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Nuzlocke Stories


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What's your best  nuzlocke story?funny or otherwise. Have you ever had your nuzlocke run end by some random craziness? The first time I done a nuzlocke was a randomized platinum run. It started out pretty good, dusclops as my starter, not the best imo but it was better than the other options, first route was a cubone , not that great but it knew earthquake already  route after that was gyarados, which made my day, the next couple were trash but I got a grovyle and a combusken in the wild, and I'm thinking this is gonna be a piece of cake....till that dreaded double battle.  the five mons I mentioned were the only ones I had alive and I walked into a double battle . They had a Latios and an electivire, cubone and duslops up front...but the electavire new magnet rise so I couldn't get a ground move off Latios one shoted cubone, electivire one shoted dusclops, and I had no type advantage and other than grovyle my other two were weak to the types out, one by one my team was out and my run ended.       What's your nuzlocke story

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I actually recorded my first nuzlocke on my YouTube channel. I was brave enough to do a Pokemon Insurgence nuzlocke (didn't want to do anything too extreme such as randomizer). So my first Pokemon was Delta Squirtle (was gonna use Charmander, but I decided to go with a less used Poke...big mistake). Then I went into the first route and found a Caterpie.


Now this is when things started to go downhill. I didn't realize that the first route had so many trainers with flying types and both of my Pokemon were weak to them. Caterpie evolved into a Metapod, but died because a Lv. 7 Pidove happened to know Gust. Luckily, I managed to get some String Shots on him so Squirtle managed to defeat it.


I managed to get to the cave and catch a Roggenrola in a cave. Here is when things turn really ugly: the next trainer I faced off against had a Machop. So I had (once again) two Pokemon that are weak against my opponent. Luckily, I managed to survive against this thing, but it was really close and relied on my opponent using something other than Karate Chop and Low Kick. I later managed to beat Team Abyssal grunts. 


I thought I was in the clear after that. After all, the first Abyssal grunt has some pretty hard Pokemon to deal with if you are not prepared. At the route after the cave, I managed to catch a Blitzle. My team was looking to be built up..........until I ran into Ruin Maniac Marc with a Machop. "Okay, here we go again," I thought. I used Roggenrola to Sand Attack it. Thought it was a good idea to drop accuracy....then he used Focus Energy. "OH $H!T." Despite the accuracy drop, he managed to land EVERY. SINGLE. KARATE CHOP. WITH A CRIT. I tried. I was faster than it with all of my Pokemon. I tried using Torment and Bite with my Squirtle to stop him from attacking me every turn and to go for accuracy/flinch. DIED. I tried using Blitzle and use Leer and Quick Attack. KARATE CHOP. CRIT. DIED. I tried using Roggenrola and use Headbutt. LIVED WITH 1 HP. KARATE CHOP. CRIT. DIED.


This nuzlocke was the most rage enducing game that I put myself into and I faced against Charlotte before the nerfs and Angie on Intense Mode.

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Second Nuzlocke story: Second Nuzlocke total


Platinum Randomizer. got to Valley Windworks. Mars had a GIRATINA


Third Story:


Emerald again: Got to Flannery, my my Hariyama got crit and I lost.


Story Four: White 2


Cheren, nuf said

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Have any of you won a nuzlocke? Is so what team you have by the end? I survived heart gold randomizer, defeated red but lost half my good pokemon team in the fight. It was flareon walrein steelix raichu honchcrow and garchomp...gar chomp and Walrein  were the only ones to live lol

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35 minutes ago, Asher_Blackfyre said:

Have any of you won a nuzlocke? Is so what team you have by the end? I survived heart gold randomizer, defeated red but lost half my good pokemon team in the fight. It was flareon walrein steelix raichu honchcrow and garchomp...gar chomp and Walrein  were the only ones to live lol

Nope. In total I have done 3 nuzlockes: 1 in HeartGold (long time ago) and 2 in Pokemon Insurgence. The first one was as I stated before. The second one got me to the 2nd gym and I got swept by a Mega Beedrill (thought getting 3 Dragon Dances up would've allowed me to outspeed it, but alas).

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  • 4 months later...
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Well i've done 15 nuzlocks i won in 5 and here they are from best to worst

5 INSURGENCE Delta Venusaur , Crobat ,vileplume

4 White 2 randomizer Hydreigon,Victini, Slowking,Gardevoir,Clampearl

3 Emralde Randomizer Rayquaza,Huntail,Vileplume(again),Flygon

2 Platinum Randomizer Staraptor,Giratina,(Cinthia fucked me up)

1 Blaze Black Emboar(I hate this thing but it was helpful), azumaril,weavile,Shedinja,Charizard,Hydreigon

Yeah so those we're my wins but the first nuzlock i ever did was of ruby and i lost because i picked regice and he only knew explosion

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