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When you think you've lost but you somehow win anyways (I knew that the terrain blocked status but I needed the speed): http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-490191294


Also calm down please: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-490250720

Edited by Personthing
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Someone's mad: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-488688876


And if you're wondering about the last turn: +1 252 SpA Porygon-Z Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar: 102-120 (25.3 - 29.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO, so he couldn't have KO'd unless crit.


This RNG though: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-492573128

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  On 12/8/2016 at 6:53 PM, NickCrash said:

Had he been Modest, he would have won. But he was insecure even with his Z-conversion.


Absolutely, modest would have taken out T-tar, but it's a lot less common, just cause a few thing can whittle it down that it'd otherwise delete without any problem.

Edited by Personthing
Too many words.
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Granted it is outsped by M-Zam, M-Aero, M-Bee, M-Scep and a few scarfers, but the power it gets in return is worth the minor speed reduction. Especially in a team with Pheromosa and scarf Genesect, I doubt it needs the speed that badly. These 2 partners alone are enough to beat all 4 of those megas effortlessly. 


In that team I would personally go for Modest and tweak the other members a bit. After a bit it's just a matter of preference, unless I'm forgetting something.



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Eh, you're probably right. Timid does seem a bit more flexible as a win condition though just because you only have to worry about mons that wall Porygon Z, Faster scarfers, priority (Tapu lele can help), rather than add a few more scarfers and those megas if you go modest. Perhaps that's what they were going for?

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I am loving gen 7.



Also rain will forever be the best weather


Another thing, not only can Pelipper u-turn into rain abusers, but it can actually do stuff besides set up rain.


Heh, I fought this guy or gal earlier and the changed mamo to sash this time rip

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Bringing you one of the more memorable battles in Viri vs Xiri. These two secure my victory!










As per the rule, I make Xiri wear a Torterra avatar and proclaim that it is his favourite random battle mon. In honour of that one time I solo'd his mono Dragon team with a single MonoRandoms Torterra.

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Yet another exciting episode of Viri vs Xiri!




This battle marks my extremely haxy victory. The flinching was real. 


Xiri, however, is a remarkably good sport, so, as per the conditions, he shall continue using the alt Iron Jiniri instead of his usual snowy self on the server. And if anyone is curious why, the answer is always because STEEL > ICE

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