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@Zarc A Timburr and a Binacle. I won't need a Bergmite after all, since I figured I could find one on my own and save y'all the trouble. They are fairly common to find, and since I've got a Shiny Charm, I might as well try my luck~ A Shiny Timburr and/or Binacle would be amazing, but no need to go out of your way to find one. Any will do, really.

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Would be nice, if u have one for me with Sturdy(must have) :)

If possible, I will take one with a Modest nature, but it isn't a must have :)


Edit: Uhh, don't really know if I have it^^

But u can let it free, cause I don't really need it anymore :)

Edited by HellBoyOnEarth
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Hi! I'm in the middle of a Flying Monotype and i just defeated Samson, thing is: i forgot to pick Murkrow before entering Agate so i can't get it anymore

If any of you could provide me a Murkrow (the first that comes to your mind really, no need for perfect IVs or egg moves tho maybe if it's not 0 Atk IVs and Modest nature i would appreciate it lol) i would be grateful

However i have nothing special to offer, is that a problem?

Thanks in advance o/

I'm on right now, nick: Steee

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