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Relentless: A joint BL RMT by Kamina and Slant (peak #1)


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Slant = Orange

Kamina = Fire Brick

Sup Reborn, thanks for stopping by this thread. I'm Slant - some of you guys may know me, some may not, but hopefully that will change soon! Together with my pal Kamina, we would like to present one of our most successful BL teams (peaking at #1) to introduce ourselves. While I helped with the teambuilding, it was solely Kamina that laddered it, so hats off to him!!

Hai Reborn this is Kamina with my first RMT.i am going to start of with a BL team that Slant and I had made. This team had peaked #1 in BL ladder and we wanted to share it with you guys to get some insight on how we could improve upon this team. so without further ado let us begin.


I am a huge fan of the heavy-offense playstyle, as you will see in my commentary. I've noticed on the ladder that with more balanced teams, a lot of matches boil down to predicton (read: guessing), but not so in heavy offense, which has a general attitude of "I don't give a shit what you do, I'm gonna hit something HARD no matter what". If this appeals to you, then we encourage you to try the team out for yourselves! To understand this team works, let me first explain how to play it. We don't bother with silly stuff like "walls" or "spinners," instead opting to pack our team with 6 heavy hitters. To play this team all you have to do is bring each one in, do as much damage as possible, sacrifice it, and then bring the next one in and repeat. Now if I'm making it seem too easy, believe me it isn't. Giving the opponent a single free turn, either to set up hazards or boost can spell defeat for our team. That's why we selected pokemon that would also be able to put constant pressure on the opponent through raw damage output. To limit the free turns that the opponent gets, don't be afraid to sacrifice your pokemon! All 6 of our team members are capable of dealing good damage out, so make them pay for every move that they make. Finally, we chose to load up our team with 6 physical hitters. When making a heavy offense team, it's good practice to either go all-physical or all-special, since most teams usually have only one wall of either type. That way it's possible to overload their dedicated wall, and then rip apart their entire team. If we chose a mix of physical and special hitters, we would potentially have two walls that we would need to break through. In BL, there are a lack of defensive pokemon with reliable recovery moves, making it the perfect environment for the heavy offense team. Stopping 1 or 2 of the best sweepers in the tier is hard enough; stopping 6 is near impossible.


482.gif@ Focus Sash

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Taunt

- Explosion

- Fire Punch

Undoubtably the best suiside lead in all of BL. since most players lead with hazarders, taunt can stop them on their trails. next we go with stelth rocks to negate any sashes which would otherwise be problematic agaist this team. Fire punch is added to get rid of common leads such as abomasnow or ferroseeds and to hit steel pokes who would otherwise resist the explotion. after you have prevented the opponent from setting up and getting the rocks up your self, azelf no longer has a purpose on this team and with explotion you are able to either faint one of you opponents pokes or severly dent it giving you a free switch in.

473.gif(F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Thick Fat

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Ice Shard

- Icicle Spear

- Earthquake

- Superpower

Seriously, this guy does not deserve to be in BL. He packs a Muhammad Ali-like punch with a base 130 attack stat, and great resistances thanks to its typing and amazing ability in Thick Fat. Next let's take a look at its arsenal, shall we? First off, we have the famed EdgeQuake combo, guaranteeting that Mamoswine can hit everything hard. Next we have Icicle Spear, a useful move to hit pokemon hiding behind a substitute, and for breaking focus sashes. Finally, ice shard gives a sorely needed priority move to knock the last 10% off a weakened but boosted enemy sweeper. Also a solid counter to ice teams

which I see all over the place in BL.

640.gif@ Leftovers

Trait: Justified

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Leaf Blade

- Close Combat

- Stone Edge

After just one swords dance this thing becomes a menace to most BL teams. its amazing speed assures you that it will outspeed almost every non-scarfed BL poke. After an SD, Stab close Combat and leaf blade well always one hit ko any poke that is super effected by it and most pokes whos base defence is not that high. bug and Flying are able to resist both Virizon's stab so that is where stone edge comes into place and can twart away such pokes. This coverage prevents any slower poke from completely walling Virizon.

641.gif(M) @ Flying Gem

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- Bulk Up

- Acrobatics

- Brick Break

Wow, Tornadus. You know in OU how on rain teams you just keep clicking on Tornadus hurricane and watch things die? Yeah, this is kind of like that. Tornadus can take a hefty chunk out of mostly anything with acrobatics alone; with bulk up it just becomes unfair. Brick break covers the steels and rocks that resist acrobatics, but it's not too useful otherwise. Oh yeah, and it gets priority substitute and bulk up thanks to prankster.

