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How do I go ahead?


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I'm at the chess gym and I do not know how to go because it's too complicated. Then I see a video on youtube and I know that at the last (or the penultimate) chessboard I miss a check, but in the video there is. You can tell me if it's a bug or if it changes something because of the version (that's a previous version of mine is episode 16.2). I look forward to thank you in advance

reborn 1.PNG

reborn 2.PNG

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Sorry I dont speak italian


So if you want the solution I can try and help.


So you need first move the pawn all the way back and select the queen. 

then you move the horseman to the pont in between the 2 pawns and the horseman from the oponent (upper right corner)

Now you need to move the bisp or how its called that piece that only move in the diagonal, to check the king and the queen to check the escape (diagonal from a black field to cut the escape up)


If you didnt understand then just tell me

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