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(Monotype) Brains over Brawn

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For the past few generations, Psychic has been left in the dust because a lot of types have type coverage that straight up beat psychic, but I, the maker of all things delicious, have made one of the best psychic teams i've ever seen, without further ado...

lets get to it.



Image result for slowbro gif

Lenny (Slowbro) (F) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Regenerator  
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Scald  
- Psyshock  
- Calm Mind  
- Slack Off  


Slowbro is one of the best Psychic-Type physical walls. it can eat pretty much any non-super-effective physical move, and gets access to reliable recovery in Slack Off, and has the ability Regenerator, making it hard to wear down, and can patch up its Special Attack and Special Defense with Calm Mind to turn into a deadly sweeper.


Image result for jirachi gif

WishMaster (Jirachi) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Serene Grace  
EVs: 252 HP / 148 SpD / 108 Spe  
Careful Nature  
- Iron Head  
- Wish  
- Protect  
- Thunder Wave  


Jirachi complements Slowbro's type very well, letting slowbro switch into Fire and most Ground moves, while jirachi can switch into Grass and most Electric moves. Jirachi also utilizes wish support, Increasing the team's longevity. Jirachi is also able to stall out opponents with the notorious Iron Head + Thunder Wave combo.


Image result for latios gif

Bugatti (Latios) @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Draco Meteor  
- Psyshock  
- Energy Ball  
- Trick  


Screw Mono-Dragon teams. You make a well built team, and Dragon just wins with outrage spam unless you use Fairy. Scarf Latios nukes every dragon in the game and gives some speed control to the team. Latios has decent Special Defense and can absorb some special attacks from things like Mega Charizard Y. Trick can also be used to cripple walls like Chansey.


Image result for alakazam gif

Voldemort (Alakazam) (M) @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Magic Guard  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Focus Blast  
- Substitute  
- Psyshock  
- Shadow Ball  


Alakazam is a very good focus sash users and prevents setup mons from sweeping, as Magic Guard prevents the sash from being broken. Substitute + Focus Blast messes with most Sucker Punch users, and Shadow Ball nukes other Psychic teams.


Image result for Mega medicham gif

Pikkon (Medicham-Mega) (M) @ Medichamite  
Ability: Pure Power  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- High Jump Kick  
- Psycho Cut  
- Fake Out  
- Bullet Punch  

Mega Medicham hits like a truck, with High jump kick OHKOing with a neutral matchup most of the time.

252 Atk Pure Power Medicham-Mega High Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Magearna: 313-370 (103.9 - 122.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

and yes, Magearna usually doesn't run HP unless its bulky Magearna.

Psycho cut is another STAB move that is used over Zen Headbutt bc 90% accuracy on Pokemon Showdown is more like 9%,  and fake out + bullet punch gets the knockout on frail pokemon like Nihilego and Weavile. 


Image result for victini v create gif

Kaioken x20 (Victini) @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Victory Star  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- U-turn  
- V-create  
- Bolt Strike  
- Blue Flare

Victini hits like a truck (albeit not as hard as Mega Medicham) V-Create nukes almost everything in the game, even if it resists. Bolt Strike hits the Water types that resist V-Create. U-turn gives momentum against switches, and Blue Flare is a powerful move that has no drawbacks and can be spammed unlike V-Create.


This has been my Mono-Psychic Team, hope you enjoyed it or even considering using it (kek)


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I hate to burst your bubble @ChefBoyFTW But psychic type is one of the top tier types when it comes to monotype. heck last gen it was the "Nooby" type to main since it was so broken in the meta. Heck the monotype council just made the meta all about keeping psychic the strongest type since they all mained it last gen. Most of the types it's weak to are mid tier at best with ghost being low tier. I'm sorry if this is not a post that fits in this topic and if I get a warning for it so be it, but saying psychic types are "left in the dust" when it comes to monotype is simply not true at all.


Also: Sash Substitude alakazam seem to be counteractive to itself, mostly you want zam to outspeed and hit hard. so using a move that cts your HP and breaks the sash is probably not the right idea

Edited by Wolfox Glace
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  On 4/23/2017 at 9:14 AM, Wolfox Glace said:

I hate to burst your bubble @ChefBoyFTW But psychic type is one of the top tier types when it comes to monotype. heck last gen it was the "Nooby" type to main since it was so broken in the meta. Heck the monotype council just made the meta all about keeping psychic the strongest type since they all mained it last gen. Most of the types it's weak to are mid tier at best with ghost being low tier. I'm sorry if this is not a post that fits in this topic and if I get a warning for it so be it, but saying psychic types are "left in the dust" when it comes to monotype is simply not true at all.


Also: Sash Substitude alakazam seem to be counteractive to itself, mostly you want zam to outspeed and hit hard. so using a move that cts your HP and breaks the sash is probably not the right idea



Hmmm, i definitely take your opinion into consideration, but when i meant by "left in the dust" was that well.... every type has its "Star." Fire has Mega Charizard X, Grass has Mega Venusaur, etc. With the loss of Mega Metagross and Tapu Lele, Psychic fell back a bit, and there was no new viable Psychic types this gen. Psychic is still very viable, just not as viable as it could have been.


Also, what would you suggest for Alakazam is Substitute is counteractive?

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  On 4/29/2017 at 4:00 AM, ChefBoyFTW said:


Hmmm, i definitely take your opinion into consideration, but when i meant by "left in the dust" was that well.... every type has its "Star." Fire has Mega Charizard X, Grass has Mega Venusaur, etc. With the loss of Mega Metagross and Tapu Lele, Psychic fell back a bit, and there was no new viable Psychic types this gen. Psychic is still very viable, just not as viable as it could have been.


Also, what would you suggest for Alakazam is Substitute is counteractive?


First of all, Tapy Lele and Mega Metagross are WAAAYYYY to OP for monotype. heck lele was banned around the time Pheromosa was banned, so you know that's easely true. and mega metagross kinda puts to many types out of commision completely, for example ice, rock, fighting, poison, fairy(to a certain extend) and many more. and the reason i saw sub sash is counteractive is because if you use sub you will instantly break your sash. and with alakazam not really being a tank when it comes do defences that can proof troublesome later on.

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