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What role do you like to play best?


What kind of role do you take up when you play an MMO RPG with friends or random people?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of role do you take up when you play an MMO RPG with friends or random people?

    • Healer
    • Tank
    • Long Range DPS (Mage for example)
    • Short Range DPS
    • Buffer and Debuffer
    • Summoner
    • Hybrid

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For those who play MMO's like for example WoW (World Of Warcraft) this is not an uncommon thing to choose. What is your favorite or prefered role when playing an MMO? Please let us know which role and why that role :)

Edited by Wolfox Glace
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I usually play either tank or healer, mainly cuz I'm a helpful guy. and Tanks can usually solo shit when needed. as for healers, mah I just like being the little guy who doesn't do damage and just heals those who need it

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I don't know why, but I always seem to gravitate towards melee DPS. I main a Retribution Paladin in WoW and have a Rogue and Death Knight alt. I considered trying to tank, but it sounds really intimidating, honestly.

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1 minute ago, GS BALL said:

Warlock! Debuffing, long range DPS (not like a mage, but still) and the occasional minion, was very interesting! In other MMO i play, i also like this type of work. Problem is, few spots open for guilds or parties and since they solo well, they are somewhat of a solitary character... Something very sad for an MMO.

lemme add summoner to there aswell, soffy for forgetting that one :(

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I prefer Mage/Summoner. Mage's tend to hit harder than most others and from a safe distance. No need for defense if they die before they reach you. Summoner's tend to play support for the creatures they summon. This allows the summoner to stay out of the fray while reaping all of the benefits.

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Yeah I definitely preferring high damage-dealing setups over buffing/debuffing although if the kit I'm using has a buff/debuff ability I'll probably use it quite frequently.


The one class I simply can't stand playing as is Healer. Holy shit I fucking hate playing as healer you usually go to put up with some assholes begging you to heal and you're just sitting there trying not to lose consciousness.


In fact, this is where I would agree with @Maelstrom and try to solo as much as possible. It just feels like you have more control over what is happening.


Also makes you feel like a total badass when you singlehandedly beat some crazy boss or mow down hordes of enemies all on your own.

Edited by 5hift
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If there could be six of me doing the destiny raids as a group, I'd have every challenge done first time every time.


I have to say, I prefer other game types to mmo's. Other game types promote skills like precision or strength, or speed or other stuff. MMO's are basically a matter of timing/cooldowns. I'm not a fan.

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Yeah. that's the drawback of being a healer, having to put up with dumbasses. Tank has the same issue is the DPS players aren't making sure they don't do to much damage to draw agro. But if you're just playing with friends that issue is rarely in sight (luckely)

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Tanks, Bruisers (bulky guys who still deal damage), Summoners (especially summoner bruisers like Yorick), and long-range dps, but specifically long-range aoe "artillery" mages like Viktor, Vel'koz, and Li Ming.


I either want to be tough enough to hang around in melee, or I want to have no excuse to be in sight range. 


For my melee characters, I need a cc spell to really enjoy a character, even if that cc can be difficult to hit, I want that lockdown potential. I also love global skills, like Dehaka's brushstalker or Rek'sai's Ult, as well as very long-ranged skillshots like Azmodan's q and Viktor's e.


While I will play support if I have to, those supports tend to be tanky supports, just because I hate being so squishy and yet being dragged around on a leash by suicidal team-mates. having cc at least lets me shut down cocky melee carries. I have fond memories of a Master Yi running up to my team (I was Taric), me stunning him, and then the Yi getting delyited.


For my artilery mages, I just like them because I love big numbers, and I don't like sticking around nearby enemies. it's especially fun in HotS, because abilities can damage structures in that game (well, mostly), so I can slowly blast down towers from out of range like an actual artillery piece. 


I would also like to note that I love Azmodan from HotS because, barring CC (at base), he's the perfect storm--he's a bulky summoner who also has an artillery element. I love it when I get the chance to just shove down a fort or keep, and the Dunks let me keep pressure without having to stick around nearby, say, illidan.


I actually don't play that many MMOs, and the one I do play, GW2, doesn't use a role system, but I love the Engineer and Guardian classes in that game, engie because I have summons and tons of different ways to attack at range, and guardian because your basic combo is making a rune on the ground and then smashing it with a hammer so it explodes.

Edited by doombotmecha
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