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Zell's Mono-Psychic Run of Reborn! (Completed)


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There are so many Mono-Types going on right now, With Fire (Jaggi), Grass (Neco), Water (Anstane), Bug (Jess) and any others I may be missing. But I've been wanting to do my first Monotype run of reborn, and since I hate doing new things on my own, I'll be posting my Mono-Type run here! So for starters, my first thought was "What type should I do" So I took to a random pokemon generator, first pokemon that appeared with a pure type is the type I am going to Mono. I ended up getting this: 

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 I will try to include photos of battles and my team, play by plays of only important battles, and as long as I can handle it, as much story stuff as I can! So with our type chosen and our adventure set, we begin.


Chapter 1

We begin our adventure as adventures always begin... On a train that's in the process of being bombed by a terrorist that appears to be apart of Team Meteor... Alright so not all adventures begin that way. But never the less, we get out with our lives and... Do I really need to say this story bit? If you're reading this, you've most likely played Reborn, so how about I skip ahead to our starter.


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With our starter by our side, and the excitement of a new adventure... We get into some rival battles... Great.

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We head into Peridot and immediately find and obtain (Once we get pokesnax) our second pokemon...

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 I also quickly head over to the Railnet and snag this little fella, who won't be used for a bit considering it's type disadvantages it has for the remainder of this chapter.

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After clearing a few trainers and items, we meet the worst character in game, the douchebag of douchebags.... Fern! He then tries to say that he's top dog with all his swag, he then challenges us to prove his point.

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He then leaves to go to presumably the other factory. We then head over to Julias gym to get ourselves the badge. (You know what happens, and we gotta go to the factory and stop Team Meteor)


Along the way in the factory Myst evolves into Braixen! And we gain some nice levels.

Once we get to the top we meet two grunts, and a guy that looks like half his body was made into a machine, he then takes on Flobot and Julia, while Fern and I have to deal with the two grunts: Aster and Eclipse. Queue battle music!

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The first time I played this game I had to try three times to beat it. This time it turned out so much easier.

We then head to Julias and challenge her to a gym battle!

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That was an insanely close battle, I feel the only reason I won was because of dumb luck (Never getting stunned due to the paralyze.) and just her AI making a dumb decision when she could've won. 


Anyway, that was the end of chapter 1! It went better than I thought, winning fights I've struggled with before, with relative ease (No Julia, don't say anything about how you would've won if you used Charge beam...) Anyway, since I am doing these chapters as I go along, I should post the next chapter within a couple days, at most a week! (I mess time up a lot so these claims may not be valid) Also, any suggestions would be appreciated!


One last Message: Fern Sucks.

bandicam 2017-05-08 18-24-53-193.jpg

Edited by Zellorea
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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:13 AM, Zellorea said:

Thanks... Yeah... I got a feeling I'm gonna need it as well. I am not looking forward for that Shelly fight... 


Mm, shelly, a lunatone/solrock can help you with : killing the rain dance Illumise and water pulse masquerain

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:16 AM, Another Retired Shipper said:

Mm, shelly, a lunatone/solrock can help you with : killing the rain dance Illumise and water pulse masquerain


Don't think I can get either of them before Shelly's gym. You get one of them in the Gem cave underneath the Reborn Square (I believe at least) and the other one (Lunatone I think) I believe is in Tanzan mountain... (The mountain you go through to get to the ice gym, probably got the name wrong)

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:18 AM, Zellorea said:

Don't think I can get either of them before Shelly's gym. You get one of them in the Gem cave underneath the Reborn Square (I believe at least) and the other one (Lunatone I think) I believe is in Tanzan mountain... (The mountain you go through to get to the ice gym, probably got the name wrong)


Now that you mention it i remember now: Solrock is under the grand stair case, but you'll need rock smash, and lunatone is in tanzan cave or you can get some in Wt in 6;5;4

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:21 AM, Another Retired Shipper said:

Now that you mention it i remember now: Solrock is under the grand stair case, but you'll need rock smash, and lunatone is in tanzan cave or you can get some in Wt in 6;5;4


Yeah, won't get either of those before Shelly. I feel more confident against Luna, strangely enough. 

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@Zellorea Good luck, fellow monorunner! You had a great start I see... Don't forget to get a Bibarel traded for a Munna by a guy in a house in Peridot Ward (I think). Musharna is quite tanky, has good movepool and hits like a truck!


Edit: I'm glad to be the first person to increase your reputation! ;) 

Edited by Jess
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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:22 AM, Zellorea said:

Yeah, won't get either of those before Shelly. I feel more confident against Luna, strangely enough. 


Maybe because Medicham and Gallade are part psychic? Lol, also are you willing to depend on the mons available before shelly or will you check Wonder trade ? just wondering XD i tend to release a few mons that i breed/ catch to help mono runners lol

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:25 AM, Jess said:

@Zellorea Good luck, fellow monorunner! You had a great start I see... Don't forget to get a Bibarel traded for a Munna by a guy in a house in Peridot Ward (I think). Musharna is quite tanky, has good movepool and hits like a truck!


Edit: I'm glad to be the first person to increase your reputation! ;) 


Thanks for that! I didn't actually know that guy gave me a Munna! That'll definitely be good! I found the guy, just didn't know the "Pink pokemon" was a Munna!

