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Choose my Team (Ongoing)

Filthy Casual

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9 minutes ago, FactoryofSadness said:

Back at another day! Just caught a Trubbish named Justin Bieber. Who else should I catch, and what should be their names?

:o , I was joking about the name, lol... If it's a she, name her Favela. If it's a he, name him... Favelo, or dunno,lol

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How about a sewadle named grace 

Or a phanpy named "with a don" (one piece reference)

Ekans named Nokia (don't remember the number but my suggestion is that Nokia with the game snake, that iconic indestructible phone, that name will protect your snake)

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It's times like these where I really wish I knew how to poll properly. Here is the first question: Do we save to police officers and expose Cory? If so, what do we name the Growlithe? Should we use the Cacnea egg? I also have caught Grace the Sewaddle.


EDIT: It just hatched! The Cacnea is a girl! What shall its name be?

Edited by FactoryofSadness
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We have yet another update! All of the police officers have been saved, and Corey has been defeated! Here is the team which was used to beat him:




With that in mind, we will be coming upon Shelly's gym soon. Here are some questions to keep in mind:


Who is getting boxed?

Who will be the replacement?

Who should I catch for the upcoming gym? Names?


Here is who I have in the box:

  • Grace the Sewaddle
  • Thorne the Cacnea
  • Gemini the Meowth

Remember, all suggestions are open game.

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Get Blitzle at a rainy night next to Julia's Gym and use Zebstrika's Spark/Flame Charge moves to check Yanmega, cause it can be a handful. Get a female Blitzle and name her Electra!

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Another badge down, and it is time to fight Shade! Here is the main team I have right now in the party:




Needless to say, this fight is going to be brutal. I bred With a Don the Phanphy and Tessa the Growlithe, and traded their egg away for a mystery egg! Here is what came out:



What are we going to nickname this guy? Let me know your thoughts below. Also, should it remain on the team?


I found Cory's Croagunk. It is male, docile, and knows Venoshock, Mud Bomb, Sucker Punch and Drain Punch. Should it be on the team? Also, what should the nickname be?


Finally, I still have a Sewaddle, Trubbish, and Cacnea in the box. Tessa and With a Don are in the daycare. Who should be used for the upcoming fight?


Edited by FactoryofSadness
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Another gym has been cleared! Shade was surprisingly easy! Delphox stole Gengar's wide lens, and it became easy for Jeremy Shockey to clean up. Overall, there has been a main "fighting four" in the team. Here are the four who contributed:



Overall, we are moving on to the next part of the game! The same drill applies as always: who should I catch? Replace? Box? Nickname? It's up to you! Let me know!

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Another day, another update. Cal and Kiki went down without a problem! These were the five used to take them down:




After we defeated Kiki, I went to save Cain, and found this guy:



Should we use him? He makes a good addition to the team. Also, we are about to fight Solaris. We might have to prepare ourselves for the beating at stake. Should I try to beat him? If so, who should I use? Should I catch anyone else? Nicknames? Let me know!

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I think you should beat him. There are many strategies, like sturdy sawk with counter. Level 1 sturdy geodude that you are healing (making garchomp strugle), switchero and spike ball, leech seed prankster cottone, air ballon stunktank and toxic. a team full of aftermath stunkys. and so on... 

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We just had our battle with Solaris! Here are the results:


We beat him! It was a really close battle, and it cost me a CRAP ton of Cotton Candy, but Garchomp is down! John Cena's Sucker Punch + Poison Point combo really came in handy!

Having said all of that, here is my team:591f6e086ee15_ScreenShot2017-05-19at6_11_33PM.thumb.png.d6e3cbef6d5cb2c1f2a2d48c2ae7a70c.png591f6dfa5ed1c_ScreenShot2017-05-19at6_11_37PM.thumb.png.d9b8e316761dbae035361099611c63ac.png591f6de775a22_ScreenShot2017-05-19at6_11_41PM.thumb.png.106235d2767ccc999249c2447e7f29a6.png591f6de001038_ScreenShot2017-05-19at6_11_45PM.thumb.png.6c148ea76e2ce09fad0a2073b9e04f0c.png591f6dd500b80_ScreenShot2017-05-19at6_11_48PM.thumb.png.d6e1f48564b7813574b8579fa9da1e54.pngMany of you have probably guessed that it is impossible to win with this team. Of course, you are VERY right. There were two MVPs in this fight. The first was Cena, and the other was this Pokemon I had to catch in order to win:



As seen in the spoiler, we now have a new team member (which happens to be male). Should we keep him? What should his nickname be? Let me know soon, as we will be fighting Aya next!

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Aya was just annihilated. Delphox and Toxicroak made quick work of her. Here is the team as of right now:



591fabc701866_ScreenShot2017-05-19at10_33_16PM.thumb.png.3fc59c47038db3de55f569867f145a7c.png591fabbf177bb_ScreenShot2017-05-19at10_33_23PM.thumb.png.b5b43d158da1f329283ad0c41438c33f.png591fabb749c37_ScreenShot2017-05-19at10_33_29PM.thumb.png.ee85546cad861ad58ace075217cdad8b.png591fabaf5601b_ScreenShot2017-05-19at10_33_36PM.thumb.png.9bed82901be0486fe1a4256321ecb4c9.png591faba7add74_ScreenShot2017-05-19at10_33_43PM.thumb.png.d4f7d950bc503b708d202f45f44129bc.png(It is important to note that Claptrap has Hidden Power Ice)591fab9f2e33b_ScreenShot2017-05-19at10_33_50PM.thumb.png.d41f9f7b6f314f1d3b15a3e043ce6e4d.png

We will be coming across an optional boss battle soon. Now, here is the first question: who do we fight first? The doctor, or the Meteor admin?


Afterwards, we will be finding an Eevee. Should we catch it? If so, which one should we evolve it into? Also, what should the name be?


Finally, what else should we catch? What will be their names? Let me know! We will back at this once more tomorrow!

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11 minutes ago, FactoryofSadness said:

Afterwards, we will be finding an Eevee. Should we catch it? If so, which one should we evolve it into? Also, what should the name be?

In honour of my Pokemon Zeta Glaceon... Evolve it into Glaceon, name it Borealis. Or Aurora. Whichever you prefer.

Edit: If Female, you can call it Borealice too... Borealis+Alice

Edited by Jess
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We have beaten Serra! She was extremely tough, but we managed to pull through thanks to the Champ. We will be catching the Eevee next. Remember to leave your suggestions for what we should evolve it into, as well as any possible names. Should we box anyone in particular? Until then, here is the team as of now:




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