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Pokemon Reborn Mono-Grass Run [Post Amaria]


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Time to update this run one more time before E18 comes out. As a new reminder, I completed this run in Community release, so the team differs from the one you'll see in Public release. With this out of the way, time for a rather short update.


Normally, you can head directly to Amaria after defeating Titania, which could make sense in a real life scenario, given the situation and how Amaria is apparently in danger based on Lin's talk. However, there is a certain Sidequest you can complete. Let's just say we met Arclight and aquired a certain jewelry called Mega-Z-Ring. While Megas can be powerful, Mega-Abomasnow (the only currently available Mega for this run, I think) isn't too threatening, especially considering how Hardy and Saphira will most likely be able to counter Grass or Ice types and Abomasnow is probably dead as soon as they know a Fire type move. Z-move are an interesting feature, but as I so far lacked the motivation to really play much of Gen VII... guess helpful if you have the correct moves xD


Anyways, as there isn't much I did otherwise, I headed to Amaria's Gym just to find her in a rather depressed manner. Of course, she is not willing to battle as immediately but goes swimming in her gym. Time to search her again and annoy her even more. Her mood worsens every time we meet her, until she decides to drown us. Yay to Reshiram route! From one of my facourite characters to a person I want to smack (at least in this route) within minutes! Titania saves us and upon waking up, is in the middle of a discussion with Amaria. If I remember correctly, Titania ends their relationship and Amaria isn't in the best mood when we finally face her~


VS Jetsam Amaria


Doesn't she look nice?




I guess you can imagine what my plan is?



Yes, start with a Mega. Too tempting to resist this power up after facing those for so long. And as I planned to use Abomasnow anyways...


Welp, thanks to Hail Santa manages to transform the field while dealing rather low damage and Rotom-W sets up Light Screen. After setting up Reflect next turn, a couple of Giga Drain take Rotom out, which was kind enough to miss most of its Hydropumps.



A Venoshock is weaker than I thought of course I knew about Light Screen *cough* and a boosted Ice Beam takes out Rose. Yay!



Amaria spends a turn to heal, in which a critical Sludge Wave halves Indiana. Afterwards, an Ice Beam takes 2/3 of Rini's HP and another Sludge Wave takes it out (Light Screen ended the last turn, so special attacks can finally deal some damage!)



Swampert... I could be a threat, if it could survive a Leaft Storm.



Of course, a Moon Blast is only able to put Kingdra in critical range. Another Ice Beam takes out Fluffy.



A field bossted Ice Shard could've easily taken out Kingdra, but she needs to heal and prolong the fight; the Ice Shard put it down to half HP by the way. Santa can take an Ice Beam rather well and a Blizzard takes out.



Shade moves first, paralyzing the Azumaril and it tries to use Z-Belly Drum, but is unable to move. Guess it's not maxing its Attack now? Not that it matters, an Electro Ball is an easy ohko.



If you dig a hole in the ice *ba dum tsss*


Instead of raising its Sp. Def and applying Aqua Ring (if I remember correctly), it's now boosting Speed. A critical Ice Shard leaves Shade the huge amount of 11 HP- which is enough to use a Thunder Wave before going down to Hail.



Now, an Ice Shard isn't too threatening- a Giga Drain heals more. Lapras tries to set up with a Curse, but Giga Drain puts poor Lapras in critical range. It probably tries another Ice Shard, but as paralysis intervenes, a Giga Drain easily ends the battle, healing Santa back to full health.



Maybe I would have some pity in this route if you did not try to drown me a while ago. Just maybe

As I thought, not too difficult of a battle. Before taking notes about the battle, I already faced her once beforehand- with the same team, but as I did not take out Swampert immediately, it turned the field back to normal and increased the difficulty again, but Ludicolo could handle it nontheless (which was unused in this attempt).

I guess her Water Surface wouldn't be too threatening in my case. Cradily cannot take damage from Water attacks, I could've used Nocturne /w Water Absorb, Rotom's Electro Ball would've been bossted as well (maybe I would've then used Discharge instead) and Swift Swim-Ludicolo works pretty well too. By changing the field into the Icy Field, she had at least a means to counter my Grass Types a bit more easily, turning her Ice Beam/Shard into something of a threat. While I do not know how difficult the double battle would've been, it might've been the easier option in Community release (I mean, half her team there is double weak to Grass, based on what I've seen).


Anyways, with this we earn the 16th Badge and gain the TM for Scald- a move I might teach my Ludicolo instead of Surf.


With this, E17 is concluded and I'll make sure to continue this run as soon as E18 comes out. Until next time~

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Good job @Neco :) 

Amaria was certainly quite easy in Doubles in community release, as long as you had Grass types, which is your case xD

I dealt with her in my Bug mono with my Scope Lens Leavanny using Razor Leaf and critting nearly everything to death. My Volbeat with a Prankster Sunny Day triggered Leavanny's Chlorophyll and took care of the Speed-halving issue. The others were easy from there.

Also, I quite dislike the Reshiram route. Truth is sometimes the worst thing you can say, if it is said at a bad time (i.e. if your timing is bad). Which is the case here. What would be the problem with preserving Taka's lie? We'd keep a secret ally inside Team Meteor, increasing our chances of success. A double agent is such a better asset than an undercover ally. Also, Amaria would retain her sanity for the time being. Titania could battle against Team Meteor at Calcenon with Amaria accompanying all of us, and we'd be much more powerful. But drama queen Titania had to go "wah wah wah, truth>lies". Yes, even if it costs the lives of our friends and strengthens Team Meteor. What a dumbass...

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Thanks~ @Jess

I've seen your two runs and yes, Grass in doubles destroy her relatively easily in Community Release. Maybe in Public too if you have some Wide Guard support to prevent her Surf spam, I guess.

So far, I haven't played through Zekrom route yet, so I only know it through other playthroughs. However, I think it is rather difficult to judge without knowing what's yet to come. The only real problem I have with Reshiram route is maybe the death of Taka- and not necessarily with the fact that he's dying, but rather the way it is performed. For me, it feels just so random that he is a Lin-in-disguise and killed rather along the way. The whole Amaria/Titania situation is probably a matter of taste, but let's just say I hope it gives some interesting scenes in the future and maybe still some happy ending; I mean, why should our relationship with Shade/Anna improve upon not fighting Taka in the WTC otherwise my hopes at least xD?


And about Taka... While I would love to see him as some form of double agent, I'm a bit sceptical if he would really be one. While it's not necessarily likely to be so, I cannot get rid off the possibility that he should try to gain our trust and maybe feed us some false information etc. Then again, only future Episodes show the truth and I simply cannot say which route is better. For me, both have pros and cons (but before really judging Zekrom, I'd have to play it first I guess *cough*).


Or maybe I take a too doubtful approach to the game? E.g. I sometimes feel like the only person (after reading some comments) who believes that our Rini could be another dimension's Lin (after I saw the prophecy Sidequest and read through a discussion on the forums) or Lin to begin with (if no other dimensions exist yay to first impressions).

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