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What if reborn had achievements?


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10 hours ago, Zargerth said:

Let me put it this way: after playing for 60 hours or so I'm battling against the last gym leader. They manage to defeat my Pokemon because of a critical hit and thus I lost the battle. Should I now have to play another 60 hours or so to reach that point and try again, with the possibility of the same thing occurring again? I don't think you're thinking this clearly.


Yes. I do think there should be a few achievement of this calibre. A few achievements that you really have to work for. Keeps things special.

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48 minutes ago, Sirrobert said:


Yes. I do think there should be a few achievement of this calibre. A few achievements that you really have to work for. Keeps things special.

Special, as in waste of time in order to gain bragging rights? What is this "really have to work for" when all of your work can be completely useless should you miss a move with 90 accuracy? Like I said, awards like beating a gym leader on your first try not only involve lots of grinding - or work, however you want to see it - ,there's no guarantee you get anything out of it. 

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Too be honest I don't like if my achievement merely boils down to having insane luck especially considering ho much time it takes. That being said some luck is always appreciated in achievements like a lottery achievement.


Now for some achievements:


I respect your determination: battle a gym leader 11 times.


Fight fire with fire: defeat 5 gym leaders with a team only consisting of pkmns having the same type as that gym (I could say all but Julia).


Books?:  enter Florinia's gym without reading a book


Highschool drama: read all diaries in the trainer school


Learning your lesson: learn from Titania's reprimand

Edited by FairFamily
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Oh my.
To start off, you don't get -anything- tangible out of achievements anyway, actually.
Neither are they a part of "game design", as you can put literally anything in there and smack it together in a list. 

Here's a little something something:
Anyone familiar with XCOM will know about heavy RNG and having to reach achievements despite of it :>
And you'll have to rely on many more actions that are much less probable than 90%, or even 80%. Your eyes sparkle everytime you reach these numbers! Gear Grind's my best friend.

For reference, the globally least reached achievements from XCOM2 (in % of players). and you can still savestate-"cheat" your way through if not doing Ironman mode (in which the game saves automatically after every little step, and there's only one file for your campaign that therefore gets overwritten - which basically means "do everything right on your first try or restart your whole campaign".)



For XCOM 1 (Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within), I'm among the 1,7% of players beating the game on the at least 2nd highest difficulty with said Ironman mode enabled.
I'm very well aware of the difficulty, and that you in fact do have to know your way around the game very well before going for some of those.
And that, even if you are objectively okay or even good at the game, it will (try to) mess with you in 9,9 out of 10 attempts.
You don't become a legend just by being good - everything else has to align as well.

If it's not worth your time, don't do it - it's really easy just like that. It only means as much as you want it to mean.

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I like to think there are three types of achievements.


Plot-linked achievements, which would be along the lines of "obtain your xth badge" or "save [recated] at Meteor's base in [redacted]," or following different story splits, with a final one being "beat game"


Challenge achievements, which would be along the lines of "defeat Ditto-Arceus without items & without any of your pokemon fainting." Exaggeration, sure, but that's the gist.


Tedious achievements, which are time-sinks and/or driven entirely by RNG.  You can spend all of 5 seconds to come up with your own examples for this one. Below, I have listed all that I thought of for this... in the span of one minute.  Note the recurring themes.



Defeat a gym leader without being hit by any attacks

Register all/x% pokemon

Register all formes of all/x% pokemon

Reach an ingame time of 1337 hours

Beat the game without any fields being created or destroyed

Beat the game without ever using Running Shoes.

Obtain every item

Fill your wallet with 100,000,000

Beat the game without spending any money outside of forced events.

Defeat each gym leader with your highest level team member being no higher than 10 levels below your current level cap (This means Julia with everything ENDING at level 10 or lower)


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7 hours ago, Zargerth said:

Special, as in waste of time in order to gain bragging rights? What is this "really have to work for" when all of your work can be completely useless should you miss a move with 90 accuracy? Like I said, awards like beating a gym leader on your first try not only involve lots of grinding - or work, however you want to see it - ,there's no guarantee you get anything out of it. 

