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What if reborn had achievements?


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The question is easy, what if Ame and her team had way too much time on their hands and decided to include achievements.  What achievements do you think would be included or do you want to be inluded?

Here are some examples:


The objectively best starter: pick Ame's favorite starter.


I don't need a prince: escape the wooden cage without help.


Arsonist: set 20 fields on fire.


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Similar to the favorite starter one, if Ame did that she'd also probably have an achievement for obtaining an Alolan Ninetales. 


I'm too lazy to come up with names but there'd probably be achievements for:

-beating the main story 

-completing the Pokedex

-beating Garchomp at Pyrous Mountain (ninja'd by Wolfox Glace)

-finding all the field and PULSE notes

-interacting with everything in Terra's computer

-fixing the Calcenon-Route 3 bridge

-renovating all three (possibly four, since the NPC mentions looking at the wasteland after doing all three?) projects when the city is restored

-rescuing all the 7th Street Pokemon

-beating Cain and Victoria at the Grand Hall (since the game continues even if you lose here)

-feeding Titania Blue Moon Ice Cream (maybe also one for obtaining Blue Moon Ice Cream in the first place)

-making your relationship points with a character the highest or lowest they can possibly be (with unique achievement names for each one)

-finding the officers and exposing Corey

-doing the extra gang stuff (defeating Craudburry and giving the gang jobs)

-finding all the lady's furniture in Spinel Town

-finding each correct mirror in Serra's gym on the first try

-getting all the chess puzzles in Radomus's gym right on the first try

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I like this idea a lot. Maybe rewards in-game could also be associated with the number of achievements or particular achievements the player has obtained. And if users could have profile cards for Reborn Online, they could highlight achievements they've obtained. That would be rad.

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Yeah I really like the idea. It would add something to do while waiting for the next episode.


My 5 cents:

Terraformer - transform field 5 times during one battle

Fisherman - fish 100 Pokemon

Future impotent - ride 100 000 steps on bicycle

Treasure hunter - find 100 hidden items

Bash a head against the wall - use a rock smash on a wall in the abandoned railnet





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God or Demon? - Beat the Arceus Ditto.

one for each GYm Badge, cuz those are worthy of a celebration.

SHINY! - self explenatory.

Gambler - get at least one of every prize in the game corner(lotto excluded)

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Dark Past- Find Rotom in Shade's Gym

Strange Faces- Defeat all of the Grand Hall Trainers at least once

They'll Destroy Us All- Beat the Circus Clown Ten Times

Really?- Find Beldum

Your Waifu- Meet and Beat Mr. Bigglesworth

Darn PEGI- Win big at the Game Corner, and lament how it will never be in another real game

Unavoidable- Read the diary

Powerful Staraptor- Get a Pidove

At Last- Get a Magikarp

You Seem Familiar...-Defeat a certain trainer and his powerful Luxray and less powerful Gothita

Never Tell Me the Odds- Beat a rival who chose a starter that has the type advantage over you

Cheese and Crackers- Use a instant KO move on a boss encounter

No Where to Go but Down- Get to the top of the department store

How Else Could I Beat Him- Beat Noel by setting the field on fire

Ghost, Ghost, Toast- Meet Shade

Why Doesn't He Have a Game Yet- Find a certain secret policeman


If I think of anymore, I'll let you know.

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I'm your God now!- Beat Ditto Arceus

Chess Master- Solve Radomus' chess puzzle first try in each room without resetting them

7 years bad luck- Destroy Serra's Mirror field

Event planner- Obtain at least 30 event Pokémon  

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Some of the proposed achievements are something you might get locked out of, and that rubs me the wrong way. Defeating a gym leader on your first try? Well, if they land a critical hit on you you might just fail. If an achievement is tied to a location, that location should be one you can re-visit any time or at least after proceeding further in the game.


