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Missing one companion!


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Like in the title I am currently mssing one pokemon for my team. :/

My current pals:


Metagross (Clear body)

Meteor Mash

Iron Defense


Hyper Beam


Charizard (Solar power)


Heat wave


Dragon rage


Lucario (Inner focus)

Close combat

Extreme speed


Dragon pulse


Milotic (Cute charm) Ps. It would be great if you could help me with moves for milotic I dont have a clue what to give her :(

Rain dance

Hydro pump




Flygon (Levitate)



Hyper Beam

Dragon Claw


Mate's in my pc: Alakazam, Gardevoir, Noivern, Claydol, Klefki, Rotom, Magby, Solosis, Rhydon, Magnemite, Mamoswine, Froslass, Nidoqueen, Dragalge, Delphox, Tepig, Aggron, Ampharos, Lapras, Electivire and more.

If you want to know something feel free to ask.


Edited by Impress
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Definitely NOT Magnezone with your current team. You have Lucario and Metagross, so two Steel types already. You'll have a huge weakness to Fire/Ground if you add Magnezone. Electivire with Elemental Punches would be a good addition. Consider also a Grass type. A typical Water/Ground (say Swampert for example) could check your team relatively easily now. As for Milotic, Icy Wind, Toxic and Recover instead of Waterfall, Rain Dance and Surf have worked wonders for me. Stalling/sustain is more important than raw damage on Milotic.

Edited by Jess
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