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My new OU team


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This team i put together in about an hour just testing random Pokemon. it kind of just came together out of nowhere so i don't really have a team building process.

First Glance


475.gif(M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Steadfast

EVs: 240 HP / 16 Atk / 56 SDef / 196 Spd

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Drain Punch

- Shadow Sneak

- Bulk Up

- Ice Punch

For my lead i chose Gallade. its basically wills old gladius set except with one move modification which is ice punch for taunt. works as an excellent anti lead. basically he comes in against any weather, sets up bulk up and usually ends up taking down 2-3 Pokemon every time i face a weather team. BTW i might have forgotten to mention but for some odd reason this team is phenomenal at taking down weather.

497.gif(F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Contrary

EVs: 128 Def / 128 SDef / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Leaf Storm

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Dragon Pulse

So i went to go make my serpirior that i always make, but then i realized "wait a second, when did you get dragon pulse?!?" this immediately got a spot on the move set. plus since i used HP ice to only take out dragons, i changed hp ice to hp fire to handle ferrothorn. leaf storm and contrary well i mean duh... and giga drain in case leaf storm runs out or i need some extra recovery. split 128 defs really help. it helps her tank ice beams from weaker non stab opponents, and also she can take a neutral hit fairly well.

310.gif(M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Static

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Volt Switch

- Overheat

- Thunderbolt

- Hidden Power [ice]

Hit and Run. that's all he does is hit and run. choice scarf for max speed. hit fast with volt switch and switch out to a resistant poke. or i can chose overheat for raw power with i would immediately switch out after. thunderbolt for stab and HP ice for coverage.

233.gif @ Eviolite

Trait: Download

EVs: 252 Def / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Ice Beam

- Thunderbolt

- Toxic

- Recover

Porygon2 is the tank of my team. bolt beam coverage is always nice. download will sometimes give him the special attack boost. toxic for toxic stalling. recover for recovery. all in all an extremely good tank thanks to evolite bringing both defenses over 410. can basically tank all unboosted hits except for a fighting move with a a power of over 100.

038.gif(F) @ Air Balloon

Trait: Drought

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Flamethrower

- SolarBeam

- Will-O-Wisp

Ninetales is a powerful fire type who can ruin my opponents weather. I usually keep her hidden until i can destroy my opponents weather, then send her out to make my own weather. nasty plot to boost the special attack, I rarely ever end up using it tho. flamethrower for stab plus boost from the sun. I picked flamethrower over fire blast because i tend to miss a lot. solarbeam because of sun obviously. will o wisp to ruin a physical tanks day.

149.gif(M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Multiscale

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Hardy Nature

- Dragon Dance

- ExtremeSpeed

- Dragon Claw

- Fire Punch

finally, i felt like the team just needed some overall raw power. who better for raw power than dragonite. standard dance set, dragon claw for stab, fire punch for coverage, extremespeed for priority. nothing too much too it.

Okay so this team at first glance has no synergy but somehow manages to win almost every battle. i have no idea how, but its just wins. i was hoping for some tips on how i can make it even better. And if anybody is wondering, my number one weakness... SHUCKLE. they make me rage with this team.

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Mantric just seem outclassed by jolteon in almost every way. The only real thing manetric has that jolteon doesn't is overheat. Which forces manetric to switch out the next turn anyway. Also on porygon 2, might i suggest using discharge over thunderbolt cuz it has a higher chance to paralyze. Overall I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10. I understand what you are trying to do with ninetales by ruining weather teams, but to me, it just seems like a wasted team slot.

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Why are people hatin on Manectric?

Anyway, here comes the criticism.

Serperior: Use Hidden Power [Rock] instead - covers four of Serperior's weaknesses; Fire just covers two.

Manectric: Running a Choice item, there's better options than Overheat, especially without Specs. I recommend Flamethrower to continue doing significant damage.

Porygon2: Ice Beam is better as Psychic because even with Eviolite, one good STAB Fighting attack and Porygon2 eats dirt. Psychic can be used to counter such thugs, as they will usually be slower and have bad Special Defense.

Ninetales: Three weaknesses isn't enough to be conscious enough to remove one of them - you can keep the Air Balloon to not have to worry about the pokemon that can use Earthquake...but why would you send it out for that when you have Dragonite to absorb the attack, and Serperior to take it like a boss if need be? I recommend a Focus Sash to be able to use Nasty Plot and then you can mess around - Flamethrower if you want, because it will with STAB and sun have 285 base power, but if you sense a switch in is inevitable...

go rrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRAAAHHHHHH TERRA BE BACCK TO DESTROY!OMNOMNOMNOMNOM RAWWWWRRRR!!!!!!!!! with solarbeam, since that destroys the types that Ninetales is weak to - Water, Rock, and Ground.

Sorry, there was just no other way to describe the supreme killing force you would unleash on those pokemon with solarbeam.

Other than that, though, great team!

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Couple of advices you might want or not to follow

Change porygon's download into Trace, since it would let you literally wall pokemons with abilities such as Heatran / Jellicent (avoids the burn from scald/lavaplume). It could also be really helpful if you get Prankster or Regenerator, allows porygon to be a better tank than with Download. Also helps since your Dragonite is walled 100% by Heatran, and Porygon could fix that.

Take out Giga Drain and add a different move into Serperior, giving him a bit more of team support. A few examples would be Substitute (priority immunity, able to knock down scizor with ur current set unharmed), Glare (switch paralyz that most importantly works on ground types) or Taunt / Synthesis depending on the team's need. Also if you wish to take out Ninetales, you might consider giving Sunny Day to Serperior (surprise element) on a possible switch nullifying the weather.

You might like changing Static into Lightningrod, since like you said he hit n run, wont like to take a hit at all to trigger static and the +1 can be great for the lack of stab on Overheat.

As for shuckle, anything with substitute can stop him 100%, forcing a switch and giving you a free setup.

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Mantric just seem outclassed by jolteon in almost every way. The only real thing manetric has that jolteon doesn't is overheat. Which forces manetric to switch out the next turn anyway. Also on porygon 2, might i suggest using discharge over thunderbolt cuz it has a higher chance to paralyze.

If he's scarfed he'll be switching a lot anyway and if he's running Toxic, I don't think an extra paralysis rate will do much for him js

I like most of the suggestions from the above post; in addition to all the listed possibilites for Serperior, you might also consider Reflect or Light Screen. Manectric should have Lightningrod, definitely- you don't really have an Electric weakness to bait it or something, but it's still infinitely better than Static is because that requires you to take a hit, and if you can help it, you probably shouldn't let that happen.

I think anything else I could say has already been said, really.

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its basically wills old gladius set except with one move modification which is ice punch for taunt.

My Gladius set never had taunt.

It didn't need it cuz Anti-Lead Gladius used Magic Coat, reflecting any taunting lead's taunt back at them. Though with the lack of true leads this generation, Gladius doesn't need to use the move anymore, so now his set is actually identical to yours now except with a bit different EVs.

Just saiyan. >><<

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