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"Ya Fired."


One of the President's catchphrases was employed against one of the most hated men in America. The guy formerly in charge of the Federal Investigation Bureau - James Comey.


Comey will be seen in history as one of the most political FBI heads. He first - publicly - suggested that Hillary Clinton not be charged with information negligence by the Department of Justice over her email scandal. This angered conservatives and rebuffed liberals. He then - DAYS before the presidential election - publicly of course - reopened the investigation - flipping joy and anger between the poles of the spectrum and putting a serious hole in Clinton's momentum.


More in the now, Comey opened and took charge of an investigation into President Trump's ties to Russia and the Russians' possible tampering with the election.




Unanimously - Americans think Comey wasn't fit to lead the Bureau. Be it Attorney General Loretta Lynch or Jeff Sessions, Comey overstepped boundaries with the DOJ.


However it may be a matter of timing that makes this a red flag. Trump becomes able to attempt to find a loyalist FBI head that "favors" Trump in the Russia investigation.


Is it a conspiracy, or is Trump using this opportunity to "drain the swamp" and removing an easy target?

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I'm not sure. It could just be that he realized that he could do it. He is inexperiened to the political system ater all. However I feel the timing is a bit too off for the russia deal to be the true motive. If my campaign team has ties to russia, I would replace head of fbi immediately just to see if i can get it seponated or done under the radar. Still it send out a powerfull message?

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Well, for one, Trump is always against anything and everything that is against him. Science and other facts, news, palestine's leader ("I'm good with whatever they're good with:) (also, look up the definition of rebuff- is isn't the same as re-buff. Your usage of the word is absolutely wrong).


His televised view of Kim Jung Un is incredibly stupid and uninformed. Also, why was the cival war fought? Did not one seriously tell him why? Because everyone knows why. And anyone claiming states rights is wrong.





Whatever trump thinks is popular, he will do. Because he thinks his liberal opponents have Comey in a corner, his move was to sack him after he testified. Especially when his testimony pretty much means an investigation into Trump would seem bipartisan.


The last thing Trump wants is a whistleblower underneath him, reporting his stupidity and wrongdoing at any and every point in time. He already can't handle when the press does it. "Fake news!" No, Trump, go fuck yourself with pineapples and sandpaper...


unless they're stupid. and/or listen to fox news, but those two categories describe the same people. Redundancy is redundant, yes?


And holy shit, how many of his staff and aides are supposedly linked and implicated with talks with russian officials at this point? Seriously, wtf is all of this?

No one believes Trump is competent of anything at all these days. And let me put it this way because it's true... "I fucking told you so."


Trump is either senile or a pathological liar. Or a combination of both.


Honestly, he's the biggest piece of shit on the earth since Hitler, and you can quote me on this.




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Except it's not.


Trump was able to successfully place Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. He was able to get a very unpopular healthcare reform bill through the House. He was able to send messages to the right enemies in Syria and North Korea.


Was it as all as soon as possible? Absolutely not - and while a major part of that is that Democrats want nothing to do with him and are intentionally stalling - that is on his shoulders too. It's not his job to confirm his own nominees - or it wouldn't be taking so long to get them confirmed.


I don't think competence is his issue. If you think too many people watch Fox, it doesn't hold a candle to how many people watch late night television where the President is the only thing people joke about. It doesn't matter if Trump is your favorite punching bag. Government is a group effort in the US. Isn't that what Obama supporters alluded to when Republicans were merely the bratty opposition party?




As for this firing, I will say that if it is indeed a cover-up - it is very Nixonian and it should increase his chances of impeachment. Trump's undoing will be protecting his own hide if it comes to be.


It may very well be what Trump claims it is - and it helps that EVERYONE had a bone to pick with Comey.


The difference in this with Nixon.


- Trump has more friends in D.C.

- Firing Comey should under normal circumstances be considered an apolitical, common sense decision.




