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Ok noel is making me crazy I have battled him atleast 15+ times 


My main team is 


Darapion - lvl 43 


Toxic Spikes 

Night Slash


Scary face


Skuntank - lvl 51




Acid spray

Night slash


Meowstic - lvl 48 







Greninja - lvl 54





Water shuriken


Pangoro - lvl 53



Parting shot

Sky uppercut

Karate chop


And lastly Muk - lvl 45


Sludge Bomb 

Sludge Wave


Gunk Shot


I can manage with his normal types and that Wigglytuff but the fucking prob is that fucking Clefairy and that Swellow 


First prob Swellow is faster than everyone in my team by the time the flameorb activates it sweeps my team and I get fucked... 


Secondly that fucking Clefable which is impossible to faint.. It has Leftovers so fuck and even if I corrupt the field or poison it it doesnt take damage and I usually only have 1 poke left if I survive Swellow 



My strategy is to use Toxic Spikes and just wait his pokes out cuz I got alot of lemonades... but that fucking Clefable counters my strategy entirely... pls help T-T



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9 minutes ago, Exodus said:

Ok noel is making me crazy I have battled him atleast 15+ times 


My main team is 


Darapion - lvl 43 


Toxic Spikes 

Night Slash


Scary face


Skuntank - lvl 51




Acid spray

Night slash


Meowstic - lvl 48 







Greninja - lvl 54





Water shuriken


Pangoro - lvl 53



Parting shot

Sky uppercut

Karate chop


And lastly Muk - lvl 45


Sludge Bomb 

Sludge Wave


Gunk Shot


I can manage with his normal types and that Wigglytuff but the fucking prob is that fucking Clefairy and that Swellow 


First prob Swellow is faster than everyone in my team by the time the flameorb activates it sweeps my team and I get fucked... 


Secondly that fucking Clefable which is impossible to faint.. It has Leftovers so fuck and even if I corrupt the field or poison it it doesnt take damage and I usually only have 1 poke left if I survive Swellow 



My strategy is to use Toxic Spikes and just wait his pokes out cuz I got alot of lemonades... but that fucking Clefable counters my strategy entirely... pls help T-T



Try knock off on drapion. it gets rid of leftovers and the flame orb.

I can trade you a fully evolved one with that moves if that helps :) 

Edited by luis
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Get a steel type to deal with his Swealow. Steel types in general walls half his team and the other half has to rely on the weak HP Fire (or ground for Clef). Screech Muk should be able to 1v1 his Clefable so keep it as healthy as possible. Setting up rocks against the Wigglituff at the begining can help even more to wear down his mons.

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Honestly, your team looks pretty good! I remember I had a Magneton with me at the time. It helped me resist all of Noel's attacks. Maybe you should consider picking one up for the fight. It resists many of the attacks, and can either resist the corrupted field if you keep Muk or benefit from the normal field if you keep Skuntank. Just a suggestion, but really, any steel type can help with Clefable.

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If you can , catch a magnemite with sturdy and thunder waves , then if noel has a pokemon difficult to take down sacrifice it to paralyse him and use revives or cotton candy and potions 

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Just now, Exodus said:

@Jess I can take out that Wigglytuff easily my main prob are  Swellow and Cleffable

You didn't get what I meant... All that Wigglytuff can do is Moonblast. Find a mon that can use attack/sp.attack/speed boosting moves and set up as it uses stealth rock and stuff. Then sweep all his mons using those boosts. Many have done that with a speed boost bulk up blaziken. 

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4 minutes ago, Exodus said:

@FactoryofSadness Thanks :D btw does Klang work? I have a level 42 Klang with me but the prob is that its not as sturdy as my Muk I use my Muk to take out that Wigglytuff and to set up a corrosive field 

If Klang has a steel move, it should be just fine. Just train it up, and it should work. It's honestly up to you if you want to use Skuntank or Muk.

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You can also breed Flame burst on skuntank and set the bloody field on fire. Then use Smackdown on swellow. It will get in critical HP and field damage will finish it.

Edited by Jess
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4 minutes ago, Exodus said:

@pyrromanismy muk cant 1v1 that Cleffable cuz of the leftovers and also its faster than muk and gunk shot only half its health

With Screech you can lower it's defense by 2 stages and smack it with a Gunk Shot. I'm pretty sure Muk is bulky enough to live 2 HP Ground from Clef without any boost

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I think you can use sludge Weave to turn field into corrosive field. I think it could help you a lot considering you have 3 poison mons. Also this fields activated venom shock, which will deal massive damage, if you have this TM. (i think drapion gains this move by leveling)

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Just now, Exodus said:

@Jess Oh ok btw do u know where I catch a poke with speedboost in game?


you can get a speed boost venipede in byxbysion wasteland. or a nincada and evolve it into speed boost ninjask. Get speed up by scolipede, then baton pass it to someone slow to get advantage, like muk. this way youll outspeed swellow/clefable and gain one more hit.

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