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[IC] Aurora University for the Preternaturally Gifted


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Exorcia walks towards the café and orders a lemon custard tart. While sitting down and eating her lemon custard tart, she asks Aimi a question in her cool calm voice: "Can we cook our own food? Like, is there a kitchen so that we can cook our own food?"

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Chloe smiled when Edmund walked on over and addressed her, but when he asked his question about her typical choice of drink she shrugged widely, tousling her sand-colored hair a little in the process. "Honestly, dude, I could go for either. As long as something isn't bland I can usually go for it. I usually like those kind of... sweet fruit teas a lot, though. I do like sweet stuff! No shortage of it in Hawaii, after all."


Accordingly, Chloe grabs herself a cup of orange juice and returns to sit next to Edmund, having grabbed a particularly flavorful sandwich for her own consumption, which she dug into without delay, and though she wasn't a messy eater, she definitely didn't bother to eat daintily. "Sho--" Here Chloe decided to swallow before speaking, though she showed little of that same tact with what she said immediately after. "I've heard people say that British food is all bland, is that true?"

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"Food is food! Blandness is nothing in the face of a hall of hungry warriors! Just drink enough mead and even the dullest meal becomes like the food of the Aesir themselves!"

Idunn sits down at their table with a mighty thud as her literal mountain of food barely stays on her tray.

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20 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

Chloe smiled when Edmund walked on over and addressed her, but when he asked his question about her typical choice of drink she shrugged widely, tousling her sand-colored hair a little in the process. "Honestly, dude, I could go for either. As long as something isn't bland I can usually go for it. I usually like those kind of... sweet fruit teas a lot, though. I do like sweet stuff! No shortage of it in Hawaii, after all."

Edmund had a rather smug little smile on his face as he realized that yes, his mind was not deceiving him; he was in fact talking to someone from the Colonies who was somehow not a noisome git. "So basically Lemon teas and peach teas? Well it could be worse, you could have preferred coffee over tea....I stick to the good old Earl Grey most of the time, it is fancy enough to say that I am not some ignorant....ahem but not to the point where they assume that I would want doilies with that".

He didn't really have an opinion on her drink of choice, I mean what else could he say? It was orange juice, what was he supposed to take away from orange juice? That she appreciated a citrusy flavour?


20 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

Accordingly, Chloe grabs herself a cup of orange juice and returns to sit next to Edmund, having grabbed a particularly flavorful sandwich for her own consumption, which she dug into without delay, and though she wasn't a messy eater, she definitely didn't bother to eat daintily. "Sho--" Here Chloe decided to swallow before speaking, though she showed little of that same tact with what she said immediately after. "I've heard people say that British food is all bland, is that true?"

Edmund was not surprised when she started to dig into her food in the almost trademark spirited manner of the colonists, and well to be brutally honest he was only a tad bit offended by her question, but of course he knows a potential source of humor when he sees one. 

His face had a look of exaggerated outrage when he stood up to say in his best Indignant British Gentleman voice "Well I never! I have never heard a question so rude, so vulgar! I I I..." He immediately sat back down afterwards and relaxed his facial muscles before saying in a very matter of fact tone "Unfortunately yes for the most part, I mean before that hippie with the girly sounding first name started his cooking show our cuisine was the laughing stock of the world, but in the end of the day I still like Fish and Chips if they give you tartar sauce with it, and fish have a tendency to taste good with citrusy tastes so....why don't you judge for yourself?".

Edmund slowly but surely cut off a piece of the fish and lightly dipped it into the tartar sauce accompanying it using a fork, he then offered the fork's handle to her, with the pointy bits of the fork aiming at him and his hands grasping the middle of the fork.

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Aiko is quite quiet as she grabs a bunch of food. Mostly healthy things, and japanese-style food. Rice, sushi. And... more than a small helping of meat. Overall, far more food than one would expect someone as small as Aiko could eat. 


I blame you for this

I'm a fox, and foxes are mostly carnivores. You're right to blame me.

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Edmund's witty response gets a peal of giggling out of the Kauai County spirit, but her expression also settles into an undeniably, absolutely cheeky smile that signals that she was probably in fact messing with Edmund a little. "Hehehe... Well, you know what? It can't hurt, right?" Given that the two of them have, of course, just met, Chloe doesn't let Edmund feed her, but at least she doesn't look taken aback or offended. What she does do is deftly take the bit of fish with two fingers, flip it up slightly in the air, and then catch it with her mouth -- not the best table manners, perhaps, but kind of impressive. She sucks away the little bit of sauce she got on her fingers, then chews on the bit of fried fish, looking thoughtfully for a moment before swallowing and grinning, looking at Edmund and throwing Exorcia a glance as to signify that she was answering the exorcists question herself. "Well, you know what, I did try it, and it wasn't half bad! And anyway, I'm a spirit of part of Hawaii, there is absolutely no way I could not like fish, so yeah, I can appreciate that!"

