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Showdown Replays


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Got a Showdown Battle Replay you want to share? Feel free to post them here! It can be any format, even those Moody Metronome Triple battles you all love doing. You probably want to put who you are while posting, as well, if you're using a different name.

Anyways, happy posting (and battling)!

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tossin OU scrubs with a garbage team:



streak ended at 4 wins, unfortunately. lost the 5th because of a misclick lol smh:


that dude did not deserve that win, he shulda gotten 6-0'd by Sparce and he knows it lol

one of my frens later decided to tweak the team a bit and have a bit of fun:


btw uh if the replays are giving a 404 just highlight the URL in the address bar and press enter

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Sometimes it really feels that "OU no mega" is scrubland... I mean I am in the top percentage of Rattata the tier, and this is all the competition I get?

EDIT: one could argue that only in scrubland I could make it to the top percentage :P

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Oh? Something like this existed? Nice, maybe I can share some replays that I think is quite bullshit nifty to see.

Some parts of it are from battling with some mates, and some of it from the random casual battles that I've got no idea what just happened, either by good game predict, or hax troll and stall.

Here it is:

There's a lot more actually, but well, there's the thing that I can post right now.
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I fought a person with an Attract Cloyster MonoIce Team. It wasn't very good. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-241768635

Trace Porygon2 never gets old. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-241769975

Despite their popularity, Bug Monos are not always that good. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-241772416

Sometimes the RNG gods chose not to favor you and you've got to roll with it. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-241774899

More Monotype battles to follow!

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I was in the presense of a god. he redefined the meta for me.


This guy's mother was a hamster and his father smelled of elderberries. (for those of you who don't get the reference, he ragequit because his team was slower than my taunt jellicent)

Edited by blasterman4
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I was in the presense of a god. he redefined the meta for me.


This guy's mother was a hamster and his father smelled of elderberries. (for those of you who don't get the reference, he ragequit because his team was slower than my taunt jellicent)

In that second match, the change from trying to flirt (idk why but he apparently thought that was a good plan) to raging at you was golden. Also that was great reference.

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In that second match, the change from trying to flirt (idk why but he apparently thought that was a good plan) to raging at you was golden. Also that was great reference.

i was laughing my ass off throughout that match tbh, i rematched him later because RU's ladder is dead... he only did slightly better before he got SD'd on and completely wrecked

I blame you for not using that handy "ignore opponent" function. I always do.

I was laughing too hard at that to hit ignore :P


i won a 6 stock match at a 2 stock deficit.... the opponent only took two stocks

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I really like Monotype battles. No idea why.

Anyway, didn't even bother setting up with Klefki here, as Siglyiph wouldn't have been affected by T-Wave, and they always lead with Siglyph. Due to decent bulk, Sylveon is really fun with Toxic, Calm Mind, and Baton Pass (Also have Hyper Voice on it, but not the best Pokemon to use it.)

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