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Zarc and Co. : professionals providers of pokemons


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4 minutes ago, Zarc said:

brasegali and tyranitar cause they are not mine :) 

blaziken? or was there one nicknamed Brasegali? I will assume you want Umbreon back

Edited by StarryDreamerKitten
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6 minutes ago, Zarc said:

you're welcome :) 

Do you have a sylveon I can trade for I can trade it right back if u want

You excited for the new eeveelution in Pokemon LIquid and Solid?

Edited by StarryDreamerKitten
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2 minutes ago, Zarc said:

no it's ok , enjoy :) 



i just gived you my eevolution team of my run ! 

Did you want a bunch of Good IVs eevees then with the stones?

So excited for the new eeveelution

Edited by StarryDreamerKitten
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