430.gif(M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Moxie

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Taunt

- Superpower

- Brave Bird

- Sucker Punch

With moxie this pokemon becomes and monster. unlike other moxiers, this is the only one which has access to a strong priority - Sucker punch. Brave bird is also a powerful stab move and it demolishes fighting pokes who would otherwise resist the sucker punch. Super power can demolish steel pokes who resist both its stab and rock types as well who threaten honchkrow. After killing just one weakened poke its attack slyrockets to 576 and before you know it your opponents team has crumbled. also Moxie negates Super powers attack drop. Taunt is also added on to hounchcrow to prevent opposing pokes from poisoning/ burning/ paralyzing Honchkrow while also forcing them to attack making sucker punch a guaranteed hit.

555.gif (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Sheer Force

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Flare Blitz

- Superpower

- Earthquake

I love this guy. LOVE HIM. If I could marry him I would (Kamina - remind me to get rid of this before the final edit cause it sounds creepy). It's really really easy to use this guy. Wait until all of the opponent's team is weakened slightly (say around 60%-70%). Then keep clicking flare blitz and watch your opponent's team crumble and die. I use flare blitz 90% of the time. The rest of the moves are situational and to some degree, filler, since I HATE being forced to switch out to another pokemon because I'm locked into a move that the opponent is immune to as that makes me lose my precious momentum.


Guys, if you haven't tried a heavy offense team, do it! I am a huge fan of them, and it seems BL is the perfect tier to test one out.


Azelf @ Focus Sash

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Taunt

- Explosion

- Fire Punch

Honchkrow (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Moxie

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Taunt

- Superpower

- Brave Bird

- Sucker Punch

Virizion @ Leftovers

Trait: Justified

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Leaf Blade

- Close Combat

- Stone Edge

Mamoswine (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Thick Fat

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Ice Shard

- Icicle Spear

- Earthquake

- Superpower

Darmanitan (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Sheer Force

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Flare Blitz

- Superpower

- Earthquake

Tornadus (M) @ Flying Gem

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Substitute

- Bulk Up

- Acrobatics

- Brick Break

Threat list

Darmanitan- Another scarfed Darmanitan can cause this team a lot or problems aswell. i would recomend sacrificing the pokes that you currently have

in the field and and then switching to haunch crow whos sucker punch should be able to kill darmanitan which has less than sixty percent health.

defensive walls- as mentioned ealier by slant there are not many defensive walls with reliable recovery moves out side or OU. Cress and Suicune are a threat

to this team but most teams do not tend to carry more than 1 defensive wall so it should not be much of an issue

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Edited by KAMINA
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Great job on the team guys. Although I'm not really aware of the BL metagame all that much, I have actually used some of those in OU before and can tell the team would work well. That suicide Azelf lead is one of my favorites to use (personally having Zen Headbutt over Fire Punch because I run it in rain). Also recently when I was playing a for fun Challenge Cup match, I ended up getting a Moxie Honchkrow with Brave Bird and I swept half that guy's team with it. Go figure :P Grats with your first RMT Kamina :)

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Add either substitute or pursuit to Honchkrow. Taunt can and will be used against you.

Maybe consider replacing Substitute on Tornadus for U-Turn. Keeps the momentum and we all know, tornadus is pretty easy to wall. Optional ofcourse.

Seems also like you have to sacrifice one member everytime outrage comes, in order to go on mamoswine and revenge kill it. Not used to BL, but should give some thought to the cause.

Decent team otherwise. You might want to add Kyurem to the threat list. Ice > Virizion/Honchkrow/Tornadus ; Earth Power > Darmanitan if hit by rocks once or twice, and Scarfed can damage your entire team pretty badly with a draco meteor (namely everything except sashed azelf)

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Hey Jupiter, thanks for the rate.

1) You're right, substitute works wonders on honchkrow. I think Kamina has that in the current iteration of the team.

2) You mention weakness to dragons, especially since nobody on our team can tank a high powered outrage or draco meteor. While this is true, we aren't afraid to sacrifice our pokemon to get a revenge kill (as you point out). Mamoswine easily revenges Flygon (the only BL user of outrage I've seen). Kyurem without scarf is outspeeded and KOed by Virizion, Darmanitan does a buttload to it, and Honchkrow probably does as well. With a scarf, what move is it locked into? If it's an ice move, Darmanitan and Mamoswine can take it. If it's Dragon pulse, Virizion can take it and KO. If it's draco meteor, I will probably sacrifice something and take advantage of the subsequent turn to set up.

tldr; Dragons can deal hefty damage to our team, but with the right sacrifices it's not an issue.

