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Zell's Mono-Psychic Run of Reborn! (Completed)


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Chapter 2:

Hey guys! It's Zell again, continuing Alex's adventure! When you last joined me we had just defeated Julia and now, we are heading into the Obsidia Ward, where plants have struck... But before that, lets go over team changes that happened off camera!

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We find out that to get to where we want to be, we need to go through the slums, but when we try to head to the slums, we are stopped by Victoria. Who says the slums are dangerous and challenges us to a battle. I've got a full team of psychic types against your full team of fighting types, you gonna lose. 



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That battle went as I expected.


Once we get to the Slums we find a Moon Stone, AND a Drowzee egg. Both very nice things. As I can use the moon stone to evolve Shimmer (I will once he learns psychic) We then get to a battle I was very worried about before hand... The Scraggy gang...

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Anyway, with that out of the way. We head to Coral and meet Amaria + Cain (again) Where he gets an Oshawott, breaking his Mono-Poison. (There's only one battle in the game where he has pure poison types, and that's at the beginning of the game when you first meet him.) 

Nothing interesting in the Cain fight. I spam psybeam and win. We then head to Obsidia and encounter Zel The guy who stole my name  Yadda Yadda Yadda... Pulse Tangrowth Yadda Yadda Yadda Intense power Yadda Yadda Yadda We fight. 


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After this, we get to the gym and Fern locks us out, we need to go the long way, you know the drill.

Lets fight Fern!


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With that, we fight Florina. I fail the battle twice, until I decide to train my team to deal with this, then we win.

Team Changes:

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Anyway, thanks for reading. And I will return, in chapter three! 

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Hi! I'm back! Continuing the adventure, shall we begin? First off, we go through a heavily forested forest foresty area TM. We find a guy with an absolutely fabulous scarf, who tells us he works for team meteor and needs to kill us (No hard feelings though) 



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After the battle a pink haired girl riding a salamence shows up and scolds us for destroying the PULSE before she could, but she leaves just as fast as she arrived.


We find another Forested forest foresty area TM. Where we step on a totally not a trap pile of leaves... BUT IT TURNS OUT IT WAS A TRAP! We fall into a cage made by nuzleaf. Fern shows up after a little bit an proceeds to laugh at us, but offers to let us out if we get on our knees and beg... WHICH OF COURSE WE REFUSE. Eventually we are let out by a demon (Thanks Taka/Chatot!) Before I tell you about the double battle with ZEL and Taka, I went ahead and saved all the police. Which got me a growlithe, so I went ahead and started breeding the sucker  (I misunderstood how the egg thing worked at the time, I thought you could keep giving him eggs and get the pokemon, but no, so now I have five useless growlithe eggs.) After some more exploring we find a mystery meteor member, ZEL, and Taka. The pink haired girl shows up again (Heather) and begins fighting the mystery meteor member. We engage ZEL and Taka. 


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That went better than expected.

They all run off, but mystery meteor member gets caught and unmasked as Corey, the next gym leader! Who is also Heathers father, she runs off (Flies on her salamence) and Corey teleports away.

Also, finally someone comments on this!

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Also, I go get my egg... Sadly it's a Larvesta

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After entering Coreys gym (You know the deal, officers misted, we free them from the Hypno thing, we fight) 


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So... That was the end of Chapter 3! Expect Chapter 4 to take awhile... As I have to fight Shelly... Anyway, thanks for reading!

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Chapter 4:

Hey guys! I'm here, doing the chapter a lot of you were probably waiting for... Shelly's chapter.

Before we begin a couple things to go over:

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Before heading entirely into Lapis, we join the magma gang and do all the current stuff we can. Getting the bike in the process, and finally while fighting Lapis trainers Pearl evolves!

Once we progress the story... The body of Corey after he jumped was found... But it was Shelly that found it, she is not handling it that well, A shadowy figure appears above the body a bit after Aster and eclipse confirm that "Agent beryl" (Corey) is dead. Shade... The other leader I am deathly afraid of during this Mono type, as both Shelly and Shade are the biggest fears in this monotypes. As both have type advantages over me, and they are gym leaders are immediately after each other... Why do I torture myself    Victoria and I (After trying to comfort Shelly) investigate the explosions, heading into the underground. Down here we catch: 

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A bunch of story stuff involving Solaris, and then we fight Aster and Eclipse, alongside Victoria. 