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:26 AM, Another Retired Shipper said:

Maybe because Medicham and Gallade are part psychic? Lol, also are you willing to depend on the mons available before shelly or will you check Wonder trade ? just wondering XD i tend to release a few mons that i breed/ catch to help mono runners lol


I'll be relying on pokemon prior to Shelly. Also I feel confident because of Medicham, and Gardevoir actually. I feel the Fairy half will benefit me more than the figthing half of Gallade.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:29 AM, Jess said:

@Another Retired Shipper, @Zellorea Shelly nearly ended my career in my Bug monorun... Trying to deal with her Anorith/Yanmega's Rock type attacks with only bugs... Not fun, took a dozen of tries and about 4 hours to beat!


That doesn't sound fun XD. If it wasn't for those two I'd feel semi-confident with sweeping with my Braixen.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:30 AM, Zellorea said:

I'll be relying on pokemon prior to Shelly. Also I feel confident because of Medicham, and Gardevoir actually. I feel the Fairy half will benefit me more than the figthing half of Gallade.


Just becareful of her bisharp and i almost forgot gardevoir is a psychic type :3 rip

EDIT: try evolving Braixen and then use common candies

Edited by Another Retired Shipper
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Gallade with Justified can literally annihilate Luna. It has great Sp.Def to tank one Dark Pulse, get a boost in his Attack and the rest is history. But (even though I dislike Gardevoir and love Gallade), in general I agree that Gardevoir will be more useful than Gallade.

Edit: Also, don't be so sure about sweeping Shelly with Braixen... She tends to lower your Sp.Atk with Struggle Bug, so in a couple turns you'll be doing much less damage even with fire type attacks... :( I can't wait to see how you go in these fights!

Edited by Jess
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Ohey, Psychic was my first Monotype run, too! It's such a fun type to start with because even in Reborn you'll eventually have a lot of Pokémon to choose from and there's so many useful dual types.

Best of luck with this run! Shelly can be a bit tough due to the limited number of 'mons you can get at the time, but if it's any sort of encouragement, I beat her with a team of 4 (Braixen, Meowstic-F, Grumpig, and... Munna? Musharna? Hell if I remember). So if you're less of a fool than me and complete your team, I'm sure you'll get it done.


For Luna I mostly used Malamar and Gardevoir; I remember sending out Delphox first and Tyranitar getting rid of the field effect for me because it used EQ. She's not as much of a threat because you'll have a good pool of 'mons to pick from by the time you reach her.


I'll be keeping an eye on this, me thinks~

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Heh, these runs are now just popping up all over the place, eh? Good luck with the Psychic Mono! Some battles will probably give you some trouble (Luna and Shelly most notably), but I'm sure you'll make it through no problem.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 11:59 AM, Jess said:

So, ZEL and Zell both started with Psychic monotypes? Is it fate? Is it the name?


Sorry for that, I couldn't help it...


It's a sign of good taste.

(I did actually do that Psychic run as Eve, custom sprites for her included. So in my case it's the name.)

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  On 5/9/2017 at 8:47 AM, Anstane said:

these runs are now just popping up all over the place


True, I'm glad that many of us try to add difficulty to the challenge, instead of whining about how hard it is/going to the gym leader help section to finish our casual run. I swear, people don't appreciate the joys of accomplishing something difficult nowadays.


  On 5/9/2017 at 12:12 PM, ZEL said:

I did actually do that Psychic run as Eve, custom sprites for her included.


That's really cool, ZEL's backstory is one of my favs and the E16 last plot twist is quite a cliffhanger. Did you make the sprites yourself?

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  On 5/9/2017 at 12:34 AM, Jess said:

Gallade with Justified can literally annihilate Luna. It has great Sp.Def to tank one Dark Pulse, get a boost in his Attack and the rest is history. But (even though I dislike Gardevoir and love Gallade), in general I agree that Gardevoir will be more useful than Gallade.

Edit: Also, don't be so sure about sweeping Shelly with Braixen... She tends to lower your Sp.Atk with Struggle Bug, so in a couple turns you'll be doing much less damage even with fire type attacks... :( I can't wait to see how you go in these fights!


Yeah, I don't think I will, so I'm thinking of things I could do to go against Shelly.

  On 5/9/2017 at 11:59 AM, Jess said:

So, ZEL and Zell both started with Psychic monotypes? Is it fate? Is it the name?


Sorry for that, I couldn't help it...


I started calling myself Zell before I played Reborn, so when I first encountered ZEL My first thought was just "Oh dear god this is going to be confusing in conversations with him...

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  On 5/9/2017 at 6:50 PM, Zellorea said:

I started calling myself Zell before I played Reborn, so when I first encountered ZEL My first thought was just "Oh dear god this is going to be confusing in conversations with him...


Yeah I had that moment twice with the game. My name is Amalia and my nickname is Ama, so Amaria and Ame both got a chuckle out of me.

I imagine life must be quite confusing for the Meteors in your game. 'The hell do you mean, ZEL destroyed the PULSE?' - 'No, you idiot, the other Zell. Zellllllllll.'

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