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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone, I'm looking to trade for a shiny type null or Silvally. I'm losing patience trying to reset for one. I have shiny Audino, Bronzor, Wailmer, 2 shiny Gravelers, Spinda, and Togedemaru. I would be willing to trade any if not all of these shinies for a shiny type null/silvally. Or any event pokemon if they aren't grass types (I'm doing a grass mono run). Thanks in advance!

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Hi dont know of you are still active,but if it not to much to ask for id like to trade a scyther and deino.

stats and nature dont matter a whole lot just wanna round out my team.

im midway through the game,but saw you litterly get them at the end.

i kinda wanna enjoy them while im progressing.

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  • 1 month later...

I asked this earlier, but never-mind.


Hi, if anyone is active, might I ask for any salamence, bagon, or shelgon. I know it is unobtainable, but it's able to be requested and traded. If not, I understand. Then, maybe I could trade for a Deino? Either way, what would you want in return? Shiny Pokemon, starters (I only have Charmander starters, 4 males at level 1, 2 with bad abilities), etc. Maybe one of you can trade me an eevee, too? Thanks for any time and consideration.

Edited by flamesear
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  On 5/16/2021 at 4:15 PM, flamesear said:

I asked this earlier, but never-mind.


Hi, if anyone is active, might I ask for any salamence, bagon, or shelgon. I know it is unobtainable, but it's able to be requested and traded. If not, I understand. Then, maybe I could trade for a Deino? Either way, what would you want in return? Shiny Pokemon, starters (I only have Charmander starters, 4 males at level 1, 2 with bad abilities), etc. Maybe one of you can trade me an eevee, too? Thanks for any time and consideration.


I don't have any of those pokemon available to trade at the moment but I would like to inform you that Bagon is available in Reborn, albeit pretty late game. If you want a guide to the locations here is one that is up to date 


If you just want the location of Bagon here it is. 



Bagon: Charous Mountain/Rt 4 event

Shelgon; Evolve Bagon

Salamence: Evolve Shelgon

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  On 5/17/2021 at 9:14 AM, loveDBZ said:

I don't have any of those pokemon available to trade at the moment but I would like to inform you that Bagon is available in Reborn, albeit pretty late game. If you want a guide to the locations here is one that is up to date 


If you just want the location of Bagon here it is. 



Bagon: Charous Mountain/Rt 4 event

Shelgon; Evolve Bagon

Salamence: Evolve Shelgon


Ah, thanks. I thought it was actually unobtainable, because of what the rules say.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, if anyone has one, I'd like to request a shiny Stunfisk, any nature, any IVs, I'm playing a shiny only run and it's so rare to find let alone it being shiny. I would really appreciate it. I don't have much to trade on my shiny run account, but I have every pokemon in my actual playthrough if you're interested, I also have three shiny noibats and two shiny bunnlebies that I am just not using if interested. I can also try to provide an item through the pokemon for trade. Thank you so much in advance. 

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Commenting again just in case, cause I'm not sure if this is still the place for trades and such. I am still seeking a shiny stunfisk for my all shiny run. (I caught a regular stunfisk cause I want to trade for a vulpix later, but my rules are I need the shiny now to counteract it) 

My shiny run has quite a few extras now but if those aren't your interest I have an actual run with every pokemon that I can either hatch an egg or go into my extras there. 


Here's my shiny run extras and non shinies I got from wondertrades, the yellow area isn't up for grabs, those are for quest rewards. 

Screenshot (27).jpg

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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey, if this is still active, I'm looking for a poipole for bee's pokedex quest to autocomplete. I'm at 400 and grinding to 731 does not sound enjoyable... 


My online/trade name is the same as my profile name here, just no spaces.




Edited by Noodles The Dragonite
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