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LoL 1v1 Tournament!!


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Well hello there!~ With the poll getting enough votes in I decided... Time to have that tournament!

So Welcome to Poke-Place Reborn's League of Legends 1v1 tournament. This tournament will take place on the new and exciting Proving Grounds. Now people may ask, what's the rules of a 1v1 tourney?

Rule 1. Winner is the person to get first blood or the first tower.

Rule 2. Each person has three bans for their opponent.

Rule 3. No Guardian Angel (Even though it's not allowed on PG...)

Rule 4. HAVE FUN!~


Now that the boring part is out of the way you may ask why should I sign up for this? For first second and third I will give a certain amount of rupees to!~ And maybe if first place is lucky I'll have a ten dollar RP card for them. Not only that, who doesn't like bragging rights about beating one of their friends in a game?~ :3

Soooo come on. Sign up in this topic saying you'd like to join and with your Summoner Name. Note this will be taking place on the NA Server!~



TSS Absol

Hark Aoi





Crystal Wolfie

Bathroom Bard




Batl Skard


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Also, isn't no Angel rule irrelevant since you can't actually b to buy, and if you die it's over? :/ Actually, that was what I was wondering, is it intended to be so each player is limited to their starting items throughout the whole game?

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