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After we meet Victoria back at Shelly's place, she tells us to go get Doctor Connell, so he can "Help" Shelly... I don't trust him to even tell me what 3 + 3 is. But we meet some people at the orphanage, and a girl named Anna gives us advice to help Shelly. Which it does, thanks Anna/Nostra! Since Victoria is worried about Shelly, she tries to stop us from battle her Dawww 


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Now... After I totally Didn't look up a guide to solve her puzzle It's the hardest puzzle in the game I swear we battle.


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Anyway, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! 

Team at the end of this Chapter (Or what I classed as the chapter anyway)

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AFTER POST EDIT: If you want me to catch EVERY Unown type Plz don't just reply to this with "Yes" or "No" whatever has the most votes I will do, or not do. If yes, in a couple of chapters, I will show you how I have every single Unown. Please don't make me, but I will if you want me to XD.

Edited by Zellorea
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  On 5/19/2017 at 11:29 PM, Zellorea said:

The one I just told you was everything I could remember, sorry. I thank you for understanding, I have figured out a work around for my memory not being able to recall every bit of battle info, and I will be doing this "Recalling" thing for Shades battle.


Don't worry about that, I have a crapload of notes taken down and takes me ages to figure out what happened and which one is of a successful try! Some small inconsistencies are of no consequences, nor they decrease the value of your success! If you want to get every detail right, you can record a video as you play, then rewatch it and write every detail properly. I have downloaded, installed and tried out debut video capture software. I can send you a link if you want. It's very easy to use too!


Edit: Try it if you want. http://www.nchsoftware.com/capture/

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  On 5/20/2017 at 2:39 AM, Jess said:

Don't worry about that, I have a crapload of notes taken down and takes me ages to figure out what happened and which one is of a successful try! Some small inconsistencies are of no consequences, nor they decrease the value of your success! If you want to get every detail right, you can record a video as you play, then rewatch it and write every detail properly. I have downloaded, installed and tried out debut video capture software. I can send you a link if you want. It's very easy to use too!


That is exactly what I was referring to as "Recalling" XD. I've got the full version of Bandicam so I can record and rewatch the battle to get the details right. And yeah, so many notes...

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  On 5/20/2017 at 2:41 AM, Zellorea said:

That is exactly what I was referring to as "Recalling" XD. I've got the full version of Bandicam so I can record and rewatch the battle to get the details right. And yeah, so many notes...


Hahaha, OK! Pity I don't have my bug mono recorded... I'd love to rewatch some parts... :( Will do it with the next monos I plan on doing! Got poison ready to start and wanna do normal too!


  On 5/20/2017 at 2:37 AM, Zellorea said:

Shelly took me 6 tries, (Which sadly, for some reason took me less tries than my main save file...)

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  On 5/20/2017 at 2:45 AM, Jess said:

Hahaha, OK! Pity I don't have my bug mono recorded... I'd love to rewatch some parts... :( Will do it with the next monos I plan on doing! Got poison ready to start and wanna do normal too!


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Yeah, I really have to think outside the box when at a disadvantage. After I finish this Mono-run, I might do a Rock or Steel Mono.

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Chapter 5...?:

I feared this would happen... So... I may or may not have lost most of chapter 5. What do I mean by most? Well, I still have the fight against Shade, because I have it recorded. Let me explain how I lost it: As I play through each chapter, I write down notes about the battles (Unless they are uninteresting, in which case I don't bother writing notes) important story things, our choices, and new team members. I do this all in notepad, because it's easy to have to minimized to the side while playing. So, when I finish a chapter, I save the game, save the notepad, and create a new notepad for the next chapter... But I must've forgotten to save chapter 5, because it's blank.