I find it very one-track minded to not be happy about Comey being ousted. The biggest "outrage" seems to be coming from people that would complain if Trump cured cancer or made war obsolete.


This #Resist mentality is below disliking policy. And that's just as troublesome as having a President that looks after himself first.


Next - you'll see a humanitarian champion be spat on because of something some old guy said after his 50 minute spiel on free tuition.




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Just another day on the Trump train-wreck.


Personally, I simply couldn't care less about Comey. It's not bugging me, but I'm also not particularly happy about it. At this point, Trump and his remaining Cronies (Ohohoho) are just doing random bad stuff that most people ignore (Selling your browsing history, for example) and horrific stuff that many people praise. (Read: Gorsuch) It's hard to remain engaged. I'm all drama'd out on the political front.


At this point, my request to politicians is: "Please stop trying to fuck up my life, and I'll just turn a blind eye to the depraved shit you do to each other."

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I'm honestly super conflicted over how to feel about this. I can't stand Comey, and I think his stupid announcement that they were reopening an investigation into Clinton is a large reason why we ended up with a Trump presidency. 


That being said, I find it pretty disturbing that you can fire someone who is leading an investigation into you being corrupt, and the fact that he did really does suggest that he has something to hide. I am constantly amazed by how little independence these people have in America, and your executive branch seems to have a disproportionately large amount of power. Independent statutory offices should be filled by the most competent people, and they shouldn't have to please politicians to keep their jobs.

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More in the now- more Americans don't trust Trump for firing the asshole who got him elected, as well as the asswhole who is firing the the dude leading the investigating his campaign's involvement with Russia.


He expected Dems to back him on this but... he's stupid and doesn't know how the simple logic incriminates him and his campaign further.


Ummm... let's face it. Everything Trump said was a bold face lie, and his whims change based on.... who the fuck knows. Oh, wait I do know. It changes based on what he thinks the average rube (aka republicans) thinks is correct. Trump is the biggest idiot I've ever seen in my life...

and yet you are still trying to find reasons to defend him.


Not only is he a pathological liar, he is a moron to boot. Seriously, he has the intellectual capacity of a selfish third grader.


Nobody really wants to see Comey fired by Trump. He is the obvious odor in the office...



Nobody trusts Trump. At least, nobody with the tiniest bit of intelligence. Which excludes anybody and everybody who watches fox news.


Government couldn't move forward because elected republicans chose to constantly and unanimously block anything Dems put up. It worked then, and it's somewhat working even better now, since they have the majority. Even then, they were almost entirely blocked by bipartisans- aka, both by the dems, who want nothing to do with retarded ass tax cuts, and republicans who wanted bigger cuts. Cuz about a billions dollars wasn't enough and pre-existing conditions is an anathema to republicans. I mean, republicans only care about the bottom line for business, rather than the population as a whole.


republicans have... unrealistic ideals of what it means to afford healthcare. especially under their own laws.


You couldn't possibly fathom the hatred I harbor for the selfish assholes that call themselves republicans. The obvious racism and stupidity is just appalling.

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Okay. I understand the timing aspect in relation to things like Russia - but let me point something out.


"Americans don't trust Trump for firing the person that got him elected."


1. It takes more than a bunch of Russians and an incompetent FBI Director to cause someone to win an election. The man had a ton of votes. And arguably would have won the popular vote if California wasn't a liberal bastion that held so many citizens and voted later in the Election Day.


2. If Clinton would have won - would she not have fired Comey as well, due to him poking around in her personal life and then telling everyone in America he was doing so? Trump's opponent wasn't a saint.


3. Comey SHOULD have been fired regardless - because he WAS incompetent.


That kind of response just proves what I said. Trump could do the RIGHT thing and people would find a reason to hate him for it.


I don't care if Trump is impeached. I didn't vote for him. I'm just not ignorant enough to blindly follow partisan rage just because I hate someone.

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