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[OOC] 銀河最高対魔物アイドルになりたい! (I Wanna Be the Best Monster-slaying Idol in the Galaxy!) [Signups Closed]


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Would you like to become an idol?


Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/mRAmzQf



As some of you may or may not remember, around three years ago I started an Idol RP that fell flat. I've spent the time to look over it and refine it, and this is the result. You'll notice I skipped the Interest Check, that's because 1) I already know there's a modicum of interest and 2) Interest Checks are intended to check on forum response before starting to properly flesh out an idea - This idea is already reasonably fleshed out, so w/e.



Explaining the Title

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The Setting

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The System


Right, time to get down to the mechanics. These mechanics are HEAVILY inspired by Aikatsu. Deal with it.


The game will be split into 2 phases per live. The Prep phase, and the Concert Phase. Do note that I'm still experimenting around with this system, so it is liable to change.


Prep Phase

In this phase, players perform their preparations for the next concert. This phase will occupy a time period of 2-3 weeks IRL (depending on availability). Within this time, players can take up to 2 actions per week from a list (that will be disclosed at the start of each Prep Phase) These actions include, but are not limited to: Rehearsing, Searching for work, taking on jobs, doing research about your next concert venue, having happy idol bonding moments etc. Not all actions will be available in every prep phase, but this phase will have a large impact on the way your performances turn out. Additionally, in this phase, players will select, by democratic vote, the idol in the group they think should be the center for the upcoming live.


Concert Phase

In this phase, players will write posts describing their concerts and performances. This part is heavily player-directed, and the GM(me) will be solely responsible for scoring the performances, indicating audience response, and prompting Appeals (we'll get to that in a bit).



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Yes there's combat. No I'm not going to tell you how it works, other than that it's stat-based and uses hidden stats related to your character sheet. Also your performance scores will drastically affect battle outcomes.



Character Sheet


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And that's all! I know it seems like a lot to take in. That's because it is. I've put in quite a lot of work into this system, and I think it distributes the burden evenly among players and hosts. The burden of writing the posts lies on the players, while the burden of keeping track of stats/numbers falls on a GM. Anyway, that's all for now. There are a few more intricacies in the system, but this is pretty much all you need to build a character. Let me know if you have any questions~





Okay so it has been brought to my attention that not everyone knows what I'm talking about when I say "Appeals", or "Idol Type". So here are a few references for you to look at.


1:35 to 4:07 of this video shows a range of Appeals that increase in complexity/score


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This video is an example of a Cool-type Idol in a Cool-type Dress performing a Cool-type song. There's also an appeal.


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This is an example of a Pop-type Idol in a Pop-type Dress performing a Pop-type song. There's also an appeal.


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This is a Cute-type Idol, wearing a Cute-type Dress and performing a Cute-type song


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Sexy-type Idol wearing a Sexy-type Dress and performing a Sexy-type Song

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Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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More Things



Dresses are an idol's best friend, and the best dresses come from the best designers. Here are the brands that currently exist, by category:


Cute: Sweets Fantasy (Fluffy-Cute), Crown Smile (Princess-Cute)

Cool: Fashion Next (Techno-Cool), Glass Chord (Rocker-Cool), Crescent Victoria (Elegant/Gothic-Cool)

Pop: 7th Style (Casual-Pop), Rainbow Corner (Quirky-Pop)

Sexy: Rosette Masquerade (Elegant-Sexy), Orient Dream (Exotic-Sexy)


Throughout the game, you will each need to find a way to get your own Dresses. Dresses come in 4 rarities: Normal, Rare, Premium, Star Premium and Unique. Higher rarity dresses naturally grant better bonuses and Premium or higher dresses may even have special effects! Of course, higher rarity dresses are harder to get, you'll have to find some way to win over the designer of the respective brand if you want one of their Premium/Star Prem/Unique dresses. All starter dresses have Normal rarity.


Brands and Battle Skills

Every 3 stat points gained, characters will learn a new skill at the conclusion of their next Live/Mini-Live. Characters can also choose to defer the decision, which will cause it to resurface at their next Live/Mini-Live instead. The skill learned will depend on the brand of the dress they are wearing when they go through with the upgrade.


Additionally, some higher-rarity dresses will allow for characters to attain unique battle skills in their respective trees.


The brands and what skills they unlock are as follows:


Sweets Fantasy: Healing

Crown Smile: Damage Mitigation


Fashion Next: Speed Offense

Crescent Victoria: Magical Damage

Glass Chord: Physical Damage


7th Style: Stat buffs

Rainbow Corner: Non-Stat buffs


Rosette Masquerade: Status Ailments

Orient Dream: Stat debuffs




Bonds - the Power of Friendship!

The life of an idol isn't easy. But with your friends' help, it might just be easier! Bonds are your connections with your fellow idols. A higher Bond value between you and another idol means you two are closer. Bond is a hidden value, that I'll keep track of; but you'll want to track changes, too, because it's going to be important!


When you perform a Live, your Bonds with other people grant several benefits (these are still WIP, I might add more, but I won't take any away):

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So how do you build Bonds?

Simple: do things together! Taking on jobs together builds Bond. Hanging out together builds Bond. Rehearsing together builds Bond. Helping each other out with something builds Bond. Even just performing as a group builds Bond. You can get Bond for doing literally nothing special.


But you can also lose Bonds.