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kay ive tested this team many times in OU cause no one BLs in reborn and there is no BL in beta and mamoswine is OU there, honcrow's taunt has saved my ass in MANY battles, i certainly wouldnt put it down, the outrage thing, i dont really have a problem with sacrifising, its a team of sweepers, who cares if i lose one, skarmory may be a wall, but like the description says, they usually wont have many walls, so once you where it down its pretty much done, and i usually kill is 1-1 anyways, one of the times the taunt i mentioned comes in handy, and with a pleathera of nutral hits usually kill it fast, i have yet to actually be walled by it, the biggest threat i have found is gliscor since, unlike skarmory, can actually hit hard and isnt done for if hit my taunt, but he still isnt too much trouble with nutral hits and mamoswine and all, second worst is kingdra, but like always, just wear it down and he doesnt usually get any more than one kill, the only thing i really found wrong with this team is that virizon has lefties and CC which kills its point, give it somthing else, not life orb cause it WILL kill him alot, at least from what ive seen, maybe an expert belt or grass gem or muscle band, and also, this isnt a flaw just pointing it out, in mamoswines description it says he has edgequake, but you gave him super power instead, which has worked GREAT for me, just saying i was expecting the rocks, either would work im sure, but im liking super power, but it forces you to switch at times, and icicle crash is a nice alternative to sphere, but ive been liking sphere, mostly cause it doesnt miss, so thats an either or thing, you can change his item so like a sash or band or somethin i donno, life orb sometimes does good, other times it hinders, but i like it so i kept it, thats all i got so far, ill fiddle more and see what else i can find :P

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oh, i forgot one BIG problem, i think this guy is UU, sableye, that kid WRECKS this team, unless you have darmanitan, and he doesnt switch or he uses confuse ray and you dont hit yourself 3274389753 times ina row, he can kinda wreck you

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I haven't found Sableye to be an issue since Tornadus has access to prankster as well and a faster substitute protecting it from status (I assume you're talking about the sub/recover/WoW/foul play set). Is there another version I should be concerned about?

Also about Virizion - I agree close combat + leftovers seems kind of counterproductive. If I tinker further I think I would put either life orb on it or lum berry to protect from random status.

Edited by slant
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Well Kamina's part was hard to read because of the dark font on dark skin and because that terrible spelling and grammar.

Anyways, team is great but can be destroyed by Scarfed Moxie Heracross with the common Megahorn/Stone Edge/ Earthquake/Close Combat set, and if hazards set on your team trying to avoid this might be hell..

I'm not sure if this pokemon is still in Borderline but another threat is Mixed Infernape carrying the common HP Ice/Flamethrower/Close Combat/U-turn, this might be a bigger threat then Heracross because of the speed packed in this ape mixed with a great move pool able to hit all of your pokemon super-effectively and hard with crazy amounts of special attack and attack bases. The only thing that won't get SE'd is Darmanitan, that could probably out-speed Infernape but maybe not, and a Close Combat would 1HKO.

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Sorry about that phazer i was in a rush and wasnt able to proof read everything that i wrote. I should have fixed most if not all the grammer mistakes and spelling mistakes that i had previously made. Hopefully the color is also more to your likeing. Mix infernape is easily beaten by virizion who if hit first will one hit ko with close combat and since it is a mix infernape and virizion has very nice sp def it should easily live a flamethrower and finish it off with a close combat. Tornadus also counter infernape with acrobat and superior speed and i would not be surprised if a scarf darmanitan could one hit ko infernape with a flare blitz but earthquake would for sure. As for Scarf moxie heracross, you have to make the right sacrifices. if it close combat and kill one poke, switch to tornadoes and finish it off with acrobat. if tornadoes is dead than most likely you will have to sacrifice one more poke and with the defence drop and ice shard should be able to OK it (depending on its HP of corse). if it stone edge than virizon can absorb it and do significant damage a stone edge of its own. Tornadus can also counter the stone edge by setting up to four prankster subs and chances are that one of the stone edges are going to miss allowing acrobat to finish it off.

Edited by KAMINA
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Phazer - thanks for the rate!

-I don't foresee Infernape being a huge problem for this team. Virizion speed ties and can take a huge chunk out with close combat before getting KOed (not sure if flamethrower KOs, too lazy to check the damage calcs). Honchkrow can take a decent chunk out with sucker punch (yes, even resisted). Darmanitan and Tornadus both outspeed and can KO with an appropriate coverage move. The only one that can't do anything to Infernape is Mamoswine.

-In general, scarfed attackers are a bitch to play around. Depending on the move that it's locked into it is possible to maneuver around it, but yeah you are right that it can easily sweep through our team if we aren't careful. There is no easy way to fix this without drastically changing the team. We've done what we could - two priority attackers definitely help out a lot.

Oh but scarf Heracross is still outspeeded by scarf Darmanitan and KOed by flare blitz. Your point still stands for other scarfers though. I can't think of any off the top of my head in BL though, but if they exist they can tear our team a new one.

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