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New- What Type Are YOU?

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As most of you remember, a few weeks ago I launched a campaign to raise some money from the site so that I could live through the summer convince my mom that this was not a complete waste of time.

My goal was $100...

Thanks to everybody's help, we actually met at $155!

Though, I must give credit where it's due, the bulk of that was actually from a single generous member, Maelstrom. Thank you so much Mael!

As for the grounding situation, my mother was sufficiently impressed, and I think we should be in the clear for the rest of the year.

Accordingly, for everyone's help, I wanted to do something as a thanks! I remember a certain project I had started a while ago, and so with some extra help from Nyu, I put the finishing touches on a certain something last night.

So, check out Reborn's official 'What Type Are You?'Quiz !

Though I'll admit I haven't exactly searched for competition, this quiz has a level of depth that I believe is unrivaled by any other. For one thing, you'll notice... it's long. 36 questions in fact! But it's not your run-of-the-mill quiz, in fact, it's almost like a story. The length might be off-putting to some, however I believe it's well-warranted for accuracy, and the fact that there are about 300 possible results!

Basically, literally any type combination is possible. Water/Normal isn't the same as Normal/Water either, because with the first one, it means that you scored higher for Water, the second scores higher for Normal. I'll leave the interpretation of what each type is (and particularly, of type combinations), to you guys though.

Also, because most Pokemon are actually not dual-typed, I made the quiz to reflect this. In other words, it's actually easier to get a single type rather than a dual one. Basically, the quiz looks at your answers to see- firstly your primary type, and then it decides if you had a secondary type that was strongly expressed enough. So that means you don't get a second type just based on what your second-highest-scoring type was- it has to be a significant difference in order to count.

After the quiz you also get a little image glyph like the one in my sig, but customised for you to go in your sig~ Thanks to Nyu for helping finish the image generator for that!

Finally, I would definitely appreciate it if you left some feedback! I've designed the quiz to record all data- that way if a certain question has an answer that everyone picks, or that no one picks, I can tweak it for accuracy- among various other things. At the end of the quiz, you'll be asked to rate it and offered a chance to leave comments. You certainly don't have to do this, but if you do, it'll help this quiz grow and get better over time!

Have fun everyone~ Feel free to share your results here, too!

You can see mine, I got Psychic/Water, and being that those are two of my favorite types, I'm def' okay with that~

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I got ghost as you can see which was kinda odd cuz on the server and in real life, I'm very playful and joking. However I dont really have a problem with it cuz ghost is my favorite type. Ghost types are just so cool :D

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Yes! Psychic and steel type! Honestly I loved the quiz, I found it to be fun. (the whole time I was a pokemon, I thought of myself as a mudkip because that's for some reason what pokemon I am EVERY time I play a mystery dungeon game, Without rigging the quiz, so when the discharge came....It was extra painfull.)

On another funny note: Psychic/steel (or steel/psychic type actually) is my favorite type combination!, I do love metagross! So it was a pretty happy moment.

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I got ghost as you can see which was kinda odd cuz on the server and in real life, I'm very playful and joking.

Actually, that's exactly what ghost types are. :P

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As you can see, I'm fighting type. Definitely a close fit for me if I was a pokemon.

I'll have to go back and choose some of my other close answers and see what I get.

Mael and Wolf are Sawk and Throh. >>

we copied each other's notes and he cheated off of my test

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You really shouldn't be mad that you're a normal type, because ironically, it is the most abnormal type of all! Normal types tend to make their own rules, and have strong attacks. Transform, color change, return, explosion, hyper beam... THey have no resistances, and aren't super effective against any type! So they're pretty interesting (ghost types being the only thing that don't affect normal types, and aren't affected by normal moves in return. the only two types to share this kind of relationship) And actually, I think rayquaza is the king of the sky....or Ho-oh.
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