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The wispers of a dark run... ( WIth Music!)


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  •  Intro

So, after reading all the monoruns that have recently apeared here in the forum i've decided to share my own playtrought. Also i would like to say that i am not a native english speaker so any corrections are welcome ;)


 Note[1]: this playtrough will be updated on a weekly basis since i only have time to play at the weekends.

Note [2]: feel free to leave a comment 😁

Note [3]: i will try to upload some songs to this run, fact is im a HUGE rock fan so, in case you fell offended by some lyrics or just dont like the style in general, you have been warned :D  

  • The start.

This city always made me think of this song:

if the link dont work try searching for the song in the web player or the app, couldnt find it on youtube.

Wis, our protagonist, after almost losing his life to a terrorist attack and spending some time wondering why in the heavens he decided to come to this god forsaken place, arrives in reborn city. There, after a brief talk with Ame, she decides to give a complete stranger a new mon, new shoes, a pokegear, and five pokeballs. How nice!... (Lets just ignore the torture scene shown here ok?)

...A whille later, after loking around and pondering a little bit, our hero decides to embrace the dark side. And for that end he decided to get: 




Our protagonist also decided to ask in the realm of the gods in the request a mon thread for some other partners:







And after a brief talk victoria decides to take her starter too leaving us compleately alone until....



Oh... well.. thanks i guess.

Of course the flirting aroused his fighting spirit so lets get started already.





nothing special on this fight.

And after that


I forgot to take a picture of his one sooooo lets just pretend that it is here.



With that out of the way we are free to explore the map and, after taking the lunch money of some kids, being threatened of kidnapping and capturing this guy:



We find this dude.



Name's Fern, seems like a nice guy.



Weeeell.. i guess i was wrong on that one huh.

Okay, now that we realize that Fern is a prick is time to smack him.










Pawniard just OHKO'd all his team with fury cutter....

He says someting about an appointment in a factory and finally goes away.

Weeeeeeeeeell, fuck that place, the less contact with this guy the better, lets go grab our first badge, shall we?






It looks like julia has to go to that factory too,and since it is the most logical thing to do,she decides to "invite" a complete stranger (also known as me) to help in a dangerous assingment that could very well end up killing us all.... how considerate.



*Sigh* okay, okay, we are going (there is no way to continue the story if i dont ,anyway).



Some time has passed and, after meting with the crew, we are in. Aaaaand i teamed up with Fern while his sister goes with Julia. Marvelous.



No... why would i have any?..

In the way to the depths of this hellhole we/i smacked some meteors, got some dinamite, found a rare candy, left the game open for more than 2 hours to grab some food. Pretty normal stuff. And when i got back, it was time to confront the boss....

or his underlings, since he decided that i wasnt worth it.


*cryes in underestimation

anyway... lets do this!





 First up was Stunky and he really didnt do much so..


Next was Frogadier and he just OHKO magby and confused elekid with a water pulse. Pretty easy since RnJesus was with me.

After that the villains teleport away with black magic and the crazy girl decided to blow up the place. Nice. Really, after the series of events that beffaled us(including two explosions) we decided that we dont care about the world anymore( we never did in the first place but... Oh well~). Now we only want that damned badge and as such we go straight to it.



Note: You know, it is pretty standard for gyms to have puzzles and such, but i dont think that exploding voltorbs in a power plant is a good idea.....

Song : 

i think this one is appropriate for her personality

 Anyway, back to the main act!




Time to start stacking that fury cutter, 2 are enough to bring down helioptile and waste one of julia's potions. The next was zebstrika


She got one shotted by fury cutter...


Emolga managed to paralize pawniard with nuzzle since she was faster... still got one shotted tough.


Since pawni was incapacitated it was time for frog to shyne, both voltorbs got confused with water pulse and ended up killing themselves.


froggy got one shotted by a charged beam so it was time for stunky to poison electrode and reduce his defenses with one screech.


After that it was an easy job for larvitar to finish.

Oooooooh yeaaaaaah first badge acquired and first chapter finished, tune in next week for more adventures! (I'm getting good at this narrator thing)

See ya.

Edited by Wisper
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Looking forward for that Kiki fight, especially because you don't have access to Malamar by then... Honchkrow will be your best chance, but it isn't the fastest thing! Wondering what the strategy will be!

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Just now, Wolfox Glace said:

and his Mawile will?

At least Contrary Malamar's Supepower is neutral vs Mawile. Plus, boosts Def. I always found it easier vs Mega Mawile than Gardevoir anyways.

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7 hours ago, Zarc said:

Good luck on your run ! you will probably need it ! 

Thanks, looking forward for those fighting types..

4 hours ago, HongaarseBeer said:

Good luck. I've never seen a dark mono-run, so I'm curious to your progression.

Thanks man, i will try to update at least one chapter each week.

