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Silverwind Trades

Aria Silverwind

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Hello everyone!


After a great headstart thanks to last weeks giveaway I started breeding my own mons. And then, obviously, ended up with a lot of great pokemon I don't need. Thus creation of this thread. As for prices, for shinies and 6IV I'd like same quality shinies/6IV. On the other hand, if you really want a 5IV one it's free, just ask. Wouldn't mind getting something that will help me with breeding tho.


IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm ONLY interested in normally obtainable and fairly bred pokemon. Which means, please refrain from offering me dratinis, bagons and such, as well as pokemon inserted/edited by RPGmaker (I can't check that naturally, but I'd appreciate the honesty). However, speeding up egg hatching process with CE is in my eyes perfectly fine so no problem there.


IGN: Aria Silverwind

Trainer name: Aria


Now without further ado:




SHINY Staryu (5IV x in attack [or 6IV])





Eevee (male only) [Wish, Curse, Synchronoise, Yawn]

Feebas (both genders)

Ponyta (both genders)

Mawile (female only) [Ice Fang]

Sneasel (both genders) [Ice Punch]

Snorunt (both genders) [Avalanche, Disable, Fake Tears, Hex]

Oddish (female only) [Ingrain, Tickle, Teeter Dance]

Hoppip (male only) [Amnesia, Cotton Guard, Encore, Worry Seed]

Trapinch (both genders) [Gust, Signal Beam, Earth Power, Fury Cutter]

Lapras (both genders) [Curse, Dragon Pulse, AncientPower, Freeze-Dry]

Aron (female only) [Endeavor, Head Smash, Iron Head, Superpower]

Absol (both genders) [Baton Pass, Megahorn, Play Rough, Sucker Punch]


5IV (egg moves same as 6IV):

Eevee (male x in att/sp.att | female x in att only)

Feebas (both genders x in att/sp.att)

Ponyta (both genders x in sp.att | female with 30 sp.def)

Mawile (both genders x in att/sp.att)

Sewaddle (both genders x in sp.att)

Sneasel (both genders x in att/sp.att)

Snorunt (both genders x in att/sp.att)

Oddish (both genders x in att/sp.att)

Hoppip (male x in att only | female x in att/sp.att)

Trapinch (both genders x in att/sp.att)

Lapras (both genders x in att)

Combee (female x in sp.att | female 4IV with 30 hp and sp.att)

Aron (both genders x in sp.att)

Absol (both genders x in sp.att)




So shinies, yeah. (all with egg moves from "6IV" list)



Eevee (male x in hp/def(26))

Feebas (male x in sp.att/sp.def/spd | female x in sp.def)

Ponyta (male x in att)

Sneasel (male x in hp/att/def/sp.att)

Snorunt (male x in att/def/spd | female x in sp.att)

Oddish (male x in hp | female x in sp.def)

Hoppip (female x in spd(27))

Trapinch (male x in hp/att | female x in att)

Lapras (male x in hp/sp.def | female x in sp.def)

Absol (both genders x in att)



Decent IVs:

Sewaddle (male, 31/31/4/30/7/31)


Crap IVs:

None ATM


Message me in this thread if you are interested in anything or happen to have a pokemon I'm looking for! Or maybe if you want to show your admiration for my finest breeds below :P

Have a nice day!








Edited by Aria Silverwind
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I'll trade you one of my 6IV male togepi (since you need a Fairy group father), for a 5IV female Sweedle.  Don't worry about uneven trades.  I still have about half a box of 6IV Togepis (it took a long time to breed a good shiny because of the 1:8 gender ratio making the IV climb hard).

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I probably have a Male Corsola laying around my boxes...I'll take a look in a few minutes.


#EDIT: It's a 5x31 Male Corsola with 10 on Sp.Def. If you're interested, you can trade anything in exchange, I'm not reeeeally interested on the mons you've bred for now, but I'll surely keep an eye out for new stuff. ;)

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Just now, Aria Silverwind said:


Sorry.  I was just requesting Aria at first.


Anyway enjoy your baby egg and complementary Blue Moon for a quick evolve.  All of it's moves are egg moves, so maybe you will be able to pass them on.  Good luck in your breeding endevours.  I'll keep checking back too.

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9 hours ago, Aria Silverwind said:

Hello everyone!


After a great headstart thanks to last weeks giveaway I started breeding my own mons. And then, obviously, ended up with a lot of great pokemon I don't need. Thus creation of this thread. As for prices, for shinies and 6IV I'd like same quality shinies/6IV. On the other hand, if you really want a 5IV one it's free, just ask. Wouldn't mind getting something that will help me with breeding tho.


IGN: Aria Silverwind

Trainer name: Aria


Now without further ado:



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Corsola (6IV or 5iV x on hp/def/sp.def, MALE)

Any male 6IV from fairy breeding group (courtesy of seki108)



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6IV and 5IV both genders:




Eevee (6IV male only iirc)


5IV both genders:





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So, shinies, yeah.

Sneasel (5IV both genders)

Feebas (5IV- both genders)

(Yeah, I bred a lot of those...)


Sewaddle (male, 31/31/4/30/7/31)

Ponyta (male, 5IV x in attack)


Message me in this thread if you are interested in anything or happen to have a pokemon I'm looking for! Or maybe if you want to show your admiration for my finest breeds below :P

Have a nice day!



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I can give you a 6iv corsola........ you can give me a trashmon....

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On 4/22/2017 at 5:36 AM, Aria Silverwind said:

Replies sent, thread updated with 1 more mon on search list~

If you'll take any female Cacnea, I got one off WT a bit ago.  It doesn't have any perfect IV's but it does have two egg moves.  I've already bred an egg from it for later breeding, but you can take this one for free (trashmon) if you want.  I'll be on for about 10 more minutes, if you are still around.


Edit: just in time, really.  Enjoy the short cactus.

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Wew, let's try again


I got a male 5 IV Smeargle (30 in Def) and since you haven't specified the IVs you want (it's probably only for passing down some moves). I'm interested on a shiny Snorunt (x on Sp.Atk, if you don't mind with an uneven trade, I'm sorry x.x)

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I'm interested a 6IV Snowrunt, preferably female.  Here are some of the 6IV's I have of both genders with egg moves: Corphish, Gothita, Goomy, Nincada, and Ralts (Oops, male only for these; two egg move sets).

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Can I take both a 6IV Hophip and Oddish?  I can give you a lucky egg or two;  Pickup yields quite a few over time.  Aside from the few 6IV's I mentioned last time, I also have Yanmask (both genders), Craniados (male), Buneary (male), Bagon (male), Turtwig (male), Frokie (male), and Magby (male).   It's a wonder how much you overlook when your boxes are a little messy.  Most, if not all, have Egg moves.

Edited by seki108
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