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Pokemon Reborn: Sandbox Mode

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53 minutes ago, IBW_3000 said:

… I’m blind. I downloaded the wrong thing altogether.

Let's be honest here, nobody can blame you for that. The most recent working version is not the one on the front page of this topic. It's somewhere around page 19 of the whole discussion.


And i guess it will stay that way until the relase of the currently work in progress official update for Ep19.

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On 5/31/2022 at 10:32 PM, ShogokiX said:

If Ame said so, it's fair game by all means. Do you keep the the lockout the way it is now, or are any changes planed? What i'm trying to ask is: if i remove the mod files from my game folder, will i be able to use online again on save files that i already used sandbox on?

I don't plan to change how the lockout is handled, I'll just ask people to try and be considerate.


6 hours ago, Deaecoseur said:

is there a download for e19 download or not released yet?

Not yet, I've been busy with offline priorities and personal priorities.

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9 hours ago, DerxwnaKapsyla said:

I don't plan to change how the lockout is handled, I'll just ask people to try and be considerate.

That's good to know. I often find myself using sandbox for small things like getting a TM i missed when i passed through the area where it can be found, or getting the 3 TMs found at the arcade, because coin farming is a waste of time. Or grabbing an occasional evolution stone if i need one and don't want to go mining. Being locked out of online for good just for something like that would be unfair.


I see the point in lockouts if you spawn in an army of shiny, perfect IVs in all stats legendaries with the intent to use in online battles. There's already tons of people who'd do that in official Pokémon games.

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10 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

That's good to know. I often find myself using sandbox for small things like getting a TM i missed when i passed through the area where it can be found, or getting the 3 TMs found at the arcade, because coin farming is a waste of time. Or grabbing an occasional evolution stone if i need one and don't want to go mining. Being locked out of online for good just for something like that would be unfair.


I see the point in lockouts if you spawn in an army of shiny, perfect IVs in all stats legendaries with the intent to use in online battles. There's already tons of people who'd do that in official Pokémon games.

Yeah that's exactly why I want to keep the lockout in place, because it's not really fair to those who are playing normally and going onto netplay to just shoot the shit to get roasted by people doing the equivalent of cheating, or to run into people who are just throwing around shinies that are technically illegitimate over wondertrade. I know a lot of people hated that the Official games's online functionality was a lawless wasteland because of that.

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I have to agree on this one. Online functionality in official Pokémon games is, even to this day, a shitfest of clowns that throw around illegitimate cheatmons like it was some kind of black friday sale. Although i have to admit that i had lots of fun putting these kind of "players" into their place with my troll teams that were created to deal with legendary spammers and cheaters. But grinding toxic, salty kids into dust and then some gets old really fast, especially if there's too many of them.


And it get's even worse if you are part of one of these online battle discord communities where people meet to match up in online battles, for trading, and sometimes even to organize tournaments for fun. Nothing's more "fun" than having some literal 10 year olds screaming insults at you in their obnoxiously high pitched voices, calling you a hacker, while they're using OBVIOUSLY hacked legendary mons and still lose to teams made up of baby Pokémon.

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55 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

Although i have to admit that i had lots of fun putting these kind of "players" into their place with my troll teams that were created to deal with legendary spammers and cheater

...PIMPnite, is that you?

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6 hours ago, SharlaSmith44 said:

...PIMPnite, is that you?

Afraid not, but i know who that guy is. Watched some of his videos. And i have to admit we used some similar teams and strategies for trolling people.

Then again, crushing teams that consist only of legendary and pseudo legendary Pokémon, stuff that's considered UBER over at Smogon, that's actually no big deal, there's not even a trick to it. The strongest Pokémon hold no value if the player behind them lacks basic understanding of battle mechanics.


But with Reborn being Reborn, there is a high chance that there will be a lot of players who actually have legit shiny legendaries with a good nature and somewhat decent IV spreads. We will see whether there will be an online battle issue with powertripping players who still feel like they need to cheat their way to full shiny legendary perfect IV teams, despite the fact how easy it is to get a legit shiny legendary with decent stats.

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21 hours ago, JoquimViana said:



Is there a sandbox mode for ep 19?

I've small ocd and really really want to have all pokemons that I catch maxed out. 


Thanks in advance.

Use at your own risk, if you fill all of your boxes then Box 27-30 will have some bad eggs that will crash your game if you touch them, the entries for those pokemon in the dex will crash too, but I found that it's easy to avoid the eggs - they fit perfectly in those boxes, and it's not tough to simply not scroll past Zeraora in the Dex.