How would achievements even work? Can you work on them in as many save files as you wish or do you have to unlock them again in every save file? If beating Solaris' Garchomp was in fact, one of the achievements, I would deliberately have to avoid unlocking it should I try to get one of the multiple endings Reborn is said to offer based on the choices you make. You can say you're not supposed to get all the achievements during a single playthrough, which is in my opinion fine as long as the achievements you got during your first playthrough stay unlocked when you start another playthrough.

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Who, Whom, Whomst, Whomst'd've- Complete all the puzzles in the game first try

Who's powerful now?- Defeat Lin

A feat of STRENGTH- Obtain Solosis

I believe I can fly!- Fly for the first time.

Useless!- Obtain Chikorita

Is this a Michael Bay movie?- Make Julia's Electrode use Self-destruct (or Explosion?).

I'm not crying, Baka!- Witness a sad scene


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  On 5/7/2017 at 4:09 PM, FairFamily said:

The objectively best starter: pick Ame's favorite starter.



If Ame put in an achievement for choosing Popplio (which is indeed the objectively best and correct choice) then I would throw one in for using an Alolan Exeggutor, tbh

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  On 5/7/2017 at 6:50 PM, Zargerth said:

Some of the proposed achievements are something you might get locked out of, and that rubs me the wrong way. Defeating a gym leader on your first try? Well, if they land a critical hit on you you might just fail. If an achievement is tied to a location, that location should be one you can re-visit any time or at least after proceeding further in the game.


How would achievements even work? Can you work on them in as many save files as you wish or do you have to unlock them again in every save file? If beating Solaris' Garchomp was in fact, one of the achievements, I would deliberately have to avoid unlocking it should I try to get one of the multiple endings Reborn is said to offer based on the choices you make. You can say you're not supposed to get all the achievements during a single playthrough, which is in my opinion fine as long as the achievements you got during your first playthrough stay unlocked when you start another playthrough.



What good is an achievement that you can't possibly fail? It's nothing but a grind then.

Sure nothing wrong with a few freebies that you are guaranteed to get, but there have to be a few hard ones that might need a full restart.

Edited by Sirrobert
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  On 5/7/2017 at 7:49 PM, GS BALL said:

But there IS one achievement that the game will recognize, probably reward, too...


... Completing the pokedex!


Caught Them All- Complete the Pokedex

Really Caught Them All- Complete the Pokedex with Shiny Pokemon


This is hypothetical of course, since the Pokedex dosen't register them for being shiny or not, but it's more of a joke.

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Money Maker - Max out your money (999999 currently, I believe)

Forbidden Fruit - Obtain a Pokémon legitimately not available to you at that point in the game (through trading)

Why Is This Pokémon Available Again? - Beat a gym leader without having a single Pokémon faint or switch in ("sweep" them essentially)

Classic Reborn - Have a Gardevoir and a Magnezone on your team at the same time

Buzz Off - Lose to Bennett

Casual Player - Use 5 or more items in one battle


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  On 5/7/2017 at 8:10 PM, Sirrobert said:


What good is an achievement that you can't possibly fail? It's nothing but a grind then.

Sure nothing wrong with a few freebies that you are guaranteed to get, but there have to be a few hard ones that might need a full restart.


Let me put it this way: after playing for 60 hours or so I'm battling against the last gym leader. They manage to defeat my Pokemon because of a critical hit and thus I lost the battle. Should I now have to play another 60 hours or so to reach that point and try again, with the possibility of the same thing occurring again? I don't think you're thinking this clearly.


I have "fully restarted" Reborn five times already. I'm not going to "fully restart" who knows how many times because of RNG. In my opinion, that shouldn't be required of anyone. As for achievements becoming grinding, well, you worked - as in grinded - towards something and eventually got it. Is there something particularly wrong in gaining something after putting effort to it? Should you put effort to something and hope you get the reward, because RNG? 


I'm not saying every achievement should be obtainable during a single playthrough as long as you can continue unlocking them with other playthroughs. Reborn is said to have multiple endings based on choices you make, so the achievements can easily complement Reborns re-play value. However, what doesn't contribute to re-play value and turns the game to nothing but a grind, is if you need to reach a certain point in the game and retry clearing it with your first try.


