screen expires (finally!).

In the next few turns, Aerodactyl, Cradily and Chatot go down to Electroweb, Bug Buzz and Electroweb respectively, and then Taka sends in Huntail.

Another Electroweb takes Huntail to 1 HP (cause it HAD to have a Focus Sash, so much for not trying Taka), and then Crunch finishes my Braveheart... RIP my sweep.

I send in Gaia, who Discharges, (over)killing the Huntail by removing its last health point.

And then Taka sends Gliscor. Which literally takes no damage by Ecstasy's Air Slash, or Fiery Wings' Hurricane, so I just send in Royalty and Destiny Bond it. I'm not in the mood to try this charade of a fight again. Eventually my Vespiquen goes down by a critical Night Slash, taking down Gliscor with her and granting us the victory.


Only survivor is Gaia (and respect, but she doesn't count), Taka thanks us and leaves and we go meet Titania and Amaria (who is still unconscious) and Waterfall ourselves up with our Respect, as they use Deliverance, Amaria's Lapras. After getting back to Fiore Mansion, we meet Julia and Florinia who give us TMX Fly after Ame's instructions and Julia performs a tiny break of the fourth wall... xD

But turns out that Team Meteor's high ranked officers are coming with a helicopter and are going to siege Fiore Mansion, knowing that we made Water Treatment Centre functional again, after disabling PULSE Swalot. So, brainiac Florinia suggests we go in and establish our defence lines...


Which we will do, in the next installment!

Till the next chapter, enjoy everyone! ;):) 


Edited by Jess
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1 minute ago, HongaarseBeer said:

Oooh, the next battle will be intense!!! 

Took me like a trillion tries!


Just now, Wolfox said:

may your attacks get past his pokemon and kill Fern instead

I hoped so Wolfox! I did have no problem in annihilating the two pricks (ice and grass ones)...

But most of the times that I killed him, Solaris destroyed me afterwards.... :( 

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Just now, Jess said:

Took me like a trillion tries!


I hoped so Wolfox! I did have no problem in annihilating the two pricks (ice and grass ones)...

But most of the times that I killed him, Solaris destroyed me afterwards.... :( 

I had the same for a long time, still not as bad as the ghost gl of rejuvenation tho...

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This battle is always hard in a mono run and horribly time consuming. In my grass mono run it took me 5 hours to defeat all the opponents after a billion soft resets ( cause Florinia is basically shit ) and Blake KOs all your Pokemon with god dam blizzard so no surprise but I never thought the rejuvenation gl was harder cause you can just crush her with an alolan muk


Edited by rayyan
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6 hours ago, Jess said:

CHAPTER 29: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall


After acquiring the ability to enable Waterfall outside of battle, I have to head to Celestinine Cascade, next to Fiore Mansion and go down it... This means that Respect, my trusted starter Squirtle, will be unboxed and serve her purpose as a TMX assistant again! It also means that the entire raid with the -quite furious, newborn murderer- Titania into the Water Treatment Centre will have to be completed with a squad of 5 pokemon capable of fighting, instead of 6. An extra level of difficulty for this task, I'd say. 

Anyways, long story short, after going down the Waterfall, we find ourselves in the Water Treatment Centre. Titania is furious and kills Meteor Grunts on sight, while Taka is doing his best to stall us give us a way to keep going deeper into the facilities without having the keys to the gates. After pushing lumps of muck to the appropriate places, enabling and disabling the water supply and hopping from platform to platform, we find the source of the pollution... It is a PULSE Swalot (Jesus Christ).




The team I used:



Willpower, the Shedinja

Hardy/Wonder Guard (Item: Ghost Gem)

Heal Block

Confuse Ray

Shadow Sneak

Phantom Force



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Sharp Beak)

Bug Buzz



Quiver Dance



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Psychic Gem)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz


First I send in my Willpower, who Heal Blocks the Swalot, to prevent it from healing like 2 million HP in the end of each turn with its Poison Heal ability (which is activated in this Field). It tries to Sludge Wave in vain, but in the end of the turn, the toxic water hurts my Shedinja. RIP. I should've given it an Air Balloon. Oh well.

