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Pokemon Rejuvenation Help

Filthy Casual

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Just started a new play throughout Rejuvenation. I just got to the sewer and have these mons so far:


Chespin (adamant)

Misdreavus (careful)


Who should I pick up for my team? I want to use Chesnaught for this team, since it would be a fun challenge.

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Woobat has very nice typing for the first two gyms, espurr is always solid if you can be bothered grinding the game corner. growlithe is another nice fire type. ducklett is fairly solid in the earlygame. I found Misdreavus a bit hard to use in rejuv because early on its movepool is pretty terrible, and then you don't get an eviolite or early enough dusk stone to keep it strong enough. if you have a free team slot early on it has some useful utility with confusion and such though.


All of the ones I mentioned should be available before/around the first gym.

other than that just explore as you go and find things I guess. I'd recommend doing all of the help centre quests as you go because you get some nice items and pokemon from them. oh and after you have 4 badges you can find phantump, then breed it and trade the egg for this games mystery egg which will usually be pretty good.

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there's a trade. a girl wants a Male Cherubi for a Bunnelby.

Now if I have to paint out why having a Diggerby would be a good idea I will likely have a stroke

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you can catch a Woobat in the sewers, and later on, around the second gym you can get a duskull wich is helpful with willowisp and is a little bulky

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Cool! I've taken some suggestions, and now, this is who I have so far:


Juggernaut (Quilladin)

Nō (Misdreavus)

Azrael (Woobat)

BRUH (Geodude)

Nala (Litleo)


Geodude so far is a monster! He will expire his usefulness soon, but so far, he is the clutch member of the team. My one question is where should I replace Woobat, and with what?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Geodude will be useful for a LONG TIME. Unless it's rock head. In which case, it's pretty bad after Venam. But it can defense curl rollout sweep Venam which is cool. But Sturdy Geodude/Graveler/Golem is so useful.

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