Special as in unique. Special as in not everyone has them

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Time for a chunk of boss battle achievements. I'm going to mark them as in the spoiler category just in case. Most of them are going to be pop culture references, by the way.


There's No Such Thing as Fairies- Defeat Adrienn

Next Time Try the Titan Formula- Defeat Aya

Only You- Defeat Charlotte

No Dog Will Laugh at You- Defeat Ciel

Background Check- Defeat Corey

Neeeeeeerd!- Defeat Florinia

This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things- Defeat Julia

No Badge? Really?- Defeat Kiki and feel ripped off

Won Hurt and Heal- Defeat Luna

I'm a Sad Panda- Defeat Noel

Sacrifice Ron- Defeat Radomus

Would You Like to See the Strongman?- Beat the Strongman, I Mean Samson

{Unfunny Frozen Joke}- Defeat Serra

Not All Ghosts Haunt People You Racist- Defeat Shade

Why is Everyone In Reborn Broken?- Defeat Shelly

Some People Find Her Funny- Defeat Terra

Not From Fairy Tail- Defeat Titania

They're in My Eyes!- Defeat Bennett

Daredevil- Defeat El

Doctor Noooo!- Defeat Sigmund

Baka Taka- Defeat Taka

Tri-Polar Disorder- Defeat Zel

Kalle Demos- Defeat ???

Mario Sunshine- Defeat ???

Elf Song- Defeat ???

I'll Never Let Go Jack- Defeat ???

Throw A Bomb in Its Mouth- Defeat ???

I'm The Trash Man, I am Garbage- Defeat Mr. ???

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While I'm not against the idea and certainly would be willing to help me this possible, it's going to grind down to Ame and Co if they want to invest time into this. But since we're here, I may as well throw in some fun little achievements that could be put in. My own personal opinion is to have a large variety of achievements just due to how diverse Pokemon is, but nothing super ridiculous or out there.


-5 minutes in and it's already a trainwreck: Achieved after Ame leaves Grand Central Station

-My Crits shall pierce the heavens: crit enemies 100 times

-Don't forget you're here forever: have a save that's over 100 hours in play time

-Stop hitting yourself: Have your Pokemon hit themselves 50 times

-Damn Zubats: Encounter 10 Zubats in the wild

-I'm a real "Fun Guy": Win a battle with a team full of Mushroom Pokemon

-Keep your friends close...and your plushies closer: Escape a battle using a Pokemon doll (If you know what character said that I would salute you)

-Don't Gamble with Jack: Lose the coin flip game 20 times

-IT'S SO FLUFFY!: Win 100 battles using Bewear

-Ame, it comes after April: Play the game in April

-Nothing to get Cellist about: Win 10 battles using A-Exeggutor

-That's my Jan: Change the music using the Pokegear

-Kakuna-Rattata, what a wonderful phrase: Win a battle with Rattata and Kakuna in the party

-We finally found it, Vinny: Catch a sneasel in the wild

-The squid king has arrived: Defeat Titania with a squid Pokemon on your team

-The return of Spider-dan: Win 10 battles consisting of only spiders in the party

-The Kuro and the Hound: Win 10 battles with a fox Pokemon on your team

-H O T L E G S: KO a Pokemon using Blaze Kick

-Baz-off: Defeat 10 Beedrills in Jasper Ward

-Oh hey, Inuki: Collect all of the keys in Reborn City

-Cmdr Bohmander: Win 10 battles using Salamence

-For the last time it's Link: Play the game using Zelda as the trainer name


I may be back to add more.

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I don't think anyone here actually expects achievements to be implemented, since they never really are in the canon games, but nonetheless, they are fun to make.


Which unfortunately means it's time for a few meme ones.


We Are Men- Have a male character with a full team of male Pokemon

We Are (Wo)Men- Have a female character with a full team of female Pokemon

We Are Number One- Have a character named Robbey and a full team of Pokemon named Robbey

He Took a Shot for You- Have a Pokemon named after the legend use Follow Me

Bad Time- KO one hundred Pokemon that couldn't fight back


I know these are all terrible, but someone had to do it.

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