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Report to @Zarc for both Aggron and Gardevoir! Both of them are normal ! You're safe now :D;) 






Edited by Ainz Ooal Gown
Whoops! Wrong destinations, but i guess this is fine, because it's still a Zarc's trade topic
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3 hours ago, herbuhduhflergen said:

trapinch or gible, swablyu horsea deino screlp and a????? dratini? 

whoa, that's a little too much, don't you think? why don't you ask 2 mons at a time?


Edit : whoa, did you just tried to create a dragon monotype team?

Edited by Ainz Ooal Gown
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6 hours ago, Ainz Ooal Gown said:

whoa, that's a little too much, don't you think? why don't you ask 2 mons at a time?


Edit : whoa, did you just tried to create a dragon monotype team?

@Ainz Ooal Gown i mean i did just say that i was trying to do a dragon type play through but i cant really get one till a very very very lucky eggs from the police officer giving me an axew, or getting screlp after beating 5? gyms and getting corey's old one. or there is druddigon right before  charlotte's gym..... but yes i know its a tall order but im trying to make a play through that will get boned at the ice gym and at the fairy gym.... now that i think about it i dont even have a fire type so things might get interesting before then too


@Zarc i am sorry about how work getting all of that will be 



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Here is a little rant :



It's true that i can provide almost everything but if you could avoid " stupid " requests like : an adamant level one zekrom with ice beam , female ( not male !! ) with contrary ability ( for example ) , it would be really appreciated.

I have like 10 trades requests per days , so i can't be everywhere and provide anything. 



Sorry about this , i'm not a god ( otherwise the world would have changed a long time ago. ) 

Edited by Zarc
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