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Edmund took the opportunity to say in the most idealistic tone he could muster "Now imagine eating that after being out on a cold and rainy day, which you probably think means everyday in British, but anyway that, a pint of ale, and a fat stack of dosh that you honestly don't know what to use for, that is not my perfect evening, but it's a start.".


He saw the woman from earlier with her giant stack of miscellaneous food, and wondered where in the hell would she even manage to find some space for booze in there.

His mind pored over her mental image for a while in order to try and find out if she is some form of Viking culture revival seeking colonist, or just a continental. Either way he could see that she would look the part if she were wearing a lot more furs and of course leather...he didn't dwell on that image for long before attempting to say "I honestly prefer being sober, I don't like to dull my senses" with a straight face and not thinking about his father singing The Goblin song.

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"So Idunn, how long have you been drinking exactly? Like, in general."

Rocky wondered if beings like her encountered developmental problems when faced with drinking at a young age. Or maybe she's like a dwarf and it's the other way around. He didn't bother asking about the huge amounts of food on Aiko's plate. Really, she could use more meat on her bones. And an extra cup of milk for good measure.

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"Haha, now you're doing some assuming yourself, my British friend! I'm actually used to the rain, Kauai is quite the rainy place, and it actually has THE wettest place on the planet! Kauai County is definitely a lot hotter than the UK though, it's warm allll the time." Chloe looks as pleased as punch to have been able to shoehorn bragging about her country into the conversation, if her bright grin is any indication, but she does calm down and actually reply on the topic of the conversation. "I'll tell you what my ideal evening is, it's lying on the beach on Kauai, being in tune with it, watching the sunset turn the sky purple and listening to the soft sound of the waves~" Chloe has gone a little dreamy just thinking about it, closing her eyes and smiling quietly for a moment. "Absolutely beautiful, it is."

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Edmund couldn't really imagine the charm of simply laying down on a beach, but he had to admit that everyone has their own little quirks, and at the very least they could be seen as being endearing. "So Chloe, do you have any other hobbies than singing, shamelessly plugging your country, and evening trips to the beach?".

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She grinned cheekily at his wit. "Welll, hehehe, that's a pretty wide range of activities that you're describing right there! But yeah, I do have one or two other hobbies. In addition to my evening trips to the beach, I'm actually a pretty good surfer and swimmer if I do say so myself! If I'm stuck indoors and bored, I actually do tend to browse the internet, but that's kinda rare most of the time. I also like the occasional movie."

Edited by Powder Miner
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21 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

She grinned cheekily at his wit. "Welll, hehehe, that's a pretty wide range of activities that you're describing right there! But yeah, I do have one or two other hobbies. In addition to my evening trips to the beach, I'm actually a pretty good surfer and swimmer if I do say so myself! If I'm stuck indoors and bored, I actually do tend to browse the internet, but that's kinda rare most of the time. I also like the occasional movie."

Edmund was definitely paying attention when he heard her mention liking to watch movies, and he tried his best to steer the conversation in that direction by saying "I assume that as a colonist one of your favorite movies has a balding man shoot at terrorist bank robbers while shouting 'Yipikayay mothertrucker'? Although to be fair it could be worse, it could be Baywatch".

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Chloe looks upwards and suddenly looks just a little embarrassed when the topic steers towards movies. She twiddles her thumbs -- oh, she knew she shouldn't have brought that up, now she was probably gonna embarrass herself! Wellll, nothing to do about it, she supposed. "Uhhh, eheh, not usually action movies, actually. Violence for the sake of violence isn't usually my thing, you know?" There's a pause. "And yeah, Baywatch does look pretty dumb, honestly."

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Rocky initially looks offended at the jab against Die Hard. He personally thought the movie was a work of art, a classic and a must watch of the genre. But the insult against Baywatch is the one that earns the pair a glare. It was Rocky's belief that David Hasselhof is a national treasure and Baywatch should be revered especially. But then, he was also probably made by a German, so he might not be the best voice on the subject.

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On 2017-6-14 at 3:36 AM, kj1225 said:

"So Idunn, how long have you been drinking exactly? Like, in general."

Rocky wondered if beings like her encountered developmental problems when faced with drinking at a young age. Or maybe she's like a dwarf and it's the other way around. He didn't bother asking about the huge amounts of food on Aiko's plate. Really, she could use more meat on her bones. And an extra cup of milk for good measure.

"What sort of question is this? My first drink was a mug of mead from the taps of Folkvangr!"


