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Rochi trade thread


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The thing is i am a new player here.......

new at breeding too......

only defeated shade

i need some pokemons for breeding........

the things i can offer u is 

-shiny aegislash(31/31/31/x/31/31) with ev train[adamant]

-shiny gothetele(31/x/31/31/31/31)with ev train

[All of them are high leveled]

Also i can make 5 iv pokemons for u







the pokemons i need(all female if possible)(5 iv)

{adamant nature}

-azurill(belly drum+aqua jet)


{jolly nature}


-riolu(high jump kick,crunch)



{timid nature}


-nidoran male


Edited by Rochi
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  On 5/25/2017 at 7:05 AM, Rochi said:

i want a bold/modest nature eevee with the move "Hyper voice" with 31/x/31/31/31/31 iv...........

can anyone do that for me??

i will give a perfect shiny trubbish with spikes in return


I believe I have one of those, though I will have to add hyper voice.  Give me a minute to check.


@Rochi  I've got the Eevee (Bold, female) and taught it hyper voice.  I also have a 6IV Modest Female, if that one interests you more; will just have to teach it Hyper voice.

Would you like me to include a Blue moon, so you can evolve it into Sylveon easier? 


Edit:  Will be on still if you want to trade.

Edited by seki108
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  On 5/25/2017 at 7:14 AM, seki108 said:

I believe I have one of those, though I will have to add hyper voice.  Give me a minute to check.


@Rochi  I've got the Eevee (Bold, female) and taught it hyper voice.  I also have a 6IV Modest Female, if that one interests you more; will just have to teach it Hyper voice.

Would you like me to include a Blue moon, so you can evolve it into Sylveon easier? 


Edit:  Will be on still if you want to trade.


mind if I ask for the other one? I always had a soft spot for sylveon and till mega garde gets released in reborn I'll need to use this one to sing me a song I guess :P

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  On 5/25/2017 at 9:35 AM, Wolfox Glace said:

mind if I ask for the other one? I always had a soft spot for sylveon and till mega garde gets released in reborn I'll need to use this one to sing me a song I guess :P


Sorry, I'm back.  Considering they haven't come back and put a request out on the guild, sure.  Though, I'm hesitent to give away the 6IV one for free, you are more than welcome to take the 5IV one for free.  I'll still trade for the 6IV female if you have something.

Edited by seki108
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