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Pokemon Rejuvenation- Shadow Beldum


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The Shadow Beldum event is an event that you do as the story goes or after it is completed. you must collect 3 Key Card Shards, which are found in the locations below and cannot be seen by an Itemfinder, which is obtainable in the tiny village that you can access after defeating the Ancient Kingdra. Even though the Beldum is low level, it's one of the hardest to capture in the game to date.



Location 1: Xen Backup Lab, Sheridan Wetlands

Go as far right as possible once you enter the Xen Backup Lab where you find out Ren betrayed you. It's hiding in one of the boxes. To make sure you're in the right spot, look for a Baltoy in a Shadowification Machine.



Location 2: Valor Summit

It's hiding in a rock near where Stone Nim was hanged and where you faced Renegade Giratina and Team Zetta+Geara.



Location 3: Bladestar's Lair

This can only be completed after you finish the game (as of V8) when you talk to Krystal and Erin, as you need HM04 Strength to access this. It's hiding in a rock again.


Once you collect all 3, go to Sheridan Wetlands to find a suspicious-looking Shadowification machine. It appears to have a robot in it. You will have to fight the bot to catch the Shadow Beldum.



The Shadow Beldum is so weak its laughable, as its only level 4, but has an extremely low catch rate (I'm guessing 5% due to my many failed attempts to catch it with an Ultra Ball and False Swiping it). It also holds a Lum Berry.


Tactics to use:

1) False swipe it. This reduces its HP to 1 HP, and drastically weakens it. Do this to have a higher chance of success, as with other wild Pokémon.

2) Try putting it to sleep (I didn't try that, but it will increase the chance of catching it)

3) Try an Ultra Ball after False Swiping it. It has a high capture rate wit Wild Pokémon, but not the best choice with this thing, as it can easily escape (but somehow I was able to capture it wit an Ultra Ball)

4) Try nest balling it after False Swiping it. It is probably the best ball to catch it, as it excels at catching low-level Pokémon (and the Beldum happens to be a Level 4). Use it if Ultra Balling it doesn't work. You can get Nest Balls for $1000 at the Pokeball Botique, but requires a certain number of badges (which I don't know). This method is probably by far "The Very Best That Nothing Ever Was (pun intended)."


Things That Definitely Won't Work (unless you are the Luckiest Person on the Planet)

1) Trying to catch it without false swiping it.

2) Using a Poke Ball/Great Ball/Any other ball not mentioned in the Tactics to Use with/without using False Swipe

3) Attacking with a move that's not False Swipe unless it's lower than Level 4 (as that's guaranteed to KO the Beldum)

4) Using a Pokémon that's weaker than Level 4, as it will get KOd by Giga Impact or Shadow Rush.

5) Impatience (It may take ages to catch, as it has an extremely low catch rate)

6) Poisoning/Burning it (First time will not effect it, as it holds a Lum Berry)

7) Being too confident

8) Being a Noob

And the most important thing...

9) Not even doing the event in the first place.

Hopefully this helped! If it was, like this post or reply!


Stay tuned for more helpful tips in Pokémon Rejuvenation!


My Previous Topic:

Until next time, BYE!!!!

*Zooms away on his Arcanine*


Current Team (As of when this topic was posted)

Lvl 56 Houndoom (Nicknamed The Devil)

Lvl 56 Greninja (Nicknamed Charlie) (Holding TwistedSpoon)

Lvl 55 Arcanine (Nicknamed Snoop Dog) (Holding Flame Plate)

Lvl 55 Abomasnow (Nicknamed Snover 9000) (Holding NeverMeltIce)

Lvl 55 Ditto (Nicknamed Mystery Poke) (Holding Quick Powder)

Lvl 58 Nidoking (Nicknamed Eeyore)

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False Swipe severely limits your chances to catch it because Shadow Pokemon take damage every turn due to the side effects of being a Shadow Pokemon and often, Shadow Beldum starts this easily within the first two turns.

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1 hour ago, NatJones said:

or manically soft reset, until


1 - you've torn your hair out totally due to it not catching


2 - it catches :)

AKA Raging and getting your way (which almost never works). Is that how everyone reacts to this? Cause I didn't.


Edited by Imagineer23
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19 hours ago, Imagineer23 said:

AKA Raging and getting your way (which almost never works). Is that how everyone reacts to this? Cause I didn't.



I don't often do it, but with something like that I would haha

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