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Smogum's New Ice Article

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I've never seen anyone put so much thought into a single type let alone dismantle and explain EVERY SINGLE LITTLE FACT. Though, I have to agree with it. The best the ice type has to offer offensively falls to Weavile and Mega Glalie. The rest are doomed.

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Mamoswine was covered in the article:


Some Ice-type Pokémon have good Attack stats, allowing them to strike for respectable damage. Crabominable, Beartic, Mamoswine, and Mega Abomasnow all have Attack stats of base 130 or above. However, they will rarely get to strike first— high offensive stats on an Ice-type is often accompanied by Weedle-like levels of Speed. Actually, of the ones mentioned above, Mamoswine is the only one with higher Speed than Weedle (which has base 50), sitting at a somewhat-OK base 80.

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Same article:


Mamoswine has a passable Speed stat helped further by Ice Shard, and hits like a truck with Earthquake and Icicle Crash coming off its base 130 Attack. Access to Stone Edge, Superpower, Freeze-Dry, and Stealth Rock gives it very good coverage. It skimps on the defensive stats to put extra points into HP and, to some extent, Speed, giving it a stat spread befitting of a mammoth.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the article; it threshed out what I already felt.  Still, I enjoy throwing in cloyster every once in a while as an oddball, and, as mentioned, weavile is no slouch.  I actually ended up using dugong on my reborn adventure team simply because I missed out on acquiring waterfall, but that doesn't make it a good pokemon.  Maybe if you played your field effects right ice could be a viable type in reborn, idk.  Access to vanillite early on, as well as bearctic and mamoswine might not be too bad.  For competitive and normal play though, yeah ice is garbage.  Maybe introducing new dual types (ice/ghost?) and/or new abilities would help.

Edit: Whoops, forgot about frostlass being ice/ghost

Edited by hungrynarwhal
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So, basically, GameFreak simply does not care about Ice-types. Somehow this information completely failed to surprise me. I mean, I have to agree with what is said in the article, but I am not going to just abandon my love for Ice-types because of it. What I want is for GF to finally, finally look at the Pokémon released and actually give them all some damn love. Slush Rush is not really enough of a push and A-Veil might as well be an exclusive move to A-Ninetales. Give the Ice-types already released some more coverage or at least some more speed. Or heck, less speed for some of them, then at least they can be even better in Trick Room.


Sorry if that sounded ranty. I'm just sick and tired of seeing Ice-types being shafted from all directions.

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I've never been fond of the Ice Type, me being a person who prefers Water, Steel, and Fairy Types (which basically are part of the top types, but I agree with what this article said.


The distribution and care given to the Ice-types is truly insufficient, what with it having lacking in BP moves, bad defensive properties, unmatching stats, unfavorable for the team weather, lack of coverage, and everything else that's been said. I agree that Bug and Poison have been given good users and treatment these past generations, and although Ghost has received unwell treatment, for me, it still is considerably better than what has been done to Ice. I hope that there may be more consideration and care allotted for the Ice Type in later generations.

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