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Lets run some calcs to see if that guy had the right to complain about the damage rolls, shall we?

I put HP at 99% so as not to count Multiscale

44 Atk Technician Mega Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 100-118 (30.9 - 36.5%) -- 63.5% chance to 3HKO

This means Dragonite had less than what the minimal damage was.

Even if he's talking about Zapdos, take a look at this

68 SpA Zapdos Volt Switch vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Dragonite: 97-115 (30 - 35.6%) -- 31% chance to 3HKO

This means that even if Zapdos did 30% (lowest), D-nite would be left with 31%, which is just above Scizor's lowest damage with Bullet Punch.

In both calculations I only put 44 Atk EVs because that's the standard Bulky SD Scizor set. It would very much be the offensive one which does 39% damage minimum and we wouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place.

But Wait! There's further humiliation!!

Since his M-Sceptile has HP-fire, I doubt D-nite has Fire Punch, so it's more probable to have a set of DD, E-speed, Dragon Claw, EQ/Roost

EQ does a maximum of 38% to the Offensive set, and 28% to the Bulky set.

Even so, assuming Zapdos did ~30% with Volt Switch, what stops Franz from switching into Diggersby which tanks all those hits and pretty much OHKOs anything at that stage. Even the non-scarf set with Quick Attack does minimum 35% so Dragonite is dead.


This fellow was wrong on so many different levels, I felt like calculating his chances of winning this battle, which were 0^2%

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That 1% Heracross and its damn crit ugh


252+ Atk Choice Band burned Heracross Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 156-185 (45.7 - 54.2%) -- 5.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

^That was actualy a Guts Heracross, since we saw no Moxie and Swarm is barely used.

252+ Atk Guts Heracross Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Manaphy: 313-369 (91.7 - 108.2%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

Here is the actual calc. Even without the crit, he had 50% chance to OHKO you

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That 1% Heracross and its damn crit ugh


252+ Atk Choice Band burned Heracross Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 156-185 (45.7 - 54.2%) -- 5.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

If it didn't have Guts, the crit would do a maximum of 80.9% , since it does not ignore the burn drop.

252+ Atk Choice Band burned Heracross Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Manaphy on a critical hit: 234-276 (68.6 - 80.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

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