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I am pretty much new player.......

only passed four gyms.....

the thing is should i train only 6 mons???

if its yes which mons should i carry on??

N.B: if u guys trade me some good mons i will be more than happy........ i literally play all day long so i have some shinies in my collection :p:p


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Definitley get a lot of mons trained( or at least captured). Coverage is a must in this game, especially in the later fights.

 The carry on thing is more of a choice since almost every mon has its uses( examples are gulpin and kricketune, these two can carry you easily trough the early game).

As for the trading, i really dont recommend it for your first playtrough. Part of reborn's charm is in its difficulty, in coming up with new strategies and using pokemons you never tought you would use, finding ways to pass a handicap or to defeat a unreasonable boss( loking at you Solaris). Trading might take away that from you.

Finally, the ones you should carry on are the ones you like the most, you find more usefull or that give you a good overall coverage. My suggestions are gardevoir, magnezone, scraffty, chandelure, gourgeist, crobat, electivire, amparos, malamar, swanna, honchkrow, liligant, arcanine, noivern and metagross, but again, anything can work if you think long enough . Torchic, servine and foakie are the op starters so you might want to go for that.

Edited by Wisper
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@Wisper already found a strategy to beat solaris............

lvl 5 perish song igglypuff(fous sash)

level 22 fake out purrilon

fake out meawistic


people say so much about this boss but he has a weak spot...... why dont anyone see that??

Edited by Rochi
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@Rochi good, what i was triyng to say is that finding a new way to play pokemon is one of the best things you can do in this game, for example, have you tought about outstalling him with with leech seed + focus sash + sturdy? Or using toxic + focus sash + oran berrys + sturdy or even perish song igglybuff + air baloon (since fire fang has a 5% chance of missing you might save a focus sash). Im just saiyng that one of the most unique things in the game is finding ways to deal with overpowered enemies with what you have in hand. Trading might take that from you. Its still your choice tought.

Edited by Wisper
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