10 hours ago, Cronos5010 said:

Edmund was definitely paying attention when he heard her mention liking to watch movies, and he tried his best to steer the conversation in that direction by saying "I assume that as a colonist one of your favorite movies has a balding man shoot at terrorist bank robbers while shouting 'Yipikayay mothertrucker'? Although to be fair it could be worse, it could be Baywatch".

"How DARE you compare that glorified muscle-comparing contest to someone like John McClane? That man is the very example of the perfect warrior! Brave, clever and unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds! Those are fighting words, wizard! Fighting words!"

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6 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

Chloe looks upwards and suddenly looks just a little embarrassed when the topic steers towards movies. She twiddles her thumbs -- oh, she knew she shouldn't have brought that up, now she was probably gonna embarrass herself! Wellll, nothing to do about it, she supposed. "Uhhh, eheh, not usually action movies, actually. Violence for the sake of violence isn't usually my thing, you know?" There's a pause. "And yeah, Baywatch does look pretty dumb, honestly."

Most people would have stopped to apologize when a hulking continental who presumably leapt straight from the pages of a viking epic yells at them about it being fighting words while a person who is mostly muscle and scars glared at you, but to be brutally honest Edmund honestly believes that he wasn't most people. This is why Edmond did not pay any attention to the peanut gallery when he continued with "I think Baywatch is just an excuse to spend an hour or so looking at women in less clothing than usual on a beach, although to be honest I rarely go to the cinema these days, almost everything is so miserable or soulless these days, especially since I can't watch the movies I used to love as a kid in public anymore without being seen as a weirdo".

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Chloe did give Rocky just a bit of a strange look; she didn't much like Baywatch (at least from the trailers and reviews she'd seen) because it made people on beaches, if Florida's, look really dumb, especially the lifeguards, who she'd always admired. Chloe did not say any of this, however, seeing as she very much disliked getting in arguments.


Now, what caught her ear was Edmund complaining about not being able to watch the movies he liked as a kid. Suddenly interested, Chloe leaned in over the table a bit, curious, her hands on its edge. "Ohhhh? Tell me more about what kind of movies you liked to watch, I promise I won't judge."

Edited by Powder Miner
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4 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

Chloe did give Rocky just a bit of a strange look; she didn't much like Baywatch (at least from the trailers and reviews she'd seen) because it made people on beaches, if Florida's, look really dumb, especially the lifeguards, who she'd always admired. Chloe did not say any of this, however, seeing as she very much disliked getting in arguments.


Now, what caught her ear was Edmund complaining about not being able to watch the movies he liked as a kid. Suddenly interested, Chloe leaned in over the table a bit, curious, her hands on its edge. "Ohhhh? Tell me more about what kind of movies you liked to watch, I promise I won't judge."

Edmund realized that he should have kept his mouth shut, I mean how many women would stick around with a man who honestly still liked the good old Transformers cartoons? But then again by this point it was far far too late to back out without seeming like a wuss

"Three words, Transformers The Movie...the 1986 animated one, although I can't honestly say that I like an animated movie these days without sounding like a whiny man child, which is.....something".

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Chloe giggled at his response, and then caught herself and slapped a hand over her mouth, before leaning in just a little further (a not insignificant part of her torso is at this point over the table) and talking perhaps a bit quietly to Edmund. "Ehehe, ah, no, I swear I'm not judging! I just didn't quite expect that. Me, well, eheh... I really like some of those old Disney movies. Like... Cinderella, you know, or the Little Mermaid. Or Aladdin." Chloe had avoided mentioning Lilo and Stitch because she figured it would be figured either too obvious or too stereotypical or something like that.


...she did in fact like Lilo and Stitch though.

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On 6/18/2017 at 4:14 PM, Powder Miner said:

Chloe giggled at his response, and then caught herself and slapped a hand over her mouth, before leaning in just a little further (a not insignificant part of her torso is at this point over the table) and talking perhaps a bit quietly to Edmund. "Ehehe, ah, no, I swear I'm not judging! I just didn't quite expect that. Me, well, eheh... I really like some of those old Disney movies. Like... Cinderella, you know, or the Little Mermaid. Or Aladdin." Chloe had avoided mentioning Lilo and Stitch because she figured it would be figured either too obvious or too stereotypical or something like that.


...she did in fact like Lilo and Stitch though.

Edmund didn't really know how to respond to that, he was stuck somewhere between being embarrassed, irritated, or being less polite and mention the concept of personal space to her. He eventually settled for desperately trying to slowly shift the focus of the conversation from him by quietly saying "Okay now when someone like you says that they like animated movies it just seems like a good thing to be honest" he went quiet for a while before finally having a decent enough idea and saying "You know....what do you want out of this place anyway?".

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