Then I send in Fiery Wings. I Quiver Dance, and thanks to the Sp. Defence boost, Vivillon tanks a Discharge with 23 HP. In the next turn, Fiery Wings uses Endeavor, getting PULSE Swalot down to (also) 23 HP, but then gets finished by another Discharge.

Braveheart, my Butterfree then outspeeds, and finishes off PULSE Swalot with a supereffective Psybeam.


We keep advancing, and find ourselves in the control room, after Titania has exposed Taka's obvious liking to our side, his obvious help, and his -also obvious- dislike towards Team Meteor's acts.

Titania asks him to stop living in a lie and join the side he prefers to be on, facing the consequences, but releasing himself of a terrible burden. However, Taka says that Solaris, his father, and him are the last descendants of the family that was entrusted with the protection of Arceus' underground shrine (Citae Arc d'Astrae), so he can't do that... 

Titania pretty much calls him a coward, reclaims the unconscious Amaria and leaves, while I decide to help Taka, for all the times he helped us, and beat him in a battle, to make it appear like he is incompetent in the eyes of his superiors, but not a traitor. Besides that, an ally is more useful while infiltrating the ranks of the enemy, than when openly siding against them. In every way, Taka is worthy of our help.




My team was (after going back to heal/reteach moves/shuffle):



Braveheart, the Butterfree (Male)

Timid/Tinted Lens (Item: Zap Plate)


Quiver Dance


Bug Buzz



Fiery Wings, the Vivillon (Male)

Naive/Compound Eyes (Item: Sharp Beak)

Bug Buzz


Draining Kiss

Quiver Dance



Ecstasy, the Yanmega (Female) 

Modest/Speed Boost (Item: Rock Gem)

Bug Buzz


Air Slash

Ancient Power



Gaia, the Galvantula (Female)

Modest/Unnerve (Item: Zap Plate)

Thunder Wave


Signal Beam

Hidden Power Ground



Royalty, the Vespiquen (Female)

Bold/Pressure (Item: Occa Berry)

Destiny Bond

Air Slash


Power Gem


Guest Star:



Respect, the Squirtle (Female)

Docile/Torrent (Item: None)






I wanted this to end fast, since it is just a "good deed" battle, so I allowed me a tiny cheat and used a couple healing items... Please don't hate me.

Taka sends in Klefki, and I send in Braveheart. I immediately start Quiver Dancing, Klefki starts Foul Playing me, but in vain, since my Butterfree's Attack is beyond pathetic. I can easily tank 3 Foul Plays before the need to use an Ultra Potion to heal up. Klefki then Light Screens and Thunder Waves me, but I get 2 more Quiver Dances, getting to +5 now. I use a Parlyz Heal, then tank another Foul Play. In the next turn, Braveheart gets Klefki down to red with Psybeam, and tanks (barely, good calculations there) another Foul Play. In the next turn, Electroweb takes out Klefki and Light Screen expires (finally!).

In the next few turns, Aerodactyl, Cradily and Chatot go down to Electroweb, Bug Buzz and Electroweb respectively, and then Taka sends in Huntail.

Another Electroweb takes Huntail to 1 HP (cause it HAD to have a Focus Sash, so much for not trying Taka), and then Crunch finishes my Braveheart... RIP my sweep.

I send in Gaia, who Discharges, (over)killing the Huntail by removing its last health point.

And then Taka sends Gliscor. Which literally takes no damage by Ecstasy's Air Slash, or Fiery Wings' Hurricane, so I just send in Royalty and Destiny Bond it. I'm not in the mood to try this charade of a fight again. Eventually my Vespiquen goes down by a critical Night Slash, taking down Gliscor with her and granting us the victory.


Only survivor is Gaia (and respect, but she doesn't count), Taka thanks us and leaves and we go meet Titania and Amaria (who is still unconscious) and Waterfall ourselves up with our Respect, as they use Deliverance, Amaria's Lapras. After getting back to Fiore Mansion, we meet Julia and Florinia who give us TMX Fly after Ame's instructions and Julia performs a tiny break of the fourth wall... xD

But turns out that Team Meteor's high ranked officers are coming with a helicopter and are going to siege Fiore Mansion, knowing that we made Water Treatment Centre functional again, after disabling PULSE Swalot. So, brainiac Florinia suggests we go in and establish our defence lines...


Which we will do, in the next installment!

