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New- What Type Are YOU?

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You really shouldn't be mad that you're a normal type, because ironically, it is the most abnormal type of all! Normal types tend to make their own rules, and have strong attacks. Transform, color change, return, explosion, hyper beam... THey have no resistances, and aren't super effective against any type! So they're pretty interesting (ghost types being the only thing that don't affect normal types, and aren't affected by normal moves in return. the only two types to share this kind of relationship) And actually, I think rayquaza is the king of the sky....or Ho-oh.


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Reposting here cause it's actually kind of funny despite the less lulzy implications

Horizon confirmed for Bibarel.






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'Normal Types are usually light-hearted and easy-going people. Like everyone else, they have their flaws and insecurities, but perhaps uniquely, they're able to accept themselves and others in spite of their flaws and always make the best of it.'


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Dark Types are the most reserved. They tend to be in conflict with themselves, often about other people, and as a result, they prefer to keep their distance. Dark Types tend to have many hidden strengths, varying greatly from person to person, but it's rare that they ever let those become known...

Steel Types are very direct about what they want and how they want it, and one way or another, they always get it.

Fixed to describe me

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I was gone for week with no access to a computer, so of course I retook this quiz and got normal type (a.k.a my favorite type) (a.k.a again normal fits me a lot better). So yeah, question though how do you get your name on the left hand side?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I got Psychic. Do you wanna know why? Because WHY WOULD YOU WANT ANYTHING ELSE?!??!?!

You could do literally ANYTHING with kinetic abilities...

Edited by Ackalacka
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Well I got water which I normally got in random Pokemon and elemental quizzes. The fun part is I had no idea I would get pure water when taking the quiz since the questions weren't obvious other than the 1st and last one. Great quiz and I got a few giggles out of it.

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