2 hours ago, Wolfox Glace said:

may Shelly, Kiki and Adrienn be hellish but merciful

Yeeeah, lets just hope i dont have a stroke on Shelly.


2 hours ago, Jess said:

Looking forward for that Kiki fight, especially because you don't have access to Malamar by then... Honchkrow will be your best chance, but it isn't the fastest thing! Wondering what the strategy will be!

Yeah i was thinking on that too, i will probably use stunky and cacturne as support for honchkrow and leave pawniard and larvitar on the box. It will probably  come down to houndoom burning the right targets tought.

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23 minutes ago, Dr. Exorcist said:

Good luck with this monorun. Dark is a very interesting type to use and its actually the first time i see a dark monorun, soooo keep us updated :P 

Thanks, dark is indeed a nice tipe, i decided to go with it because it was my most unfamiliar tipe and i wanted something new. Will do my best to keep this updated, hope you enjoy.😆

1 minute ago, Zellorea said:

Good luck, fellow mono-runner! (With dark as the type you're using, this will be a hellish type to run with)

Thanks! I think  this will be interesting as well since i dont know much about the typing and i never really used any dark mon seriously except for absol.

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A dark-mono run! The nostalgia.....mm.


I wish you much luck, and you seem to be doing better then me so far, good! I had help from a friend along the way as it was my first, but Larvitar and Pawniard early game? Good choices. Honeslty I think the KiKi AI is busted, she kept trying to use Strength because it's part Fighting, but it's also part Psychic so my Pokémon were immune. You'll be fine against her. Shelly took too many tries then I care to admit(and I had traded in a Pawniard for her) I think I took Ame's advice and rode the wave with Frogadier! Lucky us Dark monorunners get the frogger, so weaknesses can be a thing of the past!.....most of the time. If you strategic about it you can get some cheeky resists(like using Smack Down to get to rock type and avoid bug moves on Shelly(Note, you must evolve to Greninja otherwise they will try to hit you with grass attacks instead of bug)) Overall, we get a lot of variety and quite a few options, so don't fret  too much 

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5 hours ago, Karamo said:

A dark-mono run! The nostalgia.....mm.


I wish you much luck, and you seem to be doing better then me so far, good! I had help from a friend along the way as it was my first, but Larvitar and Pawniard early game? Good choices. Honeslty I think the KiKi AI is busted, she kept trying to use Strength because it's part Fighting, but it's also part Psychic so my Pokémon were immune. You'll be fine against her. Shelly took too many tries then I care to admit(and I had traded in a Pawniard for her) I think I took Ame's advice and rode the wave with Frogadier! Lucky us Dark monorunners get the frogger, so weaknesses can be a thing of the past!.....most of the time. If you strategic about it you can get some cheeky resists(like using Smack Down to get to rock type and avoid bug moves on Shelly(Note, you must evolve to Greninja otherwise they will try to hit you with grass attacks instead of bug)) Overall, we get a lot of variety and quite a few options, so don't fret  too much 

Thanks man, when i started this run i didnt know dark was such a versatile type, it has been quite the pleasant surprise so far. And seriously, the frog is just too op, even without prothean its still one of the best mons in my team!

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Ooookay, the long awaited ( and slightly better edited) second chapter is finally here!


  • Chapter 2

So, after getting our first badge we get out of the gym just to learn that the city is being destroyed (wonderfull), seems that crazy plants have appeared out of nowhere leaving some places in shambles and, of course, Florinia asks for our help.  Well, we wanted to go there anyway so lets just pick up some gardening tools and head out shall we? 

Weell this place does not look nice... jesus, there are giant cracks on the streets how can i help with this? Ok, now that i already complained why dont we go meet the day care couple?

Surprisingly there is no daycare couple. Seems some meteor grunts took their place so,after defeating them, we head out to the slums since is the only way of progressing... At least that was the idea until Victoria appeared and decided to battle us for the right to progress.





* i completely forgot to take a picture of ralts*


Why are you the strenght parameter?

So, with that out of the way we go trought the slums fightyng some people, talking to some boxes, those normal things ya feel me?

And the all of the sudden: 



ok,ok, eveybody knew that this would happen but still...

After getting out of that god forsaken place we go to the coral ward and there we meet amaria (the water gym leader) looking at an oshawot stuck in a lighthouse, since he couldnt swin out of there because of the poluted water, cain decided to save the little guy and take him as part of his team. Of couse he wanted to battle right after........ of course.




3 water pulses and he was down


3 water pulses and a confusion hit were enough for this one.


one crit rock slide dealt with venonat and 2 dealt with oshawot( the first was a flinch ;) )

Now, after that victory, amaria tells us to meet her at the park, where florinias is already waiting us, so we can deal with all the ravaging plants.

There we get the TMX Cut and went to fight the evildoers!..... and clearly with we i mean me because amaria and florinia got captured the moment they enterred the park. *Sighs*




Stunkys job was getting his defences down.


After that pawniard just spammed furry cutter.

