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Zarc and Co. : professionals providers of pokemons


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no it's ok :) give me the pokemon you want , i don't need anything in return ! 



let's try again ! 




edit : you there ?

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Oh my god you have a garchomp? Im inclined to ask again... D:


Edit: I would offer a shiny Ralts for either the garchomp or the Deino for my Dragon Team. Ill try to get a nice shiny for the second one in the meantime

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29 minutes ago, Pμrple said:

@Fut i have a gabite yeah and a deino , tell me when you're there !

I would be there right now :)


Alias: Futural

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31 minutes ago, Fut said:

Could I ask you how you manage to obtain these mons?

Could I do it too?

Harcore reborn has a randomizer that you can catch anything but ledgendaries and yes you could also there is Sandbox but that doesn't allow online trading

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