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I know many people on the server play LoL, (I am new at the whole thing), but no one (save for Pandora and Rodaku) has given me any advice. This is kind of a thing to help me get better at playing this complicated game.

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If you're bad at skillshots play a champion who either auto-attacks more or uses on click abilities. That or practice a ton with Skillshots. Even if you're hitting well with them, once you get into higher elo matches you'll need to learn how to lead targets properly. Also, map awareness and calling MIA's. You should have a general idea when someone isn't in sight of your team and know how in danger you are from getting ganked. Sometimes your team mates can't always call MIAs or just forget, so map awareness is key.

It's also good to know your place in a team fight. Generally speaking Ranged carries don't want to be the ones initiating the fight or being in the front lines while tanks shouldn't be the last to join the fight. This is all stuff you'll learn as you play.

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General Annie tips

Know your burst potential(how much damage you can do by using every skill)

Lead with Tibbers when your stun is ready and you think you can kill

Use your Q to last hit minions and charge up stun without using mana

Use smartcast(change your key bindings) so you can combo faster; you'll want to learn your ability ranges before doing this

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On the note of team fights, always focus the characters who have the highest damage. As a clue, this will generally be whoever has the most kills on the opposite team, because not only are those kills an indication of their damage potential, but it also means that they're better fed. If there isn't a strong lead, or if the most fed opponents are extremely tanky, then focus the carries (AD before AP).

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Learn last hit animations with champs you frequently play.

Csing effectively is very important. I believe 10 or so cs = an average champ kill

Learn every champions spells. (I know this may sound very daunting but if you just learn the most popular champs its just as good)

It's very important you know what every champion is capable of incase you lane against them. If they are bursty, sustain, stuns, ap or ad, etc.

Don't buy any runes until you are the level to get tier 3 runes. (you will just be wasting ip)

Look up builds on websites to get a general idea of what you should be buying and strategies etc. I'm not saying follow these guys directly but look at a lot of guides.

Adapt you build in game.

A bad way to play is to always build the same character the same way every single game. The worst lane to always build the same is solo top because your build should adapt on your opponent.

Ward. Warding your lane is a very good precaution against ganks and I mean if you have like 75 or 150 gold when you go back its worth it to be safe for 3-6 minutes.

Don't over extend that much. Everyone mia and you are at there turret? Not a great idea. Wards can help when you are doing this but I would still be careful.

Try not to get angry at your teamates if they do poorly. Notice I used the word tryyyyy. If a teamate you noticed isn't doing good give them some advice and dont argue with people. If you are busy typing angry messages at your teamates you could be getting cs, harassing and etc.

It's nice to know what every champ is good at as well. For example most champs can only do/or should be doing a few certain specific roles. Also don't play champions because you hear they are overpowered. I constantly hear how people think Tryn and Akali are OP but in reality they are actually pretty bad ._.

Try to expand your roles. Have a champ you are comfortable at playing at every role. It helps a lot.

Don't jungle until yuo have flat armor tier 3 yellows. Seriously.

Ping for important objectives like ganks, dragon, baron etc. Don't ping like 20 times unless your team is brain dead.

Have fun! :D

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Or just... don't ping twenty times. Ever. In fact, I can't think of a scenario in which more than three is necessary, or anything short of grating on the nerves.

I believe 10 or so cs = an average champ kill

That was some real perspective for me right there, actually. I mean, yeah, I knew it was important, but that really makes the math hit home.

It's very important you know what every champion is capable of incase you lane against them.

I actually have made a point to try every Champion just to learn their feel for this reason, and it's worked out pretty well for me. I'd advise the same.

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