How? If you exclude an idol from a group activity. Say Idol A goes catch a movie with Idol B on their Off day. But Idol C also has an Off day! Unfortunately, nobody invited Idol C, so she decides to go watch a movie on her own. Alone. With only popcorn for company. While exiting the theatre, she spots Idol A and B laughing together - but they didn't invite her! Hurt, she drowns her sorrow in ice cream. -30 Bond. Just an example, but events like these will drop Bond. If a pair of Idols lose too much Bond in a short amount of time (secret number), their Bond is frozen, and won't go up anymore until they each take an action to resolve their differences. Sounds bad, right? But there's a silver lining! Sometimes, the best friendships are forged after a misunderstanding. Additionally, participating in a Difference-Resolution event might just net you something special... might. Depends on my mood, really. Fear the GM.


Lore Tidbits


Stella Kiseki, the legendary Idol

The Universe now is at peace - the human race, scattered across the stars, operates under a single Federation government, with each colony having a representative in the Universal Senate, and each seat granted equal voting power. There is no proper Executive, and all colonies are bound by the Miracle Accords of 2655 to respect the Senate's authority. Trade and interplanetary travel is flourishing, and intergalactic benefits systems ensure that while people are living in varying levels of comfort, none are wanting for food or shelter.


But it wasn't always this way. Just a short 5 years before the Miracle Accords, in 2650, the Universe seemed to be on the verge of a terrible war. Colonies snapped at each others' throats, some began to display imperialist desires, small disputes and disagreements erupted across the Galaxy. People felt unsafe. People felt unsure. It seemed like the biggest war humanity had ever known - one fought across space - was about to occur. And in the midst of this chaos, a single name started to make the rounds: the name of an idol, one who travelled around the planets and hosted free concerts, inviting all to attend.


Nobody knew much about Stella Kiseki, except that she was Japanese, and had therefore come from Earth. But even the Earth authorities didn't know much about her - Stella Kiseki was only a stage name, nobody knew her real name. But they didn't need to know about her past, or to even understand the language she sang in, to move the hearts of all who heard her song. Idols at that time were a strictly Japanese phenomenon, and Stella's actions were what caused a resurgence in the universal love for idols - wherever she went and sang, people were touched by her voice and feelings, and without fail, each colony she visited avowed peace. For five long years, she toured the colonies, making sure to visit every colony. She had no manager, producer, or agent - she handled the logistics and planning of every performance on her own. As her song - and consequently her fame - spread across the colonies, more and more of the colonies' leaders began to vie for peace, in a miraculous reversal of the high-tension situation they had experienced to that point. In September of 2655, the leaders of all the human colonies convened to establish a binding covenant - what would become known as the Miracle Accords. In honor of the woman who made this possible, the location of the convention was decided to be Earth. Additionally, in these Accords, it was decided that the official language of humanity should be Japanese, again in honor of Stella's efforts. These Accords established a set of rules for all the colonies of humanity, solidifying humanity into a single, unitary Federation. It was a historic occasion, watched by billions across the cosmos. For the first time, humanity stood as one - and what united them was their love for idols. In particular, for a single idol.


It was thus unfortunate that the woman who made it all possible was never able to see the fruits of her labour. En route to Earth for a big concert intended to commemorate the signing of the Accords, Stella Kiseki vanished. It happened the same day as the signing. Her ship simply disappeared. Nobody knew what happened to it, nobody knew where she had disappeared to. She was never seen or heard for again. And so it was that her appearance and sudden disappearance quickly became the stuff of legend - she had appeared when humanity was in its greatest hour of need, and disappeared when this need had passed. Truly, as her name Kiseki meant, she was a miracle. Her legend inspired legions of young girls to become idols, starting an idol boom which has lasted to this current day, never fading, never waning. It is said that she lies sleeping, awaiting a day when humanity is in an hour of dire need again, whereupon she shall rouse from her slumber and lead her fellow idols in securing a brighter path for humanity's future.

Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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I mean I knew this was coming up already so I've just been looking for an idol-related thread thingy

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Kill me for using my waifu


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Guys cut the chatter on the Spambots seriously. It's off-topic and I've already expressed elsewhere on the site that undue attention doesn't need to be brought to it. This is the only time I'm saying it.

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  On 5/18/2017 at 10:38 PM, ElfCollaborator said:


also limited player slots kills the man



There were originally more slots but I cut down to 5 so as to make the load manageable for myself. Also because the system is experimental, so I'm not confident in doing a large-scale RP. As time goes by and I get more comfortable I may open up more slots, but idk. We'll see.

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Combat Stuff:

Combat Outfit and Weapon:

Combat Appearance: When it comes to fight, Yuri undergoes some changes. The immediately obvious change is that her hair and eyes become a brilliant blue in color, and her hair lengthens a bit (although not to the ridiculous length of her sister). Her... figure, somewhat improves as well, her chest bumping up a cup size. Her clothing becomes an elegant navy-blue dress, but it doesn't seem to get in the way or Yuri's fighting abilities - it seems to actively move out of the way when she would otherwise entangle herself in it. She also has black leggings, and similarly colored boots. Her hair remains in the pragmatic stlye she tends to prefer. In this form, Yuri uses a pair of swords on magically-attached chains to fight. Logically this weapon should not function half as well as it does, but considering the circumstances, logic doesn't seem to apply very much

Combat Multipliers:

HP = 11
Str = 3
Mag = 3
Agi = 2
Def = 1


Current Encounter Stats:


Combat Skills:


[Heavy Sweep]: Deal 3x STR damage to one target

[Dancing Pierce]: Deal 2x AGI damage to one target. Ignores 50% DEF.

Edited by Twinwolf
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Woah first sheet


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  On 5/19/2017 at 3:43 PM, Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ said:

Woah first sheet


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>Double Spoilers


Not sure if Touhou reference...

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