With the chaos over the girls thank us and florinia says she is waiting our challenge, since we are gentlemans we cant keep a lady waiting can we?

Aparently we can, Fern decides to turn the entire school our enemy in order to stop our challenge claiming that we do not deserve the chance.


Since we where late anyway, why not stop to get a new team member?




God, i hate you so much.





One critical wing attack dealt with him


Wing attack dealt a nice damage but a crit mega drain made it quite irrelevant.


Pawniard finnished it with fury cutter, those potions where quite annoyng to deal with...

Fern gets butthurt with the loss and decides to take on the reborn league too, great. Finnaly, with this idiot out of the way, we can get our second badge so lets get right into it!







Okay, i  completely forgot to take pictures of this fight excep for cradily, lets just say that with murkrow's wing attacks and pawniard's fury cutters things became relatively easy



Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww Yssssssssssssssssssss. second badge aquired.

Until next time when we will go to berryl ward and ( hopefully) get ourselves another team member! Stay tunned!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, the third chapter is here!

  • Chapter 3

So, after our victory Florinia tells us that the plants have also ravaged jasper ward and asked us to go there to help. When we enter the place it becomes obvious that the attack here was way worse, seriously the place looks like a post-apocalyptic forest.

So we took our time wandering around a little bit and after  finding the police station we learn that there are 5 cops missing and, as outstanding members of society, we decided to help looking for them. not because there is a reward or nothing like that

From the station we got to the forest to the left and man that place was full of meteors, of course we had to defeat them to progress and finally get to their boss.



Okay, first was his Lileep and i sent my stunky to waken its defenses, it surprisingly took 2 turns for him to become confused wich brought taka's mon to a -4 defense then, since lileep has no grass moves, i send in larvitar who hits himself and finishes the job with 2 chip away.

Next was Tangrowth, who fainted after the same strategy i used before vs Zell, Taka used his potion on him with little effect.

Then, at last comes Chatot, who gets outspeed by Frogadier and confused by a Water pulse, sadly the confusion didnt do much since it sets up with Nasty Plot anyway. After the second water pulse ( wich was a crit!) chatot goes out.

With our victory, Taka tells us that the berryl ward is also pretty bad and that it would be nice if we could go there too. On the way there we find Heather, the annoyng brat of the game, she complais that we took all the bad guys by ourselves and yadda yadda, i just ignored her after that.

Later we go through the the only way that leads somewhere rellevant and find this:



Yeah, i wonder why those leafs are like that...

Yeah, it was a trap, who could had tought?

Anyway, after a little while Fern appeared and wanted us to beg him for freedom, we told him to fuck off. (you know, i think ame made a great job with this guy.I hate him so much it is almost indescribable. Seriously, hated very few characters with this passion.) After some time listening to some music in our pokegear


I will try to share some music that i think the lyrics and/or the melody are fitting for the moment from now on, also thinking of adding some to the previous episodes, hope you like it!

 a familiar bird appeared and freed us.thanks taka.

Later we found the remaining police officers and, of course, the villains( Heather decided to not be useless help, she fights one of the bad guys).

  Taka and Zell!(forgot to take the picture)






Murkrow and Pawniard where the ones to go here, stacking fury cutter was a must against Umbreon and Espeon, Murkrow's job was to get as much damage done on Lileep as possible with Night Shade. 


Following that Tangrowth died to a Screech and two Fury Cutters and Chatot followed after getting a Screech from Stunky, confusing Pawniard but getting hit anyway.


Subsequently, we learn, with the police help, that the villain commanding the opperation (the one we did not fight) was actually Heathers father Corey, the poison gym leader, who disappears the moment after his daughter finds out he helped destroy half of the city.

So, to finish this entire quest, we go to his gym to have a battle.

Corey(forgot to take this picture too)



The song Starts at 30:56



Stunky was first, one Screech and some slash's were enough to finnish him and waste a potion.


Croagunk got OHKO'd by a super effective Wing Attack.


Okay, this thing was annoying, first i used Screech to bring his defences down(bet you're getting quite bored by now), Stunky, surprisingly, resisted a field boosted Incinerate and fainted right after getting his job done( and hitting a slash) by another one.


Murkrow finished the job fainting from the poison after getting hit by one incinerate and a slash.


Next was Frogadier, he got 2 Water pulses in and the opponent used acid spray and disable, i had to finnish the job with Round.

*next was Nidorina and i forgot to take the frog back, in resume i had to sacrifice cacnea because im an idiot*


One water pulse brings her down to 1/2 hp, nidorina uses a double kick another WP makes she faint and the poison brings the frog to red hp.


I send in Pawniard to deal with his last mon because all special flying attacks get poison type on this field, with that it was a easy win since all of his moves didnt affect my little steel type.

With that we end this chapter, Please leave your opinions about the music and the run in general, hope you enjoy and thank you very much for reading!

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