Edit: Of course any gym leader and boss can be beaten on your first try, but that requires you to prepare specific counters. That means you have raise certain Pokemon - and possibly even breed it - and then EV train it. This whole process has to be repeated several times throughout the game. There's a name to all of this, can you guess what it it? Grinding. If anything, fretting over whether you beat a gym leader or not on your first try and then over-preparing for each battle is what turns the game in to a grind.

Edited by Zargerth
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You don't have to be a completionist though and try to get all achievements since some are only for fun and others are too extreme.


Here are other suggestions:

HATRED: Make all characters dislike you (their relationship points are below a certain level)

Present Lover: Only use pokemon given or gifted to you; wild pokemon, traded pokemon, or breeded pokemon should not be used.

Location Lover: Step on every single tile that is steppable in the game

First Option: Always pick the first option when given a choice in dialogue

Rainbows: Make all fields in gym leader battles the Rainbow Field

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ABSOLutely! - Capture Absol in the wild.

Early Bird - Capture a wild Pokemon that only appears in the morning.

Dead Language - Obtain one of every Unown.

My Condolences - Complete the Simon sidequest.

This is Halloween - Capture a Pumpkaboo in the wild.

Buff Out - Max out every stat in battle.

TKO - Beat a Pokemon with a OHKO move.

Who Ya Gonna Call? - Defeat the Ghost Trainer. (the Misdreavus in Bixbosion Wasteland)

I'm a Believer - Don't side with Radomus.

Happy Easter - Obtain a Pokemon Egg.

Technical Difficulties - Use a Data Chip.

Down with the Sickness - Inflict five or more negative effects on a single Pokemon. (Weather/Field effects don't count)

Skeleton Key - Obtain Klefki without trading.

Secret Agent Man - Escape Sub-Seven Sanctum.

TMNT - Have Blastoise, Torterra, Avalugg and Carracosta in your party.

Dark Matter - Capture Deino in the wild.


I can probably come up with more, but this is all I got right now.

Edited by Animefan666
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  On 5/7/2017 at 11:55 PM, Monsieur Divergent said:

You don't have to be a completionist though and try to get all achievements since some are only for fun and others are too extreme.





I'd like to think that there's a difference between "challenging" and "obviously bad (game) design".  Just because something could be made "too extreme", that doesn't mean it should.

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  On 5/8/2017 at 12:06 AM, Zargerth said:


I'd like to think that there's a difference between "challenging" and "obviously bad (game) design".  Just because something could be made "too extreme", that doesn't mean it should.


Well yeah, but certain games do have really challenging achievements

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Hm. Well, here are a few I thought of, though these might be much harder to introduce.


Welcome to the Team: Have a captured wild Pokémon defeat a Gym Leader's Mon without having been in more than three battles since it's capture (So, if you want this achievement, you have to capture a Pokémon, then have it defeat a Gym Leader's Mon before you fight three battles.)

Natural Skill: Have a Pokémon with less than 20 total EV's defeat a Gym Leader's Pokémon. (Note that this is 20 points in EV's, not 20 points in stat gain from EV's).

Monotypist: Have six Pokémon on your team that share a single type.

Monotype Runner: Defeat a Gym Leader using a team of six Pokémon that share a single type.

Elite Monotype Runner: Defeat a Gym Leader that has a typing advantage over you, using a team of six Pokémon that share a single type.

Brutality: Have one of your Pokémon go from full health to fainting in one attack.

Mysidian Explorer: Obtain Eevee.

Never Lucky: In one battle, have your Pokémon get stopped by paralysis, hit themselves with confusion and miss an attack.


Yeah, these are probably pretty bad.

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Praise the Sun! - Catch Solgaleo

Ocean's Twelve - Use only 12 Pokemon

Not the bees! - Beat the game without catching bees (Beedrill,Vespiqueen etc).

Youngster Joey would be proud - Beat the E4 using a team of Raticates Just kidding, who would win with this team?

Blow 'em up - Use Blast Powder on every mined rock

Where the hood at? - Explore all of 7th street


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