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Why we need a Clear Skies tier!


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Having a clear skies tier is fine.

What isn't fine is whining about not being able to use the pokemon you enjoy using. When I read post #14 on the previous page, I thought to myself, how old is this guy - 10? Using your attachment to a favorite pokemon to argue why weather is unfair. Seriously? If you like Eevee, fine. If you want to use Eevee, nobody's stopping you. Complaining that Eevee is inferior to Gastrodon in the sand? L.M.F.A.O.

If you want to use your favorite obscure pokemon without getting stomped, there's the NU tier. Ladder there sometime. I wouldn't mind the free ratings.

OGod this made me laugh so hard, whoever Valk was talking to, they got owned.

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I honestly never cared much for laddering, hell I only really battle in league anymore. I only really ladder when I'm extremely bored, or I want to test a team and can't get a reply from Poe >>. But 9/10 times I usually fight a weather team, and being that I'm fighting with a test team, I rarely win. Lol. (Also the fact that I suck :P)

Anyway, Clear Skies tier sounds pretty solid. Go for it! :D

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While weather oriented teams can wreck if given the chance, they're not unbeatable. Seeing weather, after weather may tend to get monotonous, but is it not part of the metagame? Imo, there's way too much hype on the subject.

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