Till the next chapter, enjoy everyone! ;):) 


Is there any difference if you battle him or not? Like does Titania talk to you about it or anything? I ALWAYS choose to side with Titania because I'm afraid she's going to kill us for basically making her tell Amaria her true feelings. xD

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Just now, Awesome_One said:

Is there any difference if you battle him or not? Like does Titania talk to you about it or anything? I ALWAYS choose to side with Titania because I'm afraid she's going to kill us for basically making her tell Amaria her true feelings. xD

She just talks to us in a completely disappointed tone, saying something like "took you a while, so you fought him, didn't you. whatever, you live with it". I guess it just decreases your relationship points with Titania and increases relationship points with Taka, which I am perfectly happy with.

I'm completely against Titania's attitude "let's murder everyone, they are murderers anyways". No human being has the right to take another human being's life in my humble opinion. But hey, that is just my opinion :) 


In conclusion, it isn't a game-changing choice in any way, so far at least.

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1 minute ago, Jess said:

She just talks to us in a completely disappointed tone, saying something like "took you a while, so you fought him, didn't you. whatever, you live with it". I guess it just decreases your relationship points with Titania and increases relationship points with Taka, which I am perfectly happy with.

I'm completely against Titania's attitude "let's murder everyone, they are murderers anyways". No human being has the right to take another human being's life in my humble opinion. But hey, that is just my opinion :) 


In conclusion, it isn't a game-changing choice in any way, so far at least.

I figured it wasn't. Just never knew if she talked to you differently or not. And I agree. BUT, I have to say, I kinda like that she uses Aegislash as an actual sword and shield to slaughter some of the grunts of Team Meteor. 

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Just now, Awesome_One said:

I figured it wasn't. Just never knew if she talked to you differently or not. And I agree. BUT, I have to say, I kinda like that she uses Aegislash as an actual sword and shield to slaughter some of the grunts of Team Meteor. 

True, she is badass for sure. But she could've spared them... Violence gives birth to more violence. That Aegislash was level 80 anyways, could've defeated everyone on her own fair and square! xD

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Solaris has a Chandelure right? with a bese 145 special attack it certainy is a difficult fight, Good luck and may you get a few Ancient power boosts ^^


also good job on annihilation Terra, she's stupid, true she's a super Nerd hacker but still her constant RAAAWR and Caps kill my brain cells :[

Edited by Another Retired Shipper
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2 hours ago, Jess said:

True, she is badass for sure.

Personally, I think being as pointlessly angry as Titania permanently is destroys any Badass traits a character might have. Being a proper Badass requires a fitting attitude and Titania fails in that regard.

I also just don't like her. :P


Also have to second the Terra hate. Her appearances are the only part of Reborn I always dread, just because she completely goes against the tone of the game at all other points. Even Fern and Blake, with all their trollish attitudes, manage to occasionally show that they can be proper assholes just like the more prominent villains.

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Started reading this today, because even without screenshots, your fluid way of writing and humour makes this a great read!

The bronze 5 line cracked me up xD

So far in my reborn, desolation and rejuv runs,  i have used quite some underdog bugs like  Buttefree, Dustox, Beautifly, Vespiqueen, Forretress, Scolipede, Vivillon, Venomoth  and some of the more popular ones like Heracross and Galvantula.  All of them had moments where they were the MVPs, and many of them were constant team members. 

But honorary mentions to Butterfree, that carried me throughout all my first virgin reborn run, which was pretty hellish..  and to Vivillon, that hard-carried me through all my even more masochistically hellish virgin intense rejuvenation run, by wholly or at least partially sweeping nearly half of all major fights in there.


I'm mildly weirded out that you didnt't opt on sleep powder + quiver dance combos.  I mean, Braveheart and Fiery Wings have quiver dance, but not sleep powder,  and  Generosity has Sleep Powder, but no quiver dance. With compoundeyes,  the first two would have been able to sweep a lot of stuff very easily.


Also i'd like to point out that you have missed the god,  Shuckle, that is able to be found by rock smashing on the spot where Kiki was lecturing.   This unparallelled beast swept Hardcore Aya by spamming Rock Slide after a Power Trick,  but i havent progressed much more on that run yet. I expect even more accomplishments from it in the future.

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