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As you can see, there is nothing in my chapter 5 notes... Don't worry, I've already checked. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 are all still there. Intact and everything. I still have images I took and the Shade fight, so I will still share those.

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So... How about the Shade fight, then?


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So, yeah. I feel really bad about losing this chapter, to be fair though, not much was missed. At least it wasn't a big chapter, like chapter 5 or 6. Besides, I salvaged the Shade fight, thanks to me recording it. I can imagine a few people are happy I at least got the Shade fight. Anyway, thanks for reading, the next chapter should be up in a few days! (Friday or Saturday most likely)

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  On 5/23/2017 at 6:16 PM, Zellorea said:

I actually won on my second try! I was super shocked by this, but I feel I mainly won because Rotom used discharge, which removed the darkness.


Yes, I think that helped you a lot. Isn't the boost 1.5? So yeah, that makes a world of difference. Well done once again :) 

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  On 5/23/2017 at 7:32 PM, HongaarseBeer said:

Yes, I think that helped you a lot. Isn't the boost 1.5? So yeah, that makes a world of difference. Well done once again :) 


Thanks and yeah, it's 1.5x. But there's also the fact that everyone was already weak to ghost, making it a 2.5 boost to ghost attacks.

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 Chapter 6:

The chapter starts with... (Or at least my notes do) with Victoria telling us about Aya, and he Azurine lake/Island. Which is where we need to go to fight the fighting gym leader, Kiki. That totally won't  die before we get the badge We reach Cain and he flees us to gett to the Island. (I assume my notes are probably missing a Fern and Cain battle. Unless those were Chapter 5, in which case, they are still gone. I'll just give a summary how I assume those battles went: Boring, one shot pretty much everything. We can't get to island where we need to be, but very fortunately, Amaria runs into us at the best time ever!... And now we are going to the factory that we didn't destroy earlier in the adventure... Great.

We enter via the ice staircase of freedomTM And Amaria makes us a path to get through... where we get dropped into a cage by Solaris... Swell. Puzzle, battles, Puzzle. We almost get killed by a Garchomp, Battle the imposter


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Fairly easy, thanks Myst! After the fight, Solaris gives Amaria a sweet parting gift... Of his Tyranitar attacking her with a Superpower... Ouch. But this was all worth it (Not the Tyranitar attack) as Amaria lets us use her boat to get to Apophyll! Once we get there, we go through a few trainers and get a meditite! Which will most likely never be used! To be able to battle Kiki, we must find an Ex-Gym leader named Cal ontop of the Volcano. We find and battle him.


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Pretty easy. 

We head back down to the Academy and just before we fight Kiki... Victoria tries to stop us... Great.


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And now... Finally... We fight Kiki!


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That battle went as Expected. Only thing that could be decribed as a challenge,  was the Gallade. This Chapter ends with Kiki collapsing, with us not knowing why! (At least as of yet)

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Thanks for reading, we will be returning in Chapter 7, where we do more Volcano stuff, and fight Aya!

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I'm enjoying this so far, but could you maybe insert the pokemon you're using so that I know which name belongs to which pokemon? I can't remember which one is which unfortunately and I don't want to have to scroll up everytime I see a name.


If it's too much trouble, forget about it

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  On 5/28/2017 at 12:29 PM, HongaarseBeer said:

I'm enjoying this so far, but could you maybe insert the pokemon you're using so that I know which name belongs to which pokemon? I can't remember which one is which unfortunately and I don't want to have to scroll up everytime I see a name.


If it's too much trouble, forget about it


No trouble at all! I've been wanting to do this, I've just had trouble figuring something out.

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  On 5/28/2017 at 2:05 PM, Zellorea said:

No trouble at all! I've been wanting to do this, I've just had trouble figuring something out.

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I'd say this is perfect :) 

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  On 5/28/2017 at 2:46 PM, Zellorea said:

Yeah, It's just going to take a little bit for me to figure out how to remove the damn border XD


Don't upload them, just copy and paste the gif sprites. That's how i've been doing it and no frame gets attached.

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Edit: Get them from here http://www.pokestadium.com/tools/sprites

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