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On 6/13/2022 at 12:51 PM, UnderwaterPhantom said:

I gonna ask, will this sandbox eventually include the

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pokemon? I'm interested in trying a couple as my starter and see how often I lose. The alolan as well, of course. Thanks for all you do, @DerxwnaKapsyla!

I know that in the existing version, if you generate a specific pokemon, you can ask for the kanto or alolan variant of the pokemon. It shouldn't be too hard to have


Aevian Misdreavius/Mismagius

in there as well.

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As long as it is intended for the player to have these mons, there will likely be options to generate the new mons in Ep19 in the upcoming version of this mod. Don't expect to be able to obtain mons that you are not supposed to get by regular means though.

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21 hours ago, Solarius DX said:

I know that in the existing version, if you generate a specific pokemon, you can ask for the kanto or alolan variant of the pokemon. It shouldn't be too hard to have

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Aevian Misdreavius/Mismagius

in there as well.

Oh, I've tried changing the og forms to the



ones but it had no effects, unfortunately. It works fine with Alolan ones, last I tried, but this was back in E18 (I bred and traded over my alolan vulpix egg over via the shared box since I wanted to try and keep my game semi-fair) so I'm not sure if it's still functional but I'd assume so. I can just breed and trade over, if I need to though, and hatch the eggs with my OT so I don't overlevel so fast.


Would be nice to have the option to with the sandbox though, and figured it couldn't hurt to suggest it.

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  • 4 weeks later...



2 months late and several bouts of "I really need to fix as much as I can/I can't fix all of this theres too much to test" thoughts later, here's the e19 version, "finished"********.


I need to stress, by several orders of magnitudes, this will be broken in some areas. I cannot say with good faith that everything is 100% working. I am relying on people with a keener eye. a more dangerous style of play, and more free time than I to really find things that are broken and will report them so i can judge whether or not it needs fixing.




Documentation will be here. I haven't finished the page, lack of free time. This will eventually supplant the Google Docs sheet as the official documentation for the mod.


Thank you all for your patience, hopefully it will be worth the wait!

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If you unzip the downloaded file, there is a data folder, and a graphics folder. the contents of those go into the data folder and graphics folder of your reborn game folder.

There isn't really that much to show that it would require a video.

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On 7/29/2022 at 11:33 PM, FirmHandshake05 said:

Is there some way or alternative file that generates the box Pokémon without gen 8? I know I can just ignore them but I'd really rather just not have them there 


Are you using the most recent version? It shouldn't be doing that on the latest build.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there! I noticed that when I gave permission to an NPC to fill all the boxes with all the Pokemon, there was a bunch of Bag Eggs(?) in around Box 30-36? I'm not entirely sure which one specifically.

edit: last three eggs appear in box 27, then it goes all the way up to box 30.

Edited by anonymous305
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Hi all, hope all is well. I'm relatively new to Pokemon Reborn and recently came across the realm of the various Sandbox episodes. I believe i'm using episode 19, and managed to copy over both the Mod folder of the sandbox download as well as the "Map-05.rxdata" file into the data folder of the games' contents. Unfortunately, since doing so i've received the following syntax error message and was wondering whether anyone with a little more familiarity into managing these mods might be able to help me diagnose what may have exactly gone wrong or where i may have f'd this up:


Script 'Main' line 1: SyntaxError occured.


/Users/MyUser/Documents/Games/GBA/Pokemon Reborn.app/Contents/Resources/Data/Mods/DerxwnaKapsyla - Sandbox Mode.rb:39: syntax error, unexpected tPOW, expecting tAMPER or '&'

def cacheMapInfos(*args, **kwargs)


/Users/MyUser/Documents/Games/GBA/Pokemon Reborn.app/Contents/Resources/Data/Mods/DerxwnaKapsyla - Sandbox Mode.rb:40: syntax error, unexpected tPOW, expecting tAMPER

result=sandbox_oldCacheMapInfos(*args, **kwargs)


/Users/MyUser/Documents/Games/GBA/Pokemon Reborn.app/Contents/Resources/Data/


Thanks very much in advance - appreciate your time and assistance!!


EDIT: may also be worth noting that i'm on a Mac and while i was able to copy the downloaded contents of the Sandbox episode and paste it into the Reborn games' 'Data' folder, i'm unable to actually open up those files to make edits should that be a necessary step.

Edited by Grizzlydemzz
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey DerxwnaKapsyla, first of all I wanted to thank you and Waynolt for creating and keeping this mod active, I love it. I don't know if this has been reported yet but I've come across a few bugs. 


1. The Knock off, Liquidation etc move tutors aern't on the second floor. 

2. When you change Rotoms forms on the bottom level, they don't learn their form moves like Hydro Pump, Overheat and so on. 


